How to do a pear enema: types, preparation for the procedure, procedure, preparation of the enema composition, indications and contraindications

Cooking is the oldest of arts, and enemas are the oldest of healing methods. According to legend, it was invented by Thoth, the Moon God with the bird's head of an ibis, when, after a too heavy dinner, he took water into his long thin beak and introduced it into his own rectum to get rid of the heaviness in his stomach. It is believed that the enema bulb is a prototype of a bird's head with a long beak.

Contraindications for carrying out

Before you figure out how to do an enema at home with a pear, you should study a number of contraindications to performing this procedure:

  • internal bleeding localized in the stomach or intestines;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute forms of inflammation in the anus and colon;
  • recovery stage after surgery related to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • risk of rectal prolapse;
  • bleeding type hemorrhoids;
  • acute form of appendicitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • rectal oncology;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Cure for overeating

Asclepiades, one of the Greek fathers of medicine, was an ardent supporter of this procedure. He argued that an enema not only cures diseases of the body, but also enlightens the mind. The Romans, after a fatal gluttony, did not part with a device for cleaning the intestines. They were helped by a structure resembling a funnel connected to a leather bag.

Medieval pharmacists and barbers used a proven method of treating those with increased body weight and a sick soul who sought help - they did an enema. By the way, back in the last century it was called an enema.

The German scientist Esmarch invented a special mug, which now bears his name. Warm water with the addition of table salt, vinegar, soap or oil, or glycerin was poured into the intestines using a rubber tube. The device solved the problem of how to make an enema without a pear. It was obligatory to lie for 10 to 30 minutes on the left side to soften what had to come out of the body.

Staging equipment

Before doing a pear enema, you should prepare a number of necessary items:

  • rubber bulb;
  • small basin;
  • dry cloth;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide (necessary if a bulb equipped with a solid tip is used);
  • petrolatum;
  • a special solution for filling the enema (prescribed by the doctor);
  • disposable gloves.

If a cleansing enema is performed, then the ideal option would be a balloon-type bulb, the tip of which is ten to fifteen centimeters long. And taking into account the fact that it is necessary to completely empty the intestines, it is recommended to take a pear with a volume of at least 450 ml. When performing an emulsion-type enema, an instrument with a volume of 100-200 milliliters is sufficient.

Preparation for the procedure

In addition, before performing a pear enema, the equipment should be carefully prepared. To do this, the syringe is boiled for 10-15 minutes. If there is a hard type tip, remove it and leave it in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes, after which it is attached back.

An enema using a bulb is performed in a side-lying position. After the procedure, the patient needs to remain in this position for another ten minutes. That is why, before figuring out how to properly do a pear enema, you should prepare your workspace. The preparation consists of placing an oilcloth on the bed so that one of its ends hangs from the bed - a basin is placed under it. The oilcloth is covered with a diaper. Prepare a solution for the procedure, which is placed so that it is convenient to use during the enema.

Execution technology

How to give a pear enema to an adult? This process consists of certain stages:

  1. Wear disposable gloves.
  2. The tip of the bulb, as well as the anus, is lubricated with Vaseline.
  3. The patient lies on his left side, tucks his legs and pulls them towards his stomach. If you are interested in how to give yourself a pear enema, then you will have to try to spread the buttocks with one hand, at the same time hold a napkin near the anus, and insert the pear with the other hand.
  4. The tip must be inserted into the posterior hole to a depth of 10-12 cm. This must be done carefully, using rotational movements.
  5. Slow pressure is applied to the syringe and the solution present in it is poured. It is forbidden to press sharply on the device, since excessive pressure of liquid can lead to damage to the intestine. If a person feels strong pressure or acute pain is present, the procedure must be stopped immediately and an ambulance is called.
  6. Removing the pear from the rectum must be extremely careful.
  7. Using a napkin, wipe the skin from the perineum to the anus.
  8. The buttocks are tightly closed and the oilcloth and diaper are carefully pulled out.

After inserting the bulb, you need to lie on your left side for 10 minutes, after which the patient turns over to your right side. Breathing should be done with the stomach, this will ensure the movement of water through the intestines.

Procedure frequency diagram

If there is a fissure in the anus, the procedure must be performed very carefully. This should be done as many times a day as there is a urge to defecate.

To completely cleanse the body of waste and toxins, the following enema scheme at home is recommended:

  • 1st day – 500 ml of liquid before bedtime;
  • 2nd day – liter of solution;
  • 4th – 1.5 liters of liquid;
  • 7th – a 2-liter enema is administered.

