Chicken for gastritis: is it possible, how to cook, recipes

When a patient is diagnosed with chronic gastritis, the doctor hands him a long list of foods that he will have to forget about for an indefinite period of time.
And at this moment a person realizes that global changes have occurred in his life. And not the most pleasant ones - a “dark streak” has come.

However, it’s too early to give up and shed tears over the tasteless slimy porridge! In fact, with the right approach, you can learn to cook healthy and original dishes that even a sick stomach will not object to.

How to create a menu for a sick stomach

The most important thing is to adhere to the basic rules, which are identical for all variants of gastritis.

  1. You can't fry! Cook food only by steaming, boiling, stewing, baking.
  2. No hot spices. You will have to give up spicy dishes. However, this does not mean at all that now you have to languish over bland steamed cutlets for the rest of your life. It is quite possible to add spices to food that give dishes an original taste and subtle aroma, but do not irritate the stomach (dill, parsley, cilantro, fennel).
  3. Less salt. You should not completely remove it from your diet. Still, table salt is a substance necessary for health. Just try not to add enough salt to your dishes and don’t eat all kinds of pickles.
  4. Choose low-fat or medium-fat products for cooking. They are easy to digest.
  5. Try to chop foods before eating. This is especially important in the acute stage of the disease. During the period of remission, this is not a prerequisite - it is enough to simply chew food thoroughly.
  6. Average temperatures only! Food that is too cold or hot damages the gastric mucosa.
  7. You should cook in small portions and eat 5-6 times a day.
  8. Despite many restrictions, you need to take care of a balanced diet. It must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and microelements.

Other dietary features depend on the specific form of gastritis.

Chicken during exacerbation of the disease

If gastritis recurs, it is recommended to avoid solid food for the first few days. Meat is allowed no earlier than on the 4th day. The first thing that, when the condition improves, is introduced into the diet for hyperacid gastritis is slimy soups with water or diluted milk and steamed fillet meatballs; and for anacid - broth.

When the disease goes into remission, cutlets, meatballs, and soufflé are prepared to expand the daily menu.

From the third week you are allowed to eat a whole piece of chicken.

Normoacid gastritis

This form of inflammation, with normal acidity levels, proceeds most favorably and imposes the fewest food restrictions. Of course, with normoacid gastritis, spicy, salty, too hot or cold foods are also excluded. It is not recommended to eat foods that significantly increase acidity. Otherwise, you can not limit yourself too strictly and focus on the individual tolerance of a particular product.

For breakfast you are allowed to eat soft-boiled eggs, steamed omelettes, rice, oatmeal, semolina porridge, and cottage cheese casseroles. For lunch, first and second courses of lean meats and fish with vegetable side dishes are allowed: mashed potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli. Stuffed zucchini, vegetable casseroles, and stews are considered interesting options. Let's describe several recipes in detail.

Semolina porridge with fruit broth


  • 3 glasses of apple juice;
  • ½ cup semolina;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 apple;
  • ¼ tsp. salt.

Cooking method:

  1. In a small saucepan, heat the apple juice and dissolve honey and salt in it.
  2. Bring the solution to a boil.
  3. Pour semolina into the pan in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  4. Cook for about 10 minutes until smooth.
  5. Peel the apple, cut it into small cubes and sprinkle them over the porridge.

Zucchini boats with chicken

You will need:

  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 1 chicken leg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice;
  • 80 g soft cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 sprig of dill.


  1. Boil rice and chicken.
  2. Cut the chicken into small cubes and combine with rice.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the other ingredients.
  4. Season everything with sour cream.
  5. Cut the zucchini lengthwise into 2 parts and remove the pulp and seeds with a spoon.
  6. Fill the resulting “boats” with filling and place in the oven.
  7. Cook at 200° for about half an hour.
  8. Before serving, decorate with a sprig of dill.

Dietary options for preparing chicken fillet

  1. Marinating makes the meat juicy and tender. To do this, you can use sour cream or kefir with herbs.
  2. Cutting against the grain helps break down tough fibers.
  3. Beating also breaks down coarse fibers, while making the meat soft and porous.
  4. Cooking using breading preserves the juices inside the meat and makes dishes crispy.
  5. Preparation of minced minced meat from raw or pre-boiled breast

Low acidity

Due to insufficiency of digestive juice in hypoacid gastritis, fatty foods that are difficult to process are strictly contraindicated. But the advantage is a wide range of permitted vegetables and fruits, both thermally processed and raw.

