Treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers with propolis

According to statistics, every 10th person on the planet suffers from a stomach or duodenal ulcer. The disease develops against the background of many negative factors: stress, infections, poor nutrition.

One of the effective means of treating peptic ulcers is propolis. Its use is recommended not only by traditional medicine specialists, but also by gastroenterologists. Let's consider effective methods for treating ulcers with propolis.

Beneficial properties of propolis

Bee glue has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes digestive processes, and suppresses pathogenic microflora. For peptic ulcers, this is especially important, since it often occurs when infected with Helicobacter pylori.

Other useful properties of the product:

  1. Anti-inflammatory, wound healing. The product has an enveloping effect - it creates a film on the walls of the organ, ensuring rapid restoration of the mucous membranes.
  2. Disinfectant. Propolis is the strongest antiseptic. It has a gentle effect on the body, without disturbing the intestinal microflora and without causing dysbacteriosis. The result of treatment is the active proliferation of beneficial bacteria that improve digestive processes.
  3. Analgesic. The product normalizes gastric secretion and relieves pain. Therefore, it is used for stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.

Propolis is a product with a rich, balanced composition. It contains resinous components, vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids, various enzymes and almost all trace elements necessary for the body. This helps strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

The benefits of propolis for ulcers include suppressing pathogenic flora, healing wounds, regenerating mucous membranes, improving intestinal motility, eliminating pain, and normalizing gastric secretion. The result is the elimination of ulcers and the prevention of their recurrence.

How propolis is useful for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees to disinfect honeycombs and seal holes in the hive. It is distinguished by its rich vitamin composition, thanks to which it is widely used in alternative medicine. In addition, the effectiveness of the substance has been confirmed by gastroenterologists. It is often used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The beneficial properties of bee glue are as follows:

  • relieving pain in the epigastric region;
  • regenerating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • immunostimulating effect;
  • neutralization of the toxic effects of medications;
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • stopping microbleeds.

Once in the digestive tract, propolis creates a protective coating on the walls of the stomach. It has an enveloping property and regulates the production of gastric juice. The antiseptic effect of the product eliminates the possibility of developing dysbacteriosis, which gives bee glue a significant advantage over medications.

Attention! Self-medication with beekeeping products is strictly contraindicated. Before therapy, you should consult your doctor.

Indications and contraindications

Treatment of stomach ulcers with propolis is carried out during periods of exacerbation and remission. Therapy is started with minimal doses to check the body's response. The main indications for use are:

  • the appearance of severe pain and spasms;
  • violation of bile secretion;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

Medicines based on propolis relieve unpleasant symptoms and improve overall well-being. They can be taken as part of complex therapy, i.e. simultaneously with other drugs. The attending physician should prescribe medications for ulcers.

Propolis is a natural bee product that is well tolerated in most cases. However, doctors call it a strong allergen, because... it may cause hypersensitivity reactions in susceptible individuals. The list of possible side effects includes swelling, rashes, redness and itching of the skin. The occurrence of these symptoms requires stopping therapy and immediately contacting a doctor.

If you act correctly, the development of unwanted reactions can be avoided. Before using propolis for stomach ulcers, you should visit a doctor and make sure there are no contraindications. They are:

  • individual intolerance to bee products;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • acute course of diseases of internal organs (especially the liver);
  • allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma;
  • eczema.

Propolis tincture with alcohol is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents, people with individual intolerance to ethanol and alcohol dependence.

How to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers with propolis

Treatment of ulcers with propolis requires compliance with the recipe and dosage regimen. It is advisable to first consult with your doctor regarding the possibility of using the medication. It is equally important to conduct a test to determine the tolerance of the beekeeping product. You need to pinch off a small piece from the propolis ball and eat it. Within four hours after administration, you need to monitor the body's reaction. The appearance of watery eyes, skin rashes, itching and abdominal pain indicates the presence of an allergy. In this case, it is necessary to choose an alternative treatment.

The duration of the treatment course is 1-3 months. It can be reduced or increased depending on the success of therapy. If discomfort occurs, treatment should be stopped. It is advisable to start taking alcohol tincture with a concentration of 5%. If there is no negative reaction from the body, you can gradually increase it to 10%.

Important! If an allergic reaction develops, you must immediately take an antihistamine.

