Pancreas according to Louise Hay: healing pancreatitis

Pancreatitis, according to psychosomatics, is a consequence of unspoken desires, internal anger, lack of love and positive emotions. Louise Hay recommends treating illness with affirmations, putting your soul and body in order.

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Causes of pancreatitis according to Louise Hay

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that often occurs in people with poor diet. With this disease, the enzymes secreted by the organ are not released into the rectum, but remain in the gland. As a result, it begins to digest itself and gradually collapse.

There are several causes of pancreatitis - alcohol abuse, the effects of certain medications, metabolic disorders, abuse of fatty and fried foods. However, in the book on psychosomatics “Heal Your Body” Louise Hay gives a more understandable and direct explanation - negative emotions and an angry attitude towards the world are to blame for everything.

Symptoms and signs of pancreatic disease

Very often, people ignore any manifestation of pain in the upper abdomen, thinking that it will go away on its own. But, unfortunately, any pain, even short-term, is not normal; it indicates that there are some problems with the pancreas. One of the main signs that a gland disease is developing will be weight loss, and when a person eats normally and does not adhere to any diet.

Among the main signs of disease, causeless attacks of nausea and sometimes vomiting also stand out. For an absolutely healthy person, this will be a complete surprise and will attract attention. The appearance of nausea indicates that the digestive processes are disrupted, and thus vomiting or nausea is provoked. There are many diseases of the pancreas that have their own special symptoms. The main symptoms of manifestation include:

  1. Pain that appears very sharply and is localized approximately in the area of ​​the lower ribs, and from the back
  2. Pain that seems to envelop. It becomes more and more unbearable every minute, and the person cannot even move
  3. The emergence of a gag reflex, which mainly appears at the moment when the very peak of a pain attack is felt. At this moment, a person may vomit more than once, and the vomit will have a sour smell, which indicates a violation of the alkaline environment in the stomach
  4. Poor appetite. A person may even give up his favorite foods and reduce the number of meals a day to one, because he simply does not feel like eating
  5. Increased body temperature, which occurs with severe inflammation of the pancreas
  6. Pain subsides when a person bends forward. The pain can either go away completely or subside until the person returns to their previous position.

In some cases, symptoms develop so quickly that a person cannot even really understand what happened. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance, since in most cases urgent hospitalization of the patient is required.

Psychosomatic etiology of pancreatitis

To understand the psychosomatics of the pancreas, it is enough to pay attention to the role of this organ in the functioning of the body. She is responsible for digesting food. Enzymes secreted by the pancreas help break down food into simple components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Louise Hay in Heal Your Body

Louise Hay, in Heal Your Body, makes a more elegant comparison. According to her writings, digestion of food symbolizes the processing of information that we receive from this world. We digest emotions, phrases, conversations and facts.

In this regard, we can draw a simple conclusion - the work of the pancreas symbolizes the splitting of incoming information into our emotions, mood, and conclusions. If you feed your body only fatty foods that are difficult to digest, the pancreas will stop doing its job. A similar thing happens when there is an oversaturation of anger and negative emotions.

The second function of the pancreas is to produce insulin, which helps control sugar levels in the body. Accordingly, it symbolizes a person’s attitude towards joys and positive emotions.

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The organ itself is located in the abdominal region. According to psychosomatics, it is responsible for the general psychological and emotional state of a person. Accordingly, the information we consume and the general background affect the functioning of the pancreas. She is not able to cope with all the “negativity”, so she responds to the person with all kinds of violations.

What is psychosomatic medicine?

In fact, there is no such separate direction in medicine, and there are no “specialists” who would deal only with it. This is an interdisciplinary science, and any doctor should navigate it - be it a surgeon, neurologist or oncologist.

Most diseases have tangible physical causes. They occur when the body is exposed to a particular pathogen. For example, a bone fracture occurs when there is a strong impact on something hard, and ARVI develops when viruses enter the human body.

But it is almost always impossible to exclude a mental component. It exists even in cases when, it would seem, everything fits without it. Injuries are more likely to occur to people who are inclined to take risky actions, engage in professional sports, or engage in physical labor. Another example: at the height of the seasonal flu, a teenager quarreled with his parents, dressed lightly to spite them and went on the subway to see his friends. Hypothermia and large crowds of people result in high fever and cough after three days. The virus, of course, is to blame, but people have increased the risk of infection through their behavior, which is based on certain mental processes. These arguments may seem far-fetched, but they are fair.

Also, in an indirect way, the psycho-emotional state can affect the risk of developing cancer.

Mental causes of pancreatic diseases

From all of the above, the psychosomatics of the disease can be deduced.

