Stomach monastery tea: composition, reviews, collection for the gastrointestinal tract

  • Stomach monastery tea
  • Composition of monastery tea for the stomach
  • Collection of stomach tea according to the monastery recipe
  • Reviews of monastery tea for the stomach

We all know how important the full use of all combat resources is in achieving victory. And believe me, it doesn’t matter with whom or what you came into opposition.

Important! Timely and comprehensive connection of all hidden reserves will most likely provide you with a crushing victory over the enemy!

Do you think this only applies to war? Well, yes, wars. Daily struggle for your health. A struggle that always involves three people: the doctor, the disease and the patient. And the outcome of this struggle depends on which side the patient is on. If the doctor is on your side, then consider that victory is in your pocket! Help your doctor. While he is medicinally solving problems with your gastrointestinal tract, stab the disease in the back with the help of a powerful weapon. Use stomach tea according to the monastery recipe!


Unlike other herbal teas that abound on the Internet, monastery tea has a number of features, and it is thanks to them that it has become so popular.

It is declared not as a dietary supplement, but as a medicinal herbal tea (however, it is not sold in pharmacies). Not addictive. It is prepared according to ancient monastic recipes, which were kept in Orthodox churches for centuries, thanks to herbalists and folk healer monks. All proportions recorded in ancient sources are strictly observed.

More than 40 plants are used to prepare all types of teas produced under the “monastic” brand. Moreover, they are all collected by hand, mainly in the Caucasus mountains and are environmentally friendly raw materials.

Very pleasant taste and rich herbal aroma. Synergistic effect: herbs are selected in such a way that they enhance and support each other’s effects. Positive energy: gatherings are created in a place of prayer, by people who communicate with God daily.

Low prices for the entire range of products - $17.5 per package. You can place your order without leaving your home. Wide range of products - there are fees for the treatment of almost any disease. They also all have an immune-strengthening effect and improve overall health.

How to order:

  1. Leave a request on the official website.
  2. Wait for the operator to call and confirm your details.
  3. The tea is packaged and sent by parcel to a postal address or by courier.
  4. In a few business days you will receive and pay for your order.

Having studied such information, it becomes clear why it is so popular. But not everything is so rosy. There are several not-so-pleasant aspects that you should definitely consider before purchasing. But first, a maximum of completely impartial facts, so that at the end of the article there is material for criticism.

Composition of monastery tea for the stomach

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The significance and healing power of the drink are determined and directly depend on the composition of the monastery tea for the stomach, or rather on the therapeutic effect that the herbs included in the collection have.

Tea is rich:

  • calendula;
  • rosehip;
  • flax seeds;
  • St. John's wort greens;
  • dried grass;
  • horsetail foliage;
  • yarrow branches;
  • wormwood leaves;
  • mint.

All these plants together have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. And their properties only increase and activate each other’s actions.

But we will dwell in more detail on the properties of each plant below. For each of them has individual properties that help in healing.

Remember! The effects of herbs may be much stronger than commonly believed, so consult your doctor about their use and dosage!


First, let's try to identify all the types of monastery tea that can only be found on the Internet. You can't even imagine their diversity. Perhaps we missed something, but in total we managed to find 28 collections under this name. Moreover, they are all different in their effect on the body and composition. Here is the list:

  1. For vision.
  2. For weight loss.
  3. For the thyroid gland.
  4. Gastric.
  5. From alcoholism.
  6. From varicose veins.
  7. From hepatitis.
  8. From female infertility.
  9. From mastopathy.
  10. From male infertility.
  11. From osteochondrosis.
  12. From parasites.
  13. For prostatitis.
  14. For pimples, blackheads and acne.
  15. From cancer.
  16. For hypertension.
  17. From thrush.
  18. From sweating.
  19. For psoriasis.
  20. For diabetes.
  21. For stomach ulcers.
  22. Hepatic.
  23. Renal.
  24. For allergies.
  25. For gastritis.
  26. During menopause.
  27. Anti-smoking.
  28. Cordial.

It’s worth making two caveats right away. First, we do not guarantee that this list contains every species that can be found for sale. Secondly, here are herbal collections for the treatment of certain diseases. If you need something for the whole body at once, see Father George’s famous monastery collection of 16 herbs.


