Pears weaken or strengthen the intestines, how fruits affect the stool of children and adults

The juicy pulp of the appetizing fruit has a pleasant aroma and delicate taste. Children especially love the sweet fruits of the Bere, Williams, Favoritka, and Duchess varieties. A pear is useful for a child even as a dessert. The fruit can also be given to babies in the form of purees, compotes, juices, and as part of pies.

Children's doctors recommend introducing pear into complementary foods when the child is 7 months old and has already become familiar with applesauce. Many mothers worry what effect the fruit will have on the baby’s intestines - will it weaken or strengthen the stool? There is no definite answer to this question, since it all depends on the ripeness and variety.

general characteristics

The pear is a member of the Rosaceae family, which, in addition to flowers, includes a long list of delicious berries and fruits. Apples, cherries, plums, peaches, medlars, and raspberries also belong to this family. The fruits of the pear tree come in a variety of shades: green, red, yellow and even brown. Some of the varieties do not change their color after ripening, which makes it difficult to choose the fruit according to its degree of ripeness. Ripe fruits are sweet, tasty and rich in nutrients, while being as crisp as apples and juicy as peaches.


  • general characteristics
  • Pear varieties
  • The nutritional value
  • Benefit for health
  • Fruit for beauty
  • Other useful properties
  • Use in the food industry
  • Possible side effects
  • How to choose and store correctly

Scientists have been debating the origin of this plant for several years now. Some believe that European (common) and Asian (Ussuri) pears developed as two different plants, but at about the same time (around 1000 BC). In addition to the named varieties, other species of this tree grew in different parts of Africa. But according to recent studies, China can be called the birthplace of pears.

Asian pears have a crunchy texture, are firmer and do not change after harvest, ideal for storage. European varieties are soft and juicy when ripe.

Today, pears are grown in almost all countries. But on a global scale, China is considered the largest producer of these fruits - it accounts for almost 3/4 of the total volume of pears. The fruit is also grown for industrial purposes in Argentina, the USA, some European countries, New Zealand, and South Korea. More than 3 thousand varieties are known, which differ in size, color, shape and taste of the fruit [1].

Rules of use

To get the maximum positive properties from a pear, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Buy a quality product without spoilage or damage; the fruit itself should not be overripe or unripe.
  • Before use, rinse well under running water.
  • When purchasing in a supermarket, it is recommended to cut off the peel and eat only the pulp.
  • Heat treatment reduces the properties, so if there are no problems with the intestines, it is better to eat fresh fruits. If the stool is disrupted, it is better to subject it to heat treatment.
  • It is forbidden to eat on an empty stomach.
  • It is not recommended to drink water after consumption or eat meat.

It is better to eat pears when they are in season. If they are sticky to the touch when you purchase them, they were most likely treated with biphenyl, which prevents rotting, but is also hazardous to health. Before eating such fruits, they must be treated with boiling water and the peel must be cut off.

If a person has a gastrointestinal disease or suffers from irregular bowel movements, it is better to eat a pear 1 to 2 hours after eating. Portions should be small. You can make puree, bake in the oven or cook jelly. Processed fruit by baking or boiling is better digested by the intestines and does not cause stool upset. However, in such a product the amount of nutrients is reduced.

Pear varieties

Fruits cultivated in our latitudes are usually classified into 3 groups:

  • winter varieties;
  • autumn;
  • summer [1].

Winter varieties

They tolerate cold well and are intended for storage (some do not lose their quality until spring). Ripen in October. Harvesting begins shortly before full ripening (before they fall from the tree).

Cure is a fruit with a dense consistency, tart taste, medium taste and aroma.

Etude Kyiv - with juicy buttery pulp, pleasant sour taste and pink aroma; prone to fading.

Bere Ardanpont is a Belgian variety, the fruits are stored until February. Slightly tart, but sweet and soft, can reach 500 g in weight.

Kyrgyz winter - fruits with coarse-grained pulp, tart, with a characteristic taste.

November - very juicy, sweet and sour, with a delicate aroma.

Autumn varieties

They ripen by the beginning of November, are stored no longer than a month and a half, and quickly lose their taste and shape. Good for jams, compotes and other types of preserves.

Otradnenskaya - practically devoid of smell and juiciness, with a sweet and sour taste.

