Little nutritional secrets, or which foods cleanse the intestines

Human life is spent under the influence of harmful substances. They are found in the environment and food. The human body is able to independently remove them through the digestive system, skin and lungs, but help will not hurt. The main thing is not to overdo it. There is no need to use expensive medications. It is enough to know products that have a positive effect on the functioning of the body and remove waste and toxins.

How dangerous are wastes and toxins? Toxins are poisons of biological origin that are formed during the life of viruses, bacteria and other parasites. Toxins are harmful substances from the remains of digested food deposited on the intestinal walls. When accumulated, these substances negatively affect the condition of internal organs and health in general. They worsen complexion and skin texture. Difficulties arise with the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, constipation, frequent poisoning) and the smell of body fluids changes.

The food a person eats directly affects their health. Poor nutrition leads to obesity, difficulties with the digestive tract and other body systems. Healthy foods have a beneficial effect, eliminating harmful substances and improving organ function. Products that cleanse the body include fruits and vegetables, herbs and bee products. Green tea and simple purified water have a positive effect.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables that cleanse the body are ubiquitous and well known. They are useful for daily consumption and during dietary nutrition, rich in vitamins, microelements, minerals, organic acids and fiber. Their sufficient consumption allows you to feel a rise in energy and pleasant lightness. What fruits and vegetables remove waste and toxins?


Cabbage is filled with vitamins, microelements, fiber and coarse dietary fiber. In addition to the obvious positive effect on the human body, it is characterized by properties that set it apart from other products. Vitamin U helps break down cholesterol and is suitable for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Tartronic acid in the composition normalizes digestion, interfering with fermentation in the stomach and alkalizing the gastric environment. But most importantly, it stimulates the intestines to work and cleanses of toxins.


Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and fiber. They remove waste and toxins, cleanse the blood, promote weight loss, which is why citrus fruits are recommended during diets. Grapefruit activates the liver, supplying the organ with essential nutrients. Lemon juice diluted in water is excellent as a heart tonic. Citrus fruits will help support the immune system.


The uniqueness of this product lies in its ability to retain beneficial properties after heat treatment. Beets promote complete cleansing of the intestines, prevent fat cells from accumulating in the liver and stimulate healthy hematopoiesis.

The vegetable is simply necessary for people who decide to get rid of toxins and waste. But you need to use it in moderation: excess product leads to diarrhea. Beetroot is not suitable for patients with diabetes and urolithiasis.


It is known that garlic is a healthy product. It helps the body fight viruses, has antibacterial properties and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. True, many are not aware that garlic helps cleanse the blood. The vegetable contains allicin, which reduces cholesterol and neutralizes free radicals. Food with garlic acquires a specific smell, but it is advisable to consume the product regularly.


These fruits are rich in fiber and pectin. Due to them, digestion is normalized, fermentation and bloating processes are reduced. Toxins and salts of heavy metals are bound and gently removed from the body. Apples are indispensable in the treatment of the bladder and a number of skin diseases. The best fruits are those grown “in the neighborhood”, without growth stimulants or chemicals.


The list of vitamins and microelements of vegetables can take a long time. Phosphoric acid plays an important role in the composition of the product. It cleanses the blood and lowers cholesterol levels. Consumption of the product helps activate metabolism in the body. It has a positive effect on digestion and the removal of excess fluid. Onions have been proven to cleanse the liver.

What helps cleanse the intestines?

During the diet you must:

  • increase the amount of dietary fiber in the diet;
  • eat at regular intervals, preferably at the same time;
  • drink plenty of free fluids (adults are recommended to drink 2 liters of water);
  • drink a lot of fermented milk drinks;
  • limit the consumption of foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines;
  • refrain from drinks containing tannins (strong coffee and tea, cocoa), as they cause constipation;
  • do not eat foods that take a long time to break down (heavy, fatty foods, proteins of various origins, streaky meats).

Honey and bee products

When talking about honey, it is easier to remain silent about those substances that are not included in its composition than to list those that are included. It is not surprising that bee products have been used by people for a long time. They have a beneficial effect on improving blood and digestive processes. Honey is also popular as a treatment for the pancreas, genitourinary system and spleen.

The effect of using royal jelly is highlighted separately. It helps normalize metabolic processes and has an antioxidant effect. The list of positive effects can be continued endlessly. So the introduction of this product into the diet should not be postponed until a special meal is needed to cleanse the body.


A healthy diet for cleansing the intestines is not just a nutritional adjustment. If its duration exceeds 3 days, it is stress for the body. Therefore, before starting detoxification, you should consult with your doctor. The specialist will prescribe an examination, the results of which will make it clear whether there are any contraindications. The cleansing diet is contraindicated if:

  • Pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
  • Diseases of the large and small intestines, such as colitis, dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Severe mental illnesses.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Epilepsy.

