Comparing Sparex and Duspatalin | Important differences


Intestinal spasm accompanies many gastrointestinal diseases, so myotropic drugs that have an antispasmodic effect on intestinal smooth muscles are often used to relieve pain. Drug treatment must be combined with a diet - it is recommended to focus on vegetable dishes, fresh fruits and lean meat. Negative reactions of the body, manifested as side effects, can be avoided if you adhere to an individually selected dosage regimen.

Intestinal spasm accompanies many gastrointestinal diseases, so myotropic drugs - Duspatalin or Sparex - are often used to relieve pain.

How do they affect the body?

When taking dosage forms orally, the active substance quickly penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the soft tissues. Both medications are metabolized by the liver; the metabolites are inactive and are partially excreted by the kidneys (together with urine) and the gall bladder (together with bile). With presystemic hydrolysis, the main component is not detected in the blood plasma.

pharmachologic effect

The composition of the medicines contains mebeverine (a reserpine derivative) in the form of hydrochloride.

The concentration of the main component of Sparex and Duspatalin is 200 mg.

Mebeverine is able to influence the muscle tissue of the large intestine, relieving or completely relieving spasms. The myotropic antispasmodic does not slow down natural intestinal motility and does not have anticholinergic properties.

How antispasmodics help with gastrointestinal diseases

Duspatalin and Sparex contain one active ingredient - mebeverine hydrochloride. In terms of its effect, mebeverine is an analogue of papaverine, one of the oldest antispasmodics. Unlike papaverine, mebeverine is milder and less likely to cause serious adverse reactions.

The exact mechanism of action of mebeverine has not been studied. It is assumed that the drug blocks the activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, reduces cell permeability and interferes with the conduction of nerve impulses from neurons to muscles. Acetylcholine causes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract to contract, mebeverine relaxes the muscles, relieves spasms and eliminates pain.

Mebeverine is quickly absorbed when taken orally and does not remain in the body for long. Therefore, special capsules have been developed, from which the drug is released gradually. This allows the medication to be prescribed only twice a day. The bioavailability of the drug in this form is high and is 97%.

What is the difference and which is better - Duspatalin or Sparex?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better, Duspatalin or Sparex. Sparex can be considered an analogue of Duspatalin from a domestic manufacturer. Additional components vary depending on the manufacturer. Duspatalin is available in 2 forms - capsules and tablets with different concentrations of mebeverine. Sparex is available only in tablet form. Both medications have similar therapeutic effects.

Sparex can be considered an analogue of Duspatalin from a domestic manufacturer.

Which antispasmodic is better

Sparex and Duspatalin are analogues and interchangeable agents. They have the same indications and contraindications. Now preference is given to the drug Duspatalin, since it is considered a modern foreign analogue of a new generation, which means it less often leads to side symptoms and is better tolerated by different groups of patients.

At the same time, Sparex is cheaper, but has the same effect. When the cost of a medicine matters, you can choose the domestic drug Sparex. If it causes side symptoms, the foreign medicine Duspatalin is used.

Directions for use and doses

All dosage forms of antispasmodics (capsules and tablets) are intended for oral administration. They are taken whole, without chewing or deforming, and washed down with plenty of boiled water. The approximate dosage regimen for Duspatalin is 1 capsule/tablet twice a day, 30 minutes before meals. Sparex dosage regimen: 2 tablets 2 times a day. The daily dose of both myotropes is no more than 400 mg. In the absence of positive dynamics, the therapeutic rate can be increased to 600 mg with the permission of the attending physician.

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Characteristics of Niaspam

This is a myotropic agent with antispasmodic properties. It helps relieve spasms by directly affecting the smooth muscles of the large intestine. The main component is mebeverine hydrochloride. The dosage form of the drug is long-acting capsules.

Niaspam and Duspatalin effectively cope with periodic abdominal pain, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, and sometimes both symptoms.

special instructions

You can take medications only with drinking non-carbonated water. Milk, carbonated drinks and lemonades, strong tea and coffee are not suitable for these purposes. There are no teratogenic or embryotoxic effects.

Treatment of intestinal pathologies should be accompanied by dietary nutrition - junk food and drinks are completely excluded from the diet.

It is recommended in advance to reduce the patient's physical activity before starting drug therapy.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use the drugs for medicinal purposes. Medicines are prescribed in extreme cases.


Myotropes are not prescribed to children under 12 years of age. Teenagers can take antispasmodics in the same dosage as adults.

Elderly age

Elderly patients require adjustment of the dosage regimen. It is recommended to start treatment with half doses.

Reviews from doctors

Kuts M.M., nutritionist with 9 years of experience, candidate of science: “I often use Duspatalin in my practice, there have been no negative reviews. I consider it one of the most effective antispasmodic medications in the field of gastroenterology. It is well tolerated by patients and provides a quick and long-lasting therapeutic effect when properly prescribed and used.”

Komissarov V.B., chiropractor with 16 years of experience: “Duspatalin is the best drug among the drugs in this area. I prescribe an antispasmodic in gastroenterological practice for pain of various origins. It effectively relieves spastic phenomena and eliminates the feeling of discomfort in the intestines. It works quickly."