Monastery tea consists of 18 herbs, each of which performs a specific function.

  • Nettle can help remove toxins from the body, increase hemoglobin, relieve inflammation, stop the development of tumors, improve blood composition, digestion, and improve hematopoiesis.
  • Immortelle is useful for improving digestion and reducing cholesterol in the body.
  • Sage is necessary for strengthening blood vessels, normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and improving the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Thyme can stop various inflammatory processes.
  • Bearberry acts as a diuretic.
  • Buckthorn contains a lot of iodine, therefore it serves to maintain the functioning of the thyroid gland. It also helps renew blood plasma cells and has a diuretic effect. It can be used for constipation, gastritis, rheumatism, eczema, rapid heartbeat, and diabetes.
  • Birch buds contain everything a weakened body needs to fight infections. Acts as a diuretic, choleretic, wound healing, blood purifying, antiviral agent.
  • Linden flowers are rich in copper. Copper, as you know, is necessary to improve metabolism, the production of insulin, pituitary hormones, and hematopoiesis. Helps relieve inflammation, cope with diseases of the kidneys, gall bladder and other digestive organs, and improve metabolism in the body.
  • Motherwort has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps relieve pain from renal colic, and lower blood pressure.
  • Dry grass can reduce blood pressure, restore kidney cells, and help restore blood circulation.
  • Rosehip is necessary for developing the body's resistance to various infections, maintaining optimal heart function, preventing liver and kidney diseases, and removing harmful substances from the intestines.
  • The series is involved in hematopoiesis processes, serves to stimulate the adrenal glands, strengthen the immune and nervous systems, has choleretic properties, a diuretic effect, and regenerative abilities in scarring stomach and duodenal ulcers. Also helps eliminate bleeding.
  • Yarrow can be used as a hemostatic agent, to stabilize metabolic disorders and eliminate allergic reactions.
  • Dried flowers help with diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, and stomach ulcers.
  • Wormwood can be used as a choleretic agent.
  • Chamomile helps the body fight viral infections, heal stomach and duodenal ulcers, restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and acts as a choleretic agent.
  • Elecampane regulates the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract and will help relieve intestinal spasms.
  • Calendula can be used for dermatitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers, heart disease, and inflammation of the bladder.


What there can be no doubt about is its use, be it for infertility or for baldness. Having studied their instructions, you can see that the application of fees differs in minor nuances, but fundamentally they are all the same.

How to cook?

To brew monastery tea correctly, you don’t need any special skills. This whole ceremony differs little from the procedure for preparing the most ordinary tea.

  1. Prepare a ceramic teapot.
  2. Rinse it with boiling water.
  3. Add raw materials.
  4. Dosage: 10 g of collection per 200 ml of boiling water.
  5. Brewing time: 30 min.
  6. Do not cover with a lid so that there is contact with oxygen for the necessary chemical reactions to occur. There are discrepancies in the sources on this point. Some write that the teapot needs to be closed with a lid and wrapped in a towel.
  7. Strain before use.

Already prepared tea will not lose its beneficial properties for another 2 days if you put it in the refrigerator. It is better and more convenient to brew it in the required quantity for the whole day.

Alternatively, you can use a regular thermos. Dosages and infusion time remain the same.

How to drink?

  1. Maximum dosage: 4 glasses per day.
  2. Drink half an hour before meals.
  3. You can add sugar, honey or lemon.
  4. You can drink it both cold and hot.
  5. If you store it in the refrigerator, there is no need to reheat it before using. Just add boiling water to it.
  6. Course: from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Slight differences may be found in different sources. Firstly, the permitted dosage in some is limited to just 1 glass. Secondly, it is rare, but still there is a recommendation to drink it immediately after eating. Thirdly, there is an opinion that you should not leave the prepared drink in the refrigerator, but it is better to always drink it fresh.

To resolve these doubts, you can use the generally accepted rules for consuming herbal drinks:

  1. Start with 1 glass, after a couple of days, if there are no side effects, increase to 2 glasses, after another couple - to 3. It is better not to increase to 4.
  2. Drinking herbal teas on an empty stomach can be dangerous. It is better to enjoy it 15 minutes after the meal.
  3. It is recommended to drink herbal teas fresh.

