Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids: instructions for use, price, reviews

Sea buckthorn oil is valued for its anti-inflammatory properties. It softens irritated skin, saturates it with valuable vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, oil-based suppositories are very helpful in treating hemorrhoids and other lesions of the rectal mucosa. The drug can be purchased without a prescription at an affordable price. As a rule, the therapeutic effect is noticeable already in the first days of use.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids are an over-the-counter drug that is available to everyone both in price and in terms of availability in pharmacies. It makes it possible to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms without spending money on expensive medications and a visit to the doctor. However, in order to use this tool correctly, you need to know some of the features of its use. If they are followed, the drug will provide the body with maximum benefit. Side effects, as a rule, are not observed with its use.

Anti-crack candles for children

Suppositories for fissures in the anus: Anestezol

Treating anal fissure in young children is especially difficult. They perceive every trip to the toilet very painfully, they may refuse it and do not always understand that they should not push too hard. All this only makes the problem worse. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment when the first symptoms appear.

It is worth remembering that suppositories will only have an effect if there is no constipation. If blood appears in the stool, you should immediately show the child to your local pediatrician or pediatric surgeon. The following candles are suitable for children:

  1. Sea buckthorn candles. They are safe and allowed even for children under one year old in the correct dosage. Small children are given half a candle. The candles do not cause any unpleasant sensations or burning.
  2. Glycerin suppositories. They are intended to prevent constipation and are used as a laxative, but in addition they envelop the surface of the rectum from the inside and prevent ruptures. They should not be taken for too long to avoid becoming addictive. There are candles in a special children's dosage, or you can use half an adult candle.
  3. Relief. Allowed only for children over 12 years of age or younger children with a doctor's permission. An allergic reaction and other side effects are possible.
  4. Alginatol. Anti-inflammatory suppositories, which are actively used to treat cracks and intestinal infections in children of all ages. They can be given to children up to one year old.
  5. Aurobin. Suppositories have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pain and burning. This drug is prescribed to children over one year of age. They can only be used under medical supervision due to the large number of side effects.

When treating an anal fissure in a child, suppositories are combined with laxatives. Normaze or Duphalac are often prescribed to normalize bowel function and facilitate the bowel movement process.

Young children may experience gas from these medications. In cases where it is necessary to immediately induce a bowel movement because the constipation has been prolonged, I use Microlax microenemas, which do not disturb the intestinal microflora, or glycerin suppositories. Various baths with chamomile and other herbs, ointments, and therapeutic microenemas are also used.

Description and composition of the drug

Sea buckthorn oil is enclosed in a special dosage form, most suitable for administration into the rectum - rectal suppositories, in the amount of 0.5 g for each suppository. It enters the circulatory system in the area of ​​the affected rectal mucosa through absorption and affects the affected organs.

Suppositories are made in a cylindrical shape with a slightly pointed end for convenient, unhindered insertion into the body cavity. Their composition is saturated with valuable beneficial elements that have a healing and regenerating effect on the mucous membrane and skin. The drug should be stored at a temperature ranging from 0 to 15 degrees Celsius.

The suppositories include:

  • vitamins (B-group, as well as K, C, E);
  • organic pigments (carotenoids);
  • PUFA (omega-3, -6);
  • natural acids: malic, tartaric, succinic, as well as solid acids – stearic, palmitic;
  • chemical elements: Si, Mg, Ni, Fe, Mn, Ca.

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, sea buckthorn oil extract quickly and effectively eliminates pathological processes in body tissues (inflammation, swelling, pain, etc.).

Rectal remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Glycerin suppositories are safe for pregnant women

Pregnancy is an important period in a woman’s life. It is characterized by changes in many processes occurring in the body.

Often, in addition to problems with the digestive organs, hemorrhoids are detected. It is caused by the fact that the expanding uterus, under the pressure of fetal growth, compresses the intestinal pipes. Which leads to the formation of feces and constipation.

Such symptoms can also occur after the birth of a child. In this situation, intestinal obstruction is based on the woman’s insufficiently saturated diet during the postpartum period.

Many suppositories during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, are completely prohibited. Therefore, if a delicate problem arises, you should consult a doctor. The safest suppositories allowed during pregnancy at any week of pregnancy are:

  • Propolis;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Chestnut extract;
  • Glycerol.

If the disease progresses to a severe form, the doctor prescribes other medications:

  • Papaverine;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Ultraproct;
  • Ginko Procto;
  • Natalsid.

Pregnant women are prohibited from using belladonna suppositories. They increase the tone of the uterus, which can result in miscarriage or premature birth.

When is the drug prescribed?

Suppositories are used in most cases rectally. There are a number of diseases for which they are simply irreplaceable. They give a quick, reliable effect with painless, comfortable treatment. Typically this is:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • proctitis;
  • sphincteritis;
  • other mucosal lesions.

