Honey for gastritis of the stomach: is it possible or not? Recipes.

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  • About gastritis and its treatment
  • Can you use honey for gastritis?
  • Taking honey for gastritis with high acidity
  • Taking honey for gastritis with low acidity
  • Long-term treatment with bee products
  • Treatment of gastritis with propolis
  • Honey with additives
  • Honey with propolis
  • Honey with aloe for gastritis
  • Contraindications

Every person knows about the beneficial qualities of honey. This beekeeping product successfully fights bacteria and microbes, and also contains compounds that are extremely beneficial for humans. Honey can help the human body recover faster. But can it be used to treat gastritis? Let's figure it out.

About gastritis and its treatment

Inflammation of the stomach lining, called gastritis, can cause problems in the functioning of this organ. Because of which the function of eating is disrupted, and a person begins to receive less of the nutrients he needs. Which can lead to worsening of the problem and even the risk of more serious diseases. Scientists believe that the main cause of gastritis is the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. They live in human gastric juice. And under certain conditions they begin their negative activities. They synthesize urease, which increases the acidity of the juice. The stomach “responds” to increased acidity with gastrin. It synthesizes this hormone-like substance to protect against bacteria. But its increase in the body leads to the production of hydrochloric acid. Which makes gastric juice even more acidic. It damages the unprotected mucous membranes of the stomach and causes gastritis.

Treatment of this disease is possible only after the necessary examination and identification of the main cause of the disease. Specialists, first of all, stop the aggressive actions of gastric juice with the help of drugs that reduce the level of hydrochloric acid. After this, drug treatment of the damaged stomach walls is carried out. Diet is very important for this disease. Specialists must select a diet for the patient from which foods that cause an increase in the acidity of gastric juice will be excluded. When choosing approved products, attention is paid to those that cannot harm the walls of the stomach and will help restore damaged areas.

Rules for taking honey

To avoid weight gain, treatment of gastritis with honey is carried out in small dosages. The daily norm does not exceed 150 grams. Patients who decide to use honey to eliminate inflammation of the gastric mucosa should expect a long recovery period. It will take at least 1-2 months of daily use to achieve clinically significant treatment results.

It is important to remember that the method of taking honey depends on the goals (increasing or decreasing acidity). Consuming bee products before meals provokes the production of gastric juice, which is necessary for low acidity. Taking it after meals, on the contrary, helps reduce the level of acids in the stomach cavity.

There are several options for using honey:

  • without additives,
  • with warm water
  • with warm milk,
  • with natural fresh juices,
  • with herbal decoctions, warm tea.

Can you use honey for gastritis?

Many people ask: “When did gastritis start? Is it possible to use products obtained in the apiary? Bee products can help the body cope with many problems. Honey normalizes the composition of gastric juice and accelerates the process of regeneration of stomach tissue. This product is capable of:

  • Improve gastric motility
  • Normalize the production of gastric juice
  • Improve food digestibility
  • Restore the gastric mucosa
  • Reduce the level of Helicobacter pylori in gastric juice

This beekeeping product has a large number of various enzymes that improve the digestibility of food. Honey can speed up metabolic processes in the body and saturate it with essential vitamins. This will help not only cope with gastritis faster, but also speed up the patient’s recovery process. But it is important to take honey correctly for this disease.

How is the diet prepared?

It’s not enough to just eat healthy foods; it’s important to follow general recommendations for creating a diet:

  • compliance with compliance principles. The diet must be individual, based on the needs of a particular organism, a person’s condition, his metabolic and nutritional status;
  • refusal of harmful products. In addition to the above products, it is important to give up fast food, chips, chocolate bars, breakfast cereals, canned food, etc.;
  • refusal to overeat. Eating, of course, should be regular; it is important to achieve a feeling of fullness and slight satiety, but at the same time you need to monitor the amount of food consumed. Overeating eliminates all the benefits of a therapeutic diet and can cause harm;
  • choosing the right methods of preparing food in which the food will retain all its beneficial properties and also remain attractive to humans in terms of taste and aromatic properties.

Therapeutic diets for gastrointestinal diseases are particularly diverse; the final option should be selected by a specialist. Compliance with all recommendations will speed up the process of recovery and restoration of the body.

