Duodenal ulcer, treatment with folk remedies: the best recipes

The disease of ulcer formation is considered a chronic disease that affects the organs of the digestive system when the mucous membranes are damaged. It is important to treat the ulceration in time to avoid serious complications. A chronic disease changes the lifestyle of the suffering person. It is important to prescribe the correct treatment and follow a diet. This leads to long-term remission, but cases of complete recovery are known.

Often, in addition to basic medical treatment, treatment with folk remedies is prescribed, which also helps eliminate stomach ulcers, and the patient notices an improvement within seven days after starting to take herbs.

Herbs for stomach ulcers help improve the acidic environment in the stomach and heal damage to epithelial tissue. In the absence of bleeding and with mild pain, regular use of herbal infusions can cure the disease. An important condition will be to take exclusively fresh infusions.

Fresh herbal infusions

When treated with herbal decoctions, an enveloping and astringent effect is achieved, the influence of the acidic environment on the gastric mucosa is reduced.

If treatment with folk remedies is chosen correctly, the following results arise:

  • antimicrobial effect against Helicobacter bacteria;
  • protection of the mucous membrane;
  • deactivation of toxins;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

Often patients make the choice, especially with the initial symptoms of an ulcer, to be treated at home using natural remedies and decoctions. Among the herbal medicines intended for treating stomach ulcers are:

  • aloe;
  • plantain;
  • nettle;
  • chicory;
  • coltsfoot;
  • marshmallow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • comfrey;
  • yarrow;
  • sagebrush;
  • rose hip;
  • celandine.

There are many recipes for preparing a medicinal infusion; the herbal mixture consists of one or two types of herbs. More often there are collections consisting of many different types of medicinal herbaceous plants.

Multicomponent formulations are used for long-term and complex treatment; peptic ulcers are treated and have a beneficial effect on the human body, which is cleansed of waste and toxins, and the digestive system is strengthened.

Herbs used in the treatment of peptic ulcers

The disease affects many systems of the body and requires correction of the condition of not only the digestive organs, but also the endocrine, immune, and nervous systems. Therefore, herbal mixtures consisting of several herbs that have a systemic effect are widely used.

Herbs used to treat peptic ulcers differ in their main mechanisms of action:

  • Analgesic (relieving pain): belladonna, calamus, anise, common flax, knotweed, peppermint.
  • Increasing blood clotting (reducing bleeding from erosions and ulcers): stinging nettle, snakeweed, shepherd's purse, oak bark, horsetail.
  • Reducing the secretion of digestive juices: belladonna, licorice, peppermint, elecampane, blue cyanosis.
  • Activating repair processes in tissues : aloe arborescens, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, plantain, licorice, rosehip.
  • Enveloping , mechanically protecting the gastric mucosa: marshmallow, common flax, licorice, coltsfoot.
  • Relieving inflammation : chamomile, elecampane, calamus, yarrow.
  • Toning and restorative : St. John's wort, stinging nettle, rose hips, red rowan, elecampane.

The use of drugs of a particular group depends on the stage of the disