Nurse's action algorithm. “Technology for carrying out an oil enema”

Constipation is not uncommon. To avoid them, you need to lead an active lifestyle and follow a diet. But sometimes these methods do not help, and constipation can last for a long time. In this case, only an enema can help stabilize the situation. Such manipulations have been used for centuries; they are not difficult to do, but there are nuances that are worth paying attention to. How often can you give an enema?

When is an enema necessary?

An enema is a proven and effective means of cleansing. It cannot relieve health problems, such as constipation or hemorrhoids. But in some cases it is necessary.

Before examination and examination by a proctologist

If you are planning to make an appointment with a proctologist to diagnose diseases of the anus, including internal or external hemorrhoids, then an enema must be done:

  • A clean intestine is the key to the highest quality and accurate diagnosis.
  • The absence of stool and gases in the rectum will help you feel more confident during the examination.

It is necessary to prepare not only for the first examination, but also for all follow-up visits. This will allow the doctor to most accurately assess the dynamics of your condition during treatment or after its completion.

If you are planning to treat hemorrhoids

Preparation for hemorrhoid removal includes examining the patient, establishing bowel movements, stopping food intake 5-6 hours before the procedure, and using a cleansing enema.

Composition of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil belongs to the so-called oleic group.

It contains both saturated fatty acids: stearic, palmintic, behenic, etc., as well as mono- and polyunsaturated ones. Sunflower oil is the record holder for the content of linoleic acid according to the data presented in the study by Dolgolyuk I.V., Tereshchuk L.V. et al. (Dolgolyuk I.V., Tereshchuk L.V., Trubnikova M.A., Starovoitova K. V., p. 124).

The oil also contains myristic, arachidic, oleic, and linolenic acids. Of the polyunsaturated fatty acids, sunflower oil contains only 1% omega-3; omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids also predominate in it.

The oil also contains vitamins E, A and D. The quantitative content may vary depending on the method of pressing and subsequent processing of the product. For example, there is more vitamin E in pressed unrefined oil.

Therefore, you can drink sunflower oil if you are constipated; it can not only help cope with intestinal disorders, but also saturate the body with useful substances. Vegetable oils are a source of essential substances; they contain many fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids.

When is an enema possible?

An enema is NOT A MEDICINE. With its frequent use, problems with muscles in the gastrointestinal tract are possible - over time, the muscles will simply “forget how” to work independently. Therefore, it is mandatory to use it only before examination by a proctologist and before treatment. In rare cases, it can be used after removal of hemorrhoids and with the simultaneous presence of hemorrhoids and constipation.

After hemorrhoid removal

After removal of hemorrhoids, as a rule, there is no need for an enema. The exception is the so-called “psychological constipation.” This is the fear of defecation after the procedure. In this case, an enema may be prescribed by a doctor. But more often, doctors still prescribe medications (tablets, powders, drops) to treat constipation.

Hemorrhoids and constipation at the same time

For hemorrhoid treatment to be successful, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, in case of constipation, the first thing to do is to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you should contact a gastroenterologist. If at the moment this is not possible, then as first aid you can resort to a cleansing enema. However, it should never be abused. And at the first opportunity, consult a gastroenterologist, get rid of constipation, and then contact a proctologist for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Benefits of using enema oil

Firstly, the main advantage is the naturalness of the product. Natural remedies are more trusted. Many will opt for oil detoxification. There are almost no contraindications, only individual intolerance.

Secondly, a gentle effect, creating a feeling of comfort inside the intestinal tract.

Thirdly, it moisturizes the intestinal walls without causing irritation

Fourth, gradual cleansing, eliminating pain during bowel movements. Peristalsis remains unchanged.

It is worth noting the financial side of the process. Using oil enemas is beneficial for practical reasons. By using the product, we can save a lot.

When is an enema prohibited?

A complete ban applies in two cases:

  • with severe, unbearable pain in the anus;
  • with heavy bleeding from the anus.

What to do about pain and bleeding?

If you have pain and bleeding, sign up for a clinic that provides patients with emergency proctological care, including without prior preparation for an appointment with a proctologist.

