Homeopathic medicine. Treatment of chronic pancreatitis

The pancreas performs two functions - endocrine and exocrine.
Being both an external and internal secretion gland, the pancreas takes an important part not only in the digestive process, but also in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Thanks to its endocrine function, the pancreas is involved in the regulation of digestive processes. Exocrine function is provided by enzymes in pancreatic juice, which are aimed at breaking down and digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In the pancreatic ducts, enzymes are present in an inactive state. And only when they enter the duodenum do they acquire the ability to digest food. Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by activation of enzymes in the organ itself with “self-digestion”. The aggressive environment causes foci of necrosis in the tissue, followed by fibrosis of the affected areas. As a result, digestive function, and often carbohydrate metabolism, suffers. Moreover, enzymes, along with decay products, enter the blood, leading to intoxication and damage to other internal organs. Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive disease.

Causes of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis can occur due to the fact that a person abuses alcohol, and also because he suffers from inflammatory infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal system. The development of pancreatitis is also influenced by operations on the abdominal organs, worms and hormonal diseases such as diabetes. Finally, pancreatitis can occur due to excess weight.

There are a number of reasons that can provoke the development of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. For example, sand got in from the gallbladder and closed the duct. As a result, the outflow of gland secretions is disrupted, and this is the result - active enzymes begin digesting the pancreas itself.

Types of pancreatitis

There are three forms of pancreatitis.

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by the rapid spread of inflammation, resulting in the death of pancreatic cells. It is expressed in various forms, including acute edema, hemorrhage, acute pancreatic necrosis, acute cholecystopancreatitis and purulent pancreatitis. If acute pancreatitis is diagnosed, treatment should begin as soon as possible.

Chronic pancreatitis is a slowly developing inflammatory process. It is characterized by the same symptoms as acute pancreatitis, but in this case they are less pronounced. Exacerbations alternate with remissions. As a result of the disease, pancreatic cells die, as in acute pancreatitis. Note that chronic pancreatitis occurs both as an independent disease and as a complication of untreated chronic pancreatitis.

Finally, reactive pancreatitis begins with an exacerbation of diseases of nearby digestive tract organs. With such pancreatitis, it is necessary to restore the entire gastrointestinal system.

Pancreatitis: treatment, symptoms and prevention

Recommended treatment: Caliris (EDAS-114 drops) or Gastropan (EDAS-954 granules)

This disease can be merciless and insidious if it occurs in an acute form. In this case, it begins suddenly and is manifested by a sharp girdle pain at the level of the stomach area. It is insidious in that it takes a long time and is tough to treat, taking into account the need to follow a strict diet for life. And this is in case of a successful outcome! But sometimes acute pancreatitis can result in death if urgent measures are not taken in time.

Inflammation of the pancreas is quite common these days, and the disease has become much younger for many reasons. Even very young people full of vitality suffer and die from it. Therefore, you should not neglect the basic rules of a healthy diet to avoid pancreatitis.

Causes of pancreatitis

A special feature of the pancreas is the need to supply enzymes that are very aggressive and aimed at quickly breaking down fats, proteins and carbohydrates into the duodenum exactly at the right time and in the right quantity. This gland also produces enzymes that can instantly neutralize hydrochloric acid, which is produced by the stomach at the stage of initial digestion of food. It does not pose a danger to the walls of the stomach, but the acid should no longer enter the small intestine.

And, of course, one of the most important functions of the pancreas is the production of insulin - a hormone with the help of which the membranes of all cells in the body open to receive the required dose of universal fuel - glucose, into which the bulk of incoming food is converted.

The importance of proper functioning of the pancreas cannot be overestimated. But the mechanism of its operation is so subtle and calculated down to seconds that the slightest delay or incorrect assessment of the volume of secretion of the necessary enzymes can lead to them being retained in the pancreatic ducts and even starting to be activated directly in it.

This state of affairs is extremely dangerous, since initially aggressive enzymes are stored in the pancreas in an inhibited (inactive) state. That is, they cannot begin to perform their functions of breaking down food until a certain point. But if the enzymes, being activated, are delayed or returned to the depot of the gland, then the gland itself becomes the object of digestion, since it consists of the same proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Realizing that the pancreas may cease to exist, the brain gives the command to drain enzymes into the bloodstream, which leads to a decrease in their concentration in the pancreatic tissue, but they, being distributed throughout the body, albeit to a lesser extent, still cause harm to the blood vessels , nerve cells and other tissues, simply by dissolving them.

