What fruits can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer, and which ones will you have to exclude from your diet?

You or your loved ones have been treated for a stomach ulcer and received from the doctor a list of permitted and prohibited foods and an order to follow a diet - table number 1. But what can you prepare from all this? Will you want to eat these dietary dishes - stewed, pureed, steamed? The book “How to Treat Deliciously” will come to the rescue - it contains delicious recipes for therapeutic nutrition for a wide variety of diseases, including yours.

The main rule of nutrition for stomach and duodenal ulcers is that it should be divided, 5-6 times a day , in small portions. If you have no time (really no time) to prepare 5-6 courses, then it is quite possible to eat a small portion of delicious soup 3 times a day, and start the day or have an afternoon snack with something else.

products allowed for stomach and duodenal ulcers will allow us to make the menu of treatment table No. 1 tasty and not boring :

  • lean meat: veal, chicken fillet, turkey, rabbit;
  • low-fat types of fish: cod, pollock, hake, pangasius, carp, pike, pike perch, ice fish;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, cream (it is important to pay attention to the fat content percentage, it should be minimal), dilute goat milk 1:1;
  • dry bread;
  • various cereals: rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet;
  • pasta (preferably from durum wheat);
  • vegetable oil: olive, sunflower;
  • butter;
  • heat-treated fruits: apples (non-acidic), pears, plums, apricots;
  • bananas and persimmons (they can be eaten fresh);
  • vegetables: potatoes, pumpkin, beets, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, avocado.

Causes of ulcers

Improper nutrition can provoke an inflammatory process.

There are many causes of ulcers, which is why it is quite difficult to treat.

Indeed, for a successful result, it is necessary not only to relieve pain and relieve inflammation, it is necessary to eliminate all factors that provoke the inflammatory process. They can be like this:

  1. uncontrolled reproduction of Helicobacter pylori bacteria that have entered the body;
  2. side effects of medications taken in large quantities;
  3. being under stress;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. alcohol in large quantities;
  6. smoking, other factors.

Researchers have found that people with blood type I (0) are at risk of ulcers. If we analyze the spread of the disease by gender, then it must be said that in men the ulcer appears more often.

The most important reason for the development of ulcers is considered to be infection by Helicobacter pylori; these bacteria are found in all patients with ulcers and gastritis. So for successful healing, effective antibacterial therapy is necessary. Today, research is underway to develop such an effective remedy.

Forbidden fruits

If an ulcer has affected the stomach, you should not eat fruits that have an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. The following fruits have this effect:

  • citrus fruits (due to the ability to provoke allergic reactions, due to the large amount of acid in the composition);
  • grapes (due to the ability to stimulate peristalsis and cause fermentation);
  • kiwi, peaches, melon (due to the large amount of sugars and fruit acids).

Other fruits can be consumed, but always in limited quantities. Eating too much fruit of any kind is sure to cause harm.

Recipes and uses of potatoes for ulcers

Subject to the principles of dietary nutrition for illness.
Patients with stomach ulcers can eat potatoes boiled in pieces, mashed, stewed, or made into steamed pancakes. But it is best to use potato juice, since it is believed that more beneficial elements are retained in the raw root vegetable. To prepare a folk medicine for ulcers, you need to select a large root vegetable, wash it, peel it, cut it and put it through a juicer. The resulting juice should be drunk immediately after preparation, since after 10 minutes its beneficial properties will decrease.

Proponents of alternative treatment recommend that patients begin ulcer therapy with one small spoon of juice, which should be drunk 20 minutes before a meal. If no negative effects occur, then the dosage is increased to 2 tsp. Ultimately, the dose should be 100 g. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1 month, after which a break is taken for 7 days and treatment is resumed.

Already after the first course, patients observe improvements in their condition. They are no longer bothered by painful sensations, nausea, belching, and heartburn go away. It will be possible to completely get rid of the accompanying symptoms with the help of 2 courses. However, it is worth understanding that potato juice can only be used to treat ulcers as an additional medicine to the main treatment with pharmaceutical drugs recommended by the attending physician.