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Taking honey for gastritis with high acidity

This form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Belching and nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain in the stomach
  • Alternating constipation and diarrhea

Honey, for this type of gastritis, is allowed. But before including it in your diet, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Only a specialist can tell you for sure whether you can include this or that product in your diet if you have this type of stomach disease. You cannot self-medicate. Honey can be used to enhance medications and speed up recovery. For gastritis with high acidity you need to: Dilute honey (1 tablespoon) in warm water (200 ml). This remedy must be drunk twice a day for 2 months. After using this product, you should not eat for 2 hours. IMPORTANT: With this form of gastritis, it is forbidden to consume pure honey. To reduce the risk of heartburn, you should not eat foods containing honey on an empty stomach. In the above recipe, water can be replaced with milk or a decoction of medicinal herbs indicated for gastritis.

Contraindications to consuming honey

The use of beekeeping products is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance.
In addition, it should not be included in the diet of people suffering from diarrhea. Diabetes mellitus is considered a contraindication for taking honey. Information sources:

V. T. Ivashkin, V. P. Shevchenko - Nutrition for diseases of the digestive system - source A. Nesterov - Therapeutic nutrition for chronic gastritis - source A. M. Kiseleva, O. V. Nesterova, Biryukova N. V. - Nutrition and comparison of diets for gastritis - source B. Kaganov, Kh. Sharafetdinov - Medical nutrition for chronic diseases - source A. Tolstykh - Dietary nutrition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - source S. Kh. Mironova, E. S. Kovalevskaya - Gastritis and therapeutic physical education for gastritis - source F. Moutier, A. Cornet - Gastritis. - source CS Heo, JJ Lee, YJ Baek, HS Kim - Food containing active strains for inhibiting infection and treating gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers - source

Taking honey for gastritis with low acidity

This form of chronic gastritis is characterized by deterioration of gastric motor function. The advanced form of this disease leads to ulcers and even cancer. Symptoms of gastritis with low acidity are:

  • Dull pain in the stomach area
  • Bloating and heartburn
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • White coating on the tongue

Acid deficiency creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. To help the body cope with them you need to: Add a small amount of butter to honey and eat 30 minutes before meals. Gastritis with low acidity should be treated in this way 3-4 times a day. The amount of honey should not exceed 2/3 tablespoon. You can enhance the effect of this remedy with lemon or rowan juice.

Long-term treatment with bee products

Honey is a beekeeping product that is often used in folk medicine. It is able to relieve the symptoms of various diseases and is used as a preventive measure for dangerous diseases. Beekeeping products have long established themselves as a powerful tool for combating various ailments at home. First on the list of beekeeping products is honey. It is able to protect the stomach from superficial gastritis and relieve the discomfort that this disease causes. To prevent various diseases and strengthen the immune system, dilute honey with decoctions of medicinal herbs. One tablespoon of this remedy three times a day will help reduce the risk of developing many ailments. Including gastritis. But this remedy must be consumed an hour before meals.

How to distinguish a natural product from a fake

Fresh honey should be tart with a slight bitterness.

In order for the treatment to bring the desired effect, only natural honey is used. For those who cannot call themselves an expert on beekeeping products, you can focus on the following signs:

  1. Pleasant aroma;
  2. Tart taste with a slight bitterness;
  3. The weight of a liter of natural product is more than 1400 g;
  4. With the exception of heather and acacia honey, other varieties tend to become sugary 1-2 months after pumping;
  5. Dripping from the spoon, it stretches out in a thick stream;
  6. The color is always transparent, there may be small admixtures of beebread, wax, propolis;
  7. A drop of the natural product can be easily rubbed between your fingers and is easily absorbed into the skin.

Caution should be exercised if honey exhibits the following properties:

  • Has a caramel flavor;
  • A liter of product weighs less than 1400 g;
  • During storage, it is divided into heterogeneous fractions - thick and liquid;
  • Does not sugar or crystallize;
  • It flows from the spoon in a liquid stream, creating splashes;
  • Foam may form on the surface;
  • Pollen allergy sufferers do not cause any reaction;
  • It has a heterogeneous consistency, is not absorbed into the skin, and causes lumps when rubbed.

One way to check whether honey is natural is to drip iodine onto it. If there are starch impurities, a drop of iodine will turn blue as a result of a chemical reaction.

Treatment of gastritis with propolis

Another popular beekeeping product, propolis, has a good effect. Bee glue is used in the form of tinctures, oils and extracts. But the natural form of propolis can protect the body from various ailments. You can include this product in your treatment only after consultation with a specialist. Uncontrolled self-medication can lead to even greater trouble. Propolis helps the stomach well.

