Study of the effect of different sorbents on the condition of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. How do sorbents work?
  2. When are sorbents used?
  3. Who are sorbents contraindicated for?
  4. Sorbents for poisoning
  5. Sorbents for intestinal cleansing
  6. Sorbents for allergic reactions
  7. Sorbents for children
  8. Natural sorbents
  9. Sorbents: benefits and harms

Sorbents are substances that allow you to remove various toxins from the body. Sorbents can be of natural or synthetic origin.

Sorbents include enterosorbents - absorbing substances that act only in the gastrointestinal tract and bind toxins. They do not interact with gastric and other juices and leave the body naturally. This allows you to quickly and effectively rid the body of toxic (poisonous) substances.

Filtrum is a natural enterosorbent that binds and removes alcohol, allergens, pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, medications, poisons, and heavy metal salts from the body.

How do sorbents work?

Enterosorbents have direct and indirect therapeutic effects.

These drugs:

  • capture poisons and substances foreign to the body that come from the external environment;
  • retain digestive products formed in the intestines on their surface;
  • adsorb microbial cells and the toxins they release;
  • bind gases formed during fermentation or putrefactive processes;
  • cleanse digestive juices that are secreted into the intestinal lumen and contain many toxins;
  • mechanically irritate sensitive areas of the intestinal wall and increase peristalsis;
  • help restore the normal consistency of intestinal contents;
  • lead to the transformation of highly toxic substances into compounds that are safe for the body.

This effect of sorbents is accompanied by the following therapeutic effects:

  • weakening the severity of allergic reactions and poisonings;
  • reducing the load on the liver – the main organ of detoxification;
  • restoration of normal intestinal microflora;
  • stimulation of restoration of damaged mucous membrane;
  • elimination of bloating;
  • improving blood supply to the intestines;
  • normalization of water-salt metabolism.

When are sorbents used?

First of all, sorbents are prescribed for food poisoning, drug poisoning, as well as when the human body is exposed to industrial poisons.

In addition, medications containing sorbents are used for:

  • high acidity of gastric juice;
  • flatulence;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • autoimmune diseases, incl. oncology.

Important! Sorbents must be taken separately from other medications, and the time difference between them must be at least two hours. If this rule is not followed, the therapeutic effect of taking sorbents will be sharply reduced and the absorption of medications taken simultaneously will be impaired.

Sorbents will also come in handy if you have abused alcohol. In case of alcohol poisoning, a large amount of alcohol breakdown products is present in the body, which is why the victim experiences unpleasant hangover symptoms. In such a situation, enterosorbents will help.

Sorbents are also effective for treating diseases caused by parasites, such as worms, lamblia or salmonella.

Finally, sorbents are used to enhance immunity.

Doctors advise conducting short courses of prevention using sorbents several times a year.

If you take sorbents as the main means of treatment, then you must simultaneously take probiotics and vitamin and mineral complexes. Your doctor will prescribe the exact course of treatment for you.

White coal Active

This sorbent relieves heaviness in the stomach well and copes with gastrointestinal problems after feasts and all kinds of poisoning. White Coal Active contains silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose, which remove toxins.

Those who took “White Coal Active” for hangover syndrome note the rapid effect of the drug. Literally within 30 minutes the nausea and headache disappear. This sorbent is also prescribed for helminthiasis, allergies, dermatitis, etc. “White coal” is available in the form of tablets, which are best crushed before use to enhance effectiveness. The medicine is indicated for adults and children over 14 years of age.

White Carbon Activated
Vneshtorg Pharma LLC, Russia

White Coal is recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of dietary fiber - enterosorbents to improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract. The recommended daily intake provides 1.8 to 3.2 g of dietary fiber, which is 9% to 16% of a person's daily requirement.

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Poisoning Sorbents Intoxication of the body Toxins Hangover syndrome Smecta Phosphalugel Enterosgel Polysorb MP White coal Active Sorbents for poisoning

Sorbents for poisoning

If you have suffered from poisoning, it is important to rid your body of toxic substances as soon as possible. This illness can affect anyone, so it is imperative to have sorbent preparations in your home medicine cabinet. When choosing a drug, pay attention to such characteristics of its action as:

  1. pronounced sorption (absorbing) ability.
  2. safety of use: sorbents should not enter the bloodstream and should be quickly eliminated from the body.