Admiral Gervais is a French variety with a sweet and sour taste, juicy pulp and an expressive aroma.

Memory of Zhegalov - sweet and sour fruits, with juicy, slightly grainy pulp, aromatic.

Duchess is a French variety with a characteristic taste, delicate pulp and pronounced aroma.

Summer varieties

Ripen by July. They rot quickly and are poorly suited for storage. After about two weeks they lose their taste and beautiful appearance.

Lemon - easily recognized by its lemon color, dense pulp with a watery aftertaste.

Lada is a fruit with a sweet and sour taste, tender pulp of medium juiciness.

White leaf – yellowish, juicy and dense.

Early ripening is greenish in color with ruddy sides, sweet and sour, can be stored for no more than 10-12 days.

Rogneda is a fruit with loose skin, yellow with red sides, sweet with a nutmeg flavor.

Bere Giffard - green fruits with red-orange sides, with delicate sourish pulp.

The nutritional value

Pears are a rich source of phenolic phytonutrients and fiber, and they also contain many vitamins and minerals. Researchers estimate that pears are 84% water and 15% carbohydrates. One medium pear (weighing about 180 g) contains almost 100 calories.

One pear fruit usually contains about 5-6 g of fiber.
The body needs it for the proper process of digesting food. In addition, this substance can prevent many diseases. In addition to fiber, one fruit can provide more than 200 mg of potassium, which is known to be essential for proper heart function and muscle function. The main vitamin responsible for immunity, ascorbic acid, is also found in abundance in pears. One average fruit contains almost 8 mg of vitamin C. This fruit also contains vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, and vitamin A, a substance beneficial for eye health. Nutritional value per 100 g [2]

Calorie content57 kcal
Water84 g
Squirrels0.3 g
Fats0.1 g
Carbohydrates15.2 g
Vitamin A1.12 mcg
Vitamin C4.43 mg
Vitamin E0.13 mg
Vitamin K4.41 mcg
Vitamin B10.01 mg
Vitamin B20.06 mg
Vitamin B30.17 mg
Vitamin B50.08 mg
Vitamin B60.03 mg
Folic acid7 mcg
Kholin5.27 mg
Calcium9.21 mg
Iron0.13 mg
Magnesium7.24 mg
Phosphorus13 mg
Potassium118 mg
Sodium1.25 mg
Zinc0.21 mg
Copper0.09 mg
Manganese0.06 mg
Selenium0.2 mcg

How long does it take to digest

Different foods, with different compositions, are digested by the gastrointestinal tract at different times and with different efficiency.

If there is a lot of hard plant fiber in the food (as is the case with pears, especially if almost the entire fruit is eaten, except for the seeds - with sourness in the central part and hard fiber stretching towards the “poles”), then such food lingers in the intestines for a long time and has low speed of movement in it to get out.

But at the same time, in the intestines, after leaving the stomach and passing through the duodenum, barely 5% of the mass remaining from the pear moves through the intestines. The rest, broken down by gastric juice with its acid and enzymes, was partly absorbed through the walls of the stomach and duodenal bulb and entered the liver for processing.

Benefit for health

These tasty fruits are an important source of antioxidants and other beneficial components on which the performance of organs and systems depends. However, many studies have shown that increased consumption of plant foods protects against obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.

Here are just some of the benefits of regularly consuming pears.

Source of healthy fiber

Scientists have calculated: men under the age of 50 need 40 g of fiber daily, for women this norm is about 25 g. The results of long-term observations allowed researchers to say that almost half of the world's population does not consume the required portions of dietary fiber. A deficiency of this substance is dangerous to health. One of the most common modern diseases caused by fiber deficiency is diverticulosis. Also, do not forget that fiber is the main “prevention” of obesity and cardiac diseases (as it regulates the level of bad cholesterol). It's easy to increase your fiber intake by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, and pear is one of the best options [3].

Antioxidant product

This fruit can serve as one of the richest sources of antioxidants. In addition to vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties, pears contain flavonoids, which also fight free radicals. Among the most powerful components is chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant that protects the heart. Cyanidin (found in fruit peel, responsible for the red pigment) helps protect blood vessels from oxidation, and quercetin is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties [3].

