Is it possible to eat dates if you have gastritis?

  • September 8, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Yulia Saltrukovich

Most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract involve a transition to healthy foods, the consumption of which should be dosed in small portions. Gastritis is one of the most insidious diseases that may not manifest itself for a long time. A patient who has learned of his diagnosis must completely reconsider his diet and eat as many useful substances and components as possible that will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Dates for gastritis

Many people know about the beneficial properties of dried fruits. But not many people know that even they should be used with caution, especially during an exacerbation of the disease.

First, it’s worth understanding what dates are - small fruits of the palm tree, which people from different parts of the world eat with great pleasure. Dates are a great snack. The fruits of the palm tree have a sweet taste and are distinguished by their nutritional composition. Nevertheless, patients treat all dried fruits with special caution. It is for this reason that people often have the question of whether it is possible to eat dates with gastritis of the stomach.

Characteristics of dates


  • Characteristics of dates
  • Nutritional value
  • Beneficial features
  • The effect of dates on the body's functioning
  • Other beneficial functions for the body
  • Possible dangers
  • How to choose dates

Dates are drupes with a fleshy outer part. The fruits of the Phoenix dactylifera plant (the scientific name of the date palm) are cylindrical in shape, reaching 3-7 cm in length and approximately 2-3 cm in diameter. Ripe dates range from golden orange to dark brown in color. By the way, palm trees begin to bear fruit in the 3-5th year, and the trees reach their peak maturity in the 12th summer. This plant is cultivated mainly in hot regions, and its wild thickets can be found in the Jordan region and on the border between Iran and Iraq [2]. Today, the fruits of Phoenix dactylifera are consumed both raw and dried. They are added to confectionery and salads; They are used to make vinegar, date paste, and food flavorings.

It is generally accepted that the birthplace of the date palm is the banks of the Euphrates (the territory of modern Iraq). Meanwhile, there is convincing evidence that this fruit was known and loved by the inhabitants of ancient Egypt, who made wine from these fruits. Over time, thanks to traders, dates spread across southwest Asia, north Africa, Europe, and then reached the American continent. Today there are many known species of this plant that grow safely in many countries with an acceptable climate. Almost 100 types of dates are grown in Iraq alone [3]. Depending on the concentration of glucose, sucrose and fructose in fruits, they are divided into 3 groups: sweet, very sweet and unsweetened.

One of the most popular varieties of dates was found in the Gaza Strip. There, the fruits of palm trees are exceptionally sweet and have a pleasant red color. Similar fruits are produced by Egyptian palms, whose fruits are more elongated, with dark red skin, but also quite sweet. One of the most expensive varieties of dates is grown in Saudi Arabia. They can be recognized by their dark brown skin, tender flesh and sweet taste.

Useful properties of the oriental product

Dates have a whole range of beneficial properties and qualities. This oriental delicacy is useful for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the chemical composition of the product showed the presence of the following elements, which are very useful for the human body:

  • Potassium and calcium.
  • Iron and fluorine.
  • Selenium and manganese.
  • Boron and sulfur.

But the most important advantage of dates is their high content of amino acids, among which glutamic acid deserves special attention, which normalizes the acid balance in the stomach. This only means that dates for gastritis with high acidity or low levels of hydrochloric acid are an important nutritional element that will help you get rid of heartburn and other unpleasant companions of gastritis.

Composition of the product

Dates are rich in carbohydrates.


The following were found in dates:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • boron;
  • sulfur;
  • fluorine;
  • selenium.

Amino acids

Dates contain 23 amino acids. Fruits contain tryptophan, which is necessary for normal nervous activity. The substance prevents cell aging and has a mild sedative effect.

The product is useful for gastritis: glutamic acid contained in dates neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach and prevents heartburn.


Date carbohydrates promote rapid saturation and restoration of energy resources. The fruit is low in calories and does not contain much cholesterol. The fruit is consumed during diets.

To provide the body with the daily need for most minerals and amino acids, it is enough to eat 10 dates per day. The fruits contain substances that restore the microflora of the stomach, which is valuable for bacterial inflammation and intestinal parasitosis.

