What medications are there to reduce stomach acidity?

People often take their body for granted, so they usually don’t think about how complex metabolic processes take place inside each of us. But sometimes there come moments when attention completely switches, for example, to our stomach, or rather, our stomach. Unpleasant sensations can manifest as pain, cramps, sour belching, and all these symptoms indicate increased stomach acidity. How to treat this situation and what medications are available to reduce stomach acidity.

When there is increased acidity in the stomach

The acidity of gastric juice increases in various pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract

The stomach is a complex organ that consists of cells with different purposes, and also has its own nervous regulation and blood supply. When all these components interact harmoniously, then no problems with digestion arise. But problems at different levels of gastric organization ultimately lead to the same symptoms.

Only a qualified specialist can tell where the “breakdown” occurred. Hence the recommended prescription of drugs. To treat high acidity, it is necessary to prescribe a drug aimed at the cause of high acidity.

General information about drugs that reduce stomach acidity

There are many drugs that reduce acidity

Drugs to reduce stomach acidity can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Proton pump inhibitors.
  2. Histamine H2 receptor blockers.
  3. M-anticholinergics.
  4. Antacids.
  5. Gastroprotectors.
  6. Antibacterial agents.
  7. Sedatives.
  8. Drugs that enhance gastric motility.

The main effect of the first three groups of drugs is a decrease in the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The only difference is through which way the acid secretion decreases. Directly to the proton pump or indirectly through receptors. That is, they prevent the production of excess acid.

Antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid that has already been produced.

Gastroprotectors create a protective coating on the surface of the irritated mucosa, which makes it less sensitive to acid.

Antibacterial agents are effective and advisable only if there is a bacteria in the stomach that provokes excess production of hydrochloric acid. That is, if the main cause of high acidity is a bacterium, then by removing it a person will remove the high acidity.

Oddly enough, sedatives can also become, to some extent, a cure for high acidity. This is due to the fact that excessive nervous tension can provoke an increase in acidity.

How to reduce stomach acidity? We choose drugs, compare prices

Antacids are a group of drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Many of them also protect the gastric mucosa from the adverse effects of acid, enzymes, and bile acids.

These drugs are used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux and other acid-related diseases. These drugs act quickly, but the effect does not last long.

Aluminum hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide "Almagel" (price about 105 rubles), (tablets No. 6 - about 23 rubles), (in pharmacies it costs about 70 rubles), manufacturer: Natur Produkt, "Maalox" (1 sachet - about 15 rubles) , manufacturer: Sanofi-aventis. Magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide have enveloping and antacid effects. They begin to act 5-10 minutes after administration.

Aluminum hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide + anesthetic “Almagel A” (about 115 rubles), manufacturer: Actavis. In addition to the enveloping and antacid effect, this drug also has an analgesic effect. In pharmacies it costs about 115 rubles.

Calcium carbonate + magnesium carbonate “Rennie” (12 tablets - about 85 rubles), manufacturer: Bayer. Calcium and magnesium carbonates quickly and permanently neutralize hydrochloric acid, thereby protecting the gastric mucosa.

Sodium alginate + sodium bicarbonate + calcium carbonate "Gaviscon" tablets (80 rubles) and oral suspension (210 rubles), manufacturer: Reckitt Benckiser. When taken orally, the drug interacts with the acidic contents of the stomach and forms an alginate gel. The drug not only neutralizes hydrochloric acid, but also forms a protective barrier that prevents the formation of gastroesophageal reflux.

Aluminum phosphate "Phosphalugel" (1 sachet - 12 rubles), manufacturer: Astellas. This antacid drug neutralizes acid, coats the stomach, and reduces the activity of pepsin. In addition, the drug adsorbs gases, toxins and microorganisms throughout the digestive tract.

Hydrotalcite "Rutacid" (20 tablets - 85 rubles), (currently not in pharmacies), manufacturer: Alkaloida. Due to the gradual release of aluminum and magnesium ions, rapid and long-lasting neutralization of hydrochloric acid is ensured. In addition, the drug reduces the activity of pepsin and binds bile acids.

Tripotassium bismuth dicitrate De-nol (8 tablets - approximately 62 rubles), manufacturer: Astellas Under the influence of gastric juice, the active ingredient of the drug forms insoluble bismuth oxychloride and citrate, which form a protective film on the gastric mucosa. The drug increases the resistance of the gastric mucosa to the action of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, and stimulates the production of bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acid. In addition, this drug has bactericidal activity against Helicobacter pylori.

Simaldrate Gelusil-varnish (40 tablets - about 130 rubles), manufacturer: Hemofarm Neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid, has an enveloping and adsorbing effect, thereby protecting the gastric mucosa from the action of pepsin, hydrochloric acid, and bile acids.

Bismuth nitrate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, calamus rhizome extract, buckthorn bark extract. Vikalin, manufacturer: Akrikhin The drug has an antacid, laxative, and antispasmodic effect. Bismuth nitrate forms a protective film on the gastric mucosa and also fights Helicobacter pylori.

Sucralfate Venter (100 tablets - about 240 rubles), manufacturer: KRKA The drug is used for peptic ulcers. Interacting with proteins of dying mucosal tissues, it forms a protective film that protects the mucous membrane from the effects of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and bile acids.

