Apple for gastritis: can you eat it and in what form, dietary recipes

Are apples allowed for gastritis?

Raw fruits normalize the acid-base balance and accelerate the transformation of fats and organic acids.
They retain their beneficial properties when baked. Minerals do not decompose after heat treatment. But fiber changes its structure and is easily digested without damaging the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Benefits of apples for gastritis:

  1. They have an antioxidant effect. Pectins in the composition trap toxins and free radicals, envelop them, which stimulates removal naturally.
  2. Cleansing properties prevent the development of oncological processes. If gastritis is not treated, deep erosions will form. Peptic ulcer disease is one of the causes of the development of oncological processes.
  3. B vitamins in the composition soothe and help get rid of increased nervousness and excitability.
  4. Regular consumption improves immunity.

Baked apples retain all these properties.
They satisfy cravings for sweets and accelerate the absorption of protein. To do this, the pulp is mixed with dairy and fermented milk products. But there are also contraindications for expanding the daily menu with fruits - this is the acute stage of gastritis, pancreatitis and peptic ulcers. When severe pain disappears, they can be consumed again, but only after heat treatment.

If you have gastrointestinal diseases, you should not eat apples with their seeds. They contain hydrocyanic acid.

It does not pose a danger to a healthy person, but it is intensely absorbed into the irritated mucous membrane, which can cause intoxication.

Benefits for digestion

The fruit contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, with a predominance of the B complex, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, manganese.

Apples contain many vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it contains pectin, fruit acids and a small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. All these substances normalize digestion, increase the speed of peristalsis, prevent constipation, and accelerate the cleansing of the body from toxins and waste.

In addition, with regular use, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, age-related changes slow down, and the heart rate stabilizes.

Features of use for acute gastritis

If the disease is in its initial stage, then no fruits should be included in the daily menu for the first few days. When the severe painful sensations disappear (on average, this happens within 2-3 days), the patient is allowed to:

  • slimy soups;
  • chopped lean meat or fish;
  • egg white omelet;
  • ground porridge or vermicelli.

On days 5-6, it is allowed to add fruits after heat treatment, for example apple jelly or baked ones. They should be eaten in small quantities, after being cooled to +38…+45°C. Hot dishes, like cold ones, irritate the inflamed mucous membrane and can aggravate the condition.

Is it possible for erosive gastritis?

Nutritional habits depend on the form and stage of the disease. At the initial stage after an exacerbation, it is necessary to exclude all foods that irritate the injured mucous membrane, stop the secretory function as much as possible and reduce the food load. On days 5-6, you can add sweet fruits to the daily menu by making compote or jelly from them.

For erosive gastritis, you can cook compote from fruits.

High acidity and apples

Recommended varieties are sweet: Jonathan, Candy, Richard, Golden Delicious, Lungwort. If there is a waxy coating on the skin, it must be carefully removed with a brush or soft cloth. Then the peel is washed with boiled water and the fruit is baked - whole or in pieces. With regular use, acidity decreases.

Beneficial features

Apples contain a large amount of fiber and pectin fibers. The fruit plays the role of a “brush” for the intestines - it gently cleanses, removes toxins, and stimulates peristalsis. The vitamin composition of the product is varied:

  • a large amount of ascorbic acid and beta-carotene gives the fruit valuable antioxidant properties;
  • B vitamins from B 1 to B 9 regulate metabolism, strengthen muscles and joints, stimulate the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  • Vitamin PP is involved in hematopoiesis and metabolic processes.

The presence of trace elements in apples helps prevent atherosclerosis, oncology, heart disease, and intestinal problems. Fruits contain calcium and potassium, phosphorus and molybdenum, magnesium and sodium.

Interesting! The presence of iron in apple is controversial. Some modern researchers claim that there is no iron in apple fruits at all. During Soviet times, doctors recommended apples to treat anemia, and this was not without meaning. The fact is that iron is not absorbed in the body without the presence of vitamin C. And since there is a lot of it in an apple, the product is a catalyst for the absorption of iron obtained from other foods and in the form of medicines.

The low calorie content of the fruit - 47 kcal per 100 grams - makes it an indispensable ingredient in various weight loss diets.

What form do you eat apples for gastritis?

Regardless of the form and stage of the disease, all fruits must not only be washed, but also peeled. The fiber in the skin is not destroyed even after heat treatment and can injure the inflamed mucosa.