There are several causes of pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas:

  • Excessive concern for the environment. The patient tends to constantly worry about others. He cares about his family and loved ones, constantly fussing, expressing deep affection. However, behind the care and smile there is often hidden sadness, inner dissatisfaction and lack of love.
  • Feeling rejected. As a child, the patient did not receive love and care; his parents did not pay attention to him. Another possible reason is that a person is even now rejected by his parents, his father devalues ​​his achievements and his personality.
  • Lack of self-love. The psychosomatics of pancreatitis consists of a feeling of internal emptiness and low self-esteem. A person has not received love from others, so he does not know how to take care of himself.
  • Conviction that the world is unfair. The patient is angry, it seems to him that society is treating him unfairly. Typically, such beliefs are the result of moral trauma received in childhood.
  • Constant feeling of lack of something. A person treats life too greedily, demands more emotions, attention, money, and so on, without knowing the measures in getting what he wants.
  • A constant feeling of deep regret. Patients with pancreatitis may regret actions they have done or, conversely, not done. Very often the disease is associated with intrafamily problems.
  • Guilt over achievement. Often a person suffering from pancreatic diseases is tormented by a feeling of guilt over his own achievements. It seems to him that he is undeservedly successful and is to blame for the failures of his close relatives and friends.
  • Generic reasons. Another group of causes of pancreatitis is associated with the condition of the patient’s mother during pregnancy. She could be angry, which negatively affected the baby’s health.

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For pancreatitis to occur, one or two reasons from this list are sufficient, especially if a person is already exhausted by stress.

Psychosomatics of the pancreas - what psychological factors influence?

Now let’s move on from the symptoms to our main topic. What psychological factors create the preconditions for disruption of the pancreas? What are the underlying causes of the disease?

Loss of pleasure and joy in life

One of the main causes of psychosomatic disorders of the pancreas.

One of my clients with a similar problem said: “When everything is good in my life, I can eat anything. But as soon as some event unsettles me, nausea and abdominal pain begin, and the body stops accepting what previously brought it joy.”

Pathological greed

The inability or unwillingness to share with others, no matter material goods, your time or positive emotions, is what underlies many disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. And this is no coincidence. By retaining something in excess, a person gives a signal to his body: hold on, not give, accumulate.

This attitude affects the hormonal functions of the endocrine system and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It seems to the body that in a situation of stress it needs to accumulate more.

The body begins to retain excess fluid, fat deposits appear, and the excretory system works intermittently.

Predominant emotions: sadness and sadness

These emotions are a direct consequence of the loss of pleasure and joy from life. An adult often encounters difficult situations in his life, and from time to time anyone can lose heart. But when negative emotions constantly prevail, then a favorable psychological situation for the development of the disease develops. In addition, the provoking factor here is also resignation to unpleasant life circumstances, without attempts to change anything. Such sadness is often found among people of deep faith. They carry the burden of their own and other people's problems, often taking an unbearable burden on their shoulders.

One such example is a distant friend who suffers from pancreatitis. She has been living with her husband for a long time, with whom she is extremely uncomfortable. He drinks sometimes and can be aggressive or just plain rude. But even when he leads a sober lifestyle, he still demands from her strict compliance with all “female” duties, regardless of her physical and psychological condition.

However, she vehemently denies any attempts by anyone to talk to this woman about the topic of divorce. Indeed, in religion, the observance of whose rules she is very zealous, divorce is considered a great sin. And the clergy constantly talk about the fact that “you need to endure.” So she endures both psychological difficulties and somatic problems.

The habit of “being good” by suppressing your emotions

Very often, a person suffering from pancreatic diseases divides the world into two categories: above himself and below himself. And this point falls precisely into the “above yourself” category. For example, bosses, people with high financial income, people with a very attractive appearance - everyone has their own criteria. One thing remains unchanged: these “higher” people are allowed to do whatever they want. And a person, even feeling negative towards them, restrains himself, does not allow himself to tell them the truth in their eyes, finds excuses for their not the best actions.

Remember, you still can’t fool yourself. Logically, a person can come up with anything he wants, but the body “pushes its own line.” Any attempt to suppress negative emotions while remaining “good” in the eyes of others leads to inharmonious production of pancreatic enzymes.

Strong feelings of guilt

A person who is constantly in a “guilty” state causes irreparable harm to his body. It’s as if he is giving the command to “punish” himself, to destroy himself from the inside. And, of course, the body obeys its owner. And turns on the self-destruct mechanism.

Often it is the endocrine system and the gastrointestinal tract that suffer first. Therefore, the pancreas is “hooked” by the feeling of guilt in any case.

A strong desire to love and be loved

Each of us has this desire, but not everyone suffers from pancreas. The whole point is that such people want to love, but do not know how to admit it to themselves. Unexpressed emotion gets stuck in the body. A person becomes unable to accept love from another, becomes unable to give care and warmth to another.

By the way, Louise Hay, a recognized expert in the field of psychosomatic disorders, also speaks about this. For example, in her book “Heal Your Life” you will find a lot of useful information for understanding yourself and your illness.

Inability to enjoy life

A person only engages in fixing his attention on negative emotions. It kind of accumulates them. The more such emotions, the higher the risk of developing pancreatitis, diabetes and even pancreatic cancer.

Risk groups according to Louise Hay's psychosomatics

Based on the identified psychosomatics of pancreatitis, it is possible to identify people who are at risk for this disease.

