Cookies for gastritis: what you can and what you can’t. Baking for gastritis

Cookies are not an essential product, but they are tasty and satisfying. Morning tea with cookies is a good ending to breakfast, it adds strength, gives the body a sufficient amount of carbohydrates that fill us with energy and mood.
Even overweight people can eat cookies in the first half of the day. Over the remaining day, it will be successfully digested and will not linger on the sides and waist. For gastritis and ulcers, cookies can also be eaten. But not everything and not at any time of the day. Let's find out which one and when.

Types of cookies

To answer the question posed, it is necessary to consider the main varieties of delicacies. The range of such products is large. The main types of baked goods include:

  • lingering;
  • butter, which is divided into shortbread, whipped, puff pastry;
  • sugar cookies

Such treats are not recommended for those on a strict diet. This is due to the composition of the cookies. It may contain fats due to excessive use of oil, a lot of sugar, causing harm to the stomach. Therefore, experts recommend excluding baked goods from your diet. Cookies “Baked milk”, “Jubilee” and so on are also prohibited.

Requirements for confectionery products

Cookies, cakes and other treats have long been classified as unhealthy foods. However, not all sweets are prohibited. Some types of cookies for gastritis may be allowed, and some may be beneficial. What should the treat be like?

  • the product must be dry;
  • cookies should not contain flavor enhancers, dyes and all kinds of preservatives;
  • It is not recommended to use solid oils;
  • You should exclude confectionery products with fillers, toppings and other additives from your diet.

Only a few types of baked goods meet these requirements. For gastritis, it is allowed to eat biscuits and oatmeal cookies.

Diet and lifestyle

When you have gastritis, you should focus on your own well-being. There are periods when some relaxation in the diet is allowed. Patients can eat light puddings without preservatives and dyes, lean gingerbreads, and yeast-free pies with filling. However, any malaise or feeling of heaviness in the stomach should be treated without being left to chance. Only in this way will there be a chance to regain a full-fledged lifestyle and the opportunity to eat what you want.

For a healthy stomach, it is necessary to develop the right habits of taste preferences. You should refuse food that does not bring any benefit to the body. Exercising, eating small portions, varied diet, observing food compatibility is the path to a long and healthy life.

Biscuits for gastritis

Biscuits for gastritis are included in the list of permitted products. After all, its preparation requires only water, premium wheat flour, salt and yeast. Only some recipes allow the use of sugar and butter. The fat content of the finished product should be no more than 18%.

The structure of biscuits is layered, dry and does not crumble. When preparing it, no preservatives or other fillers are added to the dough. Galette cookies have a long shelf life. This product is a dietary product and is suitable for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. However, with gastritis, such cookies can cause constipation and increase gas formation. Biscuits should be consumed in limited quantities. During the period of exacerbation of gastritis, the portion is reduced to 2 confectionery products per day.


According to the greatest expert on Russian cooking, V.V. Pokhlebkin, cookies are any small baked goods without the addition of yeast. The modern classification looks slightly different and divides all cookies into the following types:

  1. Sugar . Contains up to 27% sugar and up to 30% fat. For preparation, premium and first grade flour is used. Popular types are “Creamy”, “Milk”, “Checkerboard”.
  2. Lingering . In this type of baking, there is much less sugar and fat: almost 2 times. Popular brands are “Maria”, “Zoological”, “Croquet”. The composition contains margarine, other confectionery fats, sugar, melange, egg powder, whole or powdered milk.
  3. Butter . The largest and most diverse group. Only the highest grades of flour are used, and a lot of eggs, fats and sugar are also put into the dough. Divide butter cookies into the following types - shortbread, whipped, nut and croutons. Oatmeal cookies are also a type of baked product. Popular types are “Merringue”, “Almond”, “Chocolate”.

The composition of any type of cookie openly contradicts the principles of dietary nutrition. From the above list, only prolonged baking is suitable for patients with gastritis, but even this should not be abused. Let's try to find a compromise and talk about specific types of cookies.

Oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal cookies for gastritis are also allowed. When preparing it, wheat flour is replaced with oatmeal. It is worth considering that oats have a positive effect on the entire body. Such cookies will even be useful for gastritis. After all, it contains:

  • Enzymes similar in composition to natural substances produced by the pancreas. These compounds facilitate the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. This reduces the risk of irritation of the mucous membrane and congestion in the intestines.
  • Antioxidants and amino acids prevent the formation of cancer cells.
  • Cellulose. This component allows you to normalize stool. And this has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system.

In addition to the above, oatmeal has an enveloping effect. For gastritis, it is better to use cookies made from ground raw materials, since coarse fibers can harm the walls of the stomach.

Are all oatmeal cookies healthy?

Some baking with gastritis is generally prohibited. It is better to prepare oatmeal cookies yourself, since the product created under production conditions may contain components that are unacceptable for gastrointestinal diseases.

When purchasing a treat, you should pay special attention to the label. The product should not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, or sugar substitutes. It is recommended to use oatmeal cookies containing nuts and dried fruits with caution if you have gastritis. Such components can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Nuts are hard food for the stomach. As for dried apricots, raisins and prunes, they can increase acidity.

