Analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs, indications and preparation rules


Minchenkova Evgenia Vladimirovna

Leading doctor


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- These are parasitic worms that live in the human body. The life cycle of many worms is designed in such a way that their eggs must be released into the external environment (this is a necessary condition for their maturation). The eggs leave the human body together with feces. Therefore, with helminthic infestation, the probability of detecting worm eggs in feces is quite high.

Enterobiasis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Pinworms are worms about 1 cm long.

Enterobiasis is a group of parasitic diseases. But most often this diagnosis is made when infected with pinworms. This type of helminthic infestation occurs only in humans. It is impossible to get infected from pets. Pinworms are worms about 1 cm long. One side of the parasite is pointed and the other is rounded. The color of the worm varies from white, yellowish to black. Enterobiasis is a classic “dirty hands” disease. The eggs of the parasite enter the human body through the oral cavity. They pass through the stomach, enter the intestines and begin their criminal activities.

The pinworm lives for about 30 days. A female can lay 15,000 eggs at one time alone. If one of the family members becomes infected with helminths, then everyone else will have to be treated as well. Pinworm eggs remain viable in the external environment for 2 months or more. In addition to drug treatment, you will have to sanitize the entire apartment - carpets, furniture, clothes, dishes and personal hygiene items. Remember! Dogs and cats are not the source of the disease, but can carry parasite eggs on their fur. Therefore, after contact with animals, you need to wash your hands with soap. If helminths are found in one of the family members, then pets will have to be treated in the same way as home furnishings. Specialized products are sold in veterinary pharmacies. Symptoms of enterobiasis:

  • Discomfort in the anal area
  • Itching at night
  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Appetite disturbance
  • Irritability
  • In women and girls, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs

Such a symptom as teeth grinding has not been confirmed by scientific research. Important! The main signs of enterobiasis are nighttime itching and discomfort in the rectal area. Other manifestations of the disease depend on the functioning of the immune system. Diagnosis of the disease takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Questioning the patient
  2. Referral for stool analysis or scraping for enterobiasis

Important! Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate. This is fraught with complications and re-infection not only of the patient, but also of the people around him.

Who are helminths (worms), what is their danger

Worms are lower worms that can parasitize the human body; they cause the development of specific diseases (helminthiasis). Some types of helminths live in the intestines, others live in the liver, as well as muscles and other organs. The most common intestinal helminthic diseases are ascariasis and enterobiasis.

Anyone who ignores basic hygiene rules can become infected with helminths. Worm eggs can be found on dirty vegetables and fruits, so they must be washed before eating. After working with soil, be sure to clean your nails and wash your hands with soap, since parasites also live in soil contaminated with feces. It is also possible to become infected with helminthiasis while swimming in bodies of water if you accidentally swallow water. Children who frequently come into contact with pets are at risk of infection.

Worms are very dangerous for humans; they destroy the immune system. Helminths absorb nutrients and vitamins that come to us with food. A constant deficiency of microelements such as iodine and silicon leads to rapid depletion. Once in the intestines, the parasites begin to secrete special substances that prevent the digestive organs from digesting them, and the body becomes intoxicated, beneficial microorganisms die and dysbiosis develops. In addition, helminths can cause tissue necrosis because they are attached to organs through spines, hooks or suction cups.

Parasites are especially dangerous for pregnant women, because they can enter the fetus through the bloodstream. As a result, after birth, the child is diagnosed with liver problems; such children are more often susceptible to allergic reactions.

It is worms that contribute to the development of many serious chronic diseases, so at the first signs of helminthiasis infection you should consult a doctor and have your stool tested.

Analysis for enterobiasis, rules for preparation and delivery

Helminths are flat.

Testing for worm eggs is the most reliable method of testing for enterobiasis. When is this test prescribed? This is done in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of helminthic infestation
  • Routine medical examinations
  • When issuing health records
  • Mandatory upon admission to kindergarten, school, various sports sections, swimming pool

According to the methodology, samples are carried out 3 times with an interval of 7–10 days. The study allows you to identify helminths, their eggs and larvae. Sometimes false positive results occur - the first 2 tests do not confirm the diagnosis, and only in the 3rd sample are eggs or fragments of helminths found. No specific preparation is required for the analysis. It is enough to purchase a special sterile container from the pharmacy. Doctors usually recommend collecting morning stool and taking it to the laboratory. This rule may not be followed.

