Eggs for pancreatitis in the chronic and acute stages

Pancreatitis is a serious pathology of the pancreas that requires complex and long-term treatment. And one of the main components of therapy is a therapeutic diet, without which a positive effect is almost impossible.

A diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas during an exacerbation will help relieve the main symptoms of the disease and stop its development, as well as prevent new relapses.

Nutrition at the beginning of an exacerbation

The course of chronic pancreatitis is characterized by alternating stages of exacerbation and remission. An exacerbation can occur when the nutritional system is disrupted and prohibited foods are consumed, when strong medications are taken for a long time, and for a number of other reasons.

The occurrence of an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • severe and sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, intensifying after a meal;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and severe vomiting;
  • the appearance of loose gray stools.

The disease may worsen immediately after a meal (especially in the evening). When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to switch to a strict therapeutic diet and start taking medications.

Food should be as simple, light and gentle as possible to reduce the load on the pancreas. Products should not contain animal fats, coarse fibers or fiber. In the very first two to three days of the onset of an exacerbation, you can only drink pure still water (preferably alkaline).

Gradually, the amount of water can be increased, and the diet can be replenished with liquid dishes (soups and pureed soups). Thus, alkali will lower the concentration of acid in the stomach and reduce inflammation, and liquid and semi-liquid food will prepare the gastrointestinal tract for the transition to a richer diet.

The effect of quail eggs on patients with pancreatic insufficiency

Quail eggs are the main product of medical tables No. 2 and No. 5.
Protein does not contain cholesterol, so it can be eaten raw or boiled. The body of this bird is protected from the effects of infections and parasites, unlike chicken. Quail meat and eggs are rich in phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A and B. In terms of benefits, it is superior to chicken offal. Doctors advise adding quail eggs to your diet for pancreatitis, gastric pathologies, diabetes and tuberculosis. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding need to add this product to their diet.

Restrictions on adding quail eggs to food are genetic fermentopathy, allergies, kidney pathologies and liver failure.

Otherwise, poultry protein is good for health, because it helps reduce inflammation and stabilize the functioning of the gallbladder. However, you should not abuse it, but add it to your diet according to the testimony of your doctor or nutritionist.

Approximate therapeutic nutrition during an exacerbation in an adult

The therapeutic diet at the stage of treatment of acute inflammation of internal organs may include the following dishes:

  • pureed cereal soups with water and vegetable broth;
  • puree soups with light fish or meat;
  • low-fat cheeses without seasonings;
  • drinks and desserts from fresh and dry fruits (except juices);
  • weak tea;
  • cutlets from dietary meat and steamed fish;
  • puree from baked, stewed and boiled vegetables;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • steam or boiled omelette;
  • steamed curd soufflés;
  • semi-liquid cereal porridges;
  • rosehip tea;
  • milk (only when added to porridge and other dishes).

It is recommended to eat crushed and pureed foods; it is also important to chew food thoroughly, since the disease can worsen due to excess load.

The consumption of salt and sugar during this period should be limited as much as possible, and pepper and other seasonings should not be added to food. It is prohibited to eat pickled, smoked and salted foods, fried foods, too fatty foods, fast food, fresh flour and alcohol. Bad habits should be abandoned altogether.

How to eat raw eggs

When eating raw eggs for pancreatitis, you must keep in mind that they may contain various pathogenic microbes, which can lead to negative consequences. Most often, such products are contaminated with salmonellosis, which means that instead of one disease there is a risk of getting two at once.

In addition, it is rare for anyone to drink raw eggs without stirring. The most common way to eat them is to stir them in a glass and then drink them. As a result, not only the protein enters the body, but also the yolk, which contains fat. Therefore, the consumption of this product must be very strictly controlled so as not to exceed the patient’s daily fat intake.

Otherwise, eating raw eggs is no different from boiled eggs. Their chemical composition is identical. When consumed internally, you should not add any additional elements (sauces, side dishes, etc.).

It is recommended to take the product in the morning, on an empty stomach. You should drink one egg 20 minutes before breakfast. Of course, raw eggs are not a cure for pancreatitis, but they provide its prevention. You just need to take them in courses - consume them for a month, then take a break for 2-3 weeks, and include them in your diet again.

What to eat when the exacerbation passes?

An exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the gland is dangerous because it leaves a scar after a painful period. With the frequent appearance of such scars, the connective tissue of the organ that performs digestive functions is preserved less and less. Therefore, over time, the quality of digestion seriously deteriorates.

To slow down this process and reduce the likelihood of relapse, it is also necessary to follow a dietary regimen. According to it, all dishes can only be boiled, baked, cooked in a double boiler and a slow cooker. The optimal intake for this period of time would be five or six meals daily.

The list of permitted foods for chronic diseases includes:

  • dried white bread, uneatable crackers;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable purees and pureed soups;
  • dairy products;
  • egg whites (up to one yolk per day is allowed);
  • vegetable oil (in limited quantities);
  • cereals (preferably pureed, crushed);
  • non-acidic fruits;
  • meat (containing large amounts of iron), chicken and fish without fat;
  • freshly squeezed juices, compotes.

To determine the nutritional value of foods, you can use a table from a cookbook. You should eat small portions of one hundred to two hundred grams. The last meal should take place no later than two to three hours before bedtime, and too long intervals should not be allowed. The optimal time between meals is three to four hours.

Pancreatic insufficiency and principles of eating eggs

The composition of egg white according to chemical analysis has similar features to the protein in the human body. Because of this factor, it is easily absorbed without overloading the intestinal tract and promoting the regeneration of the pancreas. Protein should be added to food in its natural form, but in limited quantities.

