Is it possible to put a soap candle on a baby if he is constipated?

Infant health concerns should be discussed with your pediatrician. Constipation is no exception. This is a common problem, so you should be able to help your child safely. Quite often, mothers use a product such as soap to treat constipation in a child. Although this method is controversial, it has both benefits and risks.

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How to recognize constipation in a child

Constipation in infants is a slightly different complaint than in adults. Rare bowel movements with a normal diet will not always be a key symptom. If the baby is eating well, is calm, active, happy, but has bowel movements every few days, this should not be a cause for concern. If rare stools are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Symptoms of constipation in infants are distinguished by:

  • colic, restless behavior;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hard stomach;
  • tearfulness, tension, redness of the face;
  • pressing your knees to your stomach; trembling in the legs;
  • Stool in the form of hard lumps.

The listed phenomena indicate ailments that need to be dealt with quickly, since constipation is dangerous for infants. You can help your baby yourself by making soap suppositories, but this method can only be practiced once. If the problem does not go away, consult a doctor who will prescribe special suppositories for your children.

Causes of constipation in children under one year of age

The following reasons can also lead to constipation in children2:

  • incorrect diet of the mother if the baby is breastfed;
  • insufficient drinking regime of the child during artificial feeding and during the introduction of complementary foods, regardless of the type of feeding;
  • early transfer of the baby from breast milk to adapted milk formulas;
  • quick transfer from one formula to another, in less than 3 days;
  • adjusting the intestines to new foods and introducing complementary foods;
  • underfeeding;
  • prolonged and indiscriminate use of enemas, mechanical means to stimulate stool.

What are the dangers of intestinal dysfunction?

The absence of stool in newborns and infants for 3 days is a dangerous signal. Feces poison the body. Pathogens found in the intestines begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The consequences of this process are very dangerous for the child’s body.

It is accompanied by a number of symptoms, including fever, vomiting, moodiness and drowsiness. The accumulation of gases makes the stomach hard. The child experiences cutting pain. Without treatment, you may develop anal fissures.

For a child, constipation and pain act as severe stress, so do not delay treatment. Gradually, the child completely loses his appetite, the situation will worsen.

What symptoms indicate that your child is constipated?

  • Rare frequency of bowel movements (from once every 2-3 days to once a week);
  • cramping pain (throughout the entire abdominal area);
  • feeling of heaviness, fullness in the stomach;
  • bloating (flatulence), rumbling;
  • severe pain during bowel movements;
  • smearing (encopresis);
  • irritation and nervous excitability for no apparent reason;
  • hard and dry, fragmented stool in the form of balls or lumps;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, malaise, weakness;
  • coating on the tongue, change in skin color;
  • slight increase in temperature.

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Can soap be used for treatment?

Anti-constipation soap for babies is the easiest way to speed up bowel movements. Enema, suppositories, and oral medications seem to be more dangerous methods for the child. Mothers justify their choice of soap suppositories by the fact that the suppository is much larger and causes significant discomfort to the baby. If you do this with a small piece of soap, it will be safer for the baby. Doctors do not agree with this opinion and recommend seeking help from a pediatrician who will prescribe treatment. Injecting soap into a child's bottom is clearly contraindicated for many painful conditions. Moms agree that a small piece of soap should not be placed deeply, just a few shallow touches are enough.

How to use soap for constipation in a newborn:

  1. Cut a little soap (about the thickness of a match).
  2. Remove any sharp edges.
  3. Place your baby on his side.
  4. Shallow introduction of soap into the anus.

Help! If all steps are followed, the intestines will empty normally within 10-15 minutes. If this does not happen, it is impossible to repeat the procedure; you should contact your pediatrician.

What you should know when using soap for constipation in a newborn:

  • soap can only be used once;
  • do not use laundry soap for constipation (just regular baby soap);
  • cut as little as possible, removing any sharp edges.

How to use soap for constipation

Firstly, the question immediately arises: what kind of soap should I take? Many people think that household items are great. But it does contain a lot of alkali, which experts are so against. Therefore, laundry soap - aside. But special baby products are very soft, delicate in structure, and do not harm the child’s skin. It can be used.

