What does BDSM mean? What is its essence and what do they do there?

BDSM is a topic that not so long ago made a splash, and even caused disgust and fear in some. But life does not stand still, and now many have learned that fetishism and sadomasochism are secret fantasies that creep into the heads of many people.

Previously, popular culture presented Kink to us as some kind of mental disorder. People were afraid of their own desires. What’s more, religion and traditions presented us with sex exclusively as a method of reproduction. No more. But the 21st century came, a lot of research was carried out and scientists proved that BDSM is not just normal and not harmful, but even good for health.

But what is BDSM? And how do you know if his techniques are suitable for a certain person who has never come into contact with this topic? In this article we will look at the types, methods, influence, benefits, dangers and best tips regarding BDSM.

BDSM - what is it?i

The full name of BDSM is BDDSSM and means Bondage, Discipline, Domination, Sadism, Submission, Masochism. BDSM is a set of special sexual practices that are based primarily on dominance and include bondage, sadomasochism and submission. These methods involve two (or more) participants taking on certain roles and performing them. One of the “players” will dominate, and the second will submit. It is not uncommon to have special sex toys and pain in the process.

Some may consider such games to be a perversion. But judging by research and statistics, many people like the idea of ​​BDSM and are ready to introduce it into their family life or intimate life with a significant other.


Today, medicine uses several fairly effective methods for diagnosing BDS diseases. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Endoscopic ultrasonography is a technique in which an optical device, an endoscope, is used to study the structure of the BDS. A photo of the papilla taken during a similar study is shown above.

Transabdominal ultrasonography is a screening method of examination using ultrasound, which allows one to very accurately identify structural changes in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and ducts. In addition, the technique determines the homogeneity of the gallbladder cavity and its contractility, the presence/absence of intracavitary inclusions.

The next method for diagnosing BDS pathologies is ultrasound cholecystography - a manipulation that examines the motor-evacuation function of the gallbladder within two hours from the moment of taking a choleretic breakfast.

Dynamic hepatobiliscintigraphy is a procedure based on the assessment of the absorption and excretion function of the liver. Fractional chromatic duodenal sounding allows you to determine the tone of the gallbladder; colloidal stability of the hepatic bile fraction and its bacteriological composition. During gastroduodenoscopy, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract is assessed, as well as monitoring the nature of bile flow. In addition to these methods, there are computed tomography and laboratory diagnostics.

Types of BDSM2

BDSM includes:

  • Dominance/submission;
  • Bondage, tying up;
  • Role-playing games;
  • Wax (for example, drip wax from an aroma candle onto the body);
  • Spanking, hitting, flagellation;
  • Sadism/masochism;
  • Moral humiliation;
  • Etc.

Any actions are performed only with mutual desire, both partners receive equal pleasure in the process.

Special attention should be paid to safety precautions. Since BDSM includes dangerous moments, for example, moral and physical humiliation, the practice requires that participants discuss a safe word in advance.

A safe word or safety word is a specially specified word or phrase that obliges the “top” or dominant to reduce the intensity of actions or stop them completely. It would seem, why? You can simply say “stop” or “it hurts.” Is it really not clear from the man that he wants to finish this game? But the fact is that BDSM generally involves submission, pain, and sometimes resistance.

That is, if the submissive begins to squirm, struggle, beg for mercy, etc. – this only excites both participants even more, there is nothing unusual in this. In order to stop the practice, one special word is invented in advance, and it obliges one to stop the sadomasochistic game.


A benign tumor of the major duodenal papilla is not always a threat to the life and health of the patient. But the disease requires immediate treatment.

Lack of therapy will lead to bleeding and severe pain. But the most dangerous consequence is the degeneration of the neoplasm into cancer. This creates a risk of death.

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A malignant tumor can metastasize to neighboring and distant organs.

How to practice3

Where can you start in BDSM?

In addition to complex and sophisticated techniques, you can also find easy and simple practices in BDSM. Beginners will be able to try them on themselves and understand how dominance and submission techniques suit them, as well as experiment with their other halves. So, first you can try:

  • Hair pulling (when a partner's hair is pulled forcefully);
  • Role-playing games;
  • Tying with a tie or scarf;
  • Blindfolding;
  • Spanking or light spanking.

The entire process must be discussed in advance. Both sides need to understand what awaits them. It is necessary to take all precautions, because sometimes games can be traumatic.