Sorbents have many positive features, but they still have a number of disadvantages. Thus, the following contraindications for use can be identified:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony;
  • violations of the integrity of gastrointestinal tissues - ulcers, inflammation, erosion, gastritis, etc.;
  • allergy to medication components;
  • bleeding in the stomach or intestines;
  • bile duct diseases.

Some sorbents may not be recommended for children, pregnant women, or patients with liver or kidney disease.

Sorbents for intestinal cleansing

Intestinal intoxication is manifested by such signs as bad breath, increased sweating, rash, white coating on the tongue, nausea, vomiting, bloating, flatulence.

Important! It is recommended to take sorbents an hour before meals or an hour after meals. The exception is situations when it is necessary to urgently remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the sorbent should be taken 20 minutes before meals or immediately after you feel the symptoms of poisoning.

Sorbents for allergic reactions

If an allergy is diagnosed, the doctor will recommend a diet that is right for you and involves gradually adding to the diet a product that causes an allergic reaction. If the body again rejects the allergen, the doctor reviews the diet.

If you have allergies, your doctor may prescribe a sorbent as a component of complex treatment, along with antihistamines. Severe allergic reactions are treated in a hospital, where the patient is prescribed antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, and hormonal drugs.

Sorbents for children

Sorbents can also be used to cleanse a child’s body, but they can only be used by children as prescribed by a doctor.

Not all medications containing sorbents are suitable for children. One of the few universal remedies is the drug "Filtrum", which is approved for children under one year of age.

"Filtrum" is prescribed for poisoning and infectious diseases of the intestines, such as salmonellosis or dysentery. The tablets are crushed to powder before use. Babies under one year old should be given half a tablet per dose, children from 1 to 7 years old should be given one tablet per dose, and older children should be given 1-2 tablets per dose. The number of appointments per day is no more than four.

Sorbents are also used for allergic reactions in children, as they help rid the body of the effects of the allergen. In this case, the indications for use in children coincide with the indications for adults.

Important: before use, read the instructions or consult your doctor.


  1. Healing activated carbon: unique recipes for the treatment and prevention of headaches, hypertension, radiculitis and 224 other diseases / N. I. Danikov. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2014. - 216 p.
  2. Activated carbon against toxins / Vera Ozerova. - St. Petersburg. : Ves, 2005 (GIPC Lenizdat). – 112 s.
  3. Endogenous intoxication syndrome (manual) [Text] / S. G. Musselius. — Ed. 2nd, revised and additional - Moscow: Author's book, 2019. - 356 p.

The text was checked by medical experts: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychiatrist-narcologist L.A. Serova.


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Natural sorbents

Medicines contain sorbents of natural and synthetic origin. Natural sorbents can also be used in their natural form. Most often, sorbents of natural origin are found in plants. For example, pectins have a high absorption capacity, the fibers of which, when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, swell and release a gel-like substance. Pectins allow you to remove excess water, as well as heavy metals (mercury, lead and strontium), and bind excess cholesterol in the intestines, which helps fight atherosclerosis.

Pectins are found in seaweed, apples, citrus fruits, raspberries, and strawberries. They are also rich in cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) and some vegetables, including beets, carrots and cabbage.

A number of other natural sorbents with pronounced medicinal properties are also known:

  1. Plant fiber - allowed for long-term use.
  2. Chitin - helps cleanse the body of cholesterol and fatty acids. This sorbent is often recommended for those who are on a diet, suffer from diabetes and atherosclerosis, as well as those who plan to take part in a lavish feast.
  3. Cellulose - helps reduce cholesterol and sugar levels, fight excess weight. Promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and improves digestion. With prolonged use of Cellulose, addiction develops, so the dosage is gradually increased. Remember that cellulose and chitin can only be taken separately from each other.

What are sorbents

Sorbents (or in another way they can be called sorbent substances) are the best drugs from the group of excretory therapy. They are used by both adults and young children. Sometimes a newborn, while still in the womb of his beloved mother, has already received the first dose of toxins. Having been born, he immediately feels inconvenience and discomfort from harmful substances in his small body. Cleanse his tiny stomach with sorbents. It’s just better to dissolve them in milk. If the drug strengthens the baby's stomach, you can give him plum compote.

