Article 58. Peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum

Experts can clearly answer questions regarding conscription into the army if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer. This disease is categorically non-conscription and incompatible with military service. The diagnosis is very serious, and patients with ulcers require special treatment, regardless of whether the disease is in remission.

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Stomach ulcer and military service

Conscripts with stomach ulcers are not allowed into the army. Depending on how the disease progresses and how much it affects other systems in the body, the conscript can count on the appropriate fitness category:

  • fitness category “B” and transfer of a conscript to the reserve with the receipt of a military officer with a stomach ulcer ;
  • fitness category “G” and receiving a deferment for six months or 12 months;
  • fitness category “D” and receiving a military ID with complete exemption from the army.

Confirming the disease

Conscripts with stomach ulcers are taken into the army when they do not have documentary evidence of the disease. And if a young person has this disease, then he is obliged to confirm it.

The presence of an ulcer must be confirmed by medical documents

It is important to remember that the commission does not make a diagnosis and does not carry out any therapeutic measures. Its purpose is to determine the suitability or unsuitability of a potential conscript for military service. And so that doctors can make the right decision, the young man must provide a supporting document.

Stomach ulcer and category “B”

In most cases, specialists from the military medical commission assign military ID category “B” to conscripts with stomach ulcers . A similar category awaits all conscripts, even those who have had an acute period and a scar has appeared at the site of the ulcer.

According to the Schedule of Diseases, there is a list of conditions under which a conscript does not have the right to be sent to military service. However, in the event of general mobilization, a young man can still be drafted. These conditions include:

  • rare or frequent relapses;
  • the size of the formations is about 30 mm;
  • an extra-bulb ulcer forms less than 5 years after diagnosis;
  • the effectiveness of treatment is very low, the ulcers scar poorly;
  • Complications that appear due to prolonged bleeding have been recorded.

The easiest way to achieve the establishment of fitness category “B” is for those conscripts who received a confirmed diagnosis before being registered with the military. Such conscripts immediately have medical documentation attached to their personal files. However, even if the disease began to manifest itself later, the conscript has every chance of being released from the army.

A similar case occurred in our practice. During the first registration at the military commissariat, the conscript was marked as fit for service. But a little later he began to experience stomach problems. Before receiving the summons for conscription, the guy underwent a full examination and prepared all the documentation. These medical records were then attached to his personal file, and the young man received a referral for additional examination.

Prevention of peptic ulcers

Stomach ulcers can be avoided if you follow some rules. First of all, give up bad habits, since ethyl alcohol and tobacco reduce the protective properties of the mucous membrane and irritate it.

Diet is no less important in prevention: you need to eat at a certain time, the interval between meals should not exceed 4 hours. You cannot eat dry food, as dry rough food injures the walls of the stomach.

For those who work at night, it is recommended to change jobs to work only during the daytime. It is necessary to avoid stress, treat inflammation of the stomach, hormonal diseases, and visit a gastroenterologist at least once every six months.

How to get exemption from the army

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Stomach ulcer and category “D”

If a conscript has significant stomach damage, he can count on military service with fitness category “D”. According to this category, a young person cannot be drafted into service either in peacetime or during general mobilization. To establish this suitability category, the following are taken into account:

  • violation of the shape of individual locations of the stomach, due to which nutritional disorders appeared;
  • Severe bleeding often occurs, with blood loss reaching 30%;
  • any area of ​​the stomach is missing;
  • severe consequences, including dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Allergic inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  • Early transfer to artificial feeding
  • Lack of fresh fruits and vegetables; macro- and microelements; dietary fibers that act as enterosorbents.
  • Excess of refined proteins and carbohydrates in the diet, as well as consumption of large amounts of fat from canned foods.
  • Irregular, unbalanced nutrition (for schoolchildren).
  • Helminthiases, parasitic diseases.
  • Common infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, rotavirus infections, dysentery, salmonellosis.
  • Neurovegetative and psychoemotional disorders in children, especially in adolescence.
  • Disruption of the activity of the sphincters of the digestive system, manifested by reflux, insufficiency of the sphincter apparatus.
  • The bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Hp).

Ulcer and fitness category “G”

Before establishing the final fitness category, the military commissariat provides a deferment from the army for stomach ulcers . As soon as the deferment period is completed, the conscript must again undergo an examination and a draft commission.

As a rule, the main problems lie in establishing the “G” fitness category instead of issuing a military ID. After the deferment ends, the conscript is again called to the military commissariat. Typically, this process occurs as follows.

First, specialists from the military commissariat issue directions for tests before undergoing a medical examination. After two weeks, an examination is carried out.

The surgeon must give the conscript a referral for discharge. Next, the conscript is sent to a gastroenterologist at a regional medical institution. Another scenario is that the conscript may be immediately sent for examination in a hospital setting.

