What kind of fish can you eat if you have gastritis? Fish for gastritis: recipes

  • August 20, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Roman Karpets

Gastritis is a fairly common disease that causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Very often this disease is accompanied by upset stool, nausea, pain and heaviness in the abdomen. Therefore, people who have been diagnosed with this condition are prescribed not only a number of medications, but also a special diet. In today's article we will try to figure out what kind of fish is good for gastritis and how to cook it.

Recommended varieties

For any problems with the digestive system, you can eat low-fat fish caught in clean natural reservoirs. It is considered an excellent source of phosphorus, minerals and saturated acids, which contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged gastric mucosa. In addition, it contains useful protein molecules that have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Having figured out whether it is possible to eat fish for gastritis, you must definitely mention specific varieties. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are advised to add flounder, navaga, roach, pollock, cod, pink salmon and hake to their diet. It is also acceptable to eat less healthy river fish, such as pike, pike perch or burbot.

Does acidity level matter?

Eating the wrong type of fish can significantly complicate the course of the disease. Therefore, when creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account the level of acidity.

Thus, people suffering from mixed gastritis with increased secretory function are recommended to eat low-fat fish such as cod or hake. You can make cutlets from it or cook fish soup.

A small amount of salted herring is allowed to be included in the menu of patients with low acidity levels in remission. This will activate the production of gastric juice. Before eating such fish for gastritis, it must be soaked in tea or milk and left for six hours.

Diet principles

Among the principles of the diet are the use of cereals and cereal side dishes. They can be cooked with milk and water. If the symptoms have worsened, during this period it is better to eat porridge with a thinner consistency; they are easier to digest. Doctors recommend fermented milk products and fresh milk for high acidity, for example cottage cheese. You can eat eggs.

As for drinks, the following are acceptable:

  • drinking water (filtered or purchased)
  • jelly
  • compotes
  • tea (not very strong)
  • still mineral alkaline water

It is important to eat small portions and often, this is called fractional meals. Eating every two or three hours is acceptable. Food should not be washed down (this also applies to tea with desserts after the main meal). You can drink a glass of liquid 30 minutes before meals, or drink it 1-2 hours after meals.

Prohibited foods and varieties

If you have gastritis, it is strictly forbidden to eat fatty, smoked, fried and pickled fish. This is quite a heavy food, which will only further irritate the inflamed walls of the stomach.

Also, people suffering from gastritis should completely avoid canned fish. Such products contain spices and carcinogens that have a detrimental effect not only on the digestive system, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Salmon is also prohibited. This healthy, but very fatty fish should not be consumed in any form for gastritis. It is contraindicated even during a period of stable remission.

What is not allowed for acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?

List of prohibited foods for gastrointestinal diseases:

  • Spicy and salty;
  • canned food;
  • discard spices;
  • radish, rutabaga, all types of cabbage, onions and beets, garlic, sorrel, turnips, radishes and some others. (Raw vegetables are not recommended. Vegetables containing coarse fiber are prohibited even when boiled. Therefore, they are excluded);
  • whole grain and rye bread;
  • mushrooms and any legumes;
  • fatty meat, fish and poultry Pork lard and lamb fat;
  • fried foods;
  • all melons, plums, peaches and apricots, kiwis and pears. Fruits and berries with hard and dense skin.
  • carbonated drinks;

A few words about salted fish

In general, experts recommend that people suffering from diseases of the digestive system avoid using this product. But every rule has its exceptions. Therefore, during prolonged remission, you are allowed to diversify your diet with a small amount of salted fish.

For gastritis, it is advisable to eat only home-cooked products. Only in this case will you be absolutely sure that it contains a minimum amount of salt and does not contain a single gram of vinegar or extraneous additives, which are actively used in modern food industry enterprises.

Symptoms of gastritis

You can suspect gastritis based on the following symptoms:

  • pain in the abdomen and stomach, cramping, stabbing;
  • exacerbation of pain after eating, especially if the menu included spicy, fried, fatty foods in solid form;
  • acute sudden pain or feeling of heaviness in the pit of the stomach;
  • nausea and vomiting not associated with possible poisoning, intoxication or problems with the nervous system;
  • frequent belching of air or eaten food;
  • heartburn;
  • unpleasant taste or odor from the mouth, unrelated to problems with teeth, tonsils, etc.;
  • fatigue and decreased appetite.

Of course, you will not be diagnosed with gastritis based on symptoms alone, and a diet is also not prescribed solely based on your complaints. The doctor will conduct palpation, an in-person examination and then prescribe a gastroscopy, which will allow you to dot the i’s.

With early diagnosis and proper treatment (including with the help of prescribed therapeutic nutrition), you will be able to forget about unpleasant symptoms within 2 weeks. Although sometimes treatment is delayed up to 1.5 months.

Please note that after you stop taking medications, you should continue to eat a healthy diet - this will avoid relapses and exacerbations. If you start gastritis, then over time it can develop into a stomach ulcer or cause gastric bleeding. Some forms of chronic gastritis even lead to the development of stomach cancer. Therefore, you should not underestimate the seriousness of the diagnosis.

Cooking recommendations

Fish is a very valuable product from which you can make a lot of healthy dietary dishes. It is important that they contain a minimum set of ingredients. And all components used must be fresh and high quality. Baked fish of low-fat varieties is especially useful for gastritis. It can be cooked in foil or in a sleeve, without prior frying in a frying pan.

