How to give an enema to an infant - the need for the procedure and its technique

An enema (obsolete - klystir) is a medical procedure that consists of injecting various solutions for better absorption directly into the rectum using an instrument of the same name. Depending on the type of drug used, three types of manipulations can be distinguished:

  • therapeutic enemas necessary to cleanse the intestines, improve stools and achieve similar purely medical purposes;
  • nutritional enemas, designed to quickly introduce into the body the required amount of nutrients (glucose, for example), which are better absorbed directly through the intestinal walls;
  • diagnostic enemas, which are the infusion of special contrast solutions into the rectum, which have unique effects that greatly facilitate the further work of the radiologist.

In this article we will talk in detail about therapeutic (in other words, about ordinary cleansing) enemas, which can be given at home. How to do an enema yourself?

Indications for using a chamomile enema

In what cases is the use of an enema with chamomile infusion indicated? Such treatment allows you to cleanse the intestines of toxic substances, relieve inflammation, and has an antiseptic effect. To carry out the manipulation, it is allowed to use a pear or an Esmarch mug.

What are the benefits of an enema with chamomile solution?


  • The presence of essential oils helps get rid of inflammatory processes.
  • The bile ducts and smooth muscles are stimulated, resulting in improved intestinal functionality.
  • Appetite is normalized.
  • The antibacterial effect is carried out directly in the inflammatory focus.
  • Painful sensations are reduced.

If you add other medicinal herbs to the solution - St. John's wort, yarrow, calendula, then the enema result will be effective. It helps relieve pain and heal small wounds. Similar treatment is prescribed in several cases.


  1. inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  2. chronic constipation, colitis;
  3. prostatitis in any form;
  4. acute painful sensations in the perineal area;
  5. hemorrhoids, anal damage;
  6. dysbacteriosis after poisoning;
  7. preparatory stage before surgery.

It is recommended to use only pharmaceutical chamomile for treatment to eliminate negative consequences. It is recommended to consult with a medical professional before undergoing the procedure.

How to prepare a medicinal solution for an enema?

Therapeutic solutions for enemas are prepared based on herbal decoctions.

Therapeutic solutions for enemas are prepared based on herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, calendula and others), soda, as well as milk, lemon juice or even garlic.

In this case, only the additional properties of the drug will depend on the choice of the active component. In general, any enema solutions are made according to the same principles:

  1. Only purified boiled water can be used as a basis for preparing the drug;
  2. to enhance the effect of the enema, you can add crushed soap to it (strictly - household or children's soap); at the same time, before starting the procedure, it is important to make sure that the soap shavings are completely dissolved in the water, forming foam;
  3. before using the solution, it is necessary to calculate its temperature using a special thermometer suitable for working with water; drugs heated to 40 degrees Celsius or higher must be cooled (otherwise the patient may suffer a burn to the intestines).

What temperature should the enema water be? It is not possible to answer this question unequivocally. It all depends on the doctor’s diagnosis:

  • for atonic constipation, use cold solutions (12-20 degrees Celsius);
  • for spastic ones - warm (about 38 degrees Celsius);
  • for ordinary cleansing enemas, the water should be heated to medium temperature (25-35 degrees Celsius).

As soon as the solution is ready, the procedure itself should begin immediately.

The following video will tell you more about how to give an enema:

Varieties of enemas with chamomile

A chamomile enema for an adult is easy to do at home.
There are several types of procedures with different directions. Their use will help normalize intestinal function and get rid of certain diseases, and recover from intoxication. However, it is not recommended to abuse such treatment on your own. We recommend: How to quickly remove THC from urine?

Cleansing enema

Chamomile enema in adults is used for constipation and painful bowel movements. The course of treatment is repeated twice a year. It will take up to seven manipulations, repeated every other day, to get the desired result.

Preparation of the decoction:

  • Two large spoons of herbs are poured into half a liter of boiling water.
  • The infusion is left in a thermos for thirty minutes and filtered.
  • Add two liters of water.

The temperature of the finished medicine should not exceed forty degrees. This will avoid burns to the intestinal mucosa. An Esmarch mug is used to carry out the procedure.


  1. Pour the solution into Esmarch's mug.
  2. Raise it to a height of one to one and a half meters and secure it.
  3. The end of the tube and the anus are lubricated with Vaseline.
  4. Insert the hose no less than four centimeters.
  5. When injecting the liquid there should be no painful sensations; if necessary, it is recommended to lightly stroke the abdomen.
  6. You need to hold the solution for ten minutes, then visit the toilet.