Since the process of defecation is an individual matter and does not always occur in the morning. Main! Deliver the material for research to the laboratory within 24 hours. If helminths are present in the sample, then during this time they will not leave the hermetically sealed container. And for the laboratory technician it is not important whether the pinworms in the sample are alive or not. If the room is warm, then the closed container can be placed in the refrigerator or placed outside - for example, on the balcony.

Why is this analysis necessary?


  • Why is this analysis necessary?
  • When should you get tested?
  • Rules for collecting material for analysis
  • Preparation and conduct of the study
  • Finally

Helminths or worms are parasitic worms whose habitat is the body of animals, humans or plants. Accordingly, helminthiasis is an infection of the body with parasitic worms. This disease significantly weakens the human immune system, aggravates the symptoms and course of an existing disease, and negatively affects the nervous system, as well as the development of the child.

Worms significantly reduce the effectiveness of various vaccines, increase the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestines and cause significant harm to the human body with the products of their decay.

Parasites have a particularly negative impact on the body of women during pregnancy. Their presence enhances toxicosis, interferes with the complete absorption of vitamins, and significantly weakens the body.

In men, parasites also contribute to the development of various pathological processes, but their body is two times less susceptible to infection with worms than a woman's.

Infection in older people, people with weakened immune systems and children is more serious and often leads to unpleasant and serious complications.

It is in order to identify the presence of various parasites in the human intestine that an analysis for helminth eggs is prescribed. Such a study makes it possible to identify various types of parasites: roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, schistosomes, whipworms and other helminths. However, you should know that this test is only effective for worms living in the human intestines or stomach. Moreover, it is rarely possible to achieve the desired result the first time, so such an analysis must be carried out three times. Other parasites can be detected using a blood test for helminths.

Laboratory at home, how to collect material at home?

Cotton swabs for collecting materials.

Various situations happen in life. There are times when it is not possible to take the child to the laboratory or come independently. What to do in this case? Is it possible to collect material for research on your own? Conducting a fence at home is not difficult. To do this you will need:

  1. Non-sterile gloves – 1 pair
  2. Cotton wool or cotton swab – 1 pc.
  3. Sterile container

How to make a fence:

  • Prepare container
  • Wear gloves
  • Apply a cotton swab several times in the anal area
  • Place the stick in the container, close the lid tightly and deliver it to the laboratory.

Remember! Biological material is not stored even in the cold. Therefore, you need to take him to the clinic as quickly as possible! While you're getting dressed and getting ready, put a sample in the refrigerator!

Rules for collecting material for analysis

The material for research must be collected in a special sterile container, preferably in the morning, immediately after waking up. Certain inconveniences are associated with the collection of feces in young children. If the child cannot have a bowel movement in the morning, it is necessary to collect the material the night before and store it in the refrigerator.

In order for the analyzes to give the most accurate result, it is necessary to follow several simple rules when collecting material:

  1. Collect stool in a sterile container.
  2. It is necessary to transfer the material with a clean stick.
  3. The use of rectal suppositories, laxatives and enemas on the eve of the study is prohibited.
  4. It is necessary to prevent urine from entering the material.
  5. Feces should be stored in the refrigerator, hermetically sealed.
  6. Taking material into cardboard containers or polyethylene is strictly prohibited.
  7. You can collect feces from the surface of the diaper.

To test for enterobiasis, it is necessary to analyze a scraping from the anus. Examination of stool in such cases will not yield anything.

How to avoid re-infection

Doctors' recommendations are simple and concise. The following rules will help you avoid relapse:

  • Maintaining personal hygiene rules
  • Complete the course of treatment with prescribed medications
  • Do not self-medicate or self-diagnose
  • Do not try untested methods on yourself
  • Be periodically tested for enterobiasis
  • If you suspect a relapse, consult a doctor

If the test result is positive, then do not be upset. Getting rid of parasites is not difficult. It is enough to carry out an appropriate course of treatment.

The result of a stool test for worm eggs

Normal: There should be no worm eggs in the feces. If eggs, the worms themselves or their fragments are found, they are identified (the type of worms is established).

In order for a negative result to be considered truly confirmed, it is advisable to take the test three times (with intervals of several days).

The most common worms - pinworms - are usually not detected using this analysis. To detect enterobiasis (pinworm infection), another test is used - scraping from the folds of skin around the anus (scraping for enterobiasis).

If the result of a stool test for worm eggs is negative, but suspicions of helminthic infestation (worm infection) remain, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test (ELISA) may be prescribed to detect antibodies to various types of parasites.


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