If a person is stressed, has a cold, or is taking a course of pills, it is better for him to refrain from a detox diet to cleanse the intestines. This also applies to women during menopause and menopause, since their body is most sensitive to changes in diet. Elderly people and teenagers should also avoid this diet. In other cases, it is recommended to undergo basic tests before starting it.

Herbs and spices

Green salads:

  1. Spinach. It is sometimes called a superfood for its quality and low calorie content. With the help of fiber contained in the plant, the intestines are cleansed. Spinach has a positive effect on the pancreas, heart, nerves and eyes. But the main thing is that it helps the kidneys get rid of excess salts, removing them along with urine. It must definitely be included in the diet, using it as a source of essential minerals and vitamins for humans.
  2. Salads and greens. Leaf salads and greens should be on the table of a person who cares about their health every day. Green salads have a positive effect on liver function. They also contribute to the functioning and cleansing of the intestines. Parsley is used to remove salts from the kidneys and bladder. Algae bind and remove toxins from the body. Dill is effective for diseases of the biliary tract and liver, has a diuretic effect and removes toxins.


  1. Turmeric. This bright orange-colored Indian spice is usually used in the form of a fine, dry powder. Add to meat and fish dishes, poultry and vegetable dishes. Sometimes turmeric is dissolved in water and drunk. And all for the sake of its unique properties. It can cleanse the body of harmful substances, including allergens, and help in the fight against excess weight. This spice is an excellent remedy for rejuvenation, as it improves metabolism.

  1. Ginger. The healing properties of ginger root are recognized by science and are actively used in the treatment of patients with sore throats and colds. It is suitable for cleansing the body. By irritating the stomach, it causes more gastric juice to be secreted and stimulates digestion. Accelerates the body's metabolic processes, helping to lose weight. Activates kidney function. Initially, ginger was used only in dried form as a seasoning, but now teas are brewed from it, candies are made, etc.

The main signs of slagging in the body

It is much easier for someone who monitors their health and adheres to the principles of a healthy lifestyle to monitor changes occurring in the body. However, even an experienced person rarely pays attention to the symptoms indicating that the body is polluted.

The main signs of slagging include:

  • swelling
  • sleep and emotional disturbances
  • frequent headaches
  • coating on the tongue
  • overweight
  • chronic fatigue

Modern city residents often neglect their health

and rarely pay attention to these symptoms. Most often, we wave our hands at them and chalk them up to simple fatigue. It is highly undesirable to do this. Accumulating in the body, toxins and wastes weaken a person’s immunity, which, in turn, provokes frequent colds.

Weak immunity is the second stage of slagging in the body; at the first, we practically do not feel any changes. At the third stage, problems with metabolism begin; this can be expressed either in sudden weight loss or, conversely, in weight gain. The fourth stage of slagging leads to problems with the vegetative-vascular system, and the fifth stage is fraught with heart attacks and strokes, and in extremely advanced cases leads to death. This can be avoided.

It is important to remember that methods of cleansing the body are valid up to the fourth stage inclusive. In case of serious problems, you should immediately consult your doctor. For those whose body is able to cope on its own, we suggest considering which products are suitable for cleansing the body of waste and toxins.


Cleansing the body with grains is common in society. There are entire diets, but the benefits of grains are also evident in their daily consumption. What is their usefulness? They saturate the body with energy and act as a natural sorbent and cleanser of the body. They help remove the remains of digested food that have stagnated in the intestines and relieve bile stagnation in the gallbladder. It has been proven that people who consume 3-4 servings of cereals per day suffer less from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

The danger of toxins and waste

Toxins in the scientific community mean poisons of biological origin. They appear during the natural activity of viruses and bacteria. Toxins are harmful substances that appear from the remains of digested food. Appearing and accumulating in the body, toxins and wastes affect not only internal organs, but also the state of health in general. Under the influence of toxins, a person’s complexion changes, the skin acquires a pale tint.

The body begins to suffer from food poisoning. In order to cleanse your body of these substances, you need to introduce several new foods into your diet. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First you need to make sure that your body really needs help.


Sometimes the best moments in life are associated with drinking tea with friends and family. And green tea, like no other product, helps to gently cleanse the kidneys. Containing a ton of antioxidants, it fights free radicals and improves liver function. Adding lemon or honey to it will have an even more beneficial effect and give you unique pleasure. Green tea surpasses coffee in the amount of caffeine and helps you switch to a healthy diet.

Detox diet to cleanse the body

There are many different menus for body cleansing diets, but they are based on general principles. There are three important aspects that cannot be ignored. Otherwise, switching to a new diet will not bring the desired result or will harm your health.

Preparing the body

You shouldn’t suddenly give up foods that used to be an important part of your diet. It is better to gradually reduce the amount of sweets, fatty foods, simple carbohydrates and other types of food that you will have to give up until the end of the diet. This may take from 2 to 7 days, but sometimes it is better to take your time and prepare the body more thoroughly. Then the diet will not become stressful for him, and it will be much easier to endure it without breakdowns. Cravings for sweets or fatty foods will gradually weaken, and your health will improve before the detox begins.