In most cases, it is possible to get rid of hemorrhoids and its symptoms immediately, on the day of the first treatment. We cleaned the rectum -> received first aid -> underwent diagnostics -> cured hemorrhoids. But in the absence of preliminary cleansing, this chain is broken. Diagnosis becomes impossible, which means treatment is delayed.

Without preparation, you will be given first aid for hemorrhoids: pain and/or bleeding will be eliminated. Then, as soon as the symptoms become less pronounced, you will be advised to come back with a cleansed intestine to undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment.

How to give an enema

Before the examination, it is recommended to do an enema twice:

  1. the evening before the doctor's visit;
  2. in the morning three to four hours before the examination.

To carry out the procedure at home, you need to buy an Esmarch mug at any pharmacy. It is a rubber heating pad with a long tube and a smooth tip. The latter has a screw to regulate the water pressure.

To avoid injuries to the rectum, mucous membrane and the appearance of anal fissures, we recommend following the instructions, which you will find at the link

If you can’t give an enema yourself

Most people cope with the cleansing procedure without difficulty. If any difficulties arise, there are several ways to solve them:

  1. Enlist the help of someone close to you.
  2. Use the medicated mini-enema "Microlax".
  3. Get trained directly at the clinic. Many modern private medical centers provide this service. If this is important to you, clarify this nuance when making an appointment with a proctologist.

A little about oils for performing enemas

The variety of oils is amazing. The price category is the same. Here you need to proceed from individual preferences, needs, and financial capabilities. The purpose of the procedure is affected. Cleansing with sunflower oil is common: affordable in price, gives results. Castor oil is also popular and is not inferior to the first one. It has been used for a long time. Eliminates constipation of any etiology. Vaseline is not considered a full-fledged herbal, although it has a laxative effect.

Other oils are known. They are more expensive and, in addition to the laxative effect, have, for example, an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It is worth paying attention to this issue. Especially if this procedure is used frequently.

Gel "Microlax" - a convenient alternative to an enema

Thanks to the special oil solution contained in the gel, cleansing is gentle and quick.

Already 15 minutes after the introduction of the gel into the rectum, a single bowel movement occurs. For constipation, it is recommended to cleanse twice. If the stool is regular, then in most cases one procedure is enough.

It is also convenient that with the help of a mini-enema you can prepare for an examination in almost any environment (at home, at work, etc.). In other words, in any place where there is a toilet room.

For more information about the use of Microlax microenemas, read the article on the page

Water enema or Microlax – which is better?

There is probably no definite answer to this question - the choice always depends on the specific situation. To help you make a choice, we list the pros and cons of each of these methods.

Water enema - pros and cons of use


  • A safe method of cleansing the intestines (if carried out carefully and following the instructions).
  • Effectively cleanses feces.
  • For severe constipation and large hard lumps, exposure to water is the most effective method, since medicinal microenemas may not be effective.
  • Low financial costs. To carry out the procedures, you need to buy an Esmarch mug once and use it many times over many years.


  • Giving yourself such an enema can be a difficult task, especially if you feel unwell, are very pregnant, have musculoskeletal disorders, or even just have insufficient flexibility in your body. Because of this feature, the procedure can take a long time.
  • For some people, this type of procedure causes a feeling of fear or strong hostility.
  • Bursting pain and other unpleasant sensations often occur.
  • During defecation, the water does not come out completely; some of the liquid remains on the inner walls of the rectum. Therefore, a person constantly feels a false urge to defecate, and with each attempt to empty the contents of the intestines, liquid comes out in small portions, thereby creating certain inconveniences.
  • The tip of the Esmarch mug requires disinfection after each use to avoid accidental infection through microscopic damage in the skin of the anus. And if several people in a family use one Esmarch mug, then each family member should have their own tip.

Microlax - pros and cons of use


  • A safe product recommended even for newborn children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. Of course, in the absence of allergic reactions to the substances contained in the drug.
  • There are no bursting pains, since the volume of the gel for a single use is only 5 ml.
  • Convenient to use. It is enough to insert the thin tip of the tube into the anus to a shallow depth, squeeze out the gel and carefully remove the tube. Then wait 15 minutes and empty your bowels as usual. If necessary, repeat the procedure using another tube.
  • The gel is almost completely thrown out during defecation, so in the future there are no false urges to defecate.
  • Easy to use. Almost any capable person, regardless of age, size and health status, can cleanse the intestines on their own, without outside help.
  • Sold in almost any pharmacy at affordable prices.
  • Each tube is equipped with a disposable tip that does not require disinfection.