And what can we say about the dose of poison that an adult’s body receives daily! Unfavorable environment, polluted water, products containing additives are by no means as safe as the manufacturer advertises. What if smoking or alcoholic beverages have become your constant companions? The body cannot cope with such poisoning on its own. This is how the gradual decline of vital functions begins, although all organs are functioning normally.

It is almost impossible to prevent harmful substances from entering the body, because we all live in society and depend on it in every possible way. But you can start cleansing your body at home any day. The sooner such a decision is made by an individual, the sooner he will feel a visible result. And to do this, you need to make friends with sorbents and learn how to use them correctly.

Find out more: Folk remedies for worms in humans - recipes

Sorbents: benefits and harms

It is important to remember that sorbents not only provide benefits, but can also have some negative effects. Along with toxins, they are able to remove beneficial substances from the body. True, in case of serious disorders of the body, such a side effect is much less important than the real benefits that sorbents bring.

To summarize, we can say that thanks to sorbents, we help our body more effectively get rid of accumulated toxins, allergens and other harmful substances.


Our readers’ questions were answered by an infectious disease specialist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences Irina Anatolyevna Bobrova (Chief Physician of the Family Medicine Center of the ULDC, Chief Infectious Diseasesist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine 2009-2011).


— What are sorbents from a medical point of view today?

Irina Bobrova:

— Humanity has been using sorbents for several millennia.

In the modern world, sorbents are widely used in practical human activities - for purification and disinfection of water, in chemical production, in the gas industry, in the production of porcelain, glass, ceramics and cement, for the disinfection of wastewater, in the heat and energy sector. However, sorbents occupy a special place in modern medicine. The simplest and most popular method of treatment with sorbents through oral administration is called “enterosorption.” In essence, it consists of removing foreign substances from the body that come from the environment or are formed inside.

We can say that the beginning of the evidence base for the effectiveness of this treatment method was laid by a risky experiment by French researchers. The famous chemist Bertrand and a colleague publicly took 5 g of arsenic trioxide mixed with coal powder in 1830 without any adverse health effects. The theoretical basis for the method was laid down in St. Petersburg in the 18th century (T.E. Lovitz).

But the generally accepted term today is “enterosorption” (“entero” - inside, “sorption” - absorb) - the merit of Ukrainian scientists. It was proposed in 1983 by our compatriots - employees of the Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology named after. R.E. Kavetsky NAS of Ukraine (Prof. V.G. Nikolaev) to designate a new method of sorption therapy, which consisted of daily intake of highly active synthetic carbons of spherical granulation.

— What is the difference between sorbents and enterosorbents?

Irina Bobrova:

— To restore and protect the human body, enterosorbents are widely used, capable of absorbing, neutralizing and removing toxic compounds from the body. Currently, the concept of “enterosorbents” includes all sorbents for oral administration, that is, through the mouth (for oral administration) - medications, dietary supplements and food products that can bind toxic compounds in the digestive tract with their subsequent evacuation from the body.

In addition to them, sorbents are used in medicine for external and “intravenous” use. Sorbents for external use have the consistency of powder-powder and fabric varieties (for example, carbon fabric sorbent); they are effective for treating various skin pathologies - wounds, ulcers, diaper rash, burns, inflammatory and fungal diseases. “Intravenous” sorbents are intended for purification of plasma (plasmosorption) and blood (hemosorption) by “running” them through special filters with sorption properties. In terms of the latter, hemosorbents, the developments of domestic scientists (the team of Professor V.G. Nikolaev) also enjoy well-deserved fame.

— How do enterosorbents “work”?

Irina Bobrova:

— Enterosorbents are special absorbent sorbents that “work” and bind harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract with their subsequent removal from the body. In this case, an ideal enterosorbent should have 3 main qualities:

  1. Be non-toxic to humans.
  2. Evacuate the intestines well and quickly.
  3. Have high sorption activity towards toxins, bacteria and other pathological substances.

In addition, as they pass through the intestines, bound components should not be reabsorbed into the blood or disrupt the normal microclimate (pH).

— How do enterosorbents differ from dietary supplements that are popular today?

Irina Bobrova:

— Modern enterosorbents on the Ukrainian market are represented by both medicines and biologically active food dietary supplements, or dietary supplements. Of course, not all dietary supplements are sorbents and not all sorbents are dietary supplements, but some have sorption properties. The “non-involvement” of dietary supplements with pharmaceuticals is always emphasized in the text placed on the packaging: “Not a drug.” Dietary supplements, unlike enterosorbent drugs, do not have a serious evidence base or any clinical studies proving their effectiveness. It is incomparably easier to register dietary supplements than medications - they do not undergo such strict control in the Pharmacological Committee and other authorities.