Proper use for gastritis

Dates are healthy and nutritious for gastritis. They can be safely eaten by ladies who carefully count every calorie - this product will not allow extra pounds to accumulate in the waist or hips. Despite the large number of positive reviews, it is impossible to say that dates can be consumed in unlimited quantities for gastritis. There are special recommendations that will allow you to enjoy the taste of exotic products without harm to the body:

  • Firstly, you should not overuse oriental delicacies during the period of exacerbation of the disease. If you really want to pamper yourself, then first you need to remove the peel from the dried fruits - they are too hard.
  • Secondly, eating dates 15 minutes before the main meal will allow you to get the maximum amount of useful nutrients for the body.
  • Thirdly, you should not overuse oriental sweets. 50 grams of palm tree fruits will be enough for the daily requirement.
  • And fourthly, we should not forget about such a concept as individual intolerance. Exotic palm tree fruits can provoke the development of a severe allergic reaction.

In any case, you should consult with your doctor about whether you can eat dates with gastritis. Based on the tests obtained and the existing picture of the disease, a medical specialist will be able to give recommendations on proper nutrition.

Harm to the body

Date palm fruits are considered safe for the human body, but they also have contraindications for use. In some cases, they can cause serious damage to the body, manifested by:

  • obesity – a high calorie content and unlimited consumption can provoke a set of extra pounds;
  • dyspeptic disorders - excessive intake of dietary fiber into the gastrointestinal tract leads to intestinal dysfunction with subsequent constipation, diarrhea, active gas formation, nausea and pain;
  • allergy - a reaction occurs in response to individual proteins contained in fruits, can be mild or lead to the formation of anaphylactic shock.

The products are allowed for use by pregnant and lactating women, subject to compliance with the standards. The development of the above side effects can be eliminated only by correctly calculating the permissible number of dates. Doctors do not recommend using them for patients prone to spontaneous allergic reactions or people with slow metabolism.

Chronic gastritis and dates

If a patient suffers from chronic gastritis, he can safely eat 8-10 dates without fear for his health. This oriental delicacy stabilizes the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and also saturates the body with useful microelements.

Dates for gastritis can be consumed in their pure form, or you can use palm tree fruits as an additional ingredient. For example, an oriental delicacy can be used to prepare the following dishes:

  • Compote is prepared from 500 grams of dates and other dried fruits.
  • One of the ingredients in the salad that gives the dish a very piquant taste.
  • Chicken stuffed with dates, steamed - this dish can be enjoyed by a patient suffering from gastritis.
  • Rice or oatmeal with the addition of raisins, dates and other oriental sweets.

From all of the above, the conclusion is that you can eat dates for gastritis, but in reasonable quantities. One nuance that should be taken into account by patients with the disease at the acute stage. Dates are extremely undesirable for erosive gastritis - they are very heavy food, and the stomach may simply not be able to handle it.

History of dates

In ancient times, it was believed that dates contain all the necessary substances for humans, and by eating only them and water, you can live for several years. The experience of some historical characters, for example, St. Onuphrius, confirms this.

The Middle East is considered the birthplace of this plant. Dates were one of the main products in the Arab diet. Wild dates were collected in ancient Egypt, and images of the process of harvesting the fruits are found on the walls of tombs. The Babylonians used these fruits to make vinegar and wine. Dates are also highly valued in Islam - they are mentioned 29 times in the Quran.

Date palm leaves are used in religious ceremonies in Southern Europe. Palm wine "tari" is prepared from the leaves of the Indian species.

About dried fruits

What are the benefits of dried fruits and how to eat them correctly?

Using dates for gastrointestinal benefits

Very often, chronic or acute gastritis is accompanied by other unpleasant companions. This could be heartburn, diarrhea or bloating, flatulence or constipation - all of which cause significant discomfort. It turns out that dates can help get rid of unwanted symptoms, as well as normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, compressed dates with the addition of a small amount of black cumin seeds help against bloating and flatulence. Regular use of this medicine will help avoid the manifestation of undesirable signs of gastritis.

Palm tree fruits are also used to relieve acute inflammatory processes. Just 1 teaspoon of natural bee honey and 6 dates on an empty stomach will relieve pain in the stomach and large intestine. Regular use will allow you to form a stable remission.

How to select and store dates

Most often, dates are sold in dried form. The color of the fruit is dark, brown-chocolate. The surface of the fruit should not be covered with plaque or sugar crystals - this may indicate long-term storage or soaking in a sweet solution. If the peel is too shiny, it means it is greased, and it will be difficult to assess the quality of the product. Dates that are too wrinkled and dry will be tough and less tasty because they have been overdried.

