Phosphalugel. Its therapeutic effect and its action


As noted above, Phosphalugel is an antacid medication that has a wide range of effects on the body:

  • enveloping
  • antacid
  • adsorbent

After consuming a pharmaceutical product, the activity of pepsin decreases. Aluminum phosphate, which is part of the medication, helps neutralize excess hydrochloric acid. It is important to note that this prevents secondary hypersecretion of gastric juice.

The substances contained in the medicine envelop the gastrointestinal mucosa. As a result, a layer is formed on it that can protect it from the aggressive effects of certain factors.

The medication eliminates:

  • toxins
  • harmful compounds
  • gases

In addition, after taking the medicine, intestinal passage improves.

Treatment with Phosphalugel does not lead to electrolyte imbalance. In addition to all this, taking the medicine does not threaten alkalosis and the formation of stones.

What to do in case of poisoning?

In case of poisoning, the first emergency aid is gastric lavage. Precautionary measures: take products that absorb toxins; harmful substances will relieve nausea and vomiting. Example - Phosphalugel.

How does Phosphalugel work?

Antacid (acid absorbing) drug. Used for food poisoning, reduces the acidity of stomach juice. Helps in the fight against heartburn, eliminates nausea. Accelerates the healing of the stomach, eliminates the development of gastritis. Used against diarrhea. The gel is safe and is prescribed to pregnant women and infants.

The product penetrates the mucous membrane and protects against the negative effects of toxins. The effectiveness of treatment with antacid drugs is 85%. With continued use, the percentage decreases.

The medicine cannot be used systematically - it leads to brain damage.

Manufacturer, drug components

The drug is of French origin, a white gel, produced by Pharmatis. The main component of the drug is aluminum phosphate. Additional ingredients: pectin, calcium sulfate, water, orange flavor.

When can you prescribe

The drug is prescribed for:

  1. peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach
  2. gastritis
  3. diarrhea
  4. diaphragmatic hernia
  5. non-ulcer dyspepsia syndrome
  6. colon pathologies
  7. gastroesophageal reflux
  8. reflux esophagitis
  9. non-ulcer dyspepsia
  10. gastrointestinal disorders
  11. taking alcohol and medications

Tips for taking medication

The gel is used by adults and children. Instructions: children over 6 years old, adults drink one ticker twice a day.

A child up to six months should drink one teaspoon, from six months - 2 teaspoons, four times a day. Use as a gel or mix with water.

Effective in case of alcohol poisoning, it will help normalize a person’s well-being. Will remove the toxic effects of alcohol-containing drinks on the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of poisoning resulting from drinking alcohol require large doses of the drug - drink 5 sachets during the day, in the following days you do not need to take the medicine, just empty your stomach.

Tips for use:

  • Constipation rarely occurs while taking the medication; if a problem occurs, you should increase the amount of water you consume.
  • The drug can be used by people suffering from diabetes.

  • The use of the gel in conjunction with other medications is permitted; it is worth consulting with a specialist - it becomes possible to deactivate the effect.
  • After consuming the gel, you can drive a car; it does not affect the driver’s condition.
  • It is prohibited to use the drug together with antibiotics and iron-containing drugs.
  • The drug is useful for pregnant women - the body is cleansed of harmful substances.

Taking the drug by children

The medicine is approved for children from birth. The specifics of taking the drug should be properly clarified with the attending physician - the appointment is individual. Typically used for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is safe for a child to use the gel for 2-3 days. With long-term use, there is a negative effect on brain activity and, in the future, the child is at risk of developing mental inhibition.

As already mentioned, infants can be prescribed Phosphalugel from birth; its use is harmless. Doctors use it to reduce the acidity of stomach juice, the symptoms of which are regurgitation and vomiting. Also used if the baby has diarrhea.

Use by pregnant women

During pregnancy, many girls experience discomfort due to gastrointestinal illness, this manifests itself in the form of heartburn after vomiting. These symptoms complicate pregnancy. Phosphalugel is allowed to be taken during pregnancy; it is prescribed to be taken during the onset of unpleasant sensations, to suppress them. There are restrictions: five sachets of 20 grams per day.

For toxicosis, take 3-4 times a day before meals (16 gram sachet).