After receiving all the results, the conscript must come to the district military commissariat, where he will be given a summons for conscription activities. During the commission, the suitability category will be determined. After this, the personal file is transferred to a higher military registration and enlistment office to obtain approval of the fitness category.

— Alina Petrova, director of Povestok.Net

Then there are three options:

  • the higher authority will not have time to confirm the fitness category and the conscript will need to undergo a medical examination again during the next conscription;
  • the conscript may be granted a deferment;
  • the young man will receive exemption from military service.

Preparation for passing the commission and actions of the conscript

If a young man has a stomach ulcer, then before going to the military registration and enlistment office, he must collect the necessary evidence of the disease. To do this you need:

  • Contact your treating gastroenterologist to undergo the necessary tests. Get treatment if necessary. But you must visit a doctor before receiving the summons.
  • After confirming the diagnosis, the young man needs to go to the military registration and enlistment office and write a statement.
  • The conscript must come to the military registration and enlistment office with all the necessary papers confirming his diagnosis.
  • After examining the documents, the commission determines its suitability category.

Important! If a young person believes that the commission made an incorrect decision, then he has the right to go to court. He is also not subject to conscription for the entire duration of the process.

A young man may be hired to serve if he does not collect the necessary documents that can confirm his diagnosis. Therefore, they need to be taken care of in advance. The recruit will need the following results:

  • endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum;
  • x-ray;
  • analyzes of the obtained biological material (optional).

If the studies were carried out during the period of remission of the pathology, then the following signs will indicate it:

  • scar - detected during fibrogastroscopy;
  • cicatricial deformation of the gastric mucosa - determined using duodenography.

In the absence of research results, the young man will be called up for military service. If representatives of the commission have doubts about the diagnosis, the conscript may be sent for additional research.

The young man will be hospitalized in a hospital for examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then he is prescribed treatment adequate to his condition. But if the young man refuses hospitalization, then he is subject to conscription, and medical documents are declared invalid.

Can they be drafted into the army with a duodenal ulcer?

Duodenal ulcer is one of those diseases that occurs in a chronic form. Patients with this disease may experience exacerbations and remissions. In case of exacerbation, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment and follow a diet. In this regard, conscripts with such a diagnosis cannot be drafted into the army. Regardless of how often the conscript experiences exacerbations, military commissariat employees must release the young man from the army.

The course of the disease may influence the determination of the fitness category. A conscript can receive a military ID with category “B” or “D”.

Fitness category “D” is established for those conscripts who have complications in the form of stenosis and penetration. In this case, malnutrition is observed in the form of a low body mass index.

Fitness category “B” is established in several cases:

  • the conscript has ulcers of 2 or more centimeters;
  • ulcers do not heal for more than 2 months;
  • there is a gross cicatricial deformation of the duodenal bulb;
  • relapses occur continuously - repeated ulcers form less than 2 months after the disappearance of the previous ones.

To receive exemption from military service, a conscript must confirm the diagnosis during an additional examination by a gastroenterologist. As a rule, young people are offered an endoscopy, an x-ray and an ultrasound. If the disease is in remission, fibrogastroscopy may be prescribed. Thanks to this study, post-ulcer scars can be seen.

How to be released from service if you have an ulcer in practice

It is very important that the specialist correctly indicate the wording of the conscript’s diagnosis. Sometimes medical records do not contain information about the disease, but there is information about changes in the bulb. In practice, even in such cases it is possible to obtain a military ID.

One of our clients came to us with a diagnosed ulcer. The disease began to manifest itself a long time ago and during the period of conscription, medical documentation was considered outdated. In this regard, the conscript had to undergo a series of studies in order to obtain current data and collect anamnesis. After the examination, the doctor prescribed a diagnosis of “reflux esophagitis, chronic gastritis, cicatricial changes in the duodenal bulb.” Despite the fact that the conclusion did not indicate that the conscript had an ulcer, the documents were suitable for the military medical commission. The package of documentation was attached to the personal file at the military commissariat. After the commission, we helped the client undergo additional examination and ensured that he was included in the reserve.

As practice shows, deformation of the bulb or the presence of scars indicates the existence of an ulcer. Even though at the time of the examination the disease was in remission.

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Contraindication for contract service

Very often young people are concerned about the issue of serving under a contract if they have an ulcer.

To do this, you also need to refer to the “Schedule of Diseases”, Column III, which applies to citizens serving or who have served under a contract.

According to the document, contract service with an existing diagnosis is possible if the disease is in remission.

However, there are certain conditions under which military service under a contract with a peptic ulcer is prohibited:

  1. Exacerbation of the disease more than 2 times per year.
  2. Digestive dysfunction.
  3. Gross deformation of the duodenal bulb.
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