Once you have decided on the soap, you need to cut a small piece from it and smooth it with water. The piece should be slightly larger in diameter than a match head.

The baby needs to be placed on his side, carefully spread his buttocks and gently introduce soap into the butt several times. As practice shows, within a few minutes the child will poop calmly.

Dangers of self-medication in infants

Frequent use of soap for constipation in a child leads to disruption of the intestines, which become accustomed to irritation. In this case, bowel movements will become irregular and can only be induced by repeating the procedure. This is a dangerous phenomenon that should not be allowed in newborns and older children.

There are a number of diseases for which soap suppositories are contraindicated for a newborn:

  • frequent constipation - in this case, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician;
  • Constipation is accompanied by other symptoms - nausea, vomiting, fever;
  • There are diseases of the digestive tract.

The use of soap for constipation in a child against the background of these conditions is very likely to not only not help, but also cause complications.

Under no circumstances should cosmetic soap be used for adults, even if the manufacturer indicates that it is safe. There is a risk of allergies and irritation of delicate skin. Regular baby soap for constipation will help, but will lead to other problems, including drying out of the mucous membranes, which in extreme cases ends in gaps.

In addition, regular soap can be a factor in the development of tenesmus. This is a condition in which you experience a false urge to defecate, which irritates the nerve endings.

What is the danger?

You may think that this is normal and the problem will go away on its own. It goes away in adults. It’s much more difficult with a child’s delicate body! Ignoring symptoms leads to more severe consequences. The dangers of constipation are:

  1. Constipation for several days leads to intoxication. All bacteria from the feces will begin to be absorbed into the baby’s blood through the intestinal walls;
  2. Gases will not be able to escape;
  3. Vomiting will begin, the temperature will rise;
  4. Frequent constipation in infants leads to rectal cracks.

Alternative Methods

Mothers practice another way to get rid of intestinal problems - soap enemas. This approach is considered safer than suppositories. A soap enema for a newborn is made from a soap solution in the usual way. However, pediatricians consider this method to be a last resort.

Enemas remove healthy microflora, causing even more distress to the digestive tract. This treatment method should only be prescribed by a pediatrician, as there are contraindications.

In any case, baby soap for constipation should be baby soap for both enemas and suppositories. In this case, a very small piece is used for treatment.

Proper treatment of an infant includes the following:

  1. Examination by a pediatrician.
  2. Improving bowel function.
  3. Massage and gymnastics.
  4. From the sixth month we introduce vegetables into the diet.
  5. About artificial nutrition - water supplements for babies.
  6. After a year, serve soup daily.

Abdominal massage is useful in the treatment and prevention of intestinal problems. Gentle stroking activates peristalsis and calms the baby. Warm baths also help. The most common method prescribed by pediatricians is suppositories.

Glycerin suppositories, specially designed for newborns, soften the stool, making it easier to remove from the intestines. For infants, 1/3 of the suppository is enough.

If bowel movement does not occur 30 minutes after applying the suppository, you should call a pediatrician.

Microlax microclinics are created specifically for newborns. Contains a water-salt solution with glycerin. The effect occurs within 25 minutes. Please read the instructions carefully before use. You can get an enema after making an appointment with your doctor.

Soap for constipation in infants can be considered part of the treatment, but we should not forget about the consequences of regular use of suppositories. Children's laxatives are a safe alternative. Representative - Duphalac. However, other laxatives are contraindicated. Duphalac is a syrup that should be given to the child in an amount of 5 g. In case of breastfeeding, the mother can also drink the drug.

From the age of six months, the use of Forlax is allowed. It can be administered long-term to normalize intestinal function. Each drug has contraindications. Self-medication is unacceptable; laxatives should be prescribed by a doctor.

Types of constipation and their treatment

To cure a child of constipation, you first need to consult a doctor who will identify the cause of this condition, as well as the type of disorder and, based on them, prescribe suitable medications.

