Is it possible to do an enema during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body adapts to special conditions, the load on the work of internal organs increases, which is reflected in their functional characteristics, this also applies to the work of the intestines. During this period, a woman may be bothered by frequent constipation, for the treatment of which various methods are used, one of many is an enema during pregnancy.

Indications for use

An enema is the introduction of a small amount of water or a special solution into the rectum to soften stool and perform a bowel movement. Indications for the use of this method are constipation, which can be diagnosed if bowel movements occur less than three times a week, as well as helminthiasis (pinworm infection). In this regard, cleansing (for constipation) and therapeutic (for helminthiasis) enemas are distinguished.

Constipation is common during pregnancy: the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines, making it difficult for feces to move toward the anus. Since expectant mothers systematically complain about this condition, doctors have been able to use their accumulated experience and develop other, more gentle and less traumatic methods of cleansing the intestines. Thus, rectal suppositories with a laxative effect are famous for their mild effect, and sometimes it is enough to adjust the diet and review the drinking regime.

You can do an enema during pregnancy only with the permission of your doctor. In order for the doctor to allow the procedure, systematic difficulties with bowel movements (constipation) and the ineffectiveness of other methods of dealing with them must be diagnosed.

Both constipation itself and the frequent use of enemas to soften stool can lead to unpleasant consequences, so this measure should not be used more than twice a week.

How to properly do an enema at home?

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, before performing it, a woman needs to learn how to do an enema during pregnancy correctly. The temperature of the injected liquid should be in the range of 22–23 ° C if water or herbal decoction is used. For oily formulations, this figure may differ.

The volume of liquid for the procedure is minimal. Pregnant women are recommended to use a syringe bulb designed for 0.5 liters for an enema, and not an Esmarch mug.

After the intestinal lavage solution is ready and drawn into the syringe, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Find a suitable location for the procedure. Since bowel movements occur soon after the enema is administered, you need to be near the toilet, for example, in the bathroom. If there is not enough space there, you can sit on the sofa, cover it with oilcloth and place a basin or bucket next to it (in case of liquid leakage).
  2. Next, you should take a comfortable position - lying on your side or standing on all fours. The abdominal muscles should be as relaxed as possible.
  3. The tip of the syringe should be lubricated with Vaseline and carefully inserted into the anus. If pain occurs, the attachment is immediately removed and placed more comfortably. If it is difficult for you to perform the procedure on your own, it is better to ask someone close to you for help.
  4. After inserting the tip, the liquid is injected into the rectum gradually. If you feel the urge to have a bowel movement at the very beginning of the procedure, you need to change your position so that your hips are slightly higher than your head.
  5. After completing the administration of the solution, it is advisable to wait about 20 minutes. Then you need to go to the toilet and cleanse your intestines. After complete emptying, you should take a shower.

Is it possible to do an enema during pregnancy?

- in the early stages

An enema is an effective and quick way to say goodbye to stagnant stool in the intestines, but this procedure is considered undesirable during pregnancy. This is due to the location of the intestines in close proximity to the main reproductive organ - the uterus, so systematic exposure to the intestines can provoke uterine tone.

Uterine tone is dangerous for miscarriage and premature birth. However, oddly enough, the initial periods are the safest in this regard. But there is also a paradox here: in the first trimester, the uterus does not in any way interfere with the act of defecation, so constipation rarely occurs.

If problems with bowel movements appear in the early stages, you need to tell your doctor about it. Most likely, the gynecologist will recommend rectal suppositories or give recommendations on introducing plant fiber into the diet. If the problem is not resolved in this way, enemas will be prescribed provided that the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there is no threat of miscarriage, the expectant mother is not bothered by abdominal pain, and there is no bleeding.

Indications for an enema in the first trimester are constipation and pinworm infection.

- in later stages

The second and third trimesters are relatively unsafe for the intestinal lavage procedure - the time when uterine tone is most likely. At home, enemas are not given, as premature labor may begin.