In addition to the main purpose, suppositories can be applied to abrasions, ulcers, wounds, including burns. Phyto suppositories are also used in gynecology, in the treatment of such female diseases as cervical erosion, colpitis, cervicitis and other internal inflammatory and infectious processes. You should be extremely careful here. At the first signs of allergic reactions, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor for advice.

rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil

Indications for use

Suppositories are used rectally if there are the following indications:

  • hemorrhoids of various forms;
  • proctitis;
  • sphincteritis of erosive-ulcerative type;
  • fissures in the anal area;
  • radiation damage to mucosal tissue.

Also, suppositories are used externally, applied to the affected areas:

  • burn wounds (grades 2 and 3);
  • postoperative wounds;
  • scalped wounds;
  • abrasions;
  • trophic ulcers.


Despite the fact that the drug is quite safe, there are a number of cases when its use should be stopped or limited. This includes:

  • early childhood (up to 10 years);
  • intolerance to components;
  • loose stool.

Pregnancy is not an obstacle to using this drug, but it is advisable to consult a physician regarding its use.

Very rarely, the drug can cause phenomena such as itching, burning, and skin rashes.

How to use

According to the instructions for use, sea buckthorn suppositories begin to affect the mucous membrane after about 20 minutes, melting under the influence of body temperature. Therefore, after administering the suppository, it is advisable to lie down for at least half an hour, or even better all night. If necessary, you can walk and do everyday activities, with the exception of physical exercise. Protective equipment (napkin, sanitary pad) should be used to keep underwear and bed linen clean.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are injected into the body twice - at the beginning and at the end of the day. Before this, you need to empty your bowels. If this cannot be achieved naturally, use an enema. The duration of exposure to damaged mucous membranes is usually 1 week. Longer treatment periods should be determined by the doctor.

Causes and symptoms of anal fissure

Candles for a fissure in the anus are a good method of treatment

The crack is also accompanied by bleeding, usually of a bright scarlet color. Drops of blood may remain on the toilet paper or even drip if the damage is severe. Some time after defecation, the bleeding stops and does not resume until the next trip to the toilet. The pain can persist for quite a long time, up to several hours. When the crack closes, itching begins.

Constant pain and bleeding during bowel movements lead to the fact that the patient psychologically cannot cope with the fear of going to the toilet. He involuntarily delays bowel movements, which leads to constipation and even greater divergence of the fissure.

Without treatment, the crack will not heal on its own. It will increase in size and bleed more and more. As a result, this can lead to such a serious consequence as a non-healing chronic anal fissure, and an infection can also get into the open wound. Doctors recommend suppositories for a fissure in the anus, baths, enemas, laxatives, and in some cases surgery to excise the fissure. The causes of anal fissure are usually associated with trauma to the rectum or other diseases such as hemorrhoids and Crohn's disease. Main reasons:

  • Childbirth. During pushing, the pressure on the pelvic organs increases many times over. The vessels of the rectum are injured, hemorrhoids and anal fissure may appear. Hemorrhoids can appear before birth, and as the baby passes through the birth canal, the intestinal mucosa is damaged even more.
  • Haemorrhoids. The last stages of hemorrhoids are quite often accompanied by an anal fissure. Hemorrhoids sometimes break out and bleed. If there is no proper treatment and constipation continues, a crack cannot be avoided.
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea. Not only constipation causes damage to the intestinal mucosa. Of course, it is injured by hard feces, but with the abuse of laxatives, the pressure on the intestinal vessels and sphincter increases, which also leads to a fissure.

Where to buy sea buckthorn candles: price, analogues, reviews

You can buy sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids, the price of which is not so high (150-250 rubles), at any pharmacy. This drug has many analogues. They have a similar composition and pharmacological action, for example, Tiokton, Orfadin, Veronga and others.

The advantages of the drug include such properties as the presence of a therapeutic effect, safety of use, and low price. There are also disadvantages, but they are minor and are lost against the background of the benefits that the drug provides to the sick body. These are minor difficulties when opening the plastic container in which the suppository is enclosed, as well as the presence of organic dyes in the composition of the substance.

Most reviews about sea buckthorn candles are positive. It is recommended for use by the majority of buyers and doctors.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • C80 Malignant neoplasm without specification of localization
  • H54.2 Reduced vision in both eyes
  • I70 Atherosclerosis
  • I84 Hemorrhoids
  • J03.9 Acute tonsillitis, unspecified (angina agranulocytic)
  • K05 Gingivitis and periodontal diseases
  • K12 Stomatitis and related lesions
  • K25 Stomach ulcer
  • K26 Duodenal ulcer
  • K29.6.1* Hyperacid gastritis
  • K60 Fissure and fistula of the anus and rectum
  • K62.8.1* Proctitis
  • L58 Radiation radiation dermatitis
  • N72 Inflammatory diseases of the cervix
  • N86 Erosion and ectropion of the cervix
  • T30 Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified location
  • Y97 Factors associated with environmental pollution
  • Z58 Problems related to physical environmental factors
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