Freshly squeezed apple juice

This drink is introduced into the daily menu only for gastritis with low acidity, 7-8 days after an exacerbation. Stimulation of secretory function accelerates digestion, prevents the formation of stagnant processes, which promotes rapid healing of the mucous membrane.

Freshly squeezed apple juice is administered 7-8 days after an exacerbation.


The drink can be brewed from fresh fruits or dried fruits. It is better to sweeten it not with sugar, but with honey, after cooling it to +30...+36°C in order to preserve the mineral complex.


This universal dish is included in all therapeutic diets for gastrointestinal diseases. Protects damaged mucous membranes, improves digestion, and replenishes the reserve of nutrients. It is served as a dessert, as a snack, for an afternoon snack or for a second breakfast.

Apple vinegar

In case of exacerbation or increased acidity, it is better to refuse such a dressing. And if it is low, use it to stimulate secretory functions from 7-10 days after the pain has been eliminated. Add to drinks, salads, main courses.

In case of exacerbation, apple cider vinegar should be avoided.

Fruit puree

If this is a homemade product, then if the mucous membrane is inflamed, it is better to discard it.
It is not recommended to include canned food in the diet. The pulp of lightly stewed sweet fresh fruits can be eaten in case of hyperacid form of pathology, and sour ones - in hypoacid form, but only on the 6-8th day, not earlier. In the first case, in order to reduce the aggressive effect, low-fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt without additives is used for dressing.

Fresh apples

Sour fruit for gastritis with reduced secretory function in remission is a good start to the day.
It is recommended to choose the Antonovka variety. At normal and elevated levels, sweet fruits are eaten as dessert, 30-40 minutes after the main meal. You need to be careful when choosing apples - even if they begin to rot slightly, they will no longer be useful. The most dangerous are the rotten ones. Even if you cut off the problem area, spores of pathogenic fungi can get on the juicy ripe pulp.

One is enough to provoke a disruption of the digestive process, especially with reduced acidity.

Other dishes

To expand your diet, you can cook from apples:

  • jelly;
  • desserts - jelly, marmalade, marshmallows;
  • filling for baking - charlotte, sponge cake, unleavened dough pies;
  • fruit salads.

To expand your diet, you can make jelly.

You can add sweet pilaf to your daily menu, a national dish of oriental cuisine. Only the fruits should first be peeled and pitted, and the cereals - rice or millet - should be steamed so that they disintegrate.

Benefits for the body

Let's figure out why these fruits are useful:

  • improve the secretory function of the stomach;
  • the pectin they contain speeds up metabolism;
  • normalize intestinal function, relieve constipation;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • prevent the occurrence of cancer;
  • contain a large number of useful elements (fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium) and vitamins (A, B, C, H, PP).

In addition, regular consumption of apples is good for the heart, protects the brain from aging, and prevents the appearance of cholelithiasis.

Apples are not only allowed for gastrointestinal diseases, but are also recommended by experts.

Baked apples for gastrointestinal diseases

Baked fruits are a necessary component of a therapeutic diet. Eating baked apples with high stomach acidity has a beneficial effect on the general condition and reduces the risk of developing the disease.

After baking, the hard skin softens, and the fruit is much easier to digest. Due to this fact, these are recommended even in the acute phase of the disease.

Gastroenterologists advise including baked fruits in the menu for ulcers and pancreatitis, as they improve digestion and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, apples should not be consumed on an empty stomach if you have a stomach and duodenal ulcer, as they can cause fermentation in the stomach and increase acidity. And it’s better to avoid raw ones altogether.

How to choose a variety of apples for gastritis

Sweet varieties - for high acidity and after an exacerbation.
In addition to those already mentioned, the following are suitable: Candy mint, Korobovka, Arkad, Mironchik, Scarlet Passion, Cypress. In case of reduced secretion and the disease is in remission, preference is given to Bessemyanka, White Fill, Glory to the Winners, Gloucester, Pepin Saffron. If you don’t have your own garden, it’s better to buy local fruits. It is advisable to ask to cut it. A high-quality ripe fruit has dense, veinless flesh and brown seeds.