— There are many different enterosorbents on the Ukrainian market. What is the difference between them and how to choose the best one?

Irina Bobrova:

- Modern enterosorbents are intended for oral administration (orally) and differ in a number of characteristics - in shape, chemical structure, sorption potential and spectrum of action.

As for the form, they are available in the form of granules, powder, tablets and capsules. Granules and powder usually need to be filled with boiled water before use to form a gel or suspension. Naturally, this is not very acceptable when it is necessary to use drugs outside the home and outside the hospital, which leads to irregular treatment. It is much more convenient and easier to take a tablet or capsule.

Enterosorbents also differ in their chemical structure:

  • carbon - based on activated carbon
  • silicon, or silicate origin based on silicon salts, including gel
  • gels based on aluminum salts – aluminosilicates and zeolites, including those based on clay minerals.
  • herbal preparations, including dietary fiber and pectin.

Many of the listed enterosorbents are produced by Ukrainian enterprises, among which the leader is Valartin Pharma, which specializes in the development of sorbents with improved characteristics.

The effectiveness of enterosorbents is determined by the mechanism of sorption activity (adsorbents, absorbents, etc.), as well as the spectrum of action. Complex action sorbents (for example, Sorbex) absorb all or most toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract, and selective action are active only against certain toxic substances. A very important characteristic of enterosorbents is sorption capacity and activity - the amount of substance that it can absorb per unit of its mass. It largely determines the outcome of treatment.


— What are natural sorbents?

Irina Bobrova:

— Natural sorbents are usually called sorbents based on natural components that are not subjected to any chemical or other treatment. A well-known aphorism in medical circles says: “The most wonderful doctor is nature, if only because he cures three-quarters of all diseases and never speaks ill of his colleagues” (V. Cherbulier).

A classic example of a natural sorbent is Sorbex - an encapsulated sorbent based on granular activated carbon obtained from environmentally friendly raw materials - coconut shells. The production of activated carbon does not involve any chemical transformations of the feedstock and consists mainly of activation of the healing potential with subsequent purification.

SORBEX® capsules differ from the old familiar activated carbon by a significantly greater sorption resource, and the granular form of release ensures a longer action throughout the entire period of stay in the gastrointestinal tract. The potential of Sorbex granulated carbon almost does not decrease within 36-48 hours, which allows you to reduce the number of doses of the drug and reduce its dose.

— Which sorbents help to better cope with poisoning?

Irina Bobrova:

— In case of poisoning, the main task is to remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible, which are the main cause of the resulting disorders. At the same time, sometimes a person does not know what exactly he was poisoned with. Therefore, your home or travel first aid kit should always contain a sorbent that has three main properties, or, figuratively speaking, a “three-in-one sorbent”:

  1. It must be strong, that is, have a large sorption potential;
  2. universal - capable of binding various toxic molecules of different sizes and
  3. safe for humans - not absorbed into the blood and eliminated from the body as quickly as possible along with toxins unchanged.

A striking historical example of the use of sorbents for poisoning is the experiment of the Frenchman Bertrand, described above, who in 1830 took a teaspoon of poisonous arsenic salt in combination with crushed coal and did not get poisoned. In most developed countries, activated carbon is officially approved for use in medical practice for various poisonings and intoxications as an antidote that can save people's lives and health. Of course, science does not stand still, and now, instead of a whole handful of activated carbon tablets, it is enough to take 1-2 capsules of granular Sorbex sorbent with extended action, which fit compactly in a purse or pocket and do not require complex preparations for administration.


— What are the indications for the use of sorbents?

Irina Bobrova:

— The indications for taking sorbents are quite wide, since toxins need to be removed from our body not only in cases of acute poisoning, but also in almost all diseases and pathological conditions accompanied by weakness, fever, nausea, diarrhea, and general malaise. Enterosorbents are recommended: for acute and chronic damage to the liver and kidneys, acute intestinal infections, dysfunction and bloating, allergic, autoimmune and oncological diseases. They are able to remove excess cholesterol and “harmful lipids” from the body.