Clinical picture

It is almost impossible to establish adenoma of the BDS in the early stages of pathological development. Diagnosis is carried out randomly during instrumental studies for other diseases.

As the tumor develops, symptoms similar to gastritis and ulcers appear. Patients experience yellowness of the skin, aching or stabbing pain.

When the adenoma reaches a significant size, the pain intensifies and becomes constant. Symptoms include fever, nausea and vomiting.

The severe course of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool and diarrhea. If such signs appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The influence of BDSM on a person4

Not long ago, scientists conducted a study on the impact of BDSM on human life and health. The reader may be surprised, but they found that the practices of dominance and humiliation can have a beneficial effect on the condition and bring a number of health benefits to partners.

Scientists have studied the personality traits of those people who prefer BDSM methods. Contrary to public misconceptions, they are much better able to adapt to circumstances, have a strong will and resistance to stress.

Those who were in the BDSM group:

  • Feel more confident in your relationship with your partner;
  • Possessed a sense of satisfaction from life;
  • We tried to act honestly towards others;
  • Were more sociable;
  • Were more open to new experiences;
  • They experienced decreased anxiety;
  • They depended less on public opinion.

Forms of BDS stenosis

Depending on the morphological characteristics, three forms of stenosis are distinguished:

  • inflammatory sclerotic stenosis is a pathology characterized by varying degrees of fibrosis;
  • fibrocystic stenosis - a disorder in which, along with the formation of fibrosis, small cysts are formed - sharply enlarged glands due to compression by muscle fibers;
  • adenomyomatous stenosis is a pathology in which adenomatous hyperplasia of the glands occurs, as well as hypertrophy of smooth muscle fibers and proliferation of fibrous fibers; the disorder very often occurs in older people.

In addition, cicatricial stenosis of the BDS is classified:

  • to primary,
  • secondary.

Primary stenosis does not cause changes in the bile ducts. The pathology is caused by degenerative changes in the papilla itself, which manifest themselves in atrophy of the muscle layer. Sometimes primary stenosis is a congenital pathology.

Secondary stenosis is a consequence of existing changes in the structure due to injury to the papilla by migration of stones or surgical intervention.

Depending on the extent of the spread of the disease, BDS stenosis is divided into:

  • on isolated,
  • common.

Stress Reduction5

S&M participants enter a special state of consciousness that can be compared to meditation, prayer, or the so-called “runner's high.” All of the above factors contribute to reducing stress levels. This occurs because the brain reduces the amount of cortisol entering the body.

Scientists claim that after a BDSM session, the level of “stress hormone” in the dominant party decreased. Cortisol, in addition to causing anxiety, can also affect health problems such as high blood pressure, suppressed immunity, and insulin resistance.

Some participants in such methods view BDSM as a spiritual practice.


It is difficult to determine the exact cause of the formation of BDK adenoma, since they have not been established by specialists.

It is believed that the provocateur of the development of benign formations is hormonal disorders. Also at risk are patients over 40 years of age. This is due to the fact that aging processes begin in the body and immunity decreases.

Excess weight, obesity, and poor nutrition can also be provoking factors. Drinking alcohol and smoking are of particular importance in the development of the disease. All substances that make up alcohol and tobacco smoke have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

It was noted that in the majority of patients with established adenoma of the major duodenal papilla, close relatives consulted a specialist for the treatment of benign neoplasms.

The research results made it possible to completely exclude such unfavorable factors as inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract and prostate adenoma.

Best Relationships6

In addition to all that has been said, participation in sadomasochistic practices helps bring partners closer together.

After scientists scanned the brains of the participants, they found that BDSM practices and the use of something new in pastels triggered the gray matter to produce dopamine and other feel-good chemicals.


Timely treatment will provide a favorable prognosis. Adenoma is a benign tumor and in rare cases degenerates into cancer.

But when tumor cells transform, the lack of therapy can lead to serious consequences, including death.

The prognosis for cancer development is determined based on the degree, stage and other features of the pathology. When metastases spread, it is often unfavorable.