So it’s easy to bypass all these discrepancies and do everything correctly, so that later you don’t suffer from heartburn, nausea, or other side effects.

General recommendations

  1. Consult your doctor about treating your illness with monastery tea.
  2. Carefully study the composition of the chosen product. Perhaps there will be plants to which you are allergic.
  3. Store in closed containers in a dry place away from light.
  4. After opening the package, pour the contents into a jar with a well-closing lid.
  5. Optimal storage temperature: not lower than 15 °C and not higher than 20 °C.
  6. The shelf life in unopened packaging is unlimited; after opening - 3 months.
  7. After the first steaming and use, you don’t have to throw away the tea leaves, but pour boiling water over it again.
  8. You should not consume monastery tea at the same time as other herbal teas.
  9. Keep away from children.
  10. Do not deviate from the instructions supplied with the product.
  11. Contraindications indicate only individual intolerance. Experts believe that this is not a complete list and should be expanded. So be careful if you have serious illnesses.

And you don’t need to persistently demand it at the pharmacy (and judging by the stories, this happens very often). This is an online product that can be purchased either through websites or in the St. Elisabeth Monastery itself.

Monastery tea recipes

Stomach tea according to the monastery recipe *
It is believed that the monastery recipe for stomach tea was created several hundred years ago by the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery. Thanks to temple servants, it has survived to this day in an improved form.

This medicinal drink is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, intestinal dyspepsia and strengthening the immunity of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you wish, you can prepare monastery medicinal tea according to ancient monastery recipes yourself. All the necessary raw materials can be purchased in finished form at the pharmacy.

Today there are several variations of stomach teas. We will look at monastery tea, the recipe of which is very simple, and the composition includes plants widely used in Belarus and Russia.


  • yarrow herb
  • calendula flowers
  • dog-rose fruit
  • St. John's wort herb
  • peppermint leaves
  • horsetail grass
  • wormwood grass
  • marsh grass
  • flax seeds.


  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into a container.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the infusion if necessary.
  4. Add a little honey or sugar if desired.

* Tea has contraindications: individual intolerance to the ingredients, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Before use, consult a gastroenterologist. Research each plant carefully before mixing ingredients. If any component of the tea is not good for your health, exclude it from the composition.

Ivan tea according to the monastery recipe

Ivan-tea, or narrow-leaved fireweed, is an unpretentious plant and is found almost throughout Belarus. Stock up on this plant in the summer and get a healthy fragrant drink all year round!

What do you need to know to make delicious fireweed tea yourself? Recipe with fermentation. The monastic recipe that we will reveal to you will show that fermenting tea at home is quite real and very interesting.

Step-by-step fermentation instructions:

  1. Collection of raw materials. We collect fireweed leaves in July-August, from the beginning of the plant's flowering to its fluffing. It is advisable to do this in dry weather, away from roads, in shaded areas at the edge of the forest. For fermentation to proceed well, you need a lot of leaves - at least half a kilogram. Separately, you can collect and dry fireweed flowers to later add to tea.

  1. Withering. Spread the leaves on a cotton or linen cloth in a thin layer. It is important to do this indoors so that the sun and wind do not dry out the greens. On average, the process lasts about 12 hours. You can tell that the leaves have already wilted by squeezing a handful in your fist: if after that they don’t turn back, you can proceed to the next step.

  1. Preparing for fermentation. We destroy the structure of the leaf so that the juice comes out of it. We do this in one of the following ways: we twist and rub the leaves by hand (a long process); crush in a container; grind in a meat grinder with large holes or a blender (quick process).

  1. Fermentation. The aroma, taste and benefits of future tea depend on this process. Place the leaf mass tightly in a wide bowl, bucket or jar. Cover with damp cotton or linen cloth and leave to ferment in a warm place. When the fabric dries, wet it again. The speed of fermentation depends on the temperature and humidity in the room. The optimal temperature is 22–25 C. The degree of fermentation can be determined by the change in color of the mass from green to green-brown, as well as by the aroma.
  • Light fermentation - after 3-5 hours the first signs of a fruity-floral aroma appear. The finished tea will be aromatic and soft in taste.
  • Average fermentation is after 10–15 hours. The tea will have a bright aroma and a moderately tart taste with hints of sourness.
  • Deep fermentation - after 20–26 hours. The tea will be slightly aromatic, tart, without sourness.