Eating regimen

There are two most important points: eating according to the clock and maintaining the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Food should be taken 5-6 times a day, in small portions. The fewer hard foods that are difficult to digest enter the body, the easier it will be to cleanse the intestines naturally. To simplify the calculation of certain microelements in a serving, you can start keeping an electronic food diary. Most of these applications allow you to calculate their amount and adhere to the following ratio: 25-35% proteins, 10-20% fats and 40-50% carbohydrates. Using a calorie calculator, you can also calculate the energy value of each serving, although this is not so important during a diet, the purpose of which is to cleanse the body.

Drinking regime

If the body does not receive enough regular drinking water without impurities, metabolism will slow down and electrolyte balance will be disrupted. During a diet, the feeling of thirst becomes less pronounced over time, so you need to carefully monitor the water balance in the body. During the detox period, a healthy adult needs to drink 2-3 liters of still water, depending on his body weight. This will speed up the cleansing process.


Clean water is the basis. Its daily use improves the functioning of the body, triggers the processes occurring in it and ensures their normal course. To remove harmful substances from the body, you need to start your morning with a glass of drinking water. Moreover, it should not be boiled, but filtered, that is, rich in useful microelements and substances. The ideal option is spring water. True, it is impossible to name the required amount for a person per day, because it depends on the weight and amount of fluid consumed.

How to maintain a healthy diet if you don't have enough time

In general, creating a menu for the week is not difficult. But cooking can be time-consuming. It becomes much easier for a person to snack on fast food, which greatly disrupts the diet. This is especially true for working people. But don’t get upset and think that now you won’t be able to get rid of excess weight. You just need to contact Be Fit specialists. It offers fresh food delivery for a week. Couriers will deliver food either in the morning or in the evening, at the client’s choice. This will allow you not to deviate from the principles of proper nutrition. Calories and important microelements have already been calculated in the dishes provided by the company. They are as healthy and nutritious as possible.

There is no need to worry about the freshness of the food. Dishes are prepared by experienced chefs immediately before delivery. For each serving, the quantity of products is carefully verified and the grams are observed. This allows Be Fit clients to be provided with an optimal set of food for a healthy diet. You can see sample menus on the website. You can order online by filling out a special form.

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Proper nutrition

Products that promote cleansing will be beneficial if you follow the rules. It is important to understand that a sudden change in the usual diet can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the body. You should gradually give up harmful foods (coffee, alcohol and cigarettes), reduce your consumption of sugar and salt. The nutrition itself must enter a clear mode. You will also have to control your fluid intake to ensure it is sufficient.

How to use foods correctly

All cleansing vegetables (except beets) and fruits should be consumed fresh. Otherwise, heat treatment will destroy the beneficial substances contained in them, which should help the body cleanse itself. They are added to salads, used as a snack, and juices and green smoothies are made from them. Green tea, like honey, does not like high temperatures. It is optimal to brew it in water at 65-85 degrees. Honey loses its beneficial properties when heated above 39 degrees and does not like direct sunlight. But spices are unfamiliar with such troubles.

Sample menu for seven days

This method is universal. A week-long cleansing of the body will relieve digestive problems, give radiance to the skin and hair, increase metabolism, and improve overall health.

  • Monday. For breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits. The first snack is an orange. Lunch – vegetable salad with olive oil and chicken breast. The second snack is an apple. Dinner – boiled vegetables.
  • Tuesday. Breakfast – egg with bread. Lunch - banana. Lunch – brown rice, vegetables. Afternoon snack – cucumber. We have dinner with fruit salad dressed with yogurt.
  • Wednesday. For the first meal - cottage cheese. The second is vegetable juice and nuts. The third is buckwheat with boiled veal and vegetable salad. The fourth is grapefruit. Fifth – fish and bell pepper.
  • Thursday. In the morning - oatmeal. Lunch – cherry. Lunch – mushroom soup, beet salad. Afternoon snack – melon. Dinner – fruit salad with rice cereal.
  • Friday. Breakfast – buckwheat porridge. Snack – plums. Lunch – vegetable soup with carrot salad. Snack – dried fruits. Dinner – mushrooms with vegetables (except potatoes).
  • Saturday. Breakfast - pearl barley. Snack – pear. Lunch – lean borscht, cabbage salad. Afternoon snack – nuts. Dinner – lean cabbage rolls, rice.
  • Sunday. Breakfast - fruit with yogurt. Lunch – peach. Lunch – puree soup with celery, vegetable salad. Afternoon snack – dried fruits. We have dinner with baked eggplants and chicken breast.

If the rules are followed, deviations in well-being may occur. Mild dizziness and minor digestive disorders are allowed.

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