Diet for the stomach for gastritis. Causes of inflammation of the gastric mucosa and ways to eliminate it with proper nutrition

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Such a violation of the functionality of the stomach has the following symptoms at the initial stage:

  • Food begins to be digested worse;
  • Weakness and drowsiness appear;
  • There are unpleasant sensations in the stomach area.

Gastritis can manifest itself in acute or chronic form. Depending on the acidity of the stomach, the disease is divided into subtypes:

  1. Reduced,
  2. Normal,
  3. Elevated.

In the acute form, gastritis is temporary, and in the chronic form it is permanent. In addition to pain, chronic gastritis has the following symptoms:

  1. Heartburn,
  2. Vomit,
  3. Diarrhea,
  4. Bloating,
  5. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

At the same time, gastritis can manifest itself in different ways. For some, symptoms of the disease are almost not felt.

The chronic form is dangerous for the body, since subsequently healthy stomach cells stop functioning, which can lead to more life-threatening diseases.

Painful symptoms of gastritis can be confused with the causes of other diseases. Inflammation of the mucous membrane usually occurs with acute pain that occurs after:

  1. Acceptance of spicy and smoked foods,
  2. Long breaks between meals
  3. Taking alcohol and medications.

Gastritis can be the result of poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, microbes entering the body, stress, taking certain medications, lack of vitamins, and hormonal imbalance.

General information

Butter is made from cream, the fatty component of milk located in the upper layers of the product. This is where the name “creamy” comes from, and the product itself gained its popularity back in the distant 5th century AD and is popular with consumers to this day due to its harmonious taste.

Butter is a fundamental component of many dishes used to treat and prevent stomach diseases. It is a must-have food for children and adults with weakened bodies, as well as for gastritis with high acidity. This is due to the enormous benefits of this product, since without the help of oil the process of assimilation of vitamins would be impossible. Therefore, you can and should eat butter, but in moderation so that troubles with the body do not become constant companions.

Desirable foods for gastritis

Therapeutic diet will help cope with gastritis.

A person can get gastritis at any age. At first glance, the problem may not seem so dangerous.

However, if inflammation of the gastric mucosa is not treated on time, the disease can worsen and develop into a chronic form, which can pose a threat to the entire body as a whole.

The most effective method of treating this disease is considered to be proper nutrition and a therapeutic diet. It is recommended to eat a balanced and regular diet. Meals should be up to five to six times a day.

The diet for stomach problems contains many prohibiting foods. However, do not be alarmed that nothing is allowed. The list of useful products that are desirable for gastritis is quite large and varied, which will not allow the patient to remain hungry. List of healthy foods for hyperacidity gastritis:

  • Porridge made from oatmeal, rice and buckwheat without adding milk;
  • Dry bread of the first grade, biscuits and crackers;
  • Bananas, berries, pears and apples in moderation;
  • Vegetable puree from beets, carrots, potatoes;
  • Soft-boiled eggs or low-fat omelet;
  • A little greenery;
  • A pinch of cinnamon and vanilla;
  • Oils: butter and sunflower;
  • Steamed river fish;
  • Seafood in moderation;
  • Honey;
  • Still water, tea, natural vegetable juices.

List of products for gastritis with low acidity:

  1. Semolina, oatmeal and buckwheat on water;
  2. Pumpkin, potato, cauliflower puree;
  3. Baked apples;
  4. Watermelon and grapes;
  5. Sea fish;
  6. Veal, chicken (white meat) and beef, steamed;
  7. Light meat broths;
  8. Tea, berry drinks.

All foods should be consumed in moderation.

Benefits of butter

Butter is an incredibly nutritious product that is made from milk fat and can be used for gastritis.

A natural product of the highest quality should have a dense consistency, some elasticity with a complete absence of pronounced odor. The cut of the oil should be smooth with some shine, and the release of the whey composition should be insignificant.