Dates are stored in an airtight container (for example, a glass jar) in a dry, dark place. Since dates have a sticky surface, dust can settle on them. Fruits should not be left outdoors for long periods of time.

Fruits are one of the richest sources of vitamins and nutrients. They are often used in various diets, because they are not too high in calories, help dull the feeling of hunger and have the properties of “fat burner” products.

How to make a healthy dessert from dates?

The dietary menu is very varied. There are several dishes that require dates. Dessert is of particular value and can be enjoyed every morning. To prepare it you will need dates, dried apricots, rose hips and honey. The ingredients should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio and chopped using a meat grinder.

Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. This dessert is ideal for patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

Date is a healthy delicacy from the East. The fruits of the palm tree are useful not only for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. Dates also have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems.

The benefits and harms of dates

Dates are amazing fruits with an exquisite taste. They grow on a tree called the date palm, or palmate date, reaching a height of 25 meters. And the feathery leaves of the palm tree grow to a length of 15 meters.

It turns out that the date palm was the first plant that people cultivated.

“Berries of life”, “bread of the desert”, “nature’s pantry” - this is how dates are often called. And for good reason. Dates are a successful food replacement. You can sit on dates and water for several months without causing any harm to the body. In addition, it is an ideal treat and can become a complete replacement for cakes and sweets. And the Arabs use dates as bread.

Benefits of dates

Date palm fruits are rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus), amino acids, organic acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants and dietary fiber.

Dried dates retain all the beneficial properties of fresh dates.

Dried fruits are mainly eaten. But they are also used fresh. Fresh dates are used to make salads, boiled and fried dishes, jellies, preserves, jam, jam, and drinks. They can become a worthy replacement for candied fruits, prunes and raisins. The juice made from the berries of life serves as an alcoholic drink. The fruits are also used to make sugar, honey and flour. Date flour is used to bake cookies, buns, pies and cakes that have an exquisite taste.

Dates have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • eliminate waste, toxins and heavy metals;
  • remove excess fluid;
  • increase performance;
  • improve mental activity;
  • relieve insomnia;
  • improve mood;
  • prevent the development of depression;
  • increase endurance and vitality;
  • relieve tension from the central nervous system;
  • save from stress;
  • restore lost strength;
  • fill with energy;
  • prevents motion sickness;
  • reduce eye fatigue;
  • give hair health, shine and beautiful appearance;
  • make the skin elastic and firm;
  • give strength and beauty to nails.

It is enough to eat 10-20 fruits daily to provide the body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs.

Dates are especially useful:

  • schoolchildren, students, scientists;
  • athletes;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • those who have a weakened immune system;
  • someone who has undergone major surgery;
  • for those who often find themselves in stressful situations.

It is recommended to take them with you on long trips.

It is said that Alexander the Great forced soldiers to eat 7 date palm fruits before battle, which increased their strength and endurance.

In China, many centenarians eat only dates and feel great.

What else are dates good for?

The berries of life are also used as medicine. They have a tonic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic effect.


  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • cure colds;
  • relieve pain;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • relieve anemia;
  • increase the concentration of red blood cells;
  • lower blood sugar levels;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • improve the condition of the circulatory system;
  • strengthen the myocardium;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • strengthen the walls of capillaries;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • prevent strokes and heart attacks;
  • improve digestive processes;
  • eliminate disorders of the gastrointestinal system;
  • relieve heartburn;
  • restore beneficial gastric microflora;
  • cure diseases of the liver, kidneys and lungs;
  • stop the development of inflammatory phenomena in the joints;
  • prevent the development of arthritis;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms and parasites;
  • reduce the side effects of medications;
  • strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • prevent the development of caries;
  • cure bleeding gums;
  • help improve vision;
  • relieve dizziness and migraines;
  • increase potency;
  • weaken premenstrual syndrome;
  • reduce the risk of formation of carcinogenic tumors;
  • prolong life;
  • slow down aging;
  • contribute to the rejuvenation of the body.

Harm of dates

It turns out that dates not only benefit the body, but can also cause harm. The fruits of the date palm take a long time to digest in the stomach, loading it and leaving it without rest. Therefore, excessive consumption of treats can “stop” the stomach and lead to the development of constipation.

Also, date palm fruits can enhance inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Often dirt sticks to the fruits, which is difficult to wash off. Along with dirt, pathogenic microflora can enter the body.