It is important to monitor the fermentation process and not overexpose the leaf mass so that it does not become moldy.

  1. We dry the tea. Place the sheet mass in a thin layer (1 cm) on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Carefully distribute so that the leaves lie evenly. Dry in a slightly open oven for 1.5–2 hours at 100 °C. Then reduce the temperature to 50 °C and dry until the moisture is completely released. Stir the tea from time to time and check the readiness by appearance and touch. The finished tea leaves turn black and when squeezed they break, but do not crumble. When the mixture is overexposed, the smell of burnt paper is felt. When ready, remove the pan from the oven and let the tea cool to room temperature.

  1. If necessary, you can dry the tea in a dry place in a bag made of thin fabric (for example, an old pillowcase). Periodically you need to shake the contents of the bag so that the tea dries faster.

It is important to dry the fireweed well so that it does not become moldy during further storage.

Fireweed tea should be stored in a dark, dry place in glass, metal or ceramic containers with a tightly closed lid.


  1. Rinse the teapot with boiling water and add 1-2 teaspoons of fireweed tea per one glass of boiling water.
  2. Pour hot water over the tea and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Pour into cups, but do not dilute with boiling water.
  3. Pour hot water back into the kettle to brew again. The second infusion of tea is always tastier and more aromatic than the first. Leave for 15 minutes. Then immediately pour into cups. There is no need to infuse fireweed tea for too long.

Don't brew the same tea the next day. There will be no trace left of the former aroma and taste.

Warming ginger tea

The autumn-winter period is a time when you want to strengthen your immune system and ward off colds. At all times, a hot ginger drink has done an excellent job of this.

Ginger retains its beneficial properties in any form. Therefore, warming ginger tea can be prepared from either fresh root or dry powder.


  • water - 1 l
  • fresh or dry ginger - 5-7 pieces (1-2 tsp)
  • lemon or lime - 3 slices
  • sugar, honey or maple syrup
  • star anise, cinnamon (if desired).


  1. Boil drinking water.
  2. Place pieces of ginger or powder at the bottom of the teapot.

You should not boil the ginger pieces first. To preserve all the beneficial properties of this product, it is better to brew it immediately for 5–10 minutes.

  1. When the drink is ready, add lemon (lime), sweeteners (sugar, honey or maple syrup) and seasonings (cinnamon, star anise) to taste.

Enjoy your tea!

Prepared by Anastasia Parkhomchik

Photos from the Internet


Home Recipes

Inspired by the amazing natural composition, many users are wondering if it is possible to prepare it at home. Some resources say that the real recipe for monastery tea is kept secret to prevent fakes. Others reveal all the secrets of cooking in detail: a list of plants and their proportions. Here are some of the most popular recipes as examples.


For cancer:

  • 10 g birch leaves;
  • 30 g of young leaves of stinging nettle;
  • 20 g of bearberry shoots;
  • 20 g dried flowers;
  • 10 g linden blossom;
  • 10 g chamomile flowers;
  • 10 g motherwort;
  • 10 g tsminnitsa;
  • 10 g chopped grass;
  • 40 g of tuberous fireweed;
  • 20 g wormwood;
  • 10 g creeping thyme;
  • 20 g of string shoots;
  • 40 g sage;
  • 20 g rose hips;
  • 10 g buckthorn bark.

For prostatitis:

  • 50 g rose hips;
  • 30 g St. John's wort flowers;
  • 20 g elecampane root;
  • 20 g black leaf tea;
  • 10 g oregano.

For weight loss:

  • 50 g black elderberries;
  • 20 g each of linden and dandelion roots;
  • 10 g each of peppermint and chamomile flowers;
  • 30 g cassia
  • 25 g dill seeds.