Again, if suppositories and nutritional correction do not help, doctors prescribe enemas, which are done only in a hospital setting. Sometimes a microenema is enough.

In the second trimester, enemas are allowed no more than once a week. In the third trimester, microenemas can be used after the 36th week.

On the eve of childbirth, an enema is sometimes given to cleanse the intestines before childbirth, so that this does not happen during pushing.

Enema before childbirth: reviews

Is an enema necessary before childbirth? – this question still causes a lot of controversy. To make it easier for you to make a decision, we advise you to read reviews from women in labor.

Reviews of enema before childbirth:

  1. I believe that an enema before childbirth is absolutely necessary. And not suppositories and laxatives, but a full-fledged enema. Only in this case can you be sure that you will not experience any embarrassment during childbirth. (Maria, Anapa).
  2. I am against enemas before childbirth. Think for yourself, childbirth is a natural process, before which the intestines usually cleanse themselves. In this case, if feces come out during childbirth, they are dry and hard. An enema is not natural, and if you were not able to clean everything, then the masses that come out will be liquid and can introduce infection into the intestines. (Alice, Belgorod)
  3. It seems to me that an enema before childbirth is absolutely necessary. And the point is not that it will be unpleasant to be embarrassed during childbirth, but also that in case of ruptures, you will not have to worry that the stitches will come apart when you go to the toilet on the first day after their application.

Opinions about such a procedure as an enema are ambiguous. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure whether an enema is needed before childbirth.

- soda solution

To prepare a soda solution, you will need half a liter of water at room temperature and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The soda must dissolve in water, so the solution is heated to a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius and then cooled to a comfortable temperature. During the procedure itself, the temperature of the solution should be at least 23 degrees.

This solution is effective not only for constipation, but also for helminthiasis. It also removes toxins and improves the digestion process.

- enema with garlic

A garlic enema is not recommended for intestinal diseases, including irritation and inflammation (colitis, enteritis). The composition of the solution will only aggravate the irritation of the organ mucosa. Garlic mixture can also increase blood pressure, so you should be especially careful with it.

The main indication for garlic enema is helminthiasis.

To obtain a solution, chop a few cloves of garlic, add a liter of hot water and leave to infuse. Before use, the solution must be filtered, the temperature should also be approximately 23 degrees.

There are other types of garlic enemas. Sometimes garlic pulp is poured with boiled water at room temperature and left for 12 hours, tightly closed with a lid and wrapped in a blanket or towel.

Also, to increase efficiency, you can add 3 tablespoons of dry tansy to the solution, mix thoroughly and strain.

- water enema

The easiest and safest enema to prepare is a water enema. Its purpose is to cleanse the intestines for constipation.

For an aqueous solution, take boiled water at room temperature. You can add a spoonful of Vaseline or castor oil to the solution.

As prescribed by the doctor, other components for enemas can be prescribed, for example, a decoction of chamomile, tansy, and wormwood.

Alternative enema option

Microlax microenema has been developed for pregnant and lactating women, which helps to gently cleanse the intestines without side effects. Softening of its contents occurs due to the active substances in the solution. It also stimulates the flow of water, which together makes defecation easier.

The drug has a gentle effect, limited only to feces. Microlax is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to the components.

Making an enema for pregnant women with constipation is very simple with its help. The medicine is placed in a tube with a tip. You need to remove its cap and insert it into the anus, then squeeze out the contents. Thanks to the fixed volume of the drug (5 ml), there is no fear of overdose.

Self-administering an enema

You can give an enema yourself only with the permission of a doctor and preferably with someone’s help. For a pregnant woman, especially in the later stages, when the belly has already reached a large size, it may be inconvenient to carry out the procedure without assistance, especially for the first time.

Before you begin cleansing the intestines, you need to prepare an oilcloth, diaper or sheet, Vaseline or lubricant, a basin, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The algorithm for self-administering an enema is as follows:

  • Prepare the solution chosen or recommended by the doctor, bring it to an acceptable (23 degrees) temperature, and fill the enema with it.
  • More on the topic

    How and why do an enema before childbirth?