You should not eat dates and citrus fruits at the same time: the combination of carbohydrate and acidic foods can cause indigestion.

Calorie content of dates

Calorie content per 100 grams

1 date, weighing 25 grams, contains ~23 kilocalories. 100 grams of dates contain ~92 kilocalories.

Dates contain 80% carbohydrates, but they are represented by natural sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose, due to which they supply the body with “quick energy”.

Calorie content 1 piece

One date, weighing close to 30 grams, contains only 23 kilocalories. Therefore, a few dates will not cause any harm to your waist and will not add extra pounds.


  • Proteins (5.8%).
  • Fats (0.2-0.5%).
  • Carbohydrates - 60-65% - the highest percentage compared to all other fruits
  • 15 salts and minerals.

The amount of mineral compounds in dried dates varies from 0.1 to 91%.

Thus, minerals are represented by phosphorus (30-350 mg/100 g), calcium (34-60 mg/100 g), iron (0.7-6.0 mg/100 g), potassium (up to 700 mg/100 g ), sodium (up to 1 mg/100 g), copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, etc.

  • Oil (0.2-0.5%).
  • 23 different types of amino acids that are not found in most other fruits.

Dates are also rich in the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is also necessary for optimal brain function and maintaining a normal mental state, especially in old age. Tryptophan prevents aging: a sufficient amount of it in food allows you to stop the aging process of cells. In addition, thanks to tryptophan, dates have a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

In addition to tryptophan, dates also contain another amino acid - glutamic acid, which prevents heartburn by neutralizing excess stomach acid.

  • Vitamin B (0.07-0.09 mg/100 g), B2 (0.05-0.1 mg/100 g), B5 (0.1-2.2 mg/100 g), vitamin C (up to 30 mg/100 g), as well as pantothenic acid (B5), niacin, vitamins A, A1.
  • Pectin (0.5-3.9%).
  • Dietary fiber (6.4–11.5%).
  • Beta-carotene (30-145 mg/kg).
  • Fluoride, which protects teeth from caries.
  • Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Thanks to the combination of a huge amount of sugars (glucose and fructose (26-55%), which are quickly absorbed by the body) with vitamin B5, date palm fruits have the valuable property of not only quickly satisfying hunger, but also restoring physical strength, energy and freshness of the brain and nerves.

Like most plant foods, dates do not contain cholesterol.

The energy value of 100 g of the edible part of the fruit is 142-274 calories, dried or dried - 340 calories. The fruits contain from 40.0 to 77.5% dry matter. Dates are low in calories, so feel free to use them instead of sweets, and your weight will be normal.

By buying at least 200 g of dates on the market, you are buying an incredible amount of minerals, salts and vitamins.

Dates during pregnancy

Dates are also useful during pregnancy because:

  • strengthen the muscles of the uterus;
  • prevent miscarriages and premature births;
  • facilitate childbirth: speed it up and relieve pain;
  • reduce the duration of postpartum bleeding.

After childbirth, lost strength is restored. They are also useful for nursing women, as they increase lactation. In addition, along with milk, all beneficial substances enter the baby’s body and increase its resistance to many diseases.

Older children are recommended to cook date compote. It will not only enrich the body with vitamins and minerals, but also relieve colic and digestive disorders.

Date diet

According to studies conducted by doctors, it is enough to eat a few dates to eliminate hunger. This effect is due to the large amount of fiber, which, swelling in the stomach, fills it, giving a feeling of fullness. Therefore, everyone who is constantly on unsuccessful diets, trying to get rid of extra pounds, is recommended to eat date palm fruits before eating.

It is also possible to lose weight due to the fact that dates cleanse the intestines and normalize digestion and stool. In addition, they require a lot of energy for long-term digestion, due to which they relieve the body of excess calories.

Contraindications for eating dates

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, not everyone can eat dates. Dates are contraindicated for diabetes and individual intolerance. People suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enteritis and other diseases of the digestive system should limit their consumption of fruits.


Gastrointestinal gas formation

  • There are pressed dates with ground black cumin.

Means for growth and lengthening of eyelashes

  • Burn and grind some pressed dates. Before going to bed, line your eyes with the resulting powder.

Colon disorder and pain

  • Take 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. spoon of honey and then eat 7 pressed dates. And in the evening before going to bed, take 1 teaspoon of camel hay oil and drink 100 ml of black cumin decoction.