For acne:

  • 20 g birch buds;
  • 10 g verbena;
  • 5 g St. John's wort;
  • 5 g centaury;
  • 50 g of young leaves of stinging nettle;
  • 10 g burdock root;
  • 15 g of fireweed;
  • 10 g wormwood;
  • 50 g chamomile flowers;
  • 5 g licorice root;
  • 10 g of caraway seeds;
  • 10 g chopped grass;
  • 5 g violet flowers;
  • 5 g of medicinal sage.

Cooking rules

First you need to find all the components. It is very difficult to collect them by hand, because they sometimes grow in different areas. But the missing herbs can always be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of ready-made preparations.

It is better to use dry raw materials. It must first be crushed as much as possible. Take the required proportions. Since these are unprocessed herbs, simply brewing them in a kettle is not enough. It is better to keep the mixture in a water bath for about 10 minutes. After this, tea is prepared according to the general recipe indicated above.

If, after starting to drink the drink, your health worsens, you must stop the course of treatment.

Homemade recipes are good because you yourself will know what exactly you put in it. That is, these will be exactly the herbs that are indicated for the treatment of a particular disease. On the other hand, no one guarantees you the quality and effectiveness of this drink.

Truth or scam?

And finally, the main question that interests all sensible people: is monastery tea actually a real folk recipe made from herbs that can alleviate a person’s condition with various diseases, or is it just another overblown myth-dummy? Before revealing all the dubious aspects, let’s listen to a specialist whom everyone knows and who openly spoke about this drink in one of his programs.

Elena Malysheva about monastery tea

Some “official” (there are just a lot of them and it’s difficult to identify the real one) websites selling monastery tea claim that Elena Malysheva herself recommends it. There are a huge number of videos on YouTube with the “Health” and “Live Healthy!” programs, signed:

  • “Elena Malysheva - Three reasons to drink monastery tea for weight loss”;
  • “Malysheva Monastery Tea”;
  • “Watch - Elena Malysheva About Monastic Tea”;
  • “Malysheva’s monastic tea recommends” and many others.

You don’t even have to waste time watching them, because they are all nothing more than a promotion. Indeed, they contain excerpts from Malyshev’s programs, but the presenter does not even mention this collection, and under the video there is a call with the necessary link: “you can buy monastery tea here.” Or just a video with propaganda to drink this miracle drink and nothing - about Elena Vasilyevna.

The only video whose authenticity should not be doubted is the recording of the program by E.V. Malysheva dated January 24, 2016. It's called “Health. Monastic tea exposed." Here in it the presenter talks in detail about her true attitude towards this product. In short, it all comes down to the following.

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva never advertised monastery tea and did not talk about it in her programs. She accidentally came across a website on the Internet selling this drink against parasites and referring to the presenter that she supposedly recommends it. She was very outraged by this, and she called the number listed on this site: the conversation was recorded, and it is better to listen to it in the video.

Elena Vasilyevna also said with indignation that the site referred to the Institute of Parasitology, where clinical trials of the drink were conducted, and the chief parasitologist of the Russian Federation, who also recommended drinking it. In fact, it turned out that this Institute was hearing about this herbal collection for the first time, and the position of chief parasitologist in the country does not exist at all.

As Malysheva said, she found 4 similar sites, where each time the names of the main parasitologist were completely different.

At the end of the video, Malysheva does not recommend purchasing such products on the Internet and self-medicating, openly calling the manufacturers of such products scammers.

Debunking the Myths

Throughout the article, many advantages of monastery tea were noted: low cost, wide range, and natural composition. It's time to focus on controversial issues.

  • Lack of quality certificates.
  • No laboratory studies have been performed.
  • The complete list of contraindications is unknown.
  • Side effects are not mentioned, although they are possible after consuming herbal infusions and decoctions.
  • Not available in pharmacies.
  • It is unclear which of the many sales sites is truly official.
  • Not all herbs declared in the composition can be found in the Caucasus mountains.

As you can see, monastery tea is a very controversial phenomenon in the modern herbal medicine market, requiring additional research and scientific confirmation. It has a lot of advantages, but there are also controversial issues. Check all the information about the product you plan to purchase and use. And do not forget to consult with knowledgeable people - doctors - before doing this.

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