Before taking the drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

© DoctorPeter

What medications are suitable during pregnancy

Pregnant women often complain of increased stomach acidity

Everything related to pregnancy and pregnant women is always a sensitive issue, especially in relation to any substances. Any medications must be prescribed by a doctor. And the usual reason for prescribing a drug is if the risk to the mother's health from the disease outweighs the harm the drug could cause to the fetus. Therefore, they try to solve the situation with high acidity by adjusting the diet.

However, your doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations, which are usually a biological product rather than a chemical compound.

Foods and drinks that affect stomach acidity

Since high acidity is characteristic of the stomach, the purpose of which is to digest food, you need to think about which foods and liquids should be taken, and which ones should be avoided or better removed from the diet altogether.

If a person has an exacerbation, then it is necessary to change the diet for some time, and if the increased acidity is permanent, then this is the way to follow a diet all the time.

What to give up

Prohibited Products

However, there are general nutritional rules for people with high acidity:

  1. It is necessary to remove any products that increase the acidity of the stomach - coffee and strong tea, as these drinks contain caffeine. And caffeine is a substance that increases acidity.
  2. You should avoid alcohol, as the ethanol in its composition causes an irritant effect on the stomach, which causes a reflex increase in acidity.
  3. If you have heartburn, it is better to avoid any juices, especially freshly squeezed ones, since fruits and vegetables contain fruit acids, which are a provoking factor for the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  4. In this regard, it is worth giving up unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Since they contain not only fruit acids, but also coarse dietary fiber, which will put a lot of strain on an already irritated stomach.

You might think that the list is too demanding, but this is not surprising, because the stomach reacts to everything that gets into it - this is the purpose of the stomach - to process what gets into it.

But there is a difference, the stomach reacts to foods differently - to some more strongly, these foods are listed above. And some less. A person’s task is to eat foods with the most neutral effect on the stomach.

What can you eat if you have high stomach acidity?

It is recommended to eat cereals, low-fat soups, mashed potatoes

If a person has a high stage of exacerbation, then he should limit himself to well-cooked porridges, such as semolina and oatmeal, without added sugar, but doctors allow porridge with milk and dried bread.

If the exacerbation is not very severe, then you can eat low-fat foods, without spices, for example, mashed potatoes, light soups, lean chicken and fish. In a word, such a menu can be called dietary.

What to do if you have high stomach acidity


Increased stomach is a very unpleasant ailment that affects many people. In particular, its exacerbation or onset is provoked by poor nutrition. In this article we will talk about how to reduce high stomach , how to eat and what to avoid.

Causes of high acidity

One of the main reasons for increased stomach is poor nutrition. Stomach acidity can be caused by carbonated, sweetened drinks, smoked foods, various sauces, fried foods, some citrus fruits, chocolate, mint, alcohol, and smoking. Therefore, you should think about your diet if you feel that your acidity is starting to increase at least a little. Poor diet weakens the valve at the bottom of the esophagus , causing stomach acid levels to rise.

Increased stomach can also be caused by various diseases - diabetes , excess weight, stomach ulcers . These diseases also develop mainly due to an unbalanced diet. Frequent stress can also cause increased stomach .

Symptoms of high stomach acidity

With increased stomach , certain symptoms occur. There may be a burning sensation, pain, and acidity in the mouth . Sometimes it can even be a dry cough. Particular attention should be paid if you do not have a cold, but the cough constantly torments you, especially at night, when lying down.

If you experience even the slightest symptoms, it's important to take action because, over time, rising stomach acid can cause sores, worsen your mouth, and damage your teeth . Without changing anything in your daily routine and allowing the disease to grow, the condition only gets worse. It feels like something is constantly burning in my mouth And this is a very unpleasant and upsetting feeling. Some may not even fall asleep because of this.

Of course, there are medications that help reduce acidity or sometimes relieve symptoms. But the most important thing is to change your lifestyle, habits, diet , and give up bad habits.

What to do and what to eat if you have high stomach acidity?

To prevent acid from rising or not arising at all, this unpleasant sensation must first be started with a diet .

  • Excessively fatty, spicy foods, unhealthy snacks, processed foods, and alcohol should be avoided.
  • You should also not eat salted, smoked foods, canned food, chocolate or products made from it.
  • Among vegetables, garlic, onions, radishes, cucumbers, and horseradish should be avoided. Avoid pepper.
  • Acidity can also be caused by ice cream or cold drinks.
  • Avoid fatty meats, fried meats, sour fruits and berries.
  • You should also avoid coffee and all products containing caffeine.
  • You can eat crackers, chicken, beef, lean pork, boiled or stewed fish, and omelet. Use pure unrefined olive oil for cooking.
  • It is better to cook vegetables. You can eat boiled potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and beets. You can also include spinach, cucumbers, and salads in your diet. Fruits include avocado, watermelon, bananas, papaya, melon, and baked apples.
  • You can eat different nuts - pistachios, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, sesame seeds.

Tightening the diet should take at least a month, and some other foods can be added gradually after improvement. The main thing is to take your time and monitor your well-being. You should try to introduce a diet and eat every 3 hours, but not much. If you are overweight, you should try to lose it, this will also help improve your well-being. Eat only while sitting, do not lie down after eating. In the evening, the last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

Well, if you don't have such problems, try to avoid them and start eating right!

Published in Gastroentorology Premium Clinic

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