Lenten buckwheat soup


  • ½ cup buckwheat;
  • 2 liters of water or weak meat broth;
  • 2 potatoes,
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 sprigs of dill;
  • 2 sprigs of parsley;
  • salt to taste.

Action plan:

  1. We wash and sort the cereal.
  2. Cut the potatoes and onions into cubes, three carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens.
  3. Pour buckwheat into boiling water (or broth) and add potatoes.
  4. After 20 minutes, add carrots and onions to the soup.
  5. Cook for another 10 minutes, then remove from heat and add herbs.



  • 1 young zucchini;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 yellow bell peppers;
  • 150 g cheese;
  • 30 g olive oil;
  • 3 sprigs of dill;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Wash, peel and cut the vegetables into slices 0.5 cm thick.
  2. Place them in a greased baking dish, alternating with each other.
  3. Spray the vegetables with oil, salt, add dill and place in an oven preheated to 180° for 20 minutes.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Remove the pan, add cheese on top and bake for another 4 minutes.

High acidity

Hyperacid gastritis imposes serious restrictions on acidic foods. Primarily for raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) and fruits (citrus fruits, peaches, plums). The rules for consuming meat and fish delicacies do not differ significantly from other forms of the disease. We will tell you the most healthy and tasty dishes allowed for high acidity of gastric juice.

Steam omelette with banana


  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 banana;
  • 6 tbsp. l. milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • 5-10 g olive oil.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Cut the banana into small cubes.
  2. Beat eggs, pour in milk, salt.
  3. Pour the future omelette into greased molds, add a banana to each, approximately equally.
  4. Place the molds in a double boiler or water bath and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Turn the molds over and remove the portioned omelette.
  6. Before serving, it can be decorated with non-acidic jam berries.

Chicken hedgehogs


  • 100 g minced chicken;
  • 100 g rice;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 60 g olive oil.


  1. Rinse the rice and boil until half cooked (about 7 minutes).
  2. Combine it with minced meat, add salt and mix thoroughly.
  3. Roll into balls with a diameter of 3 cm.
  4. Grease a deep frying pan with olive oil, place the hedgehogs in it, add sour cream and water until half full.
  5. Simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

The benefits of chicken breast

It is known that gastritis significantly slows down the work of the stomach, causing some stagnation of food. Chicken meat fibers, in turn, help draw out excess amounts of hydrochloric acid from gastric juice , reducing pain and normalizing stomach function.

In addition, chicken breast contains a large amount of vitamin PP. The most important beneficial properties for a patient with gastritis are the activation of the formation of enzymes in the stomach and the normalization of intestinal motility .

Successful treatment is also ensured due to the stimulating effect of chicken breast broth, but subject to its proper preparation. To do this, doctors recommend using domestic chicken or farm-produced poultry whenever possible to reduce the risk of consuming chemical and hormonal additives, antibiotics and other drugs that negatively affect the gastric mucosa.

Chicken breast and broth made from it are the most suitable food for exacerbation of gastritis with high and low acidity. Digesting these dishes does not require much energy or effort.

What do erosions “love”?

With erosive gastritis, dietary restrictions are most serious. The set of products approximately corresponds to hyperacid gastritis, but in addition you need to take into account the consistency of ready-made dishes. It is better to grind them properly (minced meat, puree, mousses) so as not to injure the already damaged mucous membrane.

Potato casserole with minced meat


  • 2 kg of potatoes;
  • ½ kg ground beef;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 150 g onions;
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley;
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill;
  • salt to taste;
  • olive oil – 80 g.


  1. Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender.
  2. Simmer the minced meat with finely chopped onion for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Salt the minced meat a lot and add finely chopped herbs to it
  4. Mash the potatoes, pour milk and butter into the puree.
  5. Place ½ of the puree into a greased form, then add the minced meat, and top with the remaining puree.
  6. Cook in the oven at 180° for a quarter of an hour.

General recommendations

If gastric secretion is impaired, it is important to adhere to fractional nutrition, eating small portions of food at least 5 times a day. It must be chewed thoroughly, so it is better to avoid quick snacks. To facilitate the digestion process, eat at the same time every day. You can drink water half an hour after meals, and dinner should take place 2-3 hours before bedtime. You can’t go to bed with a full stomach, because instead of resting, the gastrointestinal tract digests food.

As a result, the functioning of the digestive system will worsen, cholesterol levels and blood pressure will increase.

