The main causes of chills without fever in women

What to do if you have severe chills when your temperature rises

The feeling of cold caused by vascular spasms is called chills by doctors.
Most often, chills accompany colds, but other causes are possible. The causes of severe chills when the temperature rises can be infection, digestive disorders, internal bleeding, poor circulation, a jump in blood pressure and some chronic diseases.

Causes of chills without fever:

  • hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause);
  • fear, stress;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system can provoke sudden chills for no reason in the evenings;
  • hypothermia
  • overwork;
  • injuries;
  • metabolic disease.

A state of weakness and chills in a child most often occurs against the background of colds and viral diseases.

Chills and nausea as signs of poisoning

Nausea, vomiting and chills are symptoms of food poisoning in more than half of the cases. After eating low-quality, spoiled food, it can take 2–6 hours. Sometimes the first symptoms of poisoning appear within a day.

The main ones, in addition to nausea and chills, are:

  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • aversion to foods;
  • dizziness.

Based on the symptoms, you can determine the type of poisoning; the table below shows the main ones:

BacterialNausea, diarrhea, vomiting within an hour after eating contaminated food
ViralSame symptoms, only 12–48 hours after eating contaminated food
ChemicalNausea, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, sweating, pressure surges - symptoms appear within half an hour

Causes of "chilliness"

Vasospasm can be caused by both inflammatory diseases and psychological conditions. In the first case, chills most often occur in the evening and at night. It can “chill” with colds and viral diseases, hormonal imbalances, circulatory disorders and endocrine diseases. Chills, regardless of the time of day, are a “companion” of stress, emotional overstrain and overwork. Quite often, chills can be observed in women before the onset of menstruation (in this case, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary) and in the early stages of pregnancy. The cause of vascular spasm during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body and the psychological experiences of the woman. Doctors consider slight chills in the early stages of pregnancy to be normal.

Causes of diarrhea and vomiting


Diarrhea and vomiting are common accompaniments of serious illnesses. Even individually they cause quite a bit of trouble. This is not necessarily an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract; with these symptoms, the disease can be severe. Some attribute diarrhea to low-quality products, but sometimes it can also signal pathology.

Why does vomiting and diarrhea occur?

Diarrhea (diarrhea) means that the human body is protecting itself from various types of bacteria that cause poisoning and serious pathologies. That is why it is recommended to know and understand the source due to which this condition arises. It is difficult to immediately determine the specifics of the disease from these symptoms, since they can indicate different conditions.

What diseases are accompanied by nausea , vomiting and diarrhea?

Loss of function of human organs can cause diarrhea , vomiting and nausea . Disturbances occur in the event of infections, unstable functioning of the nervous structures and the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea often occurs due to nervousness , which can subsequently develop into serious disorders. Vomiting, diarrhea and nausea can also occur with a common cold, but on top of that there will also be a runny nose and cough.

If vomiting, diarrhea and fever occur in an adult

Diarrhea, vomiting, chills and fever not exceeding 38 degrees - these signs are a signal of an existing infection or inflammation. Basically, these are symptoms of rotavirus, only nausea . It lasts up to five days with normal functioning of the immune system . In case of weak body defense, rotavirus torments a person for more than a week. In the latter situation, you need to see a doctor , since with reflex eruption and diarrhea, metabolic disorders may develop. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a lot of fluid to replenish the necessary elements.

Those who do not follow proper nutrition are faced with a disease such as colitis. As a rule, these people do not eat soups, but only eat snacks. When the colon becomes inflamed, severe painful spasms, blood in the stool, and fever appear. This can also be caused by an allergic reaction to certain foods. It also provokes nausea at the beginning of inflammation and gastritis , then it can enter a phase when diarrhea or stool retention occurs.

If you experience vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain

These unpleasant phenomena cause discomfort to people and can signal diseases such as:

  • inflammation of the gastric
  • gallbladder pathology
  • peptic ulcer
  • lymphoma
  • short bowel syndrome
  • endocrine enteropathy
  • inflammation of the pancreas
  • hepatitis

To know the exact source of the disease, diagnosis and testing are necessary . Only after a complete study will it be possible to narrow down the points to one in order to know exactly the cause of these symptoms. With these diseases belching , bitterness on the oral , dark-colored urine and light-colored feces appear. These symptoms may be signs of biliary dyskinesia, in which case a yellowed tongue is observed.

If nausea , vomiting, dizziness , weakness and diarrhea

Dizziness occurs with poisoning and rotavirus. The body temperature rises at this moment. blood pathologies , anemia, atrophic gastritis , rheumatoid arthritis and low hemoglobin, which can lead to fainting or irregular heartbeat.

If the autonomic system is disturbed, dizziness is normal. This is the body's reaction. Without the participation of elevated temperature, the type of dystonia is determined by three types, such as hypertonic, hypotonic and mixed. In this condition, blood pressure and pulse are measured.

When deviations from the norm occur, the nerves . Then an ambulance is immediately called, since more serious consequences than diarrhea and vomiting are possible. If your pulse and blood pressure are normal, think about your mental balance. Panic attacks give the same reaction as dystonia, only the symptoms occur along with anxiety about imminent death. The panic lasts no more than 30 minutes and ends with frequent trips to the toilet.

Published in Gastroentorology Premium Clinic

Causes of chills in children

The provoking factors in this case are acute respiratory diseases, food poisoning and urinary tract diseases. In adolescence, chills can occur against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia and hormonal changes. In any of these cases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

On our website you can make an appointment with the right specialist who will tell you why cold chills appear at night. At the clinic you can undergo a full examination of the body and take tests, including hormone tests.

