What foods are fortified - vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, dried fruits and nuts, herbs, drinks and dairy products: list, brief description

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich

Doctor of Medicine therapist

Chronic constipation affects about 14% of people worldwide. This diagnosis is made when stool occurs less than 3 times a week, and in order to have a bowel movement, a person has to strain very hard. In this case, the feces come out in lumps, leaving a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines. Sometimes there is no bowel movement at all.

The severity and set of symptoms depend on the individual characteristics of the body, the severity and duration of constipation. Some people have difficulty having bowel movements infrequently, while others suffer from chronic bowel retention.

There are many reasons that can lead to constipation. However, this condition is always characterized by slow passage of stool through the digestive tract.

Factors that can cause constipation include:

  • Errors in diet;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Diseases of internal organs and nervous system;
  • Psychological disorders.

There are foods that can relieve constipation, increase the volume of stool, make it softer and speed up passage through the intestines. Their regular inclusion in the menu allows you to normalize the frequency of bowel movements and get rid of the problem. In this article, we have collected 17 of the best foods that have been proven to help relieve constipation.

  • Recommendations for combating constipation


Prunes (dried plum fruits) are one of the most popular remedies for constipation. Everyone has known about its laxative properties since childhood. It is a source of fiber, with about 3 g per 40 g serving. According to the American Heart Association, this amount is enough to satisfy 12% of a person's daily need for insoluble dietary fiber.

Fiber (cellulose) promotes the accumulation of water in stool, thereby increasing its volume and normalizing stool. In turn, insoluble dietary fiber is fermented in the large intestine and converted into short-chain fatty acids. This process also increases the overall weight of stool and makes it easier to pass.

Prunes are rich in sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that is difficult for the body to absorb. Therefore, once in the intestines, it attracts water to itself, causing a laxative effect. This has been proven in a number of scientific studies [1], [2]

Prunes are beneficial for constipation due to their phenolic compounds. By stimulating the activity of intestinal bacteria, digestive processes are normalized and stool becomes stable [3].

Scientists conducted a study involving 40 people who suffered from chronic constipation. It showed that the daily inclusion of 100 g of prunes in the diet can improve stool consistency and normalize its frequency. Moreover, prunes turned out to be more effective than psyllium (dietary fiber for the treatment of constipation) [4].

To stabilize stool, prunes can be eaten as an independent product. It is no less useful in salads, baked goods, oatmeal, and stewed vegetables.

What drinks make you weak?

Without liquid, or rather without water, we cannot live more than 7 days. If the temperature is cool, we will reach 10 days. These are just average indicators, we will not talk about record readings. Let's take a deeper look at the properties of water and other liquids for our stomach.

  • Coffee is a favorite drink with caffeine, which not only invigorates, but also regulates metabolism in our body. But it has one caveat - it produces a laxative effect. No, if you drink one cup a day, nothing will happen. But when you take large doses and on a regular basis, you are guaranteed to get upset.
  • Birch sap is very healthy, because it stimulates intestinal motility well .
  • By the way, apple juice, pear drink, multivitamin and other sour juices have a laxative effect.
  • Cooling kvass and jelly , which come from virginity, are laxative drinks. By the way, the last component must be homemade. You can expect anything from store-bought powders, even an allergic reaction.
  • Rosehip decoction or tea is an excellent diuretic that is drunk to cleanse the kidneys. But it will also cleanse the intestines, solving the problem of constipation.
  • Favorite cocoa with milk (and without it) , as well as aromatic tea, produce a slight laxative effect. And it is very important to make these drinks also weak in consistency.
  • Cognac, vodka, beer and alcohol, in general, bring little benefit to the stomach. The stomach and liver suffer the most. No, in very moderate doses and with low frequency of administration there is some positive effect on the body. In general, drinking alcohol can increase the secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, which will only provoke a general disorder of the entire herbal system. Please note that if taken systematically, diarrhea and indigestion may occur.

Constipation occurs due to lack of water

  • White wine is also worth considering - it also helps with constipation, having a milder effect on the entire body. But we are talking about taking a drink of no more than 100 ml.
  • Water is incredibly beneficial for our body . Constipation often occurs from a catastrophic lack of fluid in the body. Drinking a lot of water is simply vital. After all, our body is 70% water. And in general, water is responsible for the normal functioning of our entire system. Therefore, do not forget to drink about 2 liters of raw, not boiled water. By the way, water in plastic bottles is considered dead, so it brings little benefit to the body. Although it will help get rid of constipation.


Apples contain a lot of fiber. In one fruit weighing about 200 g, its share is 4.8 g, which is about 19% of the daily value of an adult.

In addition to insoluble dietary fiber, apples contain soluble fiber, represented by pectin. Once in the intestines, this substance, under the influence of internal microflora, is fermented and forms short-chain fatty acids. They attract water, making stool softer and speeding up its passage through the large and small intestines.