The world of BDSM has its own distinctive features, rules and terminology. At the beginning, such an abundance of information may even seem daunting, but there are some recommendations that will help a beginner get started:

  • Communication is critical. All details should definitely be discussed in advance, and personal boundaries should be analyzed and approved in detail.
  • It's better to start with light BDSM practices. For example, from dirty talk or any role-playing games. This will help you better understand and study yourself and your partner.
  • It is worth preparing the place and equipment in advance. An outfit, aroma candles, new pastel linen - all this will help create the right mood.
  • None of the participants should be embarrassed to talk about things that do not suit them or cause discomfort. The meaning of BDSM is to provide pleasure.

Potential Pitfalls8

Although the process can bring incredible pleasure to some BDSM practitioners, it is important to remember that real-life methods are not suitable for everyone. It is quite normal that a person can get a thrill from thoughts and fantasies about dominance or submission, but in life such experiences will not suit him at all.

A great way to develop and learn new things in the field of BDSM is to read relevant literature, watch videos and share experiences with friends who have similar interests.

It is worth remembering that BDSM is not always a fun and safe way to have fun. For example, bondage or “pain games” can be really traumatic if measures are not taken in advance. So it's always worth thinking about the process before you start.

History of BDSM9

Popular culture has always portrayed BDSM (bondage, discipline, dominance, submission and sadomasochism) as a reckless, dangerous and unhealthy way of having sex. One of the most famous examples is the book (or movie) Fifty Shades of Gray. The main character, Christian Gray, appears to us as a man with a disturbed psyche, because as a child he was subject to sexual abuse. Unfortunately, for many people they are fetishists, sadomasochists, etc. They present themselves as dirty, sick-headed perverts.

Such misconceptions remained firmly in the minds of almost all people until the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was published in 2013. Before this, Kink was considered a mental disorder. Now the attitude towards fetishism and sadomasochism has changed, but people have always been drawn to adventurous sex. So this is not surprising.

In 2005, the Durex Global Sex Survey was conducted. Statistics showed that 36% of respondents admitted to using some form of dominance during lovemaking. Also in 1956, a Kinsey Institute study found that 50% of men and 55% of women enjoyed erotic stings.

In the modern world, adults may not be doing BDSM any more than before, but they are certainly discussing it a lot more now and trying out something new.

Norm or deviation?10

Sadomasochism is included in the list of mental disorders, and is included in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) as a disorder of sexual behavior. But that was before, and today numerous studies have shown that people who practice BDSM do not have severe mental disorders, or do not have them at all.

In 2006, large-scale studies were conducted to identify mental disorders in people who prefer rough sex. And as it became known, such people suffered no more than others from depression, anxiety, stress, and for the most part did not have psychological trauma associated with physical or mental violence.

That is, they are completely normal people, they are just not satisfied with ordinary sex. And yet, some differences have emerged from people who do not use BDSM: dominants have higher than average indicators of narcissism, and submissives have dissociative disorders.

In 2008, scientists decided to investigate whether addiction to BDSM was associated with past sexual or moral humiliation. But there were no results here either. As the study showed, BDSM is a common sexual interest, even a subculture, and most of its adherents have never been victims of violence and do not have problems with satisfaction in ordinary sex.

In 2013, it was again decided to conduct a study to determine the main psychological characteristics of people practicing BDSM. To do this, two control groups were used: people who practice BDSM and people who never practice it. What did you find out? The psychological portrait of BDSM adherents is as follows:

  • More open to communication and trying new things.
  • More relaxed.
  • Less susceptible to depression.
  • Higher self-esteem.
  • Less neurotic.
  • Have a greater sense of well-being.
  • Less compliant.

All of the above qualities were higher in dominants than in submissives.

There is only one conclusion: BDSM people are quite normal people in psychological terms. They do not have disorders that can be classified as diseases.

Classification of diseases BDS

Diseases of the major duodenal papilla are classified into two large groups:

  • primary,
  • secondary.

Primary diseases include those disorders that occur and are localized within the structure of the BDS - papillitis (inflammatory disease); spastic stenosis of the abdominal joint, which can later transform into papillosclerosis; age-related changes in BDS; congenital anomalies; benign and malignant neoplasms - lipomas, melanomas, fibromas, adenomas, polyps, papillomas.

Secondary diseases of the BDS are stenoses caused by cholelithiasis. The symptoms of the disease are directly related to the cause that caused it. So, if the pathological process is a consequence of a disease of the biliary system, the course of the disease will be similar to the signs of cholelithiasis - a pathology characterized by the formation of stones in the gall bladder or bile ducts, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium, flatulence, heartburn, and unstable stools.