Side effects of Duspatalin and Sparex

If the dosage regimen is incorrectly selected, the risk of side effects increases. Most often they are observed from the digestive tract and the central nervous system. Side effects prescribed in the instructions:

  • violation of bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea);
  • pain in the intestines and stomach;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in temples.

Patients experience allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of hyperemia, urticaria, itching and swelling of the face. In rare cases, the patient may develop angioedema (Quincke's edema).

Contraindications to the use of Duspatalin and Sparex

Medicines have virtually no contraindications. The instructions specify relative restrictions, which include pregnancy, breastfeeding and hypersensitivity. People with individual intolerance are not recommended to take antispasmodics.

People with individual intolerance are not recommended to take Duspatalin.

Characteristics of Duspatalin

It is a myotropic antispasmodic that suppresses spasms and relaxes intestinal smooth muscles. It does not affect the contractions of peristalsis, due to which food masses move without pain. The medication relieves spasmodic pain and also helps treat spastic conditions of the digestive tract:

  • intestinal or biliary colic;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • after removal of the gallbladder.

The medicine effectively relieves involuntary muscle contractions and pain in the gastrointestinal tract caused by many reasons. The main component of the drug is mebeverine hydrochloride. Release form: tablets and capsules.


Characteristic symptoms of overdose appear when the permitted therapeutic limit is exceeded multiple times. These include overexcitation of the central nervous system (lack of composure, irritability, disorientation, chaotic movement of the eyeballs). First medical aid consists of gastric lavage and taking enterosorbents - for this it is necessary to give the patient a weakly concentrated solution of manganese and activated carbon to drink.

There is no specific antidote.

If there is no improvement, the patient must be taken to a medical facility, where he is prescribed symptomatic treatment.

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Sparex is considered an analogue of Duspatalin; the drugs have a large number of substitutes with similar therapeutic effects and composition. These include:

  1. Dicetel. The tablets contain pinaverium bromide in different concentrations (50 and 100 mg). There are additional components (lactose monohydrate, microcellulose, talc, starch). The medicine belongs to the group of antispasmodics, it is approved for use in case of gallbladder dyskinesia. Dosage regimen: 2 tablets twice a day. There are age restrictions (up to 18 years). The cost is 540 rubles.
  2. No-shpa. Cheap generic Duspatalin. Available in the form of a solution for injection (intramuscular) and tablets. The composition contains drotaverine (in the form of hydrochloride in solution). Reduces the tone of intestinal muscle tissue. The medication can be used for toothache. The approximate dosage regimen is no more than 3 tablets per day. Price - from 60 rub.
  3. Buskopan. It has 2 release forms - tablets and suppositories. The medicine contains hyoscine butyl bromide and paracetamol (Buscopan Plus). Admission is allowed for children over 6 years of age, the dosage regimen is no more than 3-6 tablets per day or 3 suppositories. The price of the antispasmodic is from 350 rubles.
  4. Odeston. Available in tablet form, the medication contains hymecromone (200 mg). It has a pronounced choleretic effect and can be used for spasms in the large intestine and other problems associated with the functioning of the digestive organs. The daily norm is no more than 3 tablets. Cost - from 370 rubles.
  5. Niaspam. Long-acting capsules are taken for irritable bowel syndrome. The composition contains the same substance as in Duspatalin. There are age restrictions; the drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age. Capsules are taken whole without deformation. The approximate dosage regimen is 2 capsules per day. Price - from 400 rub.
  6. Mebeverine. The antispasmodic is available in tablet form and is a structural analogue of Duspatalin. Restores normal intestinal motility. Admission is allowed to teenagers over 12 years old. Dosage regimen (depending on the concentration of the active substance) - 4 tablets per day (100 mg) or 2 tablets twice a day (200 mg). Price - from 140 rubles.
  7. Trimedat. The tablet dosage form contains 100 or 200 mg of trimebutine maleate. Regulates intestinal motility. The medicine can be taken for dyspepsia and reflux esophagitis. Admission is possible during the rehabilitation period after surgery. The daily norm is no more than 600 mg, which is equivalent to 3 tablets of 200 mg or 6 tablets of 100 mg. Cost - from 280 rubles.

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Each drug has contraindications. Most require a prescription. Independent choice of medication is not possible; medications must be prescribed by a doctor. The course of use of Duspatalin and its analogues is no more than 2 weeks.

Assessing the effectiveness of drugs

There are 17 articles in the PubMed medical knowledge base for the antispasmodic mebeverine (the active substance in the drugs Duspatalin and Sparex). In one, scientists compared the effects of mebeverine and bran on IBS. It turned out that the drug is inferior in effectiveness to bran, but superior to placebo. However, in recent placebo-controlled trials, mebeverine did not show superiority over placebo. The effectiveness of the drug against IBS is so far.

In the Russian-language literature, the generic Sparex is separately available. One study identified it as an effective and safe remedy. Tests have shown that after four weeks of use, Sparex relieves pain well, eliminates flatulence and normalizes stool.

There have been no comparative studies on the similarities and differences between the original Duspatalin and the generic Sparex.

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