Scientists conducted an experiment with the participation of 80 people. All subjects suffered from chronic constipation. As a result, it was possible to establish that pectin accelerates the movement of feces through the intestines, facilitating the process of defecation. An additional positive effect of pectin was the growth of beneficial flora in the gastrointestinal tract [5].

Another study in rodents found that apple fiber helped increase stool frequency and weight. The animals had no problems with defecation even while taking morphine, which causes constipation. [6]

Apples help to partially cover the body's daily need for fiber and get rid of constipation or alleviate it. They can be eaten whole, added to salads and pies. It is noteworthy that Granny Smith apples contain the most fiber.

What foods make your stool hard?

Every person easily digests fixing products. They break down quickly, as enzymes, especially gastric juice, help them do this. Then they are completely absorbed into the blood, and the gastrointestinal tract is not additionally loaded.

Important! Drinking little water greatly increases your risk of constipation. A person who drinks a lot of fluids complains of pain in the intestines several times less. The feces are liquefied by water.

Berries and fruits that cause constipation

  • Unripe bananas provoke the intestines to absorb liquid, so peristalsis slows down;
  • Apple puree;
  • Persimmon, as well as quince;
  • Pomegranate, in particular, is a decoction that is made from the peel of this fruit;
  • Unripe or dried pears;
  • Blueberry tea;
  • Rowan, blueberry jelly;
  • Dried raisins and grapes (black is used);
  • Black currant.

Porridge and pasta that strengthen the chair

  • Well-cooked rice broth, porridge made from semolina and rice.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat.

Dough products that are harmful to the body

  • Flour baked goods, in particular, uncooked bread, are foods that strengthen the stool.
  • Crackers, bagels, various types of biscuits.
  • Various baked goods made with baking soda, butter and margarine.

Sweet products that affect changes in the gastrointestinal tract

  • Chocolate candies, as well as chocolate itself.
  • Taffy.

First dishes that may cause constipation

  • Soups based on cereal broth, cream soups.
  • Rich broth, products in pureed or crushed form.
  • Uncooked food slows down bowel activity.

Vegetables that strengthen stool

  • Mashed potatoes with water alone, without adding anything, will harden the stool, since this vegetable has a high concentration of starch. To reduce it, you can soak the peeled tubers in water before cooking - 1-2 hours is enough. This is recommended when preparing potatoes for a small child.
  • Raw peeled beets, although this product has the opposite effect for some and loosens stool.
  • Carrots - it helps not so much to consolidate stool, but to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But you definitely need to eat it with butter or sour cream, yogurt, so that the body receives all the beneficial substances from the vegetable.
  • Boiled cauliflower, radish, horseradish - strengthen the stool and can even cause constipation.

Drinks that are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract

  • A substance called tannin inhibits intestinal function. It is present in coffee and cocoa. Green and black tea also contain this substance.
  • Any strong alcoholic drinks.

Important! Dried fruit compote strengthens the stool of an adult.

Meat and dairy foods, eggs

Milk is a strong stimulant and can cause bloating. In order for milk to be fully digested, lactase is needed. This enzyme is produced in smaller quantities in older people.

The following products have a beneficial effect on normalizing stomach function:

  • Kefir;
  • Unsoured cottage cheese;
  • Lean boiled meat.

Important! Cheese, fried and smoked foods, mushrooms - all this causes heaviness in the stomach and hardens the stool, leading to constipation. Therefore, if the problem already exists, it is better to abandon such products.

Decoctions from various plants that cause constipation

These include:

  • An infusion made from oak bark;
  • Mint tea.


Pears are good for constipation as they are a source of fiber. On average, its content is equal to 5.5 g for one medium-sized pear. This amount is enough to cover the body's daily requirement by 22%.

In addition to fiber, pears contain fructose and sorbitol. They contain more of these substances than any other fruit. It is known that the gastrointestinal tract of some people does not absorb fructose well. Once in the intestines, it inspects the water, thereby provoking its release from feces. Sorbitol works in a similar way.

Pears for constipation can be eaten fresh or baked. They are prepared with cheese and added to buns, pies, pizza and salads.


The weight of an average-sized kiwi is 75 g. This amount of pulp contains about 2.3 g of fiber, which allows you to cover about 9% of the body’s daily needs.

Scientists conducted an experiment. Its participants consumed a kiwi-based supplement for 4 weeks. It was possible to establish that their acts of defecation became more frequent in comparison with the control group [7].

Another study involving 11 subjects also examined the effects of kiwi on the gastrointestinal tract. They ate this fruit daily for 14 days. As a result, their stool became less hard and passed much more easily. [8]

The third experiment was carried out in 2010. It involved 54 people suffering from IBS. Their daily diet included kiwi, which they received for 28 days. All participants, without exception, noted an increase in stool frequency and its painless and easy passage through the intestines [9].