How to use the drug

  • The medication can be taken orally in pure form or diluted (0.5 cups of water per 1 sachet). You should not consume more than 6 sachets of the product per day.
  • Adults and children over 6 years of age are usually prescribed 1-2 sachets of the drug two to three times a day.
  • For peptic ulcers, the medicine should be taken 2 hours after eating or when pain occurs.
  • For gastritis or dyspepsia, Phosphalugel is recommended to be taken before meals.
  • Diseases of the colon require taking medication immediately after getting out of bed (on an empty stomach) and before going to bed.
  • After meals and before bedtime, it is recommended to take the medicine for gastroesophageal reflux and diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Children under 6 months are prescribed 1 teaspoon of gel. The medicine can be given to the baby after feeding, a maximum of 6 times a day. Children older than six months are allowed to take half a sachet of the product at a time.
  • Phosphalugel helps well with nausea or vomiting; for this purpose you need to use 2 sachets of gel.

The instructions note that before taking the medication, you should knead the contents of the package to a homogeneous consistency. Afterwards, you need to cut or tear off the corner of the bag and squeeze out the gel.


Phosphalugel ®

®) is an antacid drug in the form of a white or almost white gel, sweet in taste, with the taste and smell of orange.
packaged in bags. Sometimes phosphalugel is classified as a first-generation antacid (Konorev M.R.). Active substance:
aluminum phosphate (lat.
aluminum phosphate

Composition of one sachet of phosphalugel

Phosphalugel is sold in two different packaging options. 10.4 g sachets and 12.38 g sachets containing the following ingredients:

Total mass of sachet contents, g10,412,38
Aluminum phosphate, g2,082,48
Sorbitol 70%, g4,484,286
Agar-agar 800, mg4580
Pectin, mg87100
Calcium sulfate dihydrate, mg1210
Potassium sorbate, mg4053
Orange flavor8032
Purified water, gup to 16up to 20
Features of the effect of phosphalugel on the gastrointestinal tract

A special feature of phosphalugel is that aluminum phosphate micelles have a high adhesive ability, ensuring their fixation on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, a long duration of action, maintaining the acidity in the stomach at a level of 2.4 pH for at least two hours. The acid neutralizing ability of a daily dose of phosphalugel is 220 mEq at pH = 2.2. The increase in acidity in the stomach as aluminum phosphate dissolves occurs gradually, which avoids the phenomenon of acid rebound
. Aluminum phosphate has low toxicity, which is due to its low ability to form neutral complexes in the presence of food acids. In addition, the relative absorption coefficient of aluminum phosphate is 0.087% (aluminum hydroxide - 0.147%, sucralfate - 0.196%). On the other hand, aluminum phosphate does not interfere with the absorption of dietary phosphorus, preventing the development of phosphorus deficiency in the body, which is especially important during long-term use of phosphalugel (Belmer S.V.).

Indications for use of phosphalugel
  • For all age groups - peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with normal or high acidity, reflux esophagitis
  • For adults - non-ulcer dyspepsia syndrome, functional diarrhea, hiatal hernia, digestive tract disorders caused by intoxication, medications, irritants (acids, alkalis), alcohol
  • For the purpose of prevention - to reduce the absorption of radioactive drugs.
Method of application of phosphalugel and dose

Adults and children over 6 years old - take 1-2 sachets of phosphalugel orally 2-3 times a day. Children under 6 months - ¼ sachet or 1 teaspoon after each of 6 feedings; over 6 months - ½ sachet or 2 teaspoons after each of 4 feedings. Phosphalugel is taken either pure or diluted in half a glass of water. Before opening, mix the contents of the bag by rubbing it between your fingers.

  • For gastroesophageal reflux, reflux esophagitis, hiatal hernia - immediately after meals and at night
  • For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum - 1–2 hours after eating and immediately when pain occurs
  • For gastritis and dyspepsia - before meals
  • For functional diseases of the colon - in the morning on an empty stomach and at night

If pain occurs between doses, phosphalugel is repeated.

The use of phosphalugel in the treatment of GERD

The need for widespread inclusion of antacid drugs in treatment regimens for any clinical forms of GERD is especially emphasized in the Gstaad guidelines, on the basis of which a new multilevel European algorithm was created (see diagram below). In this algorithm, in contrast to previous recommendations, there are 3 stages of care for patients with GERD: self-medication with over-the-counter medications (OTC), primary medical care (general practitioner) and specialized medical care (gastroenterologist). If heartburn or regurgitation occurs sporadically (once a week or less), it is possible to relieve it independently with medications usually recommended by a pharmacist at a pharmacy. At this stage, antacids are the most appropriate agents, but proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine H2 blockers (H2RAs) can be used if necessary. With long-term use of anticidal agents based on aluminum hydroxide, which interferes with the absorption of dietary phosphates in the intestine, hypophosphatemia, osteoporosis and osteomalacia may develop. This is due to the limitation of the use of aluminum-containing antacids in children and pregnant women. The exception is phosphalugel (aluminum phosphate), which does not affect phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Therefore, it can be prescribed to both pregnant women and nursing mothers, and children from birth. The use of phosphalugel may be preferable in elderly patients, who often have reduced bone density (Samsonov A.A., Odintsova A.N.).