Imported apples with shiny skin are treated with special products that increase shelf life. If possible, you need to pay attention to the packaging date on the box. If pre-sale preparation took place 2-3 months before purchase, then it is enough to remove the skin - the chemicals have not yet been absorbed into the pulp. Longer - it’s better to refuse the purchase.

Cooking the “correct” compote

To prepare a healthy drink, use a glass of dried fruit mixture for every 2 liters of water. Place pears and apples into the compote first, after 20 minutes all other dried fruits. In order for the compote to have beneficial properties, you need to prepare it as described below.

Cooking technology

  • Wash dried fruits thoroughly and soak for 30 minutes in cold water, let them swell a little.
  • Boil water with sugar.
  • If you use sweet dried fruits, you don’t need to add sugar.
  • Place dried fruits in boiling sweet water and after boiling, reduce the heat.
  • Cook for 30 minutes.
  • After preparing the compote, cool well and remove the boiled dried fruits.

If you have gastritis, drink the compote warm; hot and cold drinks can cause inflammation.

How often can you eat apple dishes?

Fruits can be included in a therapeutic diet every day. In the remission stage, you are allowed to consume 2-3 fruits per day, preferably in the morning. They are better digested, increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid. In the evening, they can cause bloating and flatulence. Overuse can cause pain even in healthy people.

Apples for gastritis can be eaten every day.
It is necessary to take into account the aggressive effect of acids not only on the gastric mucosa, but also on tooth enamel. If you drink juice, it is better to serve it with a straw.

You need to know about this

The harmful properties of apples include the ability to destroy tooth enamel due to the high content of organic acids. However, if you rinse your mouth after eating apples, the enamel will not be destroyed. These same organic acids can cause exacerbation in a patient with gastritis or ulcers, because they are stimulants for parietal cells.

You should be careful when buying apples; it is better to choose domestic, regionalized varieties. Imported products are treated with chemicals for better storage, transportation and attractive appearance.

A huge red or green apple of ideal proportions can be harmful instead of beneficial and cause food poisoning. Therefore, our native fruits from our grandmother’s garden are much healthier than imported fruits.

Now let’s decide which varieties can be consumed by a patient with gastritis, and which ones it is better not to be tempted by. An important criterion for choosing products for gastritis is the acidity of the gastric contents.

Dietary apple recipes

The opinion that the therapeutic diet is half-starvation, because... it is based on healthy and tasteless products, incorrect. If you are not lazy and cook, the food will turn out delicious. The simplest ingredients, with proper heat treatment, turn into delicious dishes.

Compote of apples and dried fruits

For gastrointestinal diseases after the acute stage, boil 3-4 apples and 300-400 g of dried fruits in 5 liters of water - to your own taste.
It is better to take a mixture of prunes, raisins and dried apricots. Fresh fruits are peeled and seeds removed. Cut into slices. Bring the water to a boil, add the dried fruits, and cook for 15 minutes. Add apples and cook for another 10 minutes. Before serving, if the drink turns out to be sour, it is sweetened with honey.

Baked apples

This simple recipe can be prepared in the microwave, slow cooker and oven. In order to remove the core, the fruit is cut in half and removed by making a funnel-shaped depression with a knife. Add a little honey or sugar to the center and place in a mold or on a baking sheet.

Baked apples are baked in the oven at +180-200°C.

Baking time in the microwave at full power is 3-5 minutes, in the oven at +180-200°C - 10-15 minutes. The time is adjusted depending on the size of the fetus. To prevent it from burning, cover the top with foil. A golden brown crust is not needed for gastritis. You need to eat it with a spoon, without peeling.

Another healthy breakfast option for gastrointestinal diseases is cottage cheese and fruit casserole. The cottage cheese is ground with a small amount of sour cream and a pinch of sugar, and the already prepared fruits are filled.

You can fill apple molds with boiled oatmeal mixed with raisins, steamed flakes, and ground dried fruits - dried apricots and raisins.

In all cases, the temperature and baking principle are the same as already described.


This gentle dish can be prepared very quickly. Before heat treatment, the fruit is peeled, cored and cut into small pieces. They are boiled, baked, spread out for 5-10 minutes on a baking sheet in the oven preheated to +180-200°C, or in the microwave for 3 minutes. Then the pulp is kneaded. Before serving, the finished puree is seasoned with cream, low-fat sour cream, honey or yogurt.

Apple jelly

The starch in the composition reduces the aggressive effect of fruit acids on the mucous membrane.