Days 3, 5 and 6 are breaks. They are necessary to prevent disturbances in intestinal motility.

Types and purposes of enemas

An enema is quite easy to do at home. The procedure does not require sterility. However, the process must be carried out only for its intended purpose; carrying out cleansing on your own leads to negative consequences. There are different types of enemas. Each of them has certain features and purposes.


  • Cleansing. For such an enema you will need up to one and a half liters of water. Designed to cleanse the intestines from the accumulation of feces.
  • Medicinal. Medicinal solutions are administered, the volume is selected by the doctor. Used for intestinal diseases.
  • Hypertensive. Use a specific solution of a glass of water and half a tablespoon of salt. Helps with severe constipation and persistently high blood pressure.
  • Starchy. Five grams of starch are diluted in a glass of water and used as a solution. It is used for acute inflammatory processes in the large and small intestines.
  • Drip. Use up to two liters of clean water. An enema is prescribed to replenish fluid in the body.
  • Nutritious. For administration, choose saline solution, water, nutrient broths. Used when it is impossible to absorb food through the stomach.
  • Emulsion. The treatment solution includes equal amounts of fish oil and water. This procedure promotes bowel movements.
  • Oily. For introduction into the intestines, choose any oil - sunflower, olive or vaseline. An enema helps with persistent constipation.
  • Siphon. The process uses up to ten liters of water, so the process is carried out only in a medical facility. Used when cleansing enemas are ineffective, or when there is serious intestinal obstruction.

We recommend: Cleansing enema - how to do it yourself correctly

The type of enema is selected by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition. If there is intense pain and other unpleasant symptoms, stop the procedure and consult a doctor. Before prescribing such treatment, you need to talk about your existing diseases. For kidney diseases and constant exacerbations of arthrosis, an enema is performed only when necessary.


Having figured out how to properly perform a pear enema on yourself, you need to understand that this procedure should be carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician, which is directly related to the following factors:

  1. With frequent enema administrations, the intestines will refuse to fulfill their direct duties. It is possible that the formation of “lazy gut” is a disease that appears as a result of weak intestinal motility.
  2. During an enema, not only feces and gases are removed from the body, but also beneficial microflora, which is required for high-quality digestion and absorption of food. In addition, the lack of beneficial microflora in the intestines can cause the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Incorrect insertion may cause damage to the rectum. If you're lucky, a small wound will form on the mucous membrane; if not, a rupture will occur, and the entire contents of the intestine will be transported into the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis will occur and then you simply cannot do without surgical intervention.
  4. Lack of normal bowel movements can cause intoxication, as harmful components will dissolve and begin to be absorbed.
  5. The introduction of excessive amounts of fluid causes distension of the intestinal walls. In the inner part of the lumen, pressure increases. This provokes irritation and complication of pathologies.

Features of a cleansing enema

Cleansing enema gives a quick effect

This is the most reliable option. They resort to it when the previously described means do not produce a positive effect. This enema simply helps flush out feces from the intestinal cavity. It is considered more harmful to the body than the previous ones.

After all, the first two enemas stimulate the independent functioning of the intestines. And in this case, nothing is required from the body itself. Therefore, frequent use of cleansing enema threatens to reduce intestinal function.

A cleansing enema is recommended for use in cases where there are serious disruptions in the formation of feces and the movement of feces. It is also a good remedy for diseases of the anorectal area. To carry out the procedure, prepare water and Esmarch's mug. It is difficult to do such an enema on your own.

At the same time, you need to hold the mug at the right angle, while monitoring the amount of incoming water. When the contents enter the rectum, the device is removed and the patient continues to lie down for at least 10 minutes. It is advisable to lie there for 20 minutes. It is necessary for as much stool as possible to soften. Then they will leave the body as completely as possible.


Having figured out how to do an enema at home with a pear, you also need to study the advantages of this method:

  • ensures effective bowel cleansing;
  • convenient for self-administration of an enema;
  • when using a balloon-type bulb, liquid is pumped into the intestines, thanks to strong pressure, all feces are washed out;
  • promotes the removal of gases from the body;
  • effective in the treatment of atonic constipation, as it causes additional irritation, thereby enhancing peristalsis.

What time to do an enema

The best time for an enema is early in the morning. At this time, the intestines are most active.