Atrophic gastritis

The diet for atrophy of the gastric mucosa is in many ways similar to the diet for hypoacid gastritis. However, with atrophic inflammation, mechanical and thermal sparing of the thin and sensitive mucous membrane is also very important. It is necessary to strictly ensure that the food is not too hot and does not contain solid impurities. For example, meatballs, fish and vegetable cutlets, and puree soups are useful.

Vegetable cream soup with cheese

You will need:

  • 500 g broccoli;
  • 100 g processed cheese;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the onion and grate the carrots.
  2. Boil all the vegetables in salted water for 15 minutes.
  3. Add cheese and cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. We wait for the soup to cool a little and grind it in a blender.

Chicken breast composition

The nutritional value of 100 grams of this product is only 113 kilocalories. The bulk comes from proteins (83%), carbohydrates (2%) and fats (15%). The calorie content of the breast may decrease slightly during heat treatment due to the digestion of fat.

It is enriched with many minerals and vitamins and is not far behind turkey fillet in terms of its performance. Therefore, even a small portion per day can provide the daily requirement of the human body suffering from gastritis, nicotinic acid, phosphorus, chromium and magnesium, as well as vitamins B3 and B6.

For the holiday table

Setting a festive table so that a person with gastritis does not feel out of place at it is a completely solvable task. If you use your imagination, you can come up with a huge number of dietary holiday dishes. And we are talking not only about hot food, but also about cakes.

Rainbow trout with fennel


  • 2 rainbow trout fish;
  • 2 fennel bulbs;
  • 4 sprigs of dill;
  • 60 g olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. salt.


  1. We clean the fish and salt it.
  2. Cut fennel into slices.
  3. Prepare 2 pieces of foil for the fish.
  4. Place 1 sprig of dill, half of fennel and fish on the foil.
  5. Drizzle the trout with olive oil and top with the remaining fennel and dill.
  6. Wrap each fish in its own piece of foil and place in an oven preheated to 200°.
  7. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

Curd banana cake

This is a diet cake without adding eggs, cream, or butter. Let’s immediately make a reservation that you can only eat it in small portions and during the remission stage.

You will need:

  • ½ cup 1% kefir;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 300 g natural low-fat yogurt;
  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 bananas.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the kefir a little and add soda to it.
  2. Pour in olive oil, add sugar, and mix well.
  3. Sift the flour into the resulting mixture and stir again.
  4. Divide the dough into 3-4 equal parts and bake the cakes at 180° for 20 minutes.
  5. If necessary, level the edges and surface of the cakes, cutting off all excess.
  6. Grind the bananas to a paste-like consistency.
  7. Mix them with yogurt, cottage cheese and granulated sugar until smooth.
  8. Coat the cakes with curd cream and put the refrigerator away for a couple of hours.


Of course, from time to time we all want to treat ourselves to sweet desserts: cakes, cookies, pies and buns. Unfortunately, traditional cakes and pastries for gastritis of any form are prohibited. However, many baking options will certainly suit your taste.

In case of inflammation of the stomach, dishes made from uneatable dough, dry cookies, and biscuits are allowed. Of course, biscuits can hardly be called a delicacy. But apple pies, carrot cookies, and cottage cheese casseroles are quite suitable for this definition. Or you can make healthy cookies based on oatmeal.

Oat cookies


  • 200 g oatmeal;
  • 200 g fruit puree;
  • 10 g coconut flakes.

Action plan:

  1. Grind the flakes in a blender.
  2. Mix them with fruit puree and coconut flakes.
  3. Form cookies and place in the oven.
  4. Bake at 180° until done.

Homemade preparations

Regarding any canned products - store-bought and homemade - medical nutritionists speak extremely negatively. Vegetable preparations contain spices, a large amount of salt, vinegar, and meat and fish are rich in extractive substances. Such foods make the stomach work with redoubled force.

Of course, you can try not to use vinegar or spices in the preparations, and add minimal salt to them. But in this case, the whole meaning of such dishes is lost. They lose their unique taste, and there are few useful substances left in them.

As for pickles, they are allowed in limited quantities for hypoacid and atrophic gastritis. For example, lightly salted cucumbers or herring soaked in water.

Advice. If an attack of gastritis caught you on the road, when it is not possible to strictly follow a diet, you can use canned baby food. This is the only type of shelf-stable food that is acceptable for gastritis. Since baby food does not contain salt, spices, or an abundance of extractive substances, the stomach usually accepts it “calmly.”

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