How to use propolis to treat gastrointestinal diseases

How to treat stomach ulcers with bee glue - traditional medicine suggests using the product in 1 of 3 forms: as an oil product, alcohol or water tincture. The recipes are clear and simple, so anyone can handle preparing the medicine.

For therapy to be effective, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • use a high-quality product purchased at a pharmacy or specialized department;
  • to create an alcohol tincture, take strong alcohol (70% and above);
  • remove the rising upper fraction (formed during the preparation of water and alcohol tinctures).

If there is any unused part of the propolis left, it can be put in the refrigerator and stored there for a long time. Under such conditions, the product does not deteriorate and fully retains its beneficial properties.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with propolis is long-term. The first results appear quickly (within 5-7 days), but complete recovery takes much longer. The patient’s task is to be patient and continue treatment. Bee glue can be used separately from other drugs or in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor.


Propolis for the treatment of peptic ulcers can be used in different forms:

  • tinctures;
  • decoctions;
  • propolis oil and milk;
  • in its purest form.

Depending on the patient’s health condition and his individual diagnosis, it is recommended to use appropriate recipes for the preparation of medicines. The main thing is to follow the dosage of drugs and take into account the degree of progression of the disease.


To extract maximum benefit from the substances contained in propolis, the product should be extracted. This can be done in several ways: using solvents in the form of alcohol or subjecting the product to heat treatment.

A distinctive feature of propolis is that even after an hour of boiling, the product does not lose its beneficial qualities. It dissolves quite well in alcohols, which makes it possible to use the product for the manufacture of a wide range of medicines. You can purchase a ready-made drug at any pharmacy, and it is also easy to make at home.

Methods for preparing tinctures

Propolis-based products can be made independently at home. The most popular recipes are tinctures, which are prepared using different ingredients.

There are 3 main options:

  1. On the water. It is no less effective than recipes using vodka or alcohol. Suitable for patients who have contraindications to taking ethanol. To prepare, you need to boil 250 ml of water, add 50 g of crushed propolis, cook for 15 minutes, pour into a thermos and leave for 3 days. Take diluted (1 tablespoon of the drug per 1 glass of water) three times a day, half an hour before meals. The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life: up to 14 days.
  2. On alcohol. The alcohol tincture has a honey tint and aroma. To create it, place 10 g of propolis in a glass jar and pour in 100 ml of alcohol. The mixture is thoroughly shaken, then stored in a dark place for 3 days. After filtering, the infusion is taken three times a day, 30 drops (can be added to water, milk, tea). The duration of treatment is from 3 weeks. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than six months.
  3. On vodka. If you can’t buy medical alcohol, you can use high-quality vodka. The preparation procedure is as follows: carefully grind 50 g of propolis and put it in a glass jar, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 3-4 weeks in a cool and dark place. The medicine is used in the same way as an alcohol tincture.

Experience of foreign researchers

Foreign scientists also conducted research using alcohol tincture. Unlike Soviet scientists, they used a 5% alcohol tincture. They also used a smaller dose - patients were given 5 drops 3 times a day. The results were similar, but less effective. Only 70% of patients began to feel better on day 3. But these results still turned out to be an order of magnitude higher compared to the subjects who underwent standard treatment with existing medications.

According to the scientists' findings, after 3 days of experiment, the effectiveness of propolis tincture was 7 times higher than that of standard medications. After 15 days of the study, the results were as follows: gastric ulcers could not be detected in 60% of patients. In the control group, which received standard treatment, the results were twice as bad, with only 34% showing improvement. Scientists from New Zealand, in a twenty-day blind study (the names of the drugs were encrypted for both patients and staff to exclude the placebo effect), found that the best results in the treatment of stomach ulcers were in patients taking the mixture

Other propolis-based products

There are other, no less popular recipes.

With butter

Propolis for stomach ulcers can be used in the form of oil obtained at home. It improves well-being due to its positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and duodenum. Cooking method:

  1. Freeze 20 g of bee glue and grate it.
  2. Pour in water and leave for an hour.
  3. Melt 200 g of butter, add crushed propolis and cook for 4 hours over low heat.
  4. After 24 hours, collect the upper fraction.

The medicine is taken ready-made, added to drinks (tea, milk). The recommended dose is 5 g three times a day before meals. The duration of therapy is 20 days. The shelf life of the finished product is 21 days if stored in the refrigerator.