  • Often drink date infusion with rice.

Anemia, impotence and chronic fatigue

  • Place 10 fresh dates in a liter jar, add 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1/8 teaspoon of cardamom and a pinch of saffron. Seal the jar and leave it in a warm place for at least 2 weeks. After that, eat a date every morning.


  • When treating migraines, it is advisable to start with a back and neck massage. Next, the doctor will prescribe homeopathic medicines. In addition, you should drink Chinese green tea daily, as it lowers intracranial pressure. In the first weeks after starting treatment, it makes sense to drink an infusion of horsetail herb (1/5 cup 3 times a day) and eat 50-100 g of dates daily.

Nervous diseases

  • Eat dates with a glass of milk.

Exhaustion and thinness

  • Eat dates more often with nuts, such as peanuts.

Recipe for improving the passage of phlegm and soothing joint pain

  • Make date honey and drink 3 times a day.


  • Mix dates, honey, black cumin and Alexandria leaf (cassia), taken in a 1:1 ratio. Consume in small portions.

Strengthening (tonic) agents

  • Grind an equal amount of pressed dates, camel hay, black myrobalan, ginger, cinnamon and mix everything with honey, heating over low heat. Then pour coconut milk over the mixture and eat it like jam.

To increase potency

  • Pour a glass of dates with 2 glasses of fresh milk, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Stir well and leave for 24 hours in a cool place. Eat dates throughout the day with milk. Consuming a mixture of dates, milk and cinnamon daily will increase your sex drive and make your semen abundant. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period.

Recipe for constipation

  • Pour 5 dates into 0.5 liters of water and boil like compote. Pour the cooled broth into a glass and drink on an empty stomach. And with the remaining “compote” do this: throw in a handful of oatmeal, mix and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Here's your breakfast, tasty and healthy.

Treatment of stroke and facial paralysis

  • Ripe soft dates should be pitted, minced and eaten 2-3 teaspoons of this paste 3 times a day after meals. If it is difficult to swallow, you can dilute it a little with milk or ghee. The course of treatment is a month or more.

Remedy for indigestion (ancient recipe)

  • A decoction of dates with rice is an excellent remedy for stomach upsets: pour 5 washed fruits with a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool, remove the seeds, wipe the pulp and add the decoction. Mix a glass of boiled rice with the resulting mixture and eat for dessert. It's important not to overdo it because too many dates can cause headaches.

For good bowel function

  • Mix 5 chopped fresh dates, 1 teaspoon ghee and 2 pinches of black pepper. This mixture should be eaten early in the morning between 5:30 and 6:00 am, after which you should not eat or drink for 2 hours. This mixture helps strengthen the absorption and assimilating functions of the intestine, and also improves the nutrition of bone tissue, stool formation, and muscle tone.

Even though ghee is a saturated butter, its molecular structure is different from other animal fats. It is made up of short-chain fatty acids (which are easily absorbed by the body), as opposed to long-chain fatty acids (which are difficult to digest and cause cancer and blood clots). Ghee is more nutritious and, as studies have shown, if consumed in moderation, does not increase blood cholesterol levels.

For anemia, sexual weakness and chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Place 10 fresh dates in a jar of ghee (about 1 liter), add 1 teaspoon ginger, 1/8 teaspoon cardamom and a pinch of saffron. Cover with a lid and leave in a closed, warm place for a week. After a week, eat 1 date early in the morning. It is a good remedy for anemia, sexual weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome and morning sickness during pregnancy.

For palpitations and chest pain

  • Two dates, crushed and mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey, are a good remedy for palpitations and chest pain.

For hypertension

  • If the patient does not have high blood sugar, you can eat 50-100 g of dates every morning half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, a break of 10 days, after which the course can be repeated.

For hoarseness and dry cough

  • Boil 10 dates for half an hour in 0.5 liters of water. Drink the decoction hot. You can also boil 6-7 dried dates in 1 glass of milk.

To increase vitality

  • Date drink: Soak 5 fresh dates in a glass of water overnight. The next day, grind the dates (don't forget to remove the pits) in the same water in a blender and drink. The drink will add vitality and energy to you.

Children's recipes

  1. Dried dates are good to chew when teething.
  2. For diarrhea caused by teething, give your child half a spoon of date sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day. Date sugar is an excellent substitute for white sugar and is a rich source of iron.