Allowed fruits

Bananas do not irritate the gastric mucosa.

You can eat fruits that do not irritate the mucous membranes. These include the following:

  1. banana;
  2. avocado;
  3. pear;
  4. apple;
  5. plum.

When choosing which fruits you can eat if you have a stomach ulcer, you must remember that they should not have the following effects:

  • cause fermentation;
  • provoke allergies;
  • be a rich source of sugars;
  • actively influence intestinal motility.

You can eat any berries, most importantly in limited quantities.

Can you eat potatoes if you have a stomach ulcer?

Patients who have been diagnosed with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum must adhere to a therapeutic diet.

The presence of starch has a positive effect on tissue regeneration.
Only with the right diet will it be possible to completely overcome the disease and quickly get rid of the accompanying painful symptoms. Otherwise, treatment will be useless, and the ulcer will begin to progress. Therefore, the patient is given a diet and a list of prohibited and permitted foods for ulcers. Potatoes are one of the few vegetables that a patient with stomach disease can eat. The nutritious and tasty vegetable is famous for its beneficial properties, but potato juice has greater benefits for the human body, which representatives of traditional and folk medicine often recommend as a cure for ulcers.

Potato drink

The liquid squeezed out of potatoes helps slow down the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the stomach and creates a protective film on the walls. As a result of this, food entering the digestive system does not injure the already damaged mucous membrane. Freshly squeezed potato tuber juice relieves burning sensation in the esophagus, improves the functioning of the pancreas and intestines, and also accelerates the productivity of enzymes that are important for normal food digestion. In addition, a drink made from root vegetables accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes, stops the inflammatory process, eliminates pain and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

With regular consumption of potato juice, rapid healing of ulcers and improved peristalsis activity are noted. At the end of the therapeutic course using a potato drink, patients feel significantly better, pain disappears, metabolism returns to normal and appetite appears.

Features of eating apples

Baked apples are very healthy.

Apples are good for almost everyone. People with ulcers can eat them. These fruits bring many benefits:

  1. are a source of vitamins and minerals;
  2. contain pectin, which has a healing effect on the gastric mucosa;
  3. do not provoke allergies.

We must remember that some varieties contain excess acid, which has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane.

Therefore, you need to choose sweet varieties and do not forget to cut off the peel to reduce the possible negative impact.

If the ulcer is in the acute stage, then you should not eat fresh apples. But baked ones will be an excellent and healthy dessert. You can't give up apples. You can include them in a variety of dishes: from salads to stuffing for baked poultry.

Proper consumption of apples will never cause the situation to worsen.

Eating pears

Pears have many vitamins.

The rules for eating pears are similar to the rules for eating apples. You can always eat them, you just need to monitor the condition, and if there is an exacerbation, bake the pears.

It is also better not to eat the peel. Fresh fruits are first peeled and then eaten. It is imperative to include pears in your diet, because they are a source of vitamins, the beneficial effects of which can hardly be overestimated:

  • Vikasol (K);
  • Group B;
  • Nicotinic acid (PP);
  • Carotenoids (A);
  • Ascorbic acid (C), other vitamins in small quantities.

Pears contain useful microelements:

Composition and benefits

Raw potatoes are a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is dominated by potassium, vanadium, vitamin C, nicotinic acid, chlorine and phosphorus. The product also contains tocopherol, thiamine, sulfur, magnesium, lysine, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Doctors also classify potatoes as healthy vegetables because they contain minerals, dietary fiber, folic acid, beta-carotene, vegetable protein and protein. Thanks to this composition, the root vegetable has the following healing qualities:

  • Increases performance, adding vigor and strength to a person.
  • Reduces high levels of acidity of digestive juice. This property is especially important for patients with gastritis and peptic ulcers, in which there is a high concentration of acid.
  • Helps remove “bad cholesterol” from the blood.