This product has a whole list of advantages:

  • Has a high degree of absorption;
  • Consists of milk fat, useful for the digestive tract;
  • Contains retinol (vitamin A), which significantly reduces the symptoms of all inflammatory processes and helps normalize metabolism;
  • Enriched with vitamin P, which improves cellular metabolism;
  • The presence of unsaturated fatty acids, which regulate reduction-oxidation reactions, as well as carbohydrate-fat metabolism. They remove excess cholesterol, stabilizing its level in the blood and preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • Participates in hormonal synthesis;
  • Rich in phospholipids, which normalize tissue regeneration processes in the body;
  • The presence of vitamin D, the use of which promotes the rapid absorption of calcium and magnesium, which is necessary for the strength of bones, nails and teeth;
  • Prevents the development of oncological pathologies, the likelihood of which increases significantly in advanced stages of gastritis.

This set of positive qualities of butter plays a key role in the treatment of gastritis. For people with gastritis, in which acidity is increased, any acid, even lactic acid, causes significant harm. But butter contains a very small amount of it, compared to fermented milk and dairy products. Butter has enveloping properties and, in a way, lubricates the walls of the stomach, soothing erosive inclusions.

Prohibited Products

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited if you have gastritis.

Gastritis is a disorder of the functional digestive system.

If you have a weakened stomach, you should follow all the necessary recommendations to avoid even bigger problems.

First of all, you need to monitor what is taken orally. In addition to following a therapeutic diet, it is recommended to pay attention to the medications you take. There are prohibited foods for gastritis. They are:

Use in cooking

It is recommended to use butter for ready-made products, but it is not recommended to use it for frying. On the other hand, if you fry food on it, it produces much less carcinogens than any vegetable fat. If you need to use butter for frying, use melted butter: this type has a much higher smoke point and is also stored for a long time, up to a year.

You can make ghee yourself: you need to carefully heat the butter, preferably in a water bath, until it becomes liquid.

At this temperature it is necessary to maintain it for about 30 minutes. During this time, excess water will evaporate, and milk proteins will float to the top. These milk proteins must be carefully removed from the surface, and the remaining mixture must be carefully strained - this will be ghee.

Thanks to its neutral and delicate taste, butter has gained popularity, including the use of additives. For example, juices from fruits and berries, cocoa and chocolate were often added to it to obtain a chocolate variety, and even honey.

Approximately weekly menu

Diet is very important to follow!

Typically, poor nutrition leads to such a common disease as gastritis.

Therefore, in order to improve the patient’s health, doctors strongly recommend sticking to the consumption of healthy foods.

Experts have developed a specialized sample menu for people with gastritis.

The products included in the diet do not contain harmful substances that can aggravate the disease. There are many forbidden foods. However, using the permitted list, you can prepare a completely varied table. So, an approximate weekly menu is compiled as follows:

How to select and store

Try to avoid buying butter that is wrapped in parchment. The fact is that in this case the oil is exposed to direct sunlight, as a result of which it oxidizes and loses its beneficial properties. It is better to give preference to one that is sold wrapped in foil.

If you bought oil and it turns out that it has been exposed to sunlight for a long time, and the top layer has become yellow and dull, you can simply cut off this layer and throw it away. The rest is quite usable.

Of course, it is best to store butter in the refrigerator, or at least in a place where the temperature does not exceed 12 degrees. Give preference to dark places, because, as already mentioned, sunlight has a detrimental effect on the product.

It is not recommended to use pure glass for storage; it is better to give preference to ceramics or porcelain. The fact is that oil in glass quickly loses its beneficial properties.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, it is recommended to give butter to teething children. To reduce these unpleasant sensations, it is enough to smear the child’s gums so that he does not feel discomfort for some time.

If you suffer from a dry cough or there is blood when coughing up, traditional medicine recommends consuming it with sugar to alleviate the condition. In addition, the combination of butter and sugar acts as a diuretic, allowing you to remove excess fluid from the body and cleanse it.

If you have some kind of rash on your body, for example, with lichen or urticaria, you need to lubricate the skin with butter to relieve the condition.

If you suffer from diarrhea, consume it with wine. Pomegranate juice and a little butter help with dysentery.

Our ancestors used butter as a cosmetic product. If you melt it and apply it to your skin at night, it will become more tender and elastic, and will also be saturated with useful substances.

To prevent colds, use butter with lemon. To do this, you need to take the juice of half a lemon and 150 g of oil, mix, add salt and herbs and consume one teaspoon every day. Garlic oil has the same effect. For it you need to take 150 g of the product and 10 grams of garlic, mix and also use a teaspoon.

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