You know, I remember well how, back in the 80s, at the dawn of my career as an infectious disease specialist in the department of viral hepatitis at the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. L.V. Gromashevsky, we have successfully used domestic enterosorbents based on activated carbon - now - for the treatment of acute and chronic viral hepatitis. They effectively reduced jaundice, skin itching, weakness, nausea, and intoxication; Patients' appetite and vitality improved, they recovered faster and recovered without complications of the disease. And this despite the fact that those “first generation” sorbents were significantly inferior to modern ones.

— Can children use sorbents?

Irina Bobrova:

- However, it is necessary to remember that different age groups require their own sorbent. Thus, the use of drugs in the form of capsules, including Sorbex, is allowed for children from 7 years of age. Children under 7 years old should not take any medications in capsule form. For smaller children, sorbents in the form of gels or suspensions in combination with probiotics (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) are more suitable - for example, Sorbex Malyuk.

— Is it possible to combine taking the sorbent with taking other medications?

Irina Bobrova:

— Of course it’s possible, but not at once. According to the instructions for use of most sorbents, the interval between taking them and taking other medications and food should be 1.5-2 hours.

— They say that sorbents help relieve hangover syndromes, is this true?

Irina Bobrova:

- Is it true. The cause of hangover syndrome is the accumulation in the body of toxic substances formed during the breakdown of alcohol (acetaldehyde, etc.). And with a hangover, as with any poisoning, it is necessary, first of all, to remove toxic agents from the body, and then treat secondary symptoms - malaise, headache or high blood pressure.

— Can sorbents help you lose weight?

Irina Bobrova:

— The problem of excess weight is becoming more and more pressing throughout the world. There are many reasons: poor nutrition with a lot of fats and easily digestible carbohydrates, low-quality products and “fast food”, incorrect eating habits and regimen, low physical activity. As for the last aspect, in young and middle age a healthy person is recommended to take 8-10 thousand steps a day, if there are no other types of physical activity. And most of us take no more than 2-3 thousand steps a day, which is easy to check with a pedometer. To lose weight, it is not enough to take one drug or another. To do this, you need to radically change your life philosophy and lifestyle, that is, shift your priorities. Normal body weight is not only an opportunity to look attractive and dress stylishly. This is also the prevention of a whole complex of ailments associated with obesity - prevention of metabolic disorders, fatty liver disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, stone formation in the kidneys and gall bladder, pathology of the musculoskeletal system, increased cholesterol levels with the development of cardiovascular complications - heart attacks, strokes, thrombosis, hypertension...

If a person's priority is to have a normal weight and good health, then they need to modify their lifestyle and eating habits. And the natural reward will be a steady increase in the quality of life.

When it comes to fitting into your favorite dress for a holiday, taking sorbents can temporarily help reduce the size of your waist and abdomen by reducing the content of gases in the intestines, that is, bloating (flatulence). It should be noted that bloating increases in the winter, when there are fewer seasonal vegetables and fruits rich in natural fiber. By eliminating flatulence, you can “lose weight” by one size!

In addition, it is advisable to take sorbents in short courses during periods of fasting days, diets, and religious fasts. With any restructuring of nutrition in the body, an accumulation of toxins occurs, colloquially called “slags,” and sorbents remove them from the body, regardless of the place of formation.

— Can pregnant women use sorbents; can they help with toxicosis?

Irina Bobrova:

— Any prescription of a drug to a pregnant woman should be on the recommendation of a doctor. At the same time, you should refrain from taking dietary supplements, since their use is less studied and controlled, especially during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman is prescribed enterosorbents, then analogues based on activated carbon are preferable and more physiological, since this natural sorbent absorbs toxins and is excreted from the body along with them, without being absorbed into the blood.

— What is the difference between activated carbon and white carbon?

Irina Bobrova:

— Activated carbon is a porous substance that is obtained from carbon-containing materials of natural origin: wood, coconut shells and fruit seeds. After the technological process of coal activation, a universal sorbent is obtained with a developed sorption surface area of ​​up to 1500 -1800 m2.

There is no such thing as white coal - coal is only in the name, in fact it means a sorbent of silicate origin, its active substance is silicon dioxide - silica, which is close in chemical composition to quartz sand.