Scientists are of the opinion that kiwi helps relieve constipation thanks to actinidin. It is this enzyme that allows the product to activate intestinal motility and normalize stool [10], [11], [12].

To get the maximum benefit from kiwi, it must be eaten fresh, peeled. The pulp of the fruit is an excellent addition to any salad; you can make smoothies from it, which allows you to diversify your diet.

Bonding herbs

  • Wormwood is another wild and incredibly beneficial herb. By the way, there are about 400 species of this plant. Wormwood tinctures are actively used to cleanse the intestines and the entire body. In addition, along with toxins and other harmful waste products, the body gets rid of parasites and bacteria. And this helps eliminate the source of inflammation.
  • Oak bark has an equally effective effect on diarrhea. After all, tannins bind well and have an antiseptic effect.
  • St. John's wort is another binding herb. It contains a lot of tannins, which are also prescribed for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • It is also worth continuing the list with such plants: linden;
  • sorrel;
  • woodlice;
  • blooming Sally;
  • plantain;
  • celandine;

Important: You need to be extremely careful with medicinal herbs. If you have some diseases, such as the stomach or liver, the effect may be the opposite. The same applies to the dosage or improper preparation of the herbal tincture. Often, even a mixture of the same herbs in different quantities is used to treat both constipation and diarrhea.

Herbs with a binding effect


You can improve food digestion processes and get additional fiber from figs. One fruit weighs about 50 g, which contains 1.5 g of dietary fiber. In dried figs weighing 80 g, the amount of fiber is 7.9 g, which allows you to cover the body’s daily requirement by 32%.

In a study with dogs, scientists confirmed the positive effects of figs on the gastrointestinal tract. Over the course of three weeks of the experiment, it was possible to find out that the product increases the volume of feces and accelerates their movement through the intestines [13].

Another study was conducted on people suffering from constipation. A group of 40 people received 300 g of fig paste daily for 4 months. At the end of the experiment, all participants had improved stool quality and the unpleasant symptoms associated with constipation disappeared [14].

Figs contain ficin, which is similar to the enzyme actinidin found in kiwi. Its ability to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has been scientifically proven.

Figs are tasty and healthy. It goes well with sweet and salty foods. It can be eaten fresh or dried, added not only to salads, but also to meat dishes, pies and pizza.

For children

Normally, a newborn recovers 4-6 times a day. Feces of normal consistency, even if they occur rarely, cannot be considered constipation - these are simply physiological characteristics of the body. Further, with rare bowel movements, an important indicator is the child’s well-being and the passage of gases. Absence of gas during constipation is the most dangerous sign and you can think about intestinal obstruction. True coprostasis is observed in 25% of children under one year of age. It may be caused by abnormalities in the development of the large intestine ( intestinal stenosis, Hirschsprung 's disease ). These are relatively rare diseases and require surgical treatment.

But more often coprostasis occurs against the background of a healthy intestine, the so-called functional one. Its causes are: poor nutrition of the mother, early introduction of complementary foods, insufficient fluid intake by the child, use of antibiotics , and insufficient milk. In this case, constipation appears in the baby. This type of stool abnormality can be determined by the dynamics of weight - the child is not gaining it well, and you also need to conduct a “wet diaper” test. If there is enough milk, the baby urinates 10 times a day.

Rare bowel movements, which are accompanied by anxiety, refusal to eat, bloating and poor sleep, should alert parents. It is also bad if the child has sparse, hard and dry formed feces. If there are violations of emptying, feces, accumulating in the large intestine, gradually expand and lengthen it, causing functional megacolon (large intestine). The tendency towards its formation may appear already in infancy. You can suspect it by observing the baby at the time of defecation: he pushes hard, strains, cries and blushes, but there is no result.

If an infant has such a problem, the nursing mother should reconsider her diet, eat raw and stewed vegetables and fruits every day, reduce the amount of sweets, and avoid viscous porridges and jelly. The most common cause of constipation in children is a slowdown in intestinal motility, which pushes feces through. In such cases, proper nutrition can strengthen it and eliminate constipation.

Prevention of constipation begins in infancy, when complementary feeding begins. For constipation in children, vegetable and fruit purees (apple, plum) and a variety of cereals are introduced into the diet in a timely manner; give grated beets and beet juice, zucchini. If a child under 1 year old can be fed this, then an older child cannot always be forced to eat boiled beets or salad. Also, many people refuse to eat prunes. Therefore, you need to proceed from what is more acceptable, for example, for a child of 2 years or more doable.