  • For nutritional disorders caused by poor nutrition, doctors usually prescribe a special diet, which involves including sufficient fluids and foods rich in fiber in the diet. In addition, to facilitate bowel movements, the doctor may prescribe the use of special medications, such as MICROLAX® microenemas.
  • Atonic constipation is a disorder that occurs due to insufficient irritation of the intestinal nerve receptors. Doctors recommend complex therapy, which includes following a diet, taking irritating laxatives, and performing special exercises. When treating atonic constipation, it is important to establish a schedule for eating and bowel movements. If possible, they should be carried out at the same time of day.
  • Spastic constipation occurs due to severe irritation of the intestines. It can be caused by diseases of neighboring organs, inflammatory processes, painful bowel movements, as a result of which the movement of feces is disrupted. In order to relieve your baby of spastic constipation, you need to restore normal intestinal motility. For this purpose, antispasmodics, diet and mild constipation medications are prescribed.
  • Treatment of acute constipation primarily involves excluding intestinal obstruction, since this is a dangerous condition and often requires emergency medical intervention. If defecation delay occurs without any prerequisites (recently suffered from acute respiratory viral infection, changes in diet, etc.), you can give the child a laxative microenema, take care of proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity and try to prevent recurrent intestinal dysfunction.
  • Chronic constipation requires a mandatory comprehensive examination. If the diagnosis does not reveal any organic/functional disorders, nutrition should be normalized and intestinal motility should be restored - moderate physical activity should be introduced. As a last resort, if the child is constantly bothered by constipation, the doctor may recommend taking special medications.

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Preventive measures

There is no need to wait for signs of the disorder to appear as they can be prevented by:

  • Before feeding, the baby is placed on his tummy for a few minutes;
  • exercises are performed daily;
  • the child receives enough fluids;
  • The baby is often placed on the chest;
  • Follow all the pediatrician’s recommendations to normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

Home enema, soap suppositories, laxatives - these are therapeutic measures that are not suitable for everyone. It is necessary to know in advance how to help the baby, and for this you need to talk with the pediatrician, discussing the basic issues of nutrition, care, gymnastics, massage, water regime, introduction of complementary foods and special formulas for babies. .

What to do?

Abdominal pain is stressful for a newborn baby. Constipation is often accompanied by lack of sleep and refusal to eat. What to do if a baby is still diagnosed with constipation? The following factors should be taken into account.


This is the basis for proper growth and development of the baby. Accordingly, proper bowel function. When breastfeeding, you should pay special attention to your diet. Eliminate harmful foods. Your menu should be correct and balanced.

Add to your diet food that has a beneficial effect on the digestive system: one spoon of boiled beets, a few prunes. It would be better to exclude fatty foods, smoked meats, legumes, potatoes of any kind, and nuts from food.

Don't forget to drink enough clean water. If you are feeding your child with formula, you should reconsider the diet and give preference to dairy products containing prebiotics.

Warm. Bathing in a warm bath has a positive effect on the digestive system. After bathing, it is better to place the baby on his tummy.


Stroking the tummy also helps speed up the bowel movement process.


The well-known folk method causes a lot of controversy, but to this day it is considered the most effective. Let's look at how to implement this method correctly in practice below.


Most pediatricians believe that an enema is the most extreme option.

Constipation is a constant problem

If constipation becomes a constant problem in your baby, be sure to consult a doctor. The method of using soap for constipation is good in one-time cases, so as not to cause addiction.

Be sure to remember: problems are much easier to prevent than to solve. It will be much more effective to find the source of the disease and eliminate it.

  1. If you are breastfeeding, carefully monitor your diet and eat the right foods.
  2. When feeding your baby with artificial formulas, do not forget to give water.
  3. Choose the right baby food for feeding your baby, consult a specialist, and carefully study the composition of the products.

In infancy, the proper functioning of the whole organism is laid down. Constipation is usually an inevitable phenomenon, since the digestive system is still developing and learning to digest food. Try to discuss all methods of regulating its work with your treating pediatrician. Take care of your baby's health.

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