Starch reduces the effects of acids on the stomach.

For preparation you will need:

  • 50 g sugar;
  • 1.5-3 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 4-6 apples;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

The fruits are cleaned, seeds removed and cut into pieces. The liquid is brought to a boil, the pieces are lowered, and boiled until tender. Take them out with a slotted spoon and grind them into a puree with a little sugar. Separately, dilute starch in cool water - 3-4 tbsp. l. Place the puree back into the pan, pour in the starch solution and, stirring, bring to a boil. Cool before serving. During this time the jelly will thicken.

Homemade marshmallow

This dessert is allowed for gastrointestinal diseases, regardless of the secretory function of the stomach.
You can adjust the taste yourself by choosing suitable varieties of apples with a high pectin content, reducing or increasing the amount of sweetener. Ingredients:

  • 0.8 kg Antonovka or Semerenko;
  • 170 g sugar;
  • 1 egg white.

Homemade marshmallows are allowed for gastrointestinal diseases.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The apples are washed and, without peeling, baked in the oven at +180°C, on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Readiness is determined by the peel - it should wrinkle.
  2. The pulp is scraped out with a spoon, removing the seeds. If there is time, rub it through a sieve.
  3. Mix with sugar in a blender.
  4. Next, beat with a mixer, adding protein, until the mass becomes airy and turns white.
  5. The oven is heated to +70-80°C. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, spread the paste onto the sheet in an even layer 1.5 cm thick.

Dry for 5-7 hours with the oven door slightly open. The dried marshmallow is left for 12 hours to cool completely. Then cut into pieces. Before serving, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Everyone can eat!

You don’t have to think about acidity and allow yourself a few fruits for an afternoon snack if you prepare baked apples. This simple manipulation makes the consistency of the fruit soft and tender - the stomach does not have to produce “additional” acid to digest the fruit.

Baked apples recipe

Baked apples are very easy to make. Wash the fruits, remove the core with seeds with a sharp knife, you will get an improvised “funnel”, inside which the filling is placed. Afterwards, the fruits are placed in the oven and baked for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Filling options:

  1. Honey. A good filling option, but it loses its beneficial properties during heat treatment.
  2. Sugar is sand . To fill the apple you will need a teaspoon.
  3. Cottage cheese. To make the filling, puree the cottage cheese and add a little sugar. You can vary the recipe by mixing cottage cheese with nut crumbs, cinnamon, cocoa and other additives.

For aggressive forms of gastritis, only apples baked with sugar are suitable. Other fillings should not be used.

Just like baked fruits, pureed fruits are not contraindicated. Sweet compotes, jams and preserves are allowed only in remission of the disease with normal acidity.

Traditional methods of treatment

In order to cure gastritis on your own, it is enough to remember a few folk recipes for preparing dishes from these fruits. If you use them regularly, you can get rid of this pathology in a short time.

Fresh apple paste

To prepare the gruel you will need:

  • two fresh apples;
  • 2-3 teaspoons of boiled water.

From two apples and water you can prepare a paste that is easily digestible by the stomach

Features of preparation and use:

  • apples are washed from dirt;
  • fruits are peeled;
  • the pulp is ground on a grater with a fine grid;
  • the resulting slurry is diluted with water and stirred;
  • The gruel should be eaten in the morning;
  • After using it, it is better not to eat or drink for several hours.

If desired, apple pulp can be mixed with oatmeal. As a result, you can get a complete breakfast that will help saturate the body and, at the same time, normalize the functioning of the digestive system. You should eat this porridge for a month.

Apple can be added to oatmeal

Drink made from vinegar and honey

To prepare this drink you will need the following components:

  • apple vinegar – 1 spoon;
  • natural honey – 1 spoon;
  • Warm boiled water – 1 glass.

All components are mixed. The finished drink should be divided into two servings. You should drink it twice a day before meals, one serving. Treatment of gastritis with apples is a rather complex process, during which it is important to observe the correct consumption of these fruits. The main thing to remember is that when acidity is high, it is better to give preference to sweet varieties, and when acidity is low, on the contrary, sour varieties. In addition, it is advisable to use them as part of various dishes, make juices, purees from them, and add them to cereals.

You will learn how to use apples to treat gastritis, as well as recipes for other folk remedies for stomach inflammation, from the video:

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