It is quite possible to additionally include foods that stimulate peristalsis during the day:

  • On an empty stomach, give a cool, sweet drink - prune infusion, rosehip infusion or water with honey.
  • During the day, as a snack, offer vegetable and fruit juices, vegetable decoctions, prune decoction, fresh carrot and beet puree (you can add grated apple, chopped plums or fruits that your child likes). He might like a puree of boiled dried fruits, which can be served with whipped cream or melted ice cream as a dessert.
  • Throughout the day, constantly offer your child something to drink: decoctions of vegetables and fruits, water, rhubarb compote.
  • It is very good if the child eats vinaigrette with vegetable oil, grated slightly undercooked beets, cabbage, carrot and apple salads, sauerkraut, green peas, pumpkin and porridge with pumpkin and honey.
  • Melon, plum, figs, dried apricots, prunes, rhubarb, rowan jam, honey have a good laxative effect - maybe the child will prefer some of these.
  • You can prepare a mixture of dried fruits by taking 300 g of prunes, figs and dried apricots, passing them through a meat grinder and adding 100 g of honey. Store the mixture in the refrigerator and give the child from 1 teaspoon to 1 dessert spoon (the dose is selected empirically) twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with cool water and an hour before bedtime along with one-day kefir.
  • Teach your child to do exercises every day, including abdominal exercises, and give your child a clockwise abdominal massage.

Changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora can also cause constipation, and given that children are often prescribed antibiotics , taking them only worsens the situation. Fermented milk drinks - live yoghurts and acidophilic products - will help normalize the intestinal microflora. Learn to make kefir with bifidobacteria yourself, and you will always have “one-day” kefir - this is what you should take for constipation.

If a child experiences increased fermentation in the intestines, it must be taken into account that it is caused by excess carbohydrates and foods high in dietary fiber if they are consumed raw and not boiled and mashed. You can influence these processes by changing the technology for preparing vegetable dishes and reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates consumed.

Compliance with the diet is of great importance - it contributes to the smooth functioning of the intestines. With constipation, it becomes difficult for a child to defecate outside the home, and he suppresses the urge. This creates a vicious circle that makes the situation worse. Therefore, by any means necessary, you need to achieve daily independent bowel movements and develop the habit of emptying your bowels in the morning. Usually, proper nutrition and regular meals eliminate constipation if it is not associated with anatomical defects of the intestine.

If dietary recommendations are not effective, then in addition to the diet, the child is prescribed herbal laxatives for a week - Senade , Kafeol , Regulax , Senna - in a dosage that provides stool once a day. Usually start with half a tablet.

In addition, you can take 1 tbsp. l. Vaseline oil 30 minutes before meals once a day. Vaseline oil is inorganic, therefore it is not absorbed or oxidized in the intestines, but comes out unchanged, diluting stool and lubricating the walls of the rectum. Vaseline oil cannot be replaced with vegetable oil, which in such a dosage can cause nausea and vomiting in a child.


For constipation, it is useful to eat oranges, tangerines and grapefruits. The advantage of citrus fruits is that they are not only rich in fiber, but also very tasty.

One orange weighing about 10 g contains 3.7 g of dietary fiber, which is 15% of the daily requirement of an adult. A grapefruit weighing 300 g will supply the body with at least 5 g of fiber, covering 20% ​​of the daily requirement.

Citrus fruits contain pectin, a soluble dietary fiber. There is especially a lot of it in the peel. Passing through the intestines, pectin helps eliminate constipation. Another substance from citrus fruits is flavanol (naringenin), which helps soften stool and make bowel movements easier.

Naringenin has been shown to have laxative effects in animal studies. Under its influence, more fluid enters the intestines, due to which the contents come out more easily [15], [16]

Fresh fruits are considered the healthiest. After heat treatment, they lose some of their vitamin C, although the fiber remains intact. Citrus fruits are convenient to use as a snack, as they do not cause a feeling of heaviness, are easily digestible and have low calorie content.

What diseases cause constipation?

The bolus of food moves through the intestines due to contractions of the muscle layer. The colon is of particular importance in the formation and removal of waste from the body. With the help of wave-like contractions (peristalsis), it ensures motility and movement of feces into the rectum.

Violation of this function is possible in a spastic or atonic type:

  • During spasm, peristalsis is enhanced, muscle tone is increased, areas with a narrowed lumen appear, up to the development of intestinal obstruction. Clinically, it manifests itself as severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and uneven bloating. In such cases, food is prohibited and urgent surgical measures are necessary.
  • Atonic coprostasis - is caused more often in older people due to the lack of “response” of the intestinal muscles to stimulating signals coming along the nerve trunks. The intestines lose their ability to contract.

The type of constipation can be suspected by symptoms

Constipation occurs as one of the serious symptoms of intestinal lesions due to inflammation (colitis), pain due to hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, proctitis, diseases of the stomach, liver and gallbladder, congenital anomalies (dolichosigma, megasigma).

If the examination reveals a disease, then a diet for constipation in adults is considered as one of the components of therapy. Patients must take into account the requirements for compliance with the use of foods that weaken the intestines no less seriously than taking laxatives and other drugs.