    Is it possible to push on the toilet during pregnancy?

    Intestinal disorder during pregnancy

    What to do if you are worried about gas during pregnancy?

    Treatment and prevention of constipation during pregnancy

  • Provide a convenient place near the toilet, cover with a clean sheet or oilcloth.
  • Take a comfortable position, lie on your left side, bend your knees. Some women find it more comfortable to do this on all fours.
  • Lubricate the tip of the enema hose with Vaseline or lubricant.
  • Slowly and very carefully, so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the colon, the tip is inserted into the anus.
  • After a minute, you need to gradually begin to introduce water into the intestines. This should be done slowly, in small portions. In this case, breathing should be even and deep.
  • If discomfort occurs in the abdomen, it is recommended to make circular movements with your free hand in a clockwise direction.
  • After the enema is empty, the tip is carefully removed. You shouldn’t get up right away: it’s better to stay in the accepted position for a while until the urge appears.

If a pregnant woman is uncomfortable standing on all fours or lying on her side because of her large belly, she needs to roll over onto her back, straightening the diaper or sheet underneath her. Usually within 5-15 minutes the desired effect is achieved.

Unjustified hopes of medical staff

If the colon is full of stool, it will inevitably come out during pushing. The desire to avoid the consequences of this explains why before giving birth, an enema was mandatory for everyone.

  1. Remove obstacles that feces may create as the baby passes through the birth canal.
  2. Prevent contamination of the delivery room.
  3. Avoid contact of the newborn with feces by cleaning the intestines with a pregnancy enema before labor begins.
  4. In moral and ethical terms, it is to save a woman from unnecessary worries, which, when trying, can lead to insufficient efforts on her part.
  5. Accelerate the progress of labor.

Everything we need

Long-term observations have shown the inconsistency of almost every one of these statements. This explains why enemas are now increasingly avoided. These facts were very clearly confirmed by the results of research by American doctors.

  1. As a rule, under the influence of hormones that cause the muscles of the uterus to contract during contractions, intestinal motility increases. For most pregnant women, natural cleansing occurs during labor.
  2. An enema before childbirth absolutely does not guarantee that everything will come out completely. Involuntary bowel movements occur in many women who undergo the procedure, especially if contractions last for a long time. Contamination after an enema turned out to be much more difficult to remove than without it.
  3. Feces are released at the moment the fetal head erupts. So it is very simple to exclude contact with feces without an enema before childbirth, observing normal hygienic measures. At this moment, the woman in labor is already on the chair, where there is a special tray for urine, blood, and amniotic fluid. The feces get there and are easily and quickly removed.
  4. What you definitely shouldn’t do is worry so much about this. Doctors know very well what to expect. Having bowel movements while pushing happens more often than the average woman might imagine.
  5. An enema before childbirth does not speed up its progress. This was revealed as a result of specially conducted research.

Given these facts, many maternity hospitals have abandoned the practice of mandatory enemas of women in labor. But not all of them did this; some are still faithful to the old traditions. Whether a particular institution performs the procedure before the birth of a child, you need to find out in advance. It is also important to discuss this point with your doctor. Also find out how to distinguish false contractions from real ones.

If the procedure is mandatory, and the woman is categorically against it, you can try to refuse. This is easiest to do for those who give birth on a paid basis. If it is not mandatory, but is done at will, no questions will arise. If they don’t do it at all, this issue can also be resolved.

Indications and contraindications

So, whether a woman needs an enema before labor begins, for the most part she decides on her own. Most of them still prefer to undergo this procedure. Still, the possibility of being “embarrassed” is not attractive. And if stitches are placed, the next two or three days will be easier, since with an empty intestine there is no need to push in the toilet.

Of course, it is better to discuss with your doctor whether this procedure is necessary. He will explain to the woman all the nuances, taking into account the individual state of her body. Sometimes it is enough to change your diet for a few days. Many people benefit from microenemas instead of regular ones.