There is a concept of combined stenoses - dysfunction of the abdominal joint, which arose against the background of a duodenal ulcer. In this case, there is a lack of BDS.

Advantages of BDSM11

We learned what BDSM means and examined the psychological portrait of adherents of the practice. Now we want to find out whether sadomasochism has any advantages, and data from other studies will help us with this.

BDSM practitioners are not left alone, and scientists around the world conduct research on them again and again, trying to understand whether such people suffer from psychological disorders. Long-term studies of different groups of people who use BDSM in their sexual life have shown that they suffer less from stress than others, their mood is better, and they get more pleasure from sex.

BDSM helps you get aroused faster and get more pleasure from sexual intercourse. Read more juicy details about BDSM in the article at the link.

The biggest discovery for scientists was the fact that during the use of BDSM, people enter a state of altered consciousness. That is, here is a strict boss in front of you, it would seem that nothing will get through him. But during sexual arousal when using BDSM, he becomes compliant, ready and willing to obey, and he himself feels it.

As soon as he gets satisfaction, he again becomes the same strict uncle! And vice versa, a very modest-looking person, the so-called “gray mouse,” when using BDSM, turns into a self-confident dominant who is capable of subjugating.

Yes, that's exactly how BDSM works. It doesn’t happen that a strict boss remains a master, and an insecure girl remains a submissive (as shown in the film about shades of gray). On the contrary, having given orders at work, the boss wants to obey, and the one who is constantly being spanked begins to dominate in bed, wanting to humiliate.

It is worth noting another advantage of BDSM - sexual diversity. Surely, every couple has faced the problem of monotony, when it becomes difficult to enjoy sex. Many people start to “take a walk”, trying to find variety on the side.

But there are couples who decide to bring this very variety into their lives without going “to the left” and decide on role-playing games and the first BDSM experience (subordinate and boss, policeman and detainee - all this is BDSM, because one subjugates and dominates, and the other submits, and all this is on a voluntary basis). BDSM is a practice that has been able to save many marriages, and this is its main advantage!

BDS pathologies

Diseases of the major duodenal papilla are very diverse. With the development of modern diagnostic methods, conclusions about functional disorders in this structure are much more common than previously thought. However, due to untimely and rather difficult diagnosis, medical practice is often faced with a huge number of unsatisfactory results in the treatment of patients with cholelithiasis or pancreatitis, which developed against the background of disorders in the structure of the obstructive system.

Tumor-like neoplasms are considered a common pathology of BDS - hyperplastic polyps account for up to 87% of benign neoplasms. Polyps, as a rule, do not degenerate into malignant tissue. Adenomas are a rare disease; BDS cancer accounts for up to 25% of all malignant neoplasms. OBD stenosis is diagnosed in 4-40% of patients. As a rule, the pathologies of BDS are interrelated with cholelithiasis (GSD), which occurs in every tenth resident.

Should you try BDSM?12

Now the slippers will fly, and someone will say: “No, of course, this is a perversion!” But it’s worth being more honest with yourself. Leave the imposed moral principles and try for a moment to imagine yourself in the role of a master or a subordinate. Surely, many have experienced a slight excitement at the mere thought of this, and this is not at all surprising.

A person has sex not for reproduction, but for pleasure, so why not get the most of it? Role-playing games, toys from a sex shop, submission and dominance - all this variety in bed, which will help you get new sensations, previously unknown. When should you try BDSM?

  • A long-term marriage in which people no longer feel the need to make love. This phenomenon is widespread everywhere, it’s just that people are already tired of each other. Lack of sex leads to moral and physical dissatisfaction, quarrels begin, and simply everyday life becomes boring. To get a taste for life again, try BDSM.
  • Dissatisfaction with regular sex. Many people complain that sex does not satisfy them. This means it’s time not just to change the position, but the sexual act as a whole. As we have already found out, BDSM allows you to get more excited and get more pleasure from sex than with a normal act.
  • Stress and depression will go away if you use BDSM. Partners will be able to throw out negative energy during dominance and submission. By the way, it doesn’t matter who will be who – dominants and submissives equally get rid of negativity and get pleasure.

So what does BDSM mean? This is a normal sexual practice that almost all couples use (as confirmed by surveys). So, almost all people cannot have mental disabilities, which means classifying BDSM as a perversion is simply stupid.

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