A cleansing enema with chamomile is required before 5-7 am. If carried out correctly, the procedure will help normalize intestinal function and get rid of toxic substances. Constantly performing a cleansing enema is not recommended to avoid negative consequences.

Enema for the treatment of hemorrhoids

An enema for hemorrhoids helps relieve inflammation. When used correctly, pain will decrease, spasms and itching will disappear. However, such treatment is allowed only at the initial stage of the disease. If the symptoms of the disease are severe, an enema is prohibited.

Making the solution:

  • Take two large spoons of chamomile per glass of boiling water.
  • They insist for twenty minutes.
  • After this time, the product is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Fifty milliliters of medicinal fluid is enough for administration. Before doing a chamomile enema, cleanse the intestines using an Esmarch mug and plain water. This will allow the beneficial elements to be absorbed faster.

Carrying out:

  1. The medicinal infusion is collected in a small pear.
  2. The patient takes a lateral position.
  3. The end of the syringe and the anus are lubricated with Vaseline.
  4. Carefully insert the end of the syringe and squeeze the liquid into the intestines.
  5. It is recommended to wait fifteen minutes and then visit the toilet.

Treatment is carried out at night before bedtime. The course of therapy is one and a half weeks. If necessary, the doctor will increase the duration of treatment procedures.

Enema for the treatment of prostatitis

An enema with chamomile for prostatitis helps reduce irritation, normalizes the condition of organs and helps restore the mucous membrane. The use of such treatment is carried out after consultation with a specialist. The recipe for preparing the solution is simple.


  • Add two tablespoons of herb to two hundred milliliters of water.
  • The liquid is placed in a water bath and cooked for half an hour.
  • The finished solution is cooled and filtered.

Correct Application Technique

The effectiveness of douching depends on the correct angle of fluid injection. It is recommended to take a knee-elbow position, slightly arching your back. It is permissible to lie on your left side, first pulling your legs towards your stomach.

Correct body position during an enema

The tip of the enema is inserted approximately five centimeters. The drug is administered carefully, without sharp pressure. After finishing, it is recommended to lie without moving for 10 minutes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids and prostatitis is carried out using the described method; it is only important to reduce the amount of fluid administered. For such diseases, it is recommended to use this method before bedtime. The enema is used exclusively with a soft tip. The course lasts seven days, after which there is a break of 2 weeks.

Recipes for making chamomile infusion:

  1. Cleansing enema. Take 30 grams of chamomile flowers and steam in two glasses of liquid. Then strain and dilute with a liter of boiled water.
  2. For hemorrhoids. Thirty grams of the product is poured into a glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 40 minutes. After filtering, boiled water is added to the original volume.
  3. In the treatment of prostatitis, an infusion of one hundred milliliters is used. Mix one spoon of crushed plant with a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour.

Other recipes:

Chamomile enema for children

Children often have problems with the digestive tract. For constipation and other disorders, it is allowed to use a chamomile enema. It must be remembered that the amount of liquid used should be directly proportional to the age of the child. Use a solution with a temperature no higher than thirty degrees, so as not to cause burns to the intestinal mucosa. Most often, a chamomile enema is used to eliminate flatulence in children. For a newborn child, manipulation is carried out only according to the doctor’s indications. Infants have not yet fully developed their intestines, so the development of negative consequences is possible.

The need for an enema

Such procedures can hardly be called pleasant, but under certain circumstances they are necessary.

What doctors consider an indication for an enema:

  1. Constipation in a baby, which causes him serious anxiety and disrupts the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Frequent regurgitation, problems with appetite, poisoning - in order to remove harmful substances and reduce intoxication.
  3. To introduce certain solutions into the child’s body that promote healing.
  4. Carrying out some diagnostic procedures, for example, an enema is done before an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

The extent to which the baby needs an enema is determined by the pediatrician; in some cases, the procedure is carried out in a course to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. In others, a one-time enema is required, which will help solve existing problems.

If a baby has prolonged constipation, has problems with stool, or signs of intoxication in the body, then an enema is indicated as a medical procedure that promotes cleansing.


An enema is not permitted in all cases. For some conditions, such treatment is prohibited. Otherwise, the development of complications and negative consequences is possible.

When not:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic form.
  2. Presence of internal bleeding.
  3. Prolapse of nodes from the rectum due to hemorrhoids.
  4. Intense pain in the abdomen.
  5. Tumor formations in the digestive tract.

Therapy is not carried out during pregnancy so as not to provoke premature birth. The procedure is also not recommended during breastfeeding.

Chamomile enema is an excellent cleansing and medicinal product. Proper use will help relieve inflammation and pain, cleanse the intestines of toxins and restore normal functioning of organs.

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