Spinach and greens

Greens and green vegetables are an excellent source of fiber. Broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts are rich in it. Their regular inclusion in the diet allows not only to get rid of constipation, but also to overcome the deficiency of ascorbic acid, vitamin K and folic acid.

Normalization of stool occurs due to an increase in its weight and volume. Feces acquire the desired consistency and pass through the intestines more easily. All this happens thanks to coarse dietary fiber. One serving of boiled spinach weighing 180 g contains 4.7 g of fiber, which covers the body’s daily requirement by 19%.

Spinach is a great addition to baked goods, soups and salads. It is eaten together with cheeses and placed on sandwiches. With its help, you can quietly increase your daily fiber intake and stabilize your stool.

Brussels sprouts are no less useful for constipation. 5 sprouts are enough to cover the body's daily need for fiber by 14%. For people trying to lose weight, Brussels sprouts are a real boon. After all, a serving contains only 41 kcal. Sprouts can be steamed, grilled or pan-fried. They have excellent taste both cold and hot.

As for broccoli, there are about 2.4 g of dietary fiber per 100 g of product. This allows you to cover the body's daily needs by 10%. Broccoli is delicious on its own and can be eaten raw or cooked, added to meat and potatoes, in salads and sandwiches, in soups and pies.

Reviews and results

Many have appreciated the effectiveness of this nutrition, so the reviews and results are only positive. The diet is easy to follow and adaptable to. The main principle of nutrition is not to overload the gastrointestinal tract with an abundance of indigestible and incompatible foods, focus on vegetable dishes and maintain a drinking regime.

  • “... I have suffered from constipation for many years, so I know my body and have adapted to my diet. The anti-constipation diet helps a lot - I eliminated white bread, pastries, potatoes and pasta. Prunes, baked pumpkin, pumpkin porridge and beets help very well (I add them boiled and raw to all salads. This is not at all difficult and needs to be done constantly, otherwise it will get stronger again in a day or two”;
  • “... You can’t constantly use laxatives, you need to correct your stool with your diet and drink a lot of water. It really helps, but you need to eat this way all the time. For some time now I have fallen in love with beetroot dishes - if I have time, I make beetroot caviar or cutlets. Seaweed also helps. I make myself daily live yoghurts with sourdough, since one-day kefir is difficult to find”;
  • “... On this diet, the stool is restored within a week. I noticed that flour products, an abundance of meat and sausages, and dough products are being added. I switched to eating meat once a week. I love kefir with bran and prunes. Sometimes I add a spoonful of vegetable oil to kefir. Be sure to cook or raw beets. I have adapted to the diet and have been recovering normally for six months now. I’m not lazy, and I do special exercises every day.”

Jerusalem artichoke and chicory

Many readers may be surprised, but Jerusalem artichoke and chicory are members of the sunflower family. These plants are a source of inulin, which is a soluble fiber.

Inulin, once in the intestines, acts as a prebiotic. Under its influence, beneficial bacteria begin to actively grow and multiply, healing the gastrointestinal tract. Bifidobacteria are especially active under the influence of inulin.

In studies, scientists assessed the effect of inulin on the course of constipation. They found that this substance normalizes stool frequency and brings its consistency closer to normal. It acts gently and does not provoke a sharp weakening, since its own microflora is “involved” in the work [17], [18]

A recent study found that inulin from chicory helps soften hard stool and increase bowel movements. The experiment involved 44 adult patients suffering from constipation. Every day they received 12 g of inulin. At the end of the study, all subjects noted a positive result [19].

Jerusalem artichoke, which is also known as ground potato, is sold in most large stores in the country. The tubers have a pleasant nutty flavor and are used for frying, steaming, boiling and pureeing. Due to the content of inulin in the tubers, Jerusalem artichoke has an effect similar to chicory.

Chicory itself in the form of a rhizome is not easy to find in the store. It has gained great popularity in ground form. It is most often used as a healthy alternative to coffee.

Components that make stool easier

Products with a laxative effect work due to the content of certain components in them. By adding them to your diet, you can establish regular bowel movements. Below we will consider which food components stimulate intestinal function.


Fiber is almost not digested, but it loosens feces, increasing the volume of intestinal contents, and mechanically stimulates peristalsis. Insoluble fiber is a probiotic. They promote the nutrition and proliferation of beneficial bacteria. Therefore, laxatives include all foods with a large amount of coarse fiber: vegetables and fruits, mainly raw, boiled and baked. Record holders for fiber content among vegetables are cabbage, radishes, greens, cucumbers, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, onions, and apples, plums, and bananas are especially useful among fruits.

Fiber is also found in pearl barley, buckwheat and oatmeal, bulgur, and dried fruits. There are also some types of meat dishes that are more difficult to digest and can stimulate the intestines, such as meat with skin and connective tissue fibers.