Date smoothie

As already mentioned, dates for gastritis can be consumed as a healthy and nutritious snack. Recently, smoothies have become increasingly popular, the preparation of which does not take much time:

  • Pour a glass of oatmeal with water and let it brew for 12 hours.
  • Hercules is mixed using a blender, after which excess liquid should be removed.
  • At the same time as the flakes, dates are soaked, which, after swelling, should also be crushed to a pasty state.
  • After this, you need to combine the two ingredients, mix, dilute with milk and honey.

This healthy drink is good in the morning, as it allows you to get a boost of vivacity and energy. In addition, oatmeal and dates have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility and the gastric mucosa.

Use of dates in cooking

Dried and fresh dates are used in cooking. They are often eaten as a dessert for tea, sometimes filled with candied fruits and cheeses or covered with chocolate. But in addition to direct consumption, dates are added to dairy products, salads, meat dishes, baked goods, and special types of alcohol and vinegar are prepared from them.

Cereal bars with dates

Cereal bars with the addition of any dried fruits, nuts and grains are an excellent source of vitamins and energy. A convenient snack to take with you, as well as a healthy addition to tea, kefir or yogurt. All ingredients can be replaced and others can be added - for example, dried cranberries, flax seeds or puffed rice


Oatmeal (finely ground)2 glasses
Dates250 g
Dried apricots, raisins, dried cherries50 g each
Nuts (walnuts, cashews)50 g each
Apple juice50 ml
Honey2 tbsp. l.

Pour warm water over dried fruits to lightly cover the fruits and leave for 10 minutes. Transfer the dates with all the liquid to a blender (after removing the seeds) and puree them. Finely chop the remaining dried fruits and nuts. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Place oatmeal on a baking sheet lined with paper and bake for 10 minutes. Remove and cool. Combine all ingredients in a bowl: baked cereal, date mass, juice and additives. Form bars from this mass with wet hands. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes depending on size. For storage, wrap in foil or plastic and keep in a cool, dark place.

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Date milkshake

Healthy snack. Recommended as a second breakfast; it is better not to drink the cocktail in the evening due to its high sugar content. You can add your favorite berries or cinnamon

Photo: @charlotte-may,

Milk 1%300 ml
Dates6 pcs.
Banana1 PC.

Pour warm water over the dates and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and remove the seeds from the fruit. Peel the banana and cut into pieces. Place the fruit in a blender, add milk and puree until smooth.


Can you eat dates for gastritis? In most cases, it is possible. But there are times when you should refrain from eating this oriental delicacy. Firstly, this concerns the disease during the period of exacerbation. Chronic gastritis is a serious reason to radically change your diet. Dates are not the easiest food to eat. It will be difficult for a sick stomach to cope with it.

Gastritis with high acidity, as well as individual intolerance, are other contraindications that patients with gastrointestinal diseases should pay attention to.

Composition and calorie content of dates

Calories 282 Kcal

  • Fat:
    1.3 g
  • Proteins:
    2.0 g
  • Carbohydrates:
    74.6 g
  • Water:
    20.5 g
  • Ash:
    1.6 g
  • Fiber:
    8.0 g
Vitamins (per 100 g): Quantity %RDN
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.78 mg 15,6%
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 17-54 mcg 8,9%
Vitamin B7 (biotin) 4.2 mcg 8,4%
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.08-0.21 mg 7,1%
Vitamin B3 (PP, niacin) 1.27-1.44 mg 6,8%
Minerals (per 100 g): Quantity %RDN
Silicon 166.1 mg 553,7%
Chromium 59-100 mcg 159,0%
Bor 92.0 mcg 131,4%
Rubidium 63 mcg 63,0%
Zinc 0.5-9.6 mcg 42,1%
Potassium 591-713 mg 26,1%
Copper 230-290 mcg 26,0%
Nickel 25-41 mcg 22,0%
Manganese 380-410 mcg 19,8%
Vanadium 6.0 mcg 15,0%
Magnesium 44.9-71.6 mg 14,6%
Iron 0.8-2.3 mg 10,3%
Strontium 80 mcg 10,0%
Calcium 39-99 mg 6,3%

Full chemical composition ➤

Other important connections:

  • Phytosterols

    — 36.8 mg (67% of the RDA)

  • Purines

    — 21.0 mg (17% of RDA)

  • Pectin

    — 2.1-2.5 mg (46% of the RDA)

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