The optimal time is around 7 am. It was chosen because the colon meridian is maximally active. He is tuned to energetic work, which is often accompanied by rumbling. At other times, the effectiveness of the procedure will be lower. But this does not mean that if it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, for example, in the evening, then it will be useless or painful. There will be a result, but less than what we would like to achieve. Although in some people it may be completely absent due to the physiological characteristics of the body.


When figuring out how to do a pear enema, you need to take into account the fact that this procedure has a number of disadvantages:

  • prolonged use can provoke a deterioration in intestinal motility or cause an absolute loss of ability to defecate;
  • Balloon bulbs have a maximum volume of 500 ml, and in some situations it is necessary to administer 1.5 liters of solution; in this case, you have to administer an enema several times;
  • There are a number of diseases in which performing an enema with a rubber bulb can cause serious complications - rupture of adhesions, stretching of the intestinal walls;
  • leads to the leaching of beneficial microflora;
  • irritates the mucous membrane, which provokes increased inflammation, the formation of intestinal spasms and increased pain.

Solution for infusion

There are a large number of different solutions, the simplest is water. True, this procedure has a minimal therapeutic effect, but it allows you to break through the fecal plug and free the intestinal ampulla.

Some exotic lovers add coffee, lemon juice, or even their own urine. Such radical methods do not suit us; we will do everything the old fashioned way. Using water, which can be diluted with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a better effect. The intestines have their own microflora, which should not be disturbed if possible.

Saline solution

The effect of performing an enema with a bulb directly depends on the solution that was introduced into it. Saline is very popular because it ensures the removal of large amounts of fluid from the body, softens stool, provokes the release of loose stools and leads to increased peristalsis.

To administer an enema, you need about one hundred milliliters of solution heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. After administering the liquid, you need to lie down for another 20 minutes.

It is worth noting that this solution is prohibited from being used in cases of fissures in the anal canal, ulcers, acute inflammation in the lower part of the large intestine, or edema.

Soda solution

Another question that is worth considering is how to give a pear enema to a child and an adult using a soda solution. It is usually prescribed for use in cases of excessive acidity of stool. It helps relieve pain caused by irritation of the intestinal mucosa by masses of feces. It is characterized by a high level of effectiveness in the presence of helminthiasis or acetonemia.

To prepare it, you need to combine 1.5 liters of water and 50 grams of soda. The solution must be heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees.

Herbal solutions

The following herbal decoctions are very popular when performing an enema using a pear at home:

  1. Melissa tincture. To prepare the product, you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water into three grams of finely chopped young shoots of the plant and leave for 20-30 minutes. The product is filtered and heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees. This solution helps relieve spasms.
  2. Chamomile decoction. 6 tablespoons of chamomile flowers are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Place the product in a water bath and boil for 15 minutes. The broth is allowed to cool, strained, and the remaining raw material is squeezed out. Boiled water is added to the prepared mass to obtain a volume of 500 ml. Add 2 tablespoons of honey. The resulting product helps cleanse the intestines and is also characterized by the presence of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to do an enema at home with a pear? This will not be difficult at all, the main thing is to follow the above technology and perform all actions slowly and confidently. A pear is an ideal assistant if you need to urgently cleanse the intestines of feces and gases, but do not forget that frequent use of enemas can only harm the body.

The return of the rubber bulb

Once upon a time, an enema was used to treat almost everything from the flu to cancer. Then, when pills were invented for every disease, the rubber bulb disappeared into oblivion. Today it has again gained popularity, because it is an effective and simple way to cleanse the body of toxins accumulated in the intestines that poison a person without mercy.

A rubber syringe with a soft tip, 50 ml capacity, with which the intestines are washed, is very popular because it is easy to use. Its advantages:

  • Designed for intestinal rinsing, holds 50 ml of solution, also suitable for rinsing ears.
  • Made of non-toxic, soft and durable material.
  • Sterilization is allowed.

The assortment includes various types and sizes of pears with a soft tip:

  • N. 1 (25 ml).
  • N. 3 (50 ml).
  • N. 4 (65 ml).
  • N. 5 (85 ml).

The intestines are a garbage dump. Its task is to receive and remove undigested and excess parts of food. Some of these poisons are deposited in the nooks and crannies of the intestines, rot and harden. Over time, there are more and more of them, and they harm the human body more and more. A “dirty” intestine works worse; poisons in the blood migrate throughout the body and weaken the body. Symptoms of poisoning are:

  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • frequent headaches;
  • swelling.

Read also Laxatives for cleansing the intestines, effective drugs
This is when you need to take a rubber bulb.