Cookies with condensed milk

The most useful cookies for gastritis are dry ones. It contains virtually no harmful components. But what if you want to enjoy a confectionery product with condensed milk? This dessert is popular due to its extraordinary taste. In addition, the product contains milk protein and calcium. If the cookies do not contain preservatives, dyes and other chemical compounds, then they can be consumed in small quantities for gastritis, but only during the period of remission. It is worth noting that condensed milk is a high-calorie product.

During the period of stable remission

If gastritis has not worsened for more than 6 months, and your secretory function is normal, you can allow yourself the following treats:

  • Long-lasting cookies “Maria” and “Crocket” . They still contain sugar and fat, but in smaller quantities than in sugar or butter varieties.
  • "Anniversary" . Sugar cookies that can successfully replace a pastry or cake. If the acidity is high or zero, it’s better not to risk it.
  • Cracker . Let's include here our own baked goods and biscuits. How to use is written above.
  • puff pastry, chocolate, or filled products even in the stage of stable remission. It can cause an aggravation.

Cookies with chocolate

If you have gastritis, it is dangerous to eat shortbread cookies or dry cookies in combination with chocolate. This may lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Chocolate is prohibited for any gastrointestinal disorders. After all, this product is high in fat. Chocolate is very poorly digestible. As a result of its use, the risk of irritation of the mucous membrane and deterioration of the patient’s condition increases.

In addition, chocolate often contains food additives, special flavors, and flavor enhancers. If you use such a product, you can provoke a resumption of complications.

Ice cream treat

According to gastroenterologists, cooling desserts have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in case of high acidity. However, it is worth considering that if you have gastritis, it is forbidden to consume too cold drinks and dishes. In addition, the composition of the product is of particular importance. Some manufacturers use milk substitutes, flavors, dyes and other chemical compounds to make ice cream. Such components can cause discomfort during gastritis, as well as provoke its exacerbation.

Cooking recommendations

Other recipes are also used. The main thing is that they do not contain margarine, chocolate, cocoa and other prohibited products. It all depends on the diagnosis. For example, if the acidity level is high, cookies and other sweets are strictly prohibited. You cannot add condensed milk or jam to recipes, these ingredients can cause heartburn. The large dose of sugar they contain increases stomach acidity. If you want to make baked goods with filling, it is recommended to use five-minute jam. When cooking it, sugar is not subjected to long-term heat treatment. This filling is included in pie recipes.

Sources: pechene.html /sladkoe-pri-gastrite/pechene-pri-gastrite/ html This material is purely subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/19/2020

Cookies with other additives

Cookies containing figs, prunes, and dried apricots are strictly prohibited for gastritis of any form. When choosing a treat, you should carefully study the composition.

Some cookies contain jam. This product can increase the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. And this leads to aggravation.

As for the honey filling, without additional additives it can benefit the body. Of course, there are nuances. Honey must be natural. This component has a positive effect on gastritis formations and ulcerative lesions. In addition, natural delicacies can calm the nervous system and speed up the healing process.

Is it possible to make cookies at home?

Experts recommend eating “Maria” cookies made according to GOST for gastritis. If necessary, it can be prepared. To do this you will need:

  • milk or water – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 10 ml;
  • white sugar – 20 g;
  • wheat flour – 110 g;
  • starch – 10 g;
  • soda – ½ tsp.

Dry ingredients must be sifted and mixed. In a separate container, combine sugar, butter and milk/water. The resulting mixtures should be combined in one container and knead the dough. The result should be a homogeneous and tight mass.

The dough must be rolled out into a layer 2 mm thick, folded, rolled out again, and then cut into cookies. You should make several punctures in the center of each piece and then place them on a baking sheet. It is recommended to bake cookies for half an hour at a temperature of 140˚C.

This delicacy, prepared at home, can be consumed for gastritis during remission. It will not provoke an exacerbation. In addition, wheat flour contains many substances beneficial to the body.

Determining the time of day

Considering that a patient with gastritis is recommended to eat fractional meals, we will determine at what hours you can afford to eat cookies.

Activation of the digestive system begins early, from 7 am. breakfast should take place between 7 and 9 o'clock . This can be any porridge prepared with milk or water, herbal tea or tea with milk. Cookies are very appropriate at this time; they are easy to digest, especially if you started the day with oatmeal.

If porridge is enough for you in the morning, you can eat cookies during the second breakfast , which should take place 2 - 3 hours after the first breakfast. Remember that the stomach of a person with gastritis should not be empty, otherwise he will “eat himself.” The optimal second breakfast is a glass of milk or herbal tea with cookies or crackers, allowed fruit. If you want to butter the cookies, be sure to drink a warm drink - a decoction of herbs, tea with milk.

The most active secretion of the stomach occurs during
lunch , from 12.30 to 13.30 hours.
This is already your third meal. The first course is important here, but cookies are also not contraindicated, at the end of the meal, of course. That's all. Afternoon time prohibits foods rich in carbohydrates. The afternoon snack should be fruit or milk, dinner should be vegetable or fish. After 21 hours, eating flour products is simply harmful - this is a direct road to obesity. A glass of milk or kefir at night is the best option to complete your daily diet.

This scheme is general; we analyzed nutrition from a physiological point of view. It is clear that with different forms of gastritis, adjustments need to be made, but the time frame of your diet looks exactly like this.

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