Bananas in the diet of ulcer patients

Bananas have an excess of sugars.

This overseas fruit causes some concern when eaten.

After all, the body of people living in harsh climates is not initially adapted to exotic things.

However, banana is still an exception. The harm of this fruit is only in excess of sugars.

Therefore, overweight people should eat bananas little by little. But for ulcer sufferers, this is perhaps one of the healthiest fruits.

According to scientists, banana has a depressing effect on the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. But it is these bacteria that contribute to the appearance and development of ulcers.

The soft consistency of the fruit allows the eaten fruit to have an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane. The rich potassium content in banana helps restore the loss of this trace element after taking diuretics.

Features of consuming persimmons

Persimmon is one of the fruits that ulcer sufferers can eat without fear, because the amount of fruit acids in it is negligible. At the same time, persimmon is capable of destroying dangerous microbes; it saturates the body with potassium, iron, and copper.

The only limitation is to exclude unripe fruits. They contain too many binders. The most useful are considered to be unpollinated persimmons, which can be recognized by the absence of seeds and light pulp.

Basic principles of a balanced diet

A nutritionist will help you plan your diet correctly.

The main condition for good health with an ulcer is a balanced diet.

Fruits are needed, but we must not forget about moderation and the consumption of animal proteins. In their absence, it is not difficult to drive yourself to exhaustion. After all, proteins are the main building material for cells.

It is advisable to consult a doctor - a nutritionist who can competently create a diet for a patient with an ulcer. All healthy foods must be balanced. They must be skillfully combined in the right quantity.

It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of experts related to the time of day that is optimal for eating fruits. For example, you shouldn’t eat them during the day.

Best in the mornings and evenings, combined with meat or fish. Fruits can be included in light snacks. In any case, we must remember that baked fruits will bring more benefits than fresh ones. People with ulcers should always remember this.

Salad with turkey and rice

Salads can also diversify the menu for stomach ulcers. But it is important to remember that products such as mayonnaise, smoked meats, and sour sauces are prohibited. For salad dressings, it is best to use olive oil or sour cream with 10–15% fat content.


  • 200 g turkey fillet
  • 100 g long grain rice
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 5 quail eggs
  • 100 g low fat sour cream
  • salt to taste


Boil turkey fillet in salted water, cool and cut into strips. Boil the rice and wash it. Peel the fresh cucumber and grate it on a coarse grater. Boil quail eggs hard, cool, peel and cut into quarters.

Mix all ingredients in a salad bowl. Add salt to taste and season with sour cream.


Dietary dishes with fruits

Including fruits in light, healthy meals is a way to diversify the diet of a person affected by an ulcer, as well as saturate the body with all useful substances.

Fruit curd mass

Ingredients: cottage cheese (10 spoons), milk (4 spoons), apples (2), sugar (2 teaspoons). You can add a little salt.

Cooking procedure. Apples are baked in the oven. While the apples are in the oven, puree the cottage cheese, adding milk to it. Baked apples are pureed until smooth, and the resulting puree is combined with cottage cheese. Next, you need to add sugar and beat the resulting mass.

Apples can be replaced with pureed berries. The dish turns out tasty and healthy.

Thematic video will tell you about the diet for stomach ulcers:

Curd pudding with apples

Ingredients: a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 small apples, 8 teaspoons of white bread crackers, 2 teaspoons of sugar, an egg, a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Cooking procedure. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, remove the peel from the apples, and grate them. The components are mixed. Add yolk, sugar, crackers, and pre-beaten egg white to the mixture.

The composition is mixed, then placed in a greased form. It must be placed in a water bath and kept in boiling water for 45 minutes. To decorate the pudding, honey and pureed berries are used.

Apple nests with curd filling

For apple nests, you need to cut the apples in half.

Ingredients: 150 g of cottage cheese, a spoonful of sour cream, 3 apples, a teaspoon of semolina, a spoonful of raisins, a spoonful of sour cream, an egg, a spoonful of sugar, cinnamon, butter, which will be used to grease the mold.