Sugary substances

Laxative products include those rich in sugary substances: sugar, honey, jam, ice cream, whole milk, sweetened fruit juices, etc. Sugary substances contain carbohydrates, which attract a lot of fluid into the intestines. Also, substances undergo fermentation processes, which increases the attraction of water into the intestinal lumen. Products containing sugary substances should be consumed in limited quantities.

Organic acids

Such acids are found in fermented milk products, in particular in kefir, yogurt, koumiss, as well as in fruit drinks and sour juices - rhubarb, tomato. They increase the secretion of fluid into the intestinal lumen, moisturize feces, and stimulate motility.

It is important to remember that consuming foods with organic acids is not recommended for gastritis, accompanied by high acidity, as well as for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.


Salty foods attract water to the intestines, helping to thin the stool. Such products include hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral water, herring, fish caviar, corned beef, cheeses in brine, lard, etc. It is necessary to limit the use of such products in case of edema, kidney diseases and cardiovascular diseases.


Fat promotes easy movement of stool and simplifies the process of bowel movement. Butter, sour cream with a fat content of more than 30%, various types of vegetable oils (olive, rapeseed, sesame, flaxseed, sunflower, etc.), fish oil, lard, mayonnaise, cream, cheese and other fatty sauces - all these are products that have a laxative effect . But it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t get carried away with them either. Preference should be given to vegetable fats, and do not forget to include fatty fish in your diet.

Cold dishes

Stimulation of temperature receptors in the oral cavity leads to a reflex contraction of the muscles of the digestive system, and therefore to increased peristalsis. Ice cream, cold soups (okroshka, beetroot soup), as well as cold drinks help fight constipation.

You can consume the latter immediately after waking up to trigger the necessary bowel movement reaction. A good option is mineral water, which gives several positive effects at once.

Carbonic acid (carbon dioxide)

There are drinks rich in carbon dioxide, which breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, which stimulates intestinal motility by activating receptors by bubbles and increasing the volume of intestinal contents. Plain carbonated and sparkling mineral water are effective in combating constipation.


Artichoke acts as a prebiotic when ingested. The gastrointestinal tract begins to work correctly and without failures. The prebiotic in artichokes comes in the form of inulin. It promotes the growth of beneficial microbes, which suppress the action of harmful flora and stabilize stool.

In one study, people ate 10 grams of fiber that was extracted from artichokes. The experiment lasted for 21 days. As a result, the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli increased in all participants, and the number of pathogenic flora sharply decreased [20].

It has been scientifically proven that probiotics help normalize stool and prevent the development of constipation [21].

Artichokes are healthy and tasty both hot and cold. The shell can be removed, and the pulp can be eaten with a variety of sauces.


Rhubarb is a popular remedy for constipation. When passing through the gastrointestinal tract, the plant stimulates intestinal contractility. Its roots contain sennoside A (senna). It is well known as a laxative. [22], [23].

In an experiment involving rats, it was proven that sennoside A, extracted from rhubarb, reduces the amount of aquaporin 3. This protein is responsible for controlling the movement of water in the intestines, which is very important for constipation [24].

The lower the level of aquaporin 3, the less water will be absorbed from the intestines, which means the stool will become softer and easier to pass.

A 122g serving of rhubarb contains 2.2g of fiber. This amount covers the body’s daily requirement by 9%.

You should eat rhubarb stems, which are boiled and added to soups, baked goods, salads, and oatmeal. Including the plant in the diet allows you to enrich the menu with dietary fiber and stabilize the stool.

Nuts that strengthen

What holds it together?

  • It is worth highlighting walnuts, whose kernels are distinguished by their astringent properties. Therefore, they should be eaten with caution. But a decoction from the partitions of such a nut is an excellent and mild laxative.

Among dried fruits and nuts, only walnuts are an exception

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, which means they can be considered an effective remedy for constipation. One tuber weighing about 150 g contains 3.6 g of dietary fiber, which is represented by lignin and cellulose. The soluble fiber in sweet potatoes is pectin.

Coarse fiber stimulates the intestines, activates its motility and provokes the act of defecation. One study examined the effects of sweet potatoes on the gastrointestinal tract of patients undergoing chemotherapy. It is known that such treatment very often causes constipation. After just 4 days of regular consumption of sweet potatoes in an amount of 200 g, the participants’ gastrointestinal function normalized, and the symptoms of constipation became less pronounced [25].

Sweet potatoes are delicious and healthy in any form. It is boiled, steamed, and pureed. It helps to diversify your diet and improve the functioning of your digestive system.


Beans, lentils and peas are high in fiber. This group of products does not strain the budget, while at the same time bringing maximum benefits.

A 180g serving of beans contains 19.1g of dietary fibre. This amount of fiber allows you to cover 76% of the daily requirement of an adult in one meal.

100 g of boiled lentils contain 7.8 g of fiber. In terms of daily needs, this is 31%.