With flower honey

Honey and propolis enhance each other's therapeutic effects. The result of therapy is the improvement of the functioning of internal organs, the elimination of inflammatory processes, and the saturation of the body with microelements and vitamins. Contraindications to the use of the drug are chronic diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

You can prepare the medicine as follows:

  1. Place 50 g of propolis in the freezer. When the raw material freezes, grate it on a fine grater.
  2. Place 300 g of natural honey in an enamel pan. Add bee glue.
  3. Dissolve and mix the products by heating them in a water bath.
  4. Strain and pour into a dark glass container.

The medicine can be stored for six months. How to take - treatment of ulcers with propolis involves taking 1 tsp. the drug every morning 1 hour before meals. It is recommended to take the product with water.

With added milk

Milk makes propolis less bitter and promotes its better absorption. To prepare the medicine, mix 3 tbsp in an enamel pan. l. bee glue and 0.6 liters of milk. The mixture is boiled for half an hour, cooled, filtered and refrigerated.

You should drink the medicine up to 6 times a day, 40 ml. After 4 days you need to take a break for 3 months.

With garlic

Treatment with propolis and garlic helps improve the functioning of the intestines and liver, and reduces acidity in the stomach. Cooking method:

  1. Chop 2 large heads of garlic, pour in 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 2 weeks.
  2. Add 25 g of honey, 15 ml of bee glue tincture. Stir and leave for 4 days.

For the first 10 days, take the medicine 20 drops, then, up to the 30th day inclusive, 30 drops. The drug is taken after meals. Treatment is repeated every 6 months.

Propolis oil Apigrin for stomach ulcers

One of the few herbal remedies that is recommended and used by doctors for the treatment and prevention of various diseases:

  • affordable price, the closest analogues are 3 times more expensive
  • certified
  • Suitable for both pregnant women and women while breastfeeding, as well as children
  • The patented technology for manufacturing the drug makes it possible to use up to 100% of all the medicinal properties of propolis, which greatly distinguishes this drug from other representatives in this segment.

Pharmacy tincture

If a stomach ulcer is diagnosed, an alcohol solution of propolis can be bought at a pharmacy (average cost - from 20 to 30 rubles). The medicine is intended for oral use. It is used three times a day. The standard dose is from 20 to 60 drops, diluted with a quarter or half glass of water. The duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition and varies from 3 to 4 weeks.

Propolis tincture for stomach ulcers has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It can cause allergic reactions, so it is better to start treatment with minimal doses. Contraindications for use are acute eczema, individual intolerance, hay fever, pregnancy, childhood, and lactation. Please note that the drug contains alcohol.

Propolis is effective for peptic ulcers, because it has a complex therapeutic effect on the body. If you have any doubts about the safety of using the product, it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will examine the medical history, get acquainted with the patient’s current condition and give the necessary recommendations.

Benefits of bee glue treatment

  1. The natural beekeeping product does not lead to the development of dysbacteriosis, even if taken over a period of time. Propolis differs from traditional antibacterial therapy using pharmaceutical drugs. After antibiotics, it takes a long time to restore the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora.
  2. With dysbiosis, bloating, diarrhea and nausea develop. The use of bee glue helps to normalize the composition of the microbial flora inhabiting the intestines and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms described above.
  3. Bee propolis has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. This reduces stress on the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up the patient's recovery process. It is already known that stress plays a leading role in the development of ulcerative processes in the digestive tract.
  4. The tincture of the medicinal product has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect.
  5. Propolis contains a lot of water-soluble vitamins that exhibit a therapeutic effect in peptic ulcers. Under the influence of bee glue, a protective film is formed on the gastric mucosa, which protects against the effects of aggressive factors, treats ulcers and inflammation. The film composition includes resins and natural wax. This property of propolis is considered special.
  6. This natural component, promoting rapid regeneration and restoration of damaged cells and tissues of the body, prevents their malignant degeneration.

The analgesic and antispasmodic effects of this substance on the body have long been known. Under the influence of propolis, the level of acidity of gastric juice is normalized. It is recommended to start treatment with the product after consulting a doctor.

An ulcer is dangerous due to the development of a number of complications, including peritonitis or sepsis. Therefore, in case of multiple lesions and severe clinical course, non-traditional remedies are added to the complex of standard medical measures.

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