Rice. Three-level algorithm for drug treatment of GERD. BLS - over-the-counter drugs, H2RA - H2-blockers of histamine receptors, PPI - proton pump inhibitors (Samsonov A.A., Odintsova A.N.).

Contraindications to the use of phosphalugel

Phosphalugel is contraindicated in cases of severe renal dysfunction or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects of phosphalugel

Side effects of phosphalugel occur rarely, mainly in elderly people and bedridden patients, in the form of constipation.
According to the pharmacological index, phosphalugel belongs to antacids and adsorbents. For ATC - to the group of antacids, subgroup “Aluminium preparations”, code “A02AB03 Aluminum phosphate”.

general information

Phosphalugel does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate other mechanisms.
Phosphalugel is an over-the-counter product.


Pharmatis, France. Form instructions -.

Other medicinal products containing active ingredients

aluminum phosphate: Alfogel, Gasterin.

Professional medical publications addressing the use of phosphalugel in the treatment of the digestive system
  • Belmer S.V. Phosphalugel. In the book Acid-dependent conditions in children / Ed. V.A. Tabolina. M.: 1999.
  • Vasiliev Yu.V. Modern antacid drugs in gastroenterological practice // Attending Physician. – 2004. – No. 4.
  • Samsonov A.A., Odintsova A.N. Antacids in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease // Breast Cancer. 2012. No. 35. pp. 1697–1701.
  • Shcherbakov P.L. Antacid drugs in the practice of a pediatric gastroenterologist // 2013. No. 3(81). pp. 56–60.

On the website in the literature catalog there is a section “Antacids”, containing articles devoted to the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with antacids, including phosphalugel. Back to section

special instructions

Doctors prescribe the drug with caution when:

  • heart failure
  • liver disease
  • kidney pathologies

After taking the medicine, the concentration of aluminum in the bloodstream increases in the elderly, patients, and those with impaired kidney function.

If constipation occurs due to the use of Phosphalugel, you need to drink as much fluid as possible.

The medication is suitable for use for preventive purposes to reduce the absorption of radioactive substances.

Phosphalugel does not contain sugar, its use is safe for diabetes.

Treatment with Phosphalugel does not affect:

  • x-ray results
  • driving
  • performing work that requires special concentration.

Contraindications to the use of phosphalugel

The drug has both absolute and relative contraindications for use. If there are absolute contraindications, phosphalugel should not be prescribed or taken. If the contraindications are relative, phosphalugel is used with extreme caution and regular monitoring of the patient by a doctor. Absolute contraindications to the use of phosphalugel include:

  1. Alzheimer's disease;
  2. low concentration of phosphorus in the blood;
  3. severe renal failure;
  4. allergies or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Relative contraindications to the use of Phosphalugel:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. cirrhosis of the liver;
  3. mild or moderate renal dysfunction;
  4. age exceeding 65 years;
  5. heart failure.

And in conclusion, let's remember the famous phosphalugel commercial:

Complex treatment of poisoning

Treatment must be done comprehensively, it must not only relieve symptoms, the body must be cured, overcome the infection and restore the functionality of organs.

If the poisoning is not severe, then it can be dealt with at home; you should consult your doctor. But if the poisoning is severe, then treatment is prescribed in the infectious diseases department.

User opinions

Reviews are mostly positive, because... he performs his functions one hundred percent. Phosphalugel is easy to use, the sticks are easy to take with you, the gel does not need to be washed down with water, and it tastes acceptable.

Convenience also lies in the fact that Phosphalugel is used for many diseases, including diarrhea, heartburn, alcohol poisoning, diarrhea, etc. It is more effective than many analogues and acts quite quickly. The taste is pleasant, a child can drink it.

There are also negative reviews; people write that the drug was ineffective for them. But such opinions are rare.

To summarize, Phosphalugel is an effective treatment for symptoms associated with gastrointestinal poisoning. This medicine relieves stomach pain; a couple of sachets can relieve abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Doctors advise keeping this remedy in your home medicine cabinet. It can be used by adults, children, and pregnant women.

Phosphalugel is available in the form of a gel and packaged in sachets. There are many analogues; your doctor will help you choose the right drug. A common mistake patients make is prolonged self-medication of poisoning. Treatment at home reduces discomfort. It is worth remembering that failure to provide timely assistance from a specialist can lead to a delay in the diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases.

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