No less useful will be steamed cutlets made from pike perch, cod or pollock, with the addition of a raw egg and a small amount of bread soaked in milk. In addition, it is recommended to diversify the menu of patients diagnosed with gastrointestinal diseases with fish soups, soufflés or quenelles.

Useful properties of bread

If you compare the bread with ordinary bread, they differ in the following beneficial properties:

  1. They contain much more minerals, vitamins and other valuable substances. And all because such a product is made from low-grade flour (corn, buckwheat and others), which retains much more useful substances that are necessary for human health.
  2. Crispbread is a good source of protein and fiber. Protein is easily absorbed by the body, and fiber is needed for internal systems and human organs.
  3. There is no yeast in the bread. Therefore, people who suffer from heartburn can also eat them.
  4. This product contains a lot of dietary fiber. It is good for the stomach.

All of these above-mentioned properties of bread are certainly useful for people with gastritis, and therefore it is allowed to eat bread with such an illness, but in moderation and not during an exacerbation of the disease.

Steam cutlets

This is one of the most popular dietary fish dishes. If you have gastritis, you cannot fry cutlets, so the steam version will be a real godsend for people suffering from this disease. To prepare these cutlets you will need:

  • 200-300 grams of pike perch.
  • ½ loaf.
  • 250 milliliters of milk.
  • 10 grams of butter.
  • Salt.

You need to start the process by preparing the fish. It is cleaned of skin, entrails and bones, washed and twisted through a meat grinder. A loaf of bread, soaked in milk in advance, is added to the resulting minced meat. Salt and butter are also sent there. The fish mass is thoroughly kneaded, cutlets are formed from it and cooked in a double boiler for twenty minutes.

Diet soufflé

Any lean fish is suitable for preparing this dish. For gastritis, it is recommended to use pollock, pike perch or hake for such purposes. It is these varieties that contain a minimum of fat and quite a lot of valuable substances. To make a tasty and healthy soufflé, you will need:

  • 400 grams of fish.
  • ½ glass of milk.
  • A tablespoon of flour.
  • 10 grams of butter.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • Salt and fresh herbs.

This is one of the simplest and most popular fish recipes for gastritis. The process should begin by preparing the main ingredient. The fish is cleaned, deboned, washed, steamed and cooled. After this, it is rolled twice through a fine grinder and combined with a sauce made from milk and flour.

Egg yolks and separately beaten whites are added to the resulting mass. Mix everything vigorously and place it in a fireproof container greased with butter. The filled container is placed in a bowl of boiling water, covered with a lid and brought to readiness. Before serving, the soufflé is decorated with fresh herbs.

Whole grains

Whole grain products have a high level of ash content, a lot of fatty acids, and dietary fiber. That is why such products are considered the most useful. Whole grain flour includes microorganisms that are needed to preserve nutrients.

The breads are prepared using an extruder. This is a special device that provides heat treatment of cereals. The procedure takes a few seconds. Although in this way the natural characteristics of the product change, valuable substances are partially destroyed, but without processing the body will not be able to digest the product.

Fish in batter

You can occasionally treat yourself to this dish when you achieve stable remission from gastritis with high acidity. The fish used for its preparation must be fresh and lean. Cod, hake, pike perch or pollock are most suitable for these purposes. Before starting the process, see if you have on hand:

  • 300 grams of fish fillet.
  • A tablespoon of flour.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • Salt and refined vegetable oil.

The washed and dried fillet is cut into portions of the desired size, salted and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour. In the meantime, you can make the batter. To prepare it, combine egg yolks, milk and flour in a bowl. Add the whipped whites into the resulting liquid and mix gently.

The cooled fish is dipped in batter and placed in a heated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Fry the pieces for several minutes on each side.

Fish broth

This tasty and healthy first course can be consumed even by those who adhere to the strictest diet. It contains only those ingredients that can be used for problems with the digestive system. Therefore, such a soup will certainly be of interest to patients diagnosed with gastritis. To prepare an easy diet lunch you will need:

  • 300 grams of sea bass.
  • Medium carrot.
  • Parsley root.
  • A small onion.
  • Egg.

The washed fish is placed in a pan, filled with cold water and sent to the stove. An onion cut into four parts, carrot rings and pieces of parsley root are also added there. All this is cooked over low heat until cooked. After this, all the ingredients are caught from the pan, and the broth is filtered and brought to a boil again. At the final stage, the chopped vegetables and deboned fish are returned to the pan with the bubbling liquid. Pour in a beaten egg in a thin stream and sprinkle in chopped herbs. After five minutes, the fish broth is removed from the burner, cooled slightly and served to the dinner table. If desired, you can add some rye crackers to it.

Baked cod

This lean fish is ideal for a diet menu. Soups, cutlets and a variety of main courses are prepared from it. Baked cod is of particular value for patients with gastritis. It is done quite simply, so any beginner can easily cope with this task.

The washed cod fillets are boiled in boiling water for fifteen minutes. Then the fish is transferred to a baking sheet and poured with a liquid sauce made from milk and flour dried in a frying pan. All this is salted and put into the oven. Cook the cod at medium temperature for ten minutes. Since this dish is intended for dietary nutrition, it is extremely important to ensure that a crispy crust does not form on the surface of the fish.

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