Legumes contain both coarse dietary fiber and soluble fiber. Its benefits for the gastrointestinal tract are difficult to overestimate. It not only softens stool, but also facilitates their passage through the intestines, helping to get rid of constipation.

You can make delicious soups with lentils, beans and peas, boil them, add them to salads and minced meat.

Sample menu for the week

Before switching to laxative products, it is recommended that an adult undergo a cleansing enema with a volume of at least one liter. To prevent injury to the intestinal mucosa from hard feces, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the water. The water temperature should not differ from room temperature. After the procedure, you should start an anti-constipation diet. The daily diet menu can be varied by adhering to nutritional rules.


The first breakfast is boiled buckwheat with the addition of a tablespoon of bran, kefir with prunes.

Second breakfast - a decoction of dried apricots with steamed berries.

Lunch - fish soup with pearl barley, boiled beet salad with sour cream, yesterday's bran bread.

Dinner - chicken with stewed cabbage, dried fruit compote.

At night - yogurt.


The first breakfast is a salad of grated apple and carrots with honey, green tea with breadcrumbs.

Second breakfast - cottage cheese with chicory drink.

Lunch - beetroot soup with herbs, steamed cutlets with buckwheat porridge, fresh cucumber salad dressed with vegetable oil.

Dinner - millet porridge with pumpkin, dried fruit compote.

At night - curdled milk with diet bread.


First breakfast - oatmeal with honey, raisins, carrot juice.

Second breakfast - vegetable salad of tomatoes, mozzarella cheese with vegetable oil.

Lunch - vegetable soup with tomato juice, turkey stew with buckwheat porridge, rose hip decoction.

Dinner - vegetable hodgepodge of carrots, broccoli, potatoes, meatballs.

At night - kefir and prunes.


First breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with apples, chicory drink.

Second breakfast - orange or apple.

Lunch - pureed pumpkin soup, stuffed peppers with meat, tomato juice.

Dinner - seafood salad, fish and potatoes baked in foil, green tea.

At night - kefir with crispbread.


First breakfast - oatmeal with fruit, kefir.

Second breakfast - apricot juice.

Lunch - fish soup with pearl barley, mashed potatoes, pumpkin juice.

Dinner: cabbage rolls, tea with honey.

At night - yogurt with crackers.


First breakfast - millet porridge with pumpkin and raisins, kefir.

Second breakfast - fresh vegetable salad, compote.

Lunch - chicken soup, vinaigrette, carrot juice.

Dinner - boiled fish with pearl barley porridge, orange juice.

At night - prune infusion.


First breakfast - cereal porridge with dried apricots and raisins, chicory drink.

Second breakfast - apple or orange.

Lunch - beetroot soup with meat broth, cottage cheese casserole, compote.

Dinner - chicken meatballs, boiled potatoes.

At night - yogurt with diet bread.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are rich in fiber. 28 g of this healthy product contains almost 10 g of dietary fiber, which allows you to cover the body’s daily needs by 40%. Fiber is 85% soluble and only 15% insoluble. When interacting with water, chia seeds take on a gel-like consistency, which has a positive effect on intestinal function.

Chia seeds have the ability to absorb liquid. At the same time, their weight increases 12 times. If this happens in the intestines, the stool swells, softens and comes out easily.

Adding seeds to various dishes helps increase the amount of fiber eaten without being noticed by humans. They go well with drinks: juices, yoghurts and smoothies. They are used in the preparation of sauces and salad dressings, baked goods and sweets.


Flaxseed has been used to relieve constipation for hundreds of years. To date, its laxative effect has been proven not only by time, but also by scientific research.

In addition to the enormous benefits for the body, flax seeds are a source of dietary fiber, which allows you to normalize the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. To get 2.5 g of fiber and cover the body's daily requirement by 10%, it is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed.

A 2012 study showed that following a diet that included flax seeds in the diet speeds up the evacuation of stool and increases the frequency of bowel movements.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that coarse dietary fiber from flaxseeds, like a sponge, absorbs water and softens the food bolus. In turn, soluble fiber stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora. In general, its effect on the gastrointestinal tract is assessed as positive. Scientists also found that flax seeds have a laxative effect due to the oil they contain [26].

The product does not have to be eaten in its pure form. It can be added to baked goods, salads, smoothies, and confectionery. However, pregnant and lactating women should eat them with caution.

Laxative dishes

Foods that have an effective laxative effect include fruit and vegetable salads. To prepare them, you can use any approved products. Let's look at several recipes for every day as part of dietary table No. 3.

Beet and prune salad

Grate raw beets on a fine grater. Pour boiling water over the prunes and leave for 10–15 minutes. Rinse the prunes with water and chop with a knife. Mix the ingredients and add some pine or walnuts. Season the salad with olive oil. You can also add half a grated apple to the salad.