The main causes of pancreatitis are the following:

  • Consequences of mumps (mumps) - a disease that affects the endocrine glands;
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, and especially surrogate alcoholic drinks;
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • Gastric ulcer, as well as other diseases;
  • Gastrointestinal tract injuries and consequences of surgical interventions for hernia reduction, gastric resection, etc.;
  • Development of tumors, including malignant ones;
  • Parasitic infestation;
  • Taking medications that affect the functioning of the pancreas, change the functioning of the liver, and irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Despite the fact that all of the above causes of pancreatitis are theoretically equivalent, the main reasons are alcohol consumption and poor diet. Particularly dangerous is the combination of taking surrogate alcohol with heavy fatty foods.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

An attack of pancreatitis can begin unexpectedly. He is not insured by anyone. Especially if there is a coincidence of several risk factors. The patient's condition may deteriorate quickly. Moreover, in most cases, independent actions will only contribute to further aggravation of the patient’s situation. Therefore, it is very important to know the symptoms of pancreatitis in order to be able to call an ambulance in time and hospitalize the patient.

Main symptoms of pancreatitis:

Experts distinguish three forms of pancreatitis: acute, chronic and reactive. Acute pancreatitis occurs against the background of heavy intake of fatty foods in combination with significant doses of alcohol. After the attack is stopped, if the patient does not adhere to a strict diet and doctor’s prescriptions, pancreatitis can become chronic, which is characterized by a high probability of repeated relapses in the event of even minor deviations from the diet. The reactive form of pancreatitis occurs as a consequence of diseases of other digestive organs, as well as due to frequent infectious respiratory diseases in children.

Treatment of pancreatitis

If you have an attack of pancreatitis, it is important to begin measures to relieve it as soon as possible. Conditions for this are available exclusively in the hospital. The three pillars on which the treatment of pancreatitis is based are refusal to eat in the first three days from the onset of the disease, drinking plenty of fluids and strict bed rest.

Since conventional analgesics cannot relieve pain in pancreatitis, the threat of painful shock and subsequent death can only be avoided with pain relief through narcotic drugs, which are prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been made by the attending physician, which is impossible in home treatment conditions.

However, if you suffer from a chronic form of pancreatitis, then taking homeopathic remedies is indicated as maintenance therapy and to prevent relapses. In this case, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s instructions and diet.

Caliris EDAS-114 drops have an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect in pancreatitis, especially if it occurs against the background of exacerbation of gastritis or gastroduodenitis, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

EDAS-954 granules are successfully used for reactive and chronic pancreatitis, accompanied by acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, incl. provoked by Helicobacter pylori.

Recommended treatment: Caliris (EDAS-114 drops) or Gastropan (EDAS-954 granules)

Treatment of pancreatitis using classical medicine methods

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis in traditional medicine includes several main points, including diet, pain relief and correction of impaired pancreatic function. We will not talk about the diet in detail, we will only clarify that it is also used in homeopathy. Let's dwell on the fight against pain and correction of the pancreas.

As a rule, the therapeutic diet itself already brings significant improvement. If the pain is very severe, analgesics such as diclofenac, aspirin and others are prescribed. They are needed to reduce discomfort. In addition, the drug Octreotide is used in traditional medicine. The drug is used to combat chronic pancreatitis and is needed to suppress the production of hormones that stimulate the pancreas. It is not difficult to guess that after taking the medicine the pain decreases.

In order to return the functioning of the pancreas to normal, pancreatic enzymes are used, including mezim, festal and others. They allow you not only to facilitate the process of digesting food and normalize the process, but also to reduce pain.

With long-term chronic pancreatitis, a decrease in insulin levels usually occurs. Since this hormone is very important for glucose metabolism, treatment measures must be taken as soon as possible. If a patient is diagnosed with diabetes, then an endocrinologist gets down to business and prescribes a treatment regimen.

Sometimes the disease causes complications, especially if we are talking about the pseudotumorous form of chronic pancreatitis. In this case, you have to resort to surgical intervention. The operation performed in this case is called “sphincterotomy”.

As you might guess, the bulk of classical medicine methods are aimed at relieving symptoms, or at best, at normalizing the functioning of the pancreas. But this is not enough for quality treatment! Only homeopathy allows you to cope with the main ailment and all associated diseases completely, eradicating the true causes of pancreatitis.