Cooking procedure. The apples are cut in half, a small amount of pulp is removed from them to make a depression for the filling.

Combine pureed cottage cheese, steamed raisins, semolina, apple pulp, cinnamon, egg, sugar.

Everything is mixed and placed in apple baskets. The baskets are then placed on a baking sheet. Keep everything in the oven until they begin to brown. When serving, you can pour sour cream over the nests.

Baked apples

What you need: 3 apples, 3 teaspoons of sugar, vegetable oil.

Cooking procedure. Washed apples are cored and seeded. Sugar is poured into the cavity and water is dripped. Can be put in the oven. Baked apples are poured with honey and vegetable oil.

Apple cream

Ingredients: apple, egg, sugar (2 teaspoons). Cooking procedure. First, you need to bake the apple and make a puree out of it. After breaking the egg, separate the yolk from the white.

The yolk is mixed with sugar and the mixture is slightly heated. Do not bring to a boil. The yolk mixture is added to the applesauce. Whipped protein is also added to the warm apple-yolk mixture. When the cream has cooled, it can be served.

Pears in syrup

Ingredients: 2 pears, sugar (2 spoons), 150 ml of water. Cooking procedure. The pears are peeled, the seeds are removed, then the fruits are boiled in water with sugar.

After bringing to readiness, gradually cool in syrup. When serving, pears should be poured with the syrup in which they were boiled.

Grape jelly

Ingredients: 5 tablespoons grape juice (red or white), 4 teaspoons sugar, 10 tablespoons water, 2 teaspoons gelatin. Cooking procedure. Soak the gelatin in water until it swells. Boil water with sugar, pour in the juice. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add gelatin little by little to the syrup, mix everything.

When the gelatin has dissolved, you can pour the composition into molds. It is better to pre-moisten the molds in cold water and sprinkle with sugar. When the jelly has hardened, you can serve. To make the jelly come off easier, the molds can be briefly immersed in warm water.

Apple compote

Ingredients: 3 apples, one and a half glasses of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Cooking procedure. Apples are peeled and seeded, cut into slices and placed in boiling water with sugar. You need to boil the compote for several minutes. Then it is cooled and drunk.

Berry jelly

Berry jelly.

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of raspberries, strawberries, currants, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of starch, 2 glasses of water.

Cooking procedure. The washed berries must be rubbed through a sieve and the juice separated from the mass.

Place the juice in a cool place, and mix the berry mass with water, sugar, and bring to a boil. The resulting composition is filtered through a sieve.

The starch is diluted in cold water, and then poured into the syrup, placed on the stove, and brought to a boil. When the jelly is ready, add berry juice to it.

“Red-haired beasts” for a couple

These are very interesting Turkic meatballs made from meat and vegetables, which are steamed, but modern housewives can cook them in a slow cooker in the “Steam” mode. Try it, maybe this is the dish you like. Its main components are potatoes, carrots, pumpkin and meat. There may be options without pumpkin or carrots, but potatoes are always present. Vegetarians can cook “beasts” without meat. It's also very tasty.


  • 2–3 starchy potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 slice pumpkin
  • 300 g beef or poultry
  • 2 tbsp. sour cream
  • 1/4 tsp. turmeric
  • Wheat flour
  • greens for serving
  • salt to taste


We grate all the vegetables on a fine grater and squeeze them thoroughly so that they completely release their moisture (you can use gauze for this purpose). Grind the meat in a meat grinder with a fine grid.

Combine meat and vegetables, add sour cream, turmeric and salt and knead the minced meat. We begin to carefully add flour - enough to obtain minced meat of the desired thickness. We form the minced meat into balls slightly larger than a walnut.

Wipe the steamer grate with vegetable oil and steam the meatballs for 30–35 minutes. When serving, sprinkle them with herbs.

“Bestia” does not require a side dish, since it itself is both a meat and vegetable dish.

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