The following categories of people need to listen to the pancreas:

  • Accustomed to starting several things at once, without finishing anything. Usually such people are quite fussy. They are often haunted by a feeling of guilt for unfinished tasks. All this together can lead to pancreatitis.
  • Needing complete control of their lives. They need to know and control absolutely everything - their lives, the lives of their family and friends. At the slightest problem and the inability to control the situation, they experience a feeling of guilt, which “eats” the pancreas from the inside.
  • Suffering from a lack of love. This disease often affects lonely people who do not receive love and care from loved ones. There is a real emptiness inside them, which is often masked behind a friendly smile. Often problems with a lack of love come from childhood, from working parents who do not devote time to the child.

  • Too active and active. Such people are accustomed to doing everything themselves, controlling all tasks, and constantly coming to the aid of family and friends. Others describe them as “strong” and “strong-willed.” However, behind the ostentatious care there is a lack of affection. Patients do not allow themselves to demonstrate weakness and the need for love, and hide any problems from others.
  • Not used to drawing conclusions. Pancreatitis means that a person does not complete the process of “digesting information” from the world. Such people usually rarely draw conclusions about what is happening; they are convinced that everything around them happens as fate dictates. They are not prone to change; it seems to them that life will improve on its own.

People belonging to risk groups should begin treatment with affirmations now, before the disease reaches a critical stage.

What are psychosomatic disorders?

Briefly, these conditions can be described by the phrase “many complaints about nothing.” Such patients tell doctors that they constantly feel unwell, they are bothered by pain, dizziness, a feeling of “lack of air,” and attacks of palpitations. The doctor conducts an examination, and it shows that everything is fine with the patient. And the patient goes to look for another doctor who will examine him more thoroughly.

A psychosomatic disorder is not only fictitious symptoms, it is also certain disorders of thinking and behavior. The person is in a state of maladaptation, “does not know how” to react correctly to stressful situations, and is fixated on the state of his health.

Such disorders also occur in people who have real somatic diseases, including cancer. In such cases, it can be very difficult to distinguish psychosomatic symptoms from “real” ones. The main sign is that the patient’s complaints clearly do not correspond to the severity of his condition or the objective clinical picture. The patient clearly exaggerates the severity of the symptoms, worries too much about his health, and this worry occupies his thoughts for most of the day and takes up a lot of energy. In oncology, such situations are especially difficult, because cancer is a deadly disease, and there really is cause for great concern and panic.

Many cancer patients experience the exact opposite reaction. They tend to ignore their illness and underestimate its seriousness and the importance of immediately starting treatment.

All these problems must be dealt with by specialists. Unfortunately, in Russia psychological assistance to cancer patients is still very poorly developed.

How to cure pancreatitis using psychosomatics

Treatment of pancreatitis is a multi-stage work on emotions, analysis of events occurring in life. Sometimes it is enough to ask yourself the right questions to find a way to fix the problem.

For treatment you need:

  • Understand that it is impossible to control everything around you. The patient needs to let go of the situation and trust fate. It is necessary to free loved ones from constant care, which can become intrusive and unwanted. You should allow yourself to take care of yourself, stop showing only the strong side of your character, and become a little softer and more humane.
  • Stop waiting for ephemeral love. You need to ask yourself the question: do I love my loved ones? Am I giving them positive emotions? Do I allow myself to be loved? You need to bring love into your life yourself. It is recommended to improve relationships with loved ones. It wouldn’t hurt to furnish the house a little and change something. Everything around you needs to be done with love - cooking, cleaning, working, communicating with loved ones.

In addition, Louise Hay recommends physiotherapeutic procedures. A relaxing massage and light gymnastics (in the absence of contraindications and under the supervision of a doctor) will not be superfluous. The patient’s task is to let himself relax and forget about current problems. In addition, a trip to the spa, an unusual hobby, or any other way to calm your nerves and loosen control can help.

In rare cases, it is permissible to use antidepressants or anti-anxiety pills (upon prior consultation with a specialist). It is better to resort to this method only in extreme cases, if you just cannot calm down and relax on your own. Official medicine will help relieve stress and constant nervous tension.

Of course, during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, you cannot do without doctors. You need to follow all the recommendations of specialists, maintain a strict diet and take pills prescribed by your doctor. Psychosomatics is an auxiliary treatment for pancreatitis. It will not relieve an acute attack and pain, but it will allow you to forget about the disease and prevent a new exacerbation.

How Affirmations Work

Louise Hay's book contains a table of affirmations that need to be read for diseases of the pancreas. Pancreatitis requires phrases like “I love and approve of myself,” “I am the delight and joy of my life.” These attitudes will help to overcome the feeling of self-hatred and constant guilt that gnaws at patients with pancreatitis.

Affirmations help fill you with a sense of self-confidence, gratitude for your actions and success. Thanks to them, a person stops being afraid of the future, looks confidently into tomorrow and begins to love himself.

You should repeat affirmations in the morning or before bed. At this time, you should forget about problems and eliminate all distractions. You need to devote 10-15 minutes only to yourself, and stop solving the problems of your loved ones.

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