Bee glue is capable of:

  • Heal the mucous membrane
  • Anesthetize and relieve inflammation
  • Reduce gastric acidity
  • Reduce the risk of erosion
  • Eliminate symptoms of gastritis such as heartburn and nausea
  • Improve stomach function and enhance nutrient absorption

Propolis for gastritis will help all patients, regardless of age. The only contraindication is intolerance to this substance or allergy to bee products. Recipes for honey-based remedies for gastritis. Honey is widely used in folk medicine to treat gastritis. In addition to the above remedies, this beekeeping product can be used in the following recipes.

What foods should be excluded from the diet?

With exacerbation of gastritis, a number of foods can provoke a deterioration in the general condition. To avoid negative consequences, the following are excluded from the menu during therapy:

  • White bread and flour products.
  • Kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Root vegetables and other fresh vegetables.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Kvass and carbonated drinks.
  • Spicy, fatty snacks.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Legumes.
  • Whole pasta.
  • Sour fruits.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Mushrooms, etc.

A detailed list of prohibited and permitted products is selected by a gastroenterologist. The specialist also monitors the patient’s condition at all stages of therapy and, if necessary, makes adjustments to the treatment process. Self-medication for acute gastritis is prohibited!

Honey with additives

The simplest and most effective means of preventing gastritis is a mixture of honey with prunes and dried apricots. Grind equal parts of these products through a meat grinder and consume 2-3 tablespoons three times a day. This remedy can be washed down with warm tea or herbal decoction. In addition to fighting stomach diseases, dried apricots, prunes and honey are an excellent vitamin and mineral complex that helps strengthen the body. This honey with additives is especially useful in winter. When there is a lack of nutrients and vitamins.

A good effect in the fight against gastritis can be achieved using potato juice with honey. Since it is difficult to mix these ingredients, eat two teaspoons of honey and wash it down with a third of a glass of potato juice. Similarly, you can consume honey with carrot juice.

Another useful remedy for gastritis is oatmeal. They need to be ground and cooked over low heat. For 120 g of ready-made flakes you need to add 2 tablespoons of honey. Take this remedy three times a day on an empty stomach. The flakes have an enveloping effect and are able to protect the gastric mucosa.

Honey with propolis

You can enhance the effect of honey with propolis. To do this, you can use both pure propolis and its tincture. Propolis is well absorbed by the body and is able to quickly activate its protective functions. Both products have antiseptic properties and will help speed up the healing and repair of stomach tissue. To treat gastritis, take 20 parts of honey and one part of propolis alcohol infusion. Mix the ingredients and use 2 tablespoons of this product. Take it twice a day until your symptoms go away.

General principles of use

For treatment you need to use only fresh honey.

The traditions of apitherapy go back hundreds of years. Since honey has medicinal properties, certain rules must be followed when consuming it:

  • Use only natural and fresh products;
  • Do not heat above 40? C, otherwise instead of medicinal properties it will acquire the opposite qualities;
  • Do not use more than 3-5 tbsp. l. honey per day, limit the amount of sugar during this period to avoid overloading the pancreas;
  • Do not use as an independent and sole method of treatment, only in combination with medications and diet;
  • Take the first serving on an empty stomach to enhance the therapeutic effect.

If these simple rules are followed, the result will not be long in coming - in combination with the recommendations of a gastroenterologist, treatment with honey will only bring a positive effect.

Video: How to treat gastritis at home with honey

This plant contains substances with the following functions:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antimicrobial
  • immunostimulating
  • painkillers
  • regenerating

Aloe can activate the stomach, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, cleanse the intestines of toxins and speed up many biological processes. You can help yourself with gastritis with the following remedy: Mix equal amounts of honey and aloe juice. Take 2 teaspoons of this remedy 15 minutes before eating. You can enhance the effect with carrot juice and plantain decoction.


When preparing the listed mixtures and solutions, you will need to follow the rules.

  1. Honey for gastritis and ulcers should be natural, it is advisable to use linden honey; if not available, flower or buckwheat honey will do.
  2. The prepared mixtures must be stored in the refrigerator in closed packaging, otherwise the beneficial properties will become significantly lower.
  3. Aloe. You should take leaves that are 5 years old, or at least 3 years old. Keep the cut leaves in the refrigerator before cooking. The juice will accumulate more healing substances.
  4. Herbs are bought at the pharmacy.
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