To best cleanse your colon on its own:

  • the diet includes more fiber and fermented milk products;
  • increase fluid intake;
  • at the same time reduce the amount of flour, sweets, fatty foods, preferably to zero.

In a situation such as constipation, an enema is required before childbirth. This is the only mandatory indication for the procedure. It is the stagnation of feces that creates tangible obstacles during the passage of the child through the birth canal. And the woman will feel much better after the procedure.

There are also categorical contraindications. An enema is not and has not been done before for conditions such as those listed below.

  1. Full dilatation of the cervix.
  2. Rapid birth.

The procedure is best done in a hospital

Of course, if the pregnant woman wishes and has the doctor’s permission, she can do an enema at home before giving birth, as many people do. This makes the procedure calmer, but the maternity hospital is still safer. Women are worried about the correctness of actions, as well as the inability to visit the toilet on the way, if they suddenly get too hot.

Carrying out the procedure yourself

Carrying out the procedure independently has its own characteristics. To administer an enema at home before childbirth, you need the woman’s own experience or an experienced assistant.

The time for the procedure is determined by the following criteria:

  • contractions began;
  • stomach dropped;
  • mucus plug came out.

Necessary tools and equipment:

  • Esmarch's mug with pipe and finials;
  • oilcloth to place on the bed (or carry out the procedure in the bathroom);
  • Vaseline or other lubricant for lubrication;
  • boiled chilled water (not higher than 37 degrees), you can use chamomile decoction, quantity – one and a half to two liters.

Features and Precautions

The specifics of the procedure during pregnancy require a number of precautions that should not be neglected.

Firstly, you should not worry and worry about the sensitivity of the problem and be embarrassed to tell your doctor about it. Prescribing an enema yourself can result in unforeseen complications. Therefore, if you have regular constipation, you need to go to a antenatal clinic, notify the gynecologist about the problem and ask to find a solution.

Secondly, if it is difficult for a woman to give an enema herself, do not hesitate to ask loved ones for help: husband, relatives, close friend. They understand the difficulty of the situation and will not laugh under any circumstances.

If the enema turns out to be effective, you should not abuse this procedure. Depending on the duration and state of health, the permissible frequency of using this method varies from 1 to 2 times a week.

Before allowing an enema, the doctor will order an examination. First of all, you will need an unscheduled ultrasound to assess the tone of the uterus.

Contraindications to colon cleansing are:

  • History of miscarriages or current threat of miscarriage;
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • Abdominal pain and bleeding;
  • Stable hypertension;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Hernia;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • Intestinal diseases;
  • Nausea;
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • Low placentation;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Bleeding from the anus, rectal tumors.

If there are no contraindications, but other methods do not help overcome constipation, an enema is prescribed. The permissible volume during pregnancy is no more than half a liter.

Preventing constipation during pregnancy

Preventive measures cannot guarantee 100% protection against fecal stagnation, but it is still possible to achieve a state where rectal suppositories, nutritional correction or microenemas will be effective, and there will be no need for an enema.

First of all, we are talking about planning pregnancy. If a woman consciously decides to conceive a child and responsibly approaches this important stage, she will be prescribed an examination, during which risk factors for constipation (for example, colitis, enteritis) can be identified. Correcting your health status is the main path to an easy pregnancy.

Recommendations on proper nutrition while carrying a baby are also given for a reason. Some foods, especially vegetables and fruits, normalize digestion and prevent constipation. Oat and buckwheat cereals, dried fruits, herbs, and fermented milk products also have a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Often, pregnant women experience swelling and are forced to limit their fluid intake. If the choice is between these two problems, it is better to choose the lesser of two evils: drink more water, herbal infusions, dried fruit compotes, natural fruit drinks and juices. Tea with fennel, decoction of prunes, dried apricots, juice from beets and apples are useful for digestion.

Physical activity reduces the risk of constipation during pregnancy. Of course, many sports are absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women, but walks in the fresh air, gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women, water aerobics, special types of fitness and dancing will be beneficial.

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