Oatmeal with kefir

Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with kefir. Soak prunes in boiling water for 10 minutes, rinse and add to oatmeal. Grind 1 teaspoon of flaxseed in a coffee grinder and add to the porridge. Let the dish sit for 15–20 minutes. You can prepare the oatmeal the night before and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight.

Whole grain rye bread

Rye bread is a high fiber product. It is enough to eat a couple of pieces weighing 64 g to get 3.7 g of dietary fiber and cover the body's daily need for it by 15%.

Scientists have proven that rye bread helps cope with constipation much more effectively than its wheat counterpart and even laxatives. A study on this matter was conducted in 2010. At the same time, 51 patients with chronic constipation were offered 240 g of rye bread every day. In all participants in the experiment, the speed of movement of the food bolus through the intestines increased by 23%. The stool became softer, and bowel movements no longer caused discomfort. The control group that ate wheat bread did not show such improvement [27].

If possible, nutritionists and doctors recommend replacing white bread with rye bread. It is not only healthy, but also tasty, and also has a bright, incomparable aroma.

Dietary features for certain types of constipation

Abnormal bowel movements may be accompanied by a decrease or increase in intestinal motility, so the choice of products that affect peristalsis should be differentiated1,2,3.

For hypomotor (atonic) constipation , when intestinal motility is weakened, food should contain a large amount of fiber1,3. It activates peristaltic movements, increases intestinal tone and thereby normalizes stool1.

Hypermotor, or spastic, constipation is characterized by increased intestinal tone and associated abdominal pain. Eating foods rich in hard-to-digest fibers can overstimulate intestinal motility, aggravating the situation and increasing discomfort.

That is why, in the first 5-7 days of treatment, doctors recommend a gentle low-fiber diet for spastic constipation:

  • vegetables and fruits only in crushed form and after heat treatment,
  • flour products only from premium flour,
  • porridge only from processed crushed grains1,3.

To restore normal bowel movements during intestinal muscle spasms, other products with a laxative effect are recommended1,3:

  • vegetable oils,
  • salty and sweet dishes,
  • dairy products,
  • berry purees and juices with pulp,
  • highly mineralized mineral waters without gas.

Plant fiber is introduced into the diet gradually.

In parallel with diet therapy, if necessary, doctors prescribe laxatives3. In particular, in case of acute and chronic constipation, MICROLAX®4 microenemas can be recommended for bowel emptying.

Microenema MICROLAX® can begin to act within 5-15 minutes4. The sodium citrate it contains displaces bound fluid from the intestinal contents, sorbitol attracts water into the intestinal lumen, and sodium lauryl sulfoacetate further dilutes the stool4. All this speeds up and facilitates bowel movements4.

The high safety profile allows the drug to be used not only in adults, including pregnant women, but also in young children. In this case, it is not necessary to achieve daily bowel movements. A special diet should “teach” the intestines to empty themselves.

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The information in this article is for reference only and does not replace professional advice from a doctor. To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, consult a qualified specialist.

Oat bran

Oat bran is rich in fiber. There is especially a lot of it in the product shell. 30 g of oat bran contains 4.8 g of insoluble dietary fiber, while oatmeal contains only 2.7 g.

A study has proven that eating two oatmeal cookies a day is enough to improve the functioning of the digestive system. It is important that they are made on the basis of oat bran. All patients aged 60-80 years who took part in the experiment noted that bowel movements became regular, and there was no discomfort during bowel movements [28].

Another study involving nursing home residents from Austria showed that consuming 8 g of oat bran per day could reduce the dosage of laxatives taken without loss of effect [29].

It is not always convenient to consume oat bran in its pure form. They are recommended to be combined with soups and baked goods, adding them to dishes when cooking.


Kefir is a natural probiotic that is rich in beneficial bacteria and yeast. It contains a different set of microorganisms. The exact composition depends on the base used to prepare the drink.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which 20 subjects took part. For a week they took 0.5 liters of kefir in the morning and evening after meals. As a result, all participants were able to reduce their dosage of laxatives without affecting their stool quality [30].

Another study involved 45 patients, all of whom were diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease. They received 400 ml of kefir 2 times a day. All subjects showed an improvement in the intestinal microbiome, and complaints of flatulence ceased [31].

Kefir is good both as a stand-alone drink and as a salad dressing. You can use it to prepare cocktails by adding berries, bran, nuts, flax and chia seeds.

Recommendations for combating constipation

Sometimes, to cope with constipation, it is enough to adjust your diet. Properly selected products can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase bowel movements, and soften stool. However, you need to remember that in some people, excess fiber can cause poor health and worsening constipation. Therefore, before introducing new products to the menu, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

A prerequisite for treating constipation is drinking enough water. Without it, fiber simply will not be able to reveal its beneficial properties.

You should also not forget about physical activity, as it helps maintain intestinal health.


Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich | Doctor of Medicine therapist

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