Doctors advise people diagnosed with pancreatitis to stick to medical tables No. 2 and No. 5. During the day it is allowed to consume up to 80 grams. fats contained in egg yolk. Only protein should be taken in food. The entire product can be eaten in limited quantities. For example, chicken eggs with a fat content of 11.5 g. – 2 units per day, quail 13 g. - 1.

The high content of vitamins, macro- and microelements has a positive effect on the patient’s health:

  • promotes rehabilitation after an attack;
  • strengthens the body's defense system, tooth enamel and bone tissue;
  • hair, nails and epidermis look beautiful and healthy.

Eggs are also used to prevent anemia. For patients diagnosed with anemia, nutritionists recommend eating to stabilize hemoglobin levels.

Eggs for pancreatitis of the pancreas are allowed to be consumed by those patients who have been diagnosed for a long time or the disease is in stable remission.

Sample menu by day

For the first two to three days, food is prohibited altogether. You are only allowed to drink water in limited quantities. After this period, a gradual transition to dietary meals is necessary for about a week.

First day

A diet for inflammation of the pancreas during an exacerbation on the first day after fasting may be as follows:

  1. Breakfast. A small portion of soup (mashed), half a glass of water.
  2. Lunch. Baked apple without peel.
  3. Dinner. Half a serving of plain mashed potatoes, a cup of fresh milk.
  4. Afternoon snack. A cup of oatmeal jelly, a lean cracker.
  5. A small portion of buckwheat porridge, a cup of weak tea.

Second day

On this day it is allowed:

  1. Steamed egg white omelette, tea.
  2. Baked pear or apple without peel.
  3. Puree slimy cereal soup, compote, dried bread.
  4. Milk jelly.
  5. Semolina porridge with half-and-half milk, tea.

Third day

Main meals:

  1. A serving of oatmeal with water or half-and-half milk, tea.
  2. Banana.
  3. Vegetable puree, a slice of fish without fat, cooked in water or steamed, tea.
  4. A small portion of cottage cheese with a spoon of liquid honey.
  5. Rice porridge with milk, chamomile tea.

Fourth day

Allowed menu:

  1. Steamed or oven-baked cottage cheese casserole, tea.
  2. Natural yogurt.
  3. A portion of buckwheat porridge, a steamed diet cutlet.
  4. Crackers or dry cookies, a cup of milk.
  5. A cup of pasta, steamed vegetables, tea.

Fifth day

Basic diet:

  1. Semolina.
  2. A glass of oatmeal jelly, crackers.
  3. Vegetable cutlet, fat-free chicken broth, dried fruit compote.
  4. Fruit mousse or baked apple without skin.
  5. Vegetable puree, small steamed fish fillet cutlet.

Sixth day

  1. Rice milk porridge, rosehip tea.
  2. Jelly made from milk or fruit.
  3. Vegetable soup, cutlet (fish or meat without oil), tea.
  4. Two crackers or crackers without salt, tea with milk.
  5. Steamed potatoes with minced chicken, tea.

Seventh day

Sample menu for the end of the week:

  1. A cup of cottage cheese with jam, milk tea.
  2. Baked apple without skin.
  3. Buckwheat porridge, steamed fish or chicken fillet.
  4. Kissel, a slice of dried bread.
  5. Steamed cutlet without fat, stewed vegetables.
  6. Water is allowed to be drunk in any quantity.

The effect of chicken eggs on patients with pancreatic insufficiency

Chicken eggs for pancreatitis can be added to food both boiled and raw. At the stage of weakening of the pathology, it can be added to ground turkey. The hard-boiled product should not be taken in any phase of the pathology, including the chronic form. This type of cooking reduces the digestibility of enzymes and is not sufficiently digested by the stomach. Due to the increased load, an acute attack, flatulence, heartburn, and abdominal pain develop.

Pancreatitis is accompanied by symptoms that require adherence to a diet and regular follow-up with your doctor. Strict adherence to medical recommendations, especially during exacerbations, helps to increase comfort.

The introduction of restrictions on the intake of chicken eggs is due to the following reasons:

  1. High levels of fat, 50% of which is cholesterol. This substance is not sufficiently absorbed by the body in the acute phase of the pathology. Excessive consumption of the product leads to digestive tract upset.
  2. The yolk stimulates the abundant secretion of bile, which also negatively affects the patient’s condition.
  3. Egg white can become a strong allergen and cause side effects.
  4. There is a risk of harmful bacteria being on the shell, causing acute infectious poisoning.

Boiled eggs can be added to the diet at the stage of weakening of the pathology. Using the product in different dishes adds variety to the medical table.

List of prohibited products

Any heavy food (especially store-bought) should be excluded from the patient’s diet. In addition, semi-finished products and fast food are prohibited. Among the main restrictions are also:

  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • pickled products;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • onions, radishes and garlic (especially fresh);
  • high fat dairy products;
  • fatty meat and fish products;
  • alcohol in any form;
  • sweets, confectionery;
  • sausage products;
  • fresh baked goods and bread;
  • sauces (especially tomato and mayonnaise);
  • carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee;
  • very sour or sweet fruits.

Even dietary foods can be banned if processed incorrectly. Adding too much salt and seasoning is also prohibited.

Features of nutrition in case of organ dysfunction in children

The diet for children differs little from the permitted diet for adults in case of pancreatic dysfunction. However, there are also some nuances. So, instead of steamed cutlets, it is better to give children boiled fish or chicken fillet, or dietary beef, minced through a meat grinder.

For breakfast, it is best to offer your child milk porridge or cereal with water. At the same time, we must not forget that a growing body requires a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals in food.

Particular attention should be paid to sweets. Chocolate, sweets, and confectionery products are strictly prohibited during medical nutrition. Also, children should not be given carbonated drinks or store-bought juices. It is necessary to feed the child according to his age and avoid eating difficult-to-digest foods.

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