Anti-cancer agent

The fiber contained in pears “works” in the body as an anti-cancer agent. It affects the so-called secondary bile acids, reducing their concentration in the body. As a result of such exposure, the risk of developing colorectal cancer is reduced several times.

On the other hand, consuming pears is beneficial in preventing stomach cancer. The results of a recent experiment conducted in Mexico City showed that it is enough to add 2 servings of fruit (including pears) to the menu daily to significantly reduce the body’s tendency to grow malignant tumors [4]. And American scientists have discovered a connection between pear consumption and esophageal cancer. As it turns out, illness can be avoided if you regularly consume these fruits. By the way, apples, plums and strawberries also have a similar effect [3].

Benefits for diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease characterized by high blood sugar levels or the body's inability to produce insulin. A diet rich in fiber (for example, pears) reduces the risk of this disease, and in patients it stabilizes the level of glucose in the bloodstream. In addition, pears are rich in flavonoids (epicatechin, quercetin, anthocyanins), which increase insulin sensitivity.

Cleansing the body

Regular consumption of these fruits (of any variety) is beneficial for the general condition of the body. In particular, pears are useful for eliminating toxins. This is evidenced by the results of many studies [3].

Preventing Anemia

For people diagnosed with anemia, pears are extremely useful as a fruit containing a lot of iron. But in addition, these fruits contain copper, a substance that helps improve the absorption of other minerals, including iron. You can prevent fatigue, cognitive impairment, muscle weakness, and organ dysfunction by consuming foods rich in copper and iron. And both of these minerals are found in significant quantities in pears.

Bone and Joint Health

The rich mineral content, including magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, makes pears a bone-healthy fruit. These nutrients prevent the thinning of bone tissue and the development of osteoporosis. And being a rich source of antioxidants and flavonoids, pears prevent inflammatory processes in the joints and reduce the risk of arthritis, rheumatic diseases, and gout [3].

For weight loss

Pears are one of the most dietary fruits. One average fruit contains only 100 kilocalories, which is quite low. But, in addition, fruits can quickly provide a feeling of fullness because they contain a lot of fiber. A study of 40 overweight women found that pears were more effective for weight loss than oatmeal. In addition, consuming small amounts of fruits daily stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, which is also beneficial for easier weight loss.

Fastening action

The pear strengthens due to its astringent effect, which occurs due to the tannin content in the pear. Tannic acid is found in many plant foods. Tart varieties contain the most astringent components. They can be recognized by the hardness and tartness of the fruit.

The pear grows stronger if you choose late varieties. They have a thick peel, a slight bitterness and a tart taste. These types of pears can eliminate diarrhea and improve the functionality of the digestive system. At the same time, not only fresh pears are useful, but also dried or baked ones.

Fruit for beauty

This amazing fruit contains rich reserves of vitamin A, carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. They act as powerful antioxidants in the human body. In addition, these components are indispensable for many enzymatic reactions. As a result, we can say that pears can prevent the occurrence of age-related changes, in particular the appearance of age spots and wrinkles.

These fruits are useful for people with oily skin, as the substances they contain regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands (use in the form of a mask of pears, honey and fresh cream). The fruit is useful for treating acne, skin infections, and acne. To treat these troubles, an ordinary pulp of fruit pulp is suitable. In cosmetology, pears are also useful for preparing homemade scrubs and means for exfoliating dead cells.

Pears help prevent hair loss, moisturize and nourish it with vitamins. But, perhaps, those with curls will appreciate the benefits of pear extract best. Products from these fruits make curls more manageable, shiny and easy to comb. At home, it is easy to prepare a mask from the pulp of ripe fruits, apple cider vinegar and a small amount of water.

Laxative effect

Many people believe that the pear weakens and this is true. Early varieties have laxative properties. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, which makes bowel movements easier. To get a laxative effect, you should follow some rules:

  • Subject to heat treatment: boil, bake.
  • Eat juicy and sweet fruits: Duchess, Williams.
  • Eat fruits after peeling them.

To achieve a laxative effect, it is enough to eat 1 ripe fruit per day. Can be combined with other products, such as herbs and pine nuts.

It is not recommended to eat fruits with dairy or fermented milk products, as this leads to diarrhea, colic and other unpleasant symptoms.

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