Treatment of pancreatitis using homeopathy methods

For pancreatitis during the period of inflammation, the homeopathic medicine Apis in 3 dilutions helps to reduce inflammation. Thanks to the drug Nux Vomica in 3 dilutions, bile begins to move normally in the intestines again. When bile stagnation is noted, Lycopodium is prescribed in 3 dilutions. Finally, Chelidonium in 3 dilutions will help with pancreatitis.

During periods without exacerbation, you can use the same homeopathic remedies, taking them in 6 dilutions (except for Apis).

A drug such as Iris Versicolor in 3 and 3 dilutions has an effect on the pancreas itself, so without exaggeration it can be called unique. Due to its properties, this homeopathic medicine is an indispensable remedy for combating pancreatitis and is prescribed to stabilize the functioning of the pancreas and reduce pain. Iris pairs well with Mercurius Dulcis, Murcurius Corrosivus and Belladonna.

Colocynth in 3, 3 and 6 dilutions is prescribed in case of complaints of pain during meals. Also, the need to use the medicine is indicated by belching, bloating and watery, often with an unpleasant odor, loose stools.

Iodum in 3 and 6 dilutions is used when patients complain of a burning sensation along the entire digestive tract, bloating and watery loose stools. In addition, rapid weight loss indicates the need to take iodine.

Colocynsis in 3 and 6 dilutions is prescribed for severe pain during exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Podophyllum in 2x, 3x, 3 and 6 dilutions helps patients with morning diarrhea.

Arsenicum Album in 6 and 12 dilutions is prescribed to people who suffer from periodic burning pain and a feeling of thirst.

Bryonia in 3 and 3 dilutions will help those patients who experience pain during movement.

Finally, the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum helps patients who suffer from pancreatitis with vomiting, severe abdominal pain and watery loose stools.

Iris versicolor (variegated iris)

The drug affects glandular tissue: the pancreas and salivary glands, as well as the condition of the intestines and stomach. Important symptoms are heartburn with copious production of saliva, vomiting of sour mucus. The discharge irritates the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. There is pain in the left hypochondrium, above and to the left of the navel, in the epigastric region. Constipation, pasty stools or fatty stools indicate a digestive disorder. An additional symptom that increases the relevance of using this particular drug is migraines with blurred vision and frequent urination. For this, people who are most suitable for treatment with iris versicolor are also characterized by migraines that recur on Sundays.

Yodum (iodine)

Indications for prescribing the drug: pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, alternation of constipation with stool upset, “fatty” diarrhea. The product is suitable for restless, fussy and very impatient people. It feels like they can’t stop and are wasting energy aimlessly. Only food temporarily reduces motor restlessness. They are characterized by weight loss and increased appetite. These are “hot” people who experience deterioration in their physical condition in the heat. Among other possible symptoms, we note an irritating runny nose, asthma, pollen allergies, hair loss, damage to the glands (thyroid, mammary). All body secretions are caustic and cause irritation.

Arsenicum album

The drug is suitable for patients with characteristic signs of exacerbation: vomiting that does not bring relief, profuse diarrhea, thirst, dry mouth, burning pain. Dehydration sets in quickly. There is a need to drink liquid in small sips. Key symptoms for using the product: severe anxiety, weakness and fear. Patients of this type quickly get tired even after a minimal load. Against the background of anxiety and imaginary fears, the loss of strength occurs at an even greater speed. In a healthy state, they are distinguished by pedantry and high organization.


Used to treat chronic pancreatitis along with liver damage. Characteristic symptoms include burning sensations, constipation or diarrhea, blood in the stool, thirst and need for cold drinks, and enlarged liver. Patients have a tendency to experience bleeding, such as nosebleeds and uterine bleeding. There is also a tendency to bronchopulmonary diseases and cardiac pathology. Suitable for slim, easily excitable people. Despite their inherent energy and ease of getting up, they, unfortunately, quickly become exhausted and tired. True, a short rest is enough for them to restore their strength.

Mercurius solubilis

The drug is used when pancreatitis is combined with intestinal damage. Characterized by upset stool with tenesmus, sweating, excessive salivation (salivation). All symptoms are worse at night. Patients of this constitution have a tendency to diseases of the throat, gums, and suppuration. Common manifestations include anxiety, agitation, destructive tendencies, and inability to control one’s impulses.

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