Flu and ARVI are easier to prevent!

Currently, the most effective anti-influenza drugs recommended by the World Health Organization are blockers of viral proteins: oseltamivir and zanamivir, which suppress the activity of neuraminidase, as well as amantadine and rimantadine, which block the M2 protein, thanks to which the virus attaches to epithelial cells of the respiratory tract in order to penetrate them .

However, the processes of antigenic drift and antigenic shift lead to the emergence of influenza virus strains whose proteins are not affected by these drugs. Against such strains, some or all viral protein blockers become ineffective.

This deficiency is eliminated by drugs whose action is aimed at increasing the body’s own defenses, that is, immunomodulators. Their effect does not depend on the specific strain of the virus.

The effect of these medications is best seen if you start taking them immediately after the first flu symptoms appear - they alleviate the course of the disease at any stage.

In addition, immunomodulators have a pronounced preventive effect: if you mobilize the body’s defenses immediately when the epidemiological situation worsens, without waiting for infection, then if the virus enters, the disease will be mild or will not develop at all. This will allow you to maintain your ability to work and save money on treatment.

One of the immunomodulators that has demonstrated its anti-influenza activity over the years of use is the original domestic drug Cycloferon. Its active ingredient meglumine acridone acetate stimulates the production of special molecules in the body - interferons.

These molecules are released by the body's cells in response to the invasion of viruses and change the vital processes of the cell in such a way that it becomes immune to the virus and does not participate in its reproduction. In addition, interferons cause activation of immune cells - lymphocytes and macrophages.

Studies of Cycloferon have confirmed its effectiveness against influenza caused by various strains of the virus - the drug produces a pronounced preventive effect, and also significantly reduces the severity and duration of an existing disease.

Causes of chills without fever in women

Climax. During this period, in addition to “hot flashes” (feelings of heat), a woman may experience chills, which is the result of hormonal “restructuring” of the body and a lack of “female” hormones. The solution to the problem is taking hormonal medications as recommended by a doctor.

Period. In addition to chills, some women before and during menstruation may experience weakness, nausea, headaches and abdominal discomfort. As a rule, the symptoms are mild and pass fairly quickly.

Pregnancy. As described above, in early pregnancy a woman may feel chills. The reason is hormonal changes in the body.

Poisoning – when it is life-threatening

If gastric lavage and taking enterosorbents do not bring results, you should go to the hospital immediately. Such seemingly harmless signs as chills, nausea, and vomiting can develop into a threat to a person’s life. Sometimes the diseases that provoke these symptoms can be deadly, and dehydration itself, which is not combated, disrupts the water-salt balance.

You can suspect the presence of serious pathologies based on the following signs:

  • stool more than 10 times a day;
  • vomiting when trying to eat something or completely for no reason;
  • blood impurities in vomit;
  • blood clots in stool;
  • intense pain of a girdle nature;
  • a strong odor when vomiting, such as rotten eggs.

The appearance of one or more of these symptoms is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Before his arrival, you must refuse food, lie warm, and, if possible, drink plenty of water.

Prevention of poisoning

By following preventive measures, you can avoid all the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. They are applicable for children and adults. The main recommendations are:

Why does my stomach hurt and feel nauseous?

  • do not eat undercooked meat;
  • cook the eggs for at least 5–7 minutes;
  • store meat, fish, eggs only in the refrigerator;
  • wash your hands before eating or cooking;
  • have separate boards and knives for each food group: meat, fish, vegetables;
  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly, even from your own garden;
  • do not consume expired products, even for a short period of time;
  • buy them only in trusted places;
  • do not eat mushrooms if you are not sure of their quality;
  • wash your hands after touching pets.

Diagnosis and treatment

The doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis after collecting anamnesis, examining the patient and receiving test results. If necessary, additional examination and consultation with highly specialized specialists will be prescribed.

Nausea, vomiting, headache require the following treatment:

  • for hypertension - take medications prescribed by a doctor to normalize blood pressure;
  • in case of emotional tension, stress - try to calm down, take a sedative, drink tea with mint, lemon balm or sage;
  • If you have a cold, drink hot tea with raspberries and wrap yourself in a blanket. If there is no fever, you can take a hot foot bath;
  • for menopause and menstruation - drink warm herbal tea;
  • in case of hypothermia - a hot hour with honey, warm clothes.

What to do if an adult has constant chills? Your doctor will answer this question after receiving the examination results. Since there can be many reasons, treatment tactics are different in each case.

If you have health problems, undergo a complete examination of your body in our clinic, followed by consultation with a specialist. The doctor will tell you why cold chills appear at night and answer your questions. Call the above phone number or fill out an application on the website. We are always ready to help.

First aid

When poisoning is detected in the early stages, it is possible to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to rinse the stomach; for this, use a solution of potassium permanganate. It is recommended for adults to dissolve several crystals in 0.5–1 liters of water, for children - 250 ml.

You need to rinse your stomach many times until only clean water comes out when you vomit. This simple method helps get rid of toxins that have entered the body with food, but have not yet had time to be absorbed into the blood and internal organs. After vomiting, the nausea usually goes away, but the chills remain. Therefore, it is better for the patient to lie down, preferably sleep, wrapped in a warm blanket.

In addition to gastric lavage, it is recommended to take enterosorbents at home. They will speed up the removal of toxins from the body. If, despite the measures taken, a person continues to shiver, feel nauseous, or the condition worsens, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital with poisoning.

A popular enterosorbent is activated carbon; you can also use drugs such as Smecta, Polysorb, and their analogues.

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