A special study conducted by the Research Institute of Independent Consumer Expertise “TEST” made it possible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of various sorbents. To test the sorption capacity of enterosorbents, their ability to absorb various substances was determined - urea, albumin, creatinine. According to the objective results obtained, the granular sorbent in Sorbex capsules (1830 m2/g) was almost 3 times superior to another coal sorbent (678 m2/g) and 150 times superior to the silicate sorbent (12.3 m2/g); similar results were obtained based on the sorption activity of these sorbents.


— Irina Anatolyevna, can sorbents be used by people prone to food allergies?

Irina Bobrova:

— With food allergies, allergens that are toxic to the body of a sick person accumulate in the intestines and can remain there for a long time, supporting the disease process. Entesorbents unload - cleanse the intestines and body of toxic food allergens and the patient recovers. When treating any allergy, not just food, I consider the use of sorbents necessary and mandatory - without them it is impossible to “detoxify” the body.

When choosing a drug for the treatment of allergic diseases, it is necessary to take into account that a number of dietary supplements (dietary supplements) contain pectins, cellulose and other components that themselves can cause allergies. In this case, sorbents based on activated carbon are preferable, as they are the most versatile and natural.

— For what diseases is it not recommended to use sorbents?

Irina Bobrova:

— For all sorbents, contraindications are standard: individual intolerance, ulcerative-erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa in the active stage, gastric and intestinal bleeding, intestinal obstruction. That's probably all the contraindications.

— How do you see new prospects for the use of enterosorbents?

Irina Bobrova:

— I personally widely use enterosorbents in the complex treatment of parasitosis - a pathology caused by parasites - worms, Giardia and others. The fact is that parasites and their toxins are strong allergens for the human body and allergic symptoms often predominate in the clinical picture. Enterosorbents should be prescribed at the preparatory stage - they not only allow you to prepare the body for taking antiparasitic drugs, but also increase the effectiveness of treatment - they quickly cleanse the body of parasites, their waste products and decay.

Enterosorbents have great promise for reducing the negative effects and adverse reactions of chemotherapy in the treatment of autoimmune and oncological pathologies. They can improve tolerability and reduce the negative consequences of antiviral therapy in the treatment of viral diseases - herpesvirus infections, chronic viral hepatitis B and C. I am familiar with scientific works on the positive effect of highly active sorbents on immunity parameters.

Sorbex is especially recommended for people with allergies to medications and a tendency to allergic and autoimmune diseases. According to statistics, 20-25% of the adult population and 20-40% of the child population of the planet suffer from allergic diseases, which are recognized as markers of environmental distress. Up to 60 thousand foreign substances constantly enter the human body, many of which are harmful or toxic.

In recent years, so-called “ecological medicine” has developed. Most diseases today are caused by “contamination” with radionuclides, heavy metals, and pesticides. The body is oversaturated with toxic substances received from the outside, and toxins that are formed as a product of internal processes in conditions of impaired metabolism. Accordingly, immune dysfunction or immunodeficiency occurs, against the background of which various viral infections and bacterial complications easily and endlessly “cling.” And there are many of them around - after all, our world is not sterile!

Therefore, scientists come to the conclusion that without the use of adsorption methods, practically nothing can be treated for a long time, since without removing toxic products, all treatment methods are either weakly effective or completely ineffective. Thus, the use of new sorption drugs and techniques has proven to be very useful in the treatment of dozens of diseases, the most diverse: immune and autoimmune; allergic; chronic hepatitis; pancreatitis; kidney damage; lesions of the nervous system and others.

High-quality enterosorbents will help get rid of the consequences of environmental troubles - remove radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, and restore immunity. It is advisable to repeat short preventive courses several times a year; longer therapeutic courses should be combined with taking medications containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (probiotics) and/or vitamin-mineral complexes.

I, a widely practicing doctor, often hear about how patients, when a health problem arises, especially with the gastrointestinal tract, take haphazardly and handfuls of “chemical” medications of various groups - antispasmodics, enzymes, choleretic, probiotics, etc. - literally everything, when natural Sorbex alone could have “worked” more effectively and safely. Unlike primitive charcoal and ash, its effectiveness has been perfected with the help of modern technology. This development of domestic scientists is worth being proud of. There is nothing similar even abroad - foreign developments have stopped at the level of enterosorbents of previous generations. Perhaps this is due to the national Slavic traditions of hygiene and traditional medicine. After all, even the ancient Slavs always kept a bag of stove ash on hand for “all occasions,” and now we have Sorbex.

Article in abridged form.

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