Advice for those who do not know how to do a pear enema at home: first you need to unload your stomach by drinking a glass of fresh sauerkraut juice, whey or buttermilk in the morning on an empty stomach.

People who are overweight or constipated can drink 30 g of Glauber's salt dissolved in ½ glass of water with lemon juice. This unpleasant, bitter-sour mixture can be diluted with mint decoction for a better taste. You should not leave the house for several hours, because bowel movements can occur very abruptly!

You should pay serious attention to the first colon cleansing. It is useless if only part of the gastrointestinal tract is washed. For deep cleaning, you need to use an irrigator, which you can buy at any pharmacy.

Instructions on how to do a pear enema correctly:

  1. Prepare the solution. To do this, brew a mixture of herbs, for example, chamomile, in a liter of hot water (pour 6 tablespoons of herbs into a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour).
  2. The second option is an infusion of chamomile and flax seed. Boil two tablespoons of the seed for 10 minutes in 2 liters of water, after removing from heat, add 4 tablespoons of chamomile and leave.

The procedure is performed as follows.
The container with the solution is hung on a hook above the couch, the patient kneels or lies on his left side. Calm down, relax all the muscles and insert an irrigator lubricated with cream or glycerin into the rectum 2/3 of the way. Breathe deeply and rhythmically, trying to keep fluid in the intestines for 2 to 5 minutes. Avicenna, the famous Arab physician, recommended holding the solution for 40 minutes, changing position so that every corner of the intestine was thoroughly washed. The longer the better. The intestines will be cleansed better if after a while you turn on your right side. An enema can be done without natural laxatives taken orally.

Cleansing the body

Among lovers of cleansing procedures for their body, there are fans who do not go a day without an enema, and do the deep rinsing described above every month. This is mistake! Too frequent cleaning sterilizes the intestines, removing waste and friendly bacterial flora from it.

You are allowed to apply cleaning yourself once a month. Only the doctor decides on the timing and composition of the mixture for intestinal lavage. Without his recommendations, the procedure can be used for stomach problems after a too heavy dinner or in cases of allergies to various foods.

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Once a month, without fear or false shame, do the intestinal cleansing described above, and very soon problems with constipation, gas, heartburn, etc. will disappear. Deep intestinal lavage can be carried out in specialized rooms. But before you spend money on it, think about a pear, which can replace chemical drugs that are harmful to the body. Visit the pharmacy, buy a device without which you previously couldn’t imagine a home medicine cabinet, and do an enema at home.

To perform the cleansing procedure you will need onions, a thermos and an enema bulb. A course of treatment of 10 days will require ten bulbs. The type of onion does not matter. White or blue onions, peels - everything goes into use. To prepare the medicinal solution, place small pieces of onion in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink the infusion on an empty stomach.

Perform the procedure daily for ten days, without skipping. Buy ten bulbs in advance, then you do not need to keep records of the procedures performed.

It is very important to follow the recommendations of specialists when cleaning against parasites. Protein products of animal origin should be excluded from the menu. Leave only fruits, vegetables, cereals. Remove all baked goods, dairy products, and chicken eggs. Eliminate sweets and alcohol.

The procedure is supported by a garlic enema, aimed against worms. The solution is prepared as follows: for 2 liters of warm water, take 3 onions and 3 cloves of garlic, grated. The effect is excellent both for removing parasites and for cleaning in case of poisoning, influenza, or sore throat.

Help with poisoning

In case of severe poisoning, first aid is an enema. Poisoning can be food (food), chemical (medicine overdose, chemicals entering the body) and alcohol. With any of them, it is very important to urgently remove the poison from the body.

The easiest way is to drink water and induce artificial vomiting. Prolonged stay of the toxic substance in the body aggravates the condition. At home, you need to take an enterosorbent, for example, activated carbon tablets. They will absorb toxins and remove them out. A cleansing enema will help, the solution of which is prepared according to the following recipe: for 2 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of salt and the same amount of glycerin.

To facilitate defecation, oil enemas are used, which contain a variety of vegetable oils: olive, petroleum jelly, sunflower. The injected oils coat the stool and intestinal wall, which promotes the movement of feces. The procedure is performed with a classic pear.

Read also Rules for cleansing the body and healing at home

A hypertensive enema consists of a saline solution: kitchen salt or magnesium. For 100 g of boiled warm water you need 1 teaspoon of salt. The salty liquid dissolves fecal stones and strengthens the functioning of the intestinal walls.

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