  • Allergic reactions are possible. When first used, it is recommended to check the reaction by applying a small amount of gel to the elbow area. If an allergic reaction occurs, it will appear within 5 to 30 minutes. In case of a positive allergic reaction, you must immediately take an antihistamine and discontinue further use. To select a different drug, consult an allergist or dermatologist.
  • With increased sensitivity, discomfort may occur (itching, burning in the anus or inside the rectum). The discomfort goes away almost immediately after defecation.
  • In rare cases, side effects such as abdominal pain and/or loose stools may occur. If these symptoms do not go away on their own within 2-3 hours, you should consult a gastroenterologist. If pain, burning or loose stools are severe, seek emergency medical help.

Recipes, rules of application

Many people wonder how to take sunflower oil for constipation.

If you need to cleanse your intestines, it is important to consider several rules:

  • 100 grams of sunflower oil contains 884 kcal, it is important to take this into account when calculating the daily amount of calories;
  • sunflower oil will increase the production of bile and contraction of the gallbladder, stimulate the functioning of the intestinal muscles;
  • defecation will not occur immediately after using the oil - on average, it will take up to two hours, so you should not expect an immediate effect;
  • eating after consuming the oil on an empty stomach should be no earlier than 60 minutes later - keep this in mind when taking the oil in the morning, before breakfast;
  • You should not consume more than 50 ml of oil per day;
  • it is important to drink enough fluid, up to two liters per day, and also consume less carbohydrates;
  • To achieve a comfortable morning bowel movement, it is better to drink the oil at night.

Indeed, it is customary to drink sunflower oil at night for constipation, and here’s why. This is a delayed-acting remedy; the first stool may occur after a few hours. A number of researchers recommend consuming oil in the evening.

Some note that it is not necessary to use the product in its pure form; you can combine the oil with other products with a laxative effect. For example, Doctor of Medical Sciences Minushkin O.N. in his work emphasizes that the intake of vegetable oils should be in the amount of “1-2 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach, it is better to stir it in kefir and take it at night” (Minushkin O.N., p. 705).

There are other recipes that are very popular:

  1. Egg mixture. Sunflower oil for constipation in adults can be mixed with egg yolk. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed, shaken before use, and drunk an hour before breakfast. You can lie down on your right side for a while and then have breakfast.
  2. Oil + fruit or vegetable juice. Natural juices will enhance the effect of vegetable oil. You can add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to a glass of freshly squeezed juice or vegetable puree.
  3. Oil + dried fruits. A mixture of chopped dried apricots, prunes, black raisins and 50 g of vegetable oil has a laxative effect. You can eat this mixture in the morning, two tablespoons an hour before breakfast.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at Alan Clinic

  • All medical institutions provide non-surgical hardware treatment for hemorrhoids.
  • All our clinics are equipped with the most modern equipment from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers.
  • The consultation is conducted by proctologists who have many years of practical experience in treating hemorrhoids of all stages, types and forms.
  • We accept adult patients over 18 years of age for diagnosis and treatment in the following cities: Moscow, Kazan, Izhevsk, Cheboksary.
  • Most of our patients get rid of hemorrhoids in just 1 - 3 visits to the proctologist. Therefore, out-of-town patients often come to us.
  • We work on the “All inclusive” principle. Immediately after diagnosis, the doctor selects the optimal course of treatment. The price is fixed in the contract and does not change in the future, even if the patient requires more procedures or drugs than was originally agreed. The cost of the course of treatment includes absolutely everything the patient needs: Local anesthesia;
  • Minimally invasive (bloodless) procedures for the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • All necessary drugs for use in the clinic and at home;
  • All repeated examinations and consultations with a proctologist;
  • Analyzes;
  • 24-hour telephone consultations with your doctor or clinic consultants;
  • Additional procedures and/or medications to accelerate tissue healing;
  • Free observation by a proctologist after completion of the course of treatment.
  • If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended at no additional cost.

We'll be happy to help!

To sign up for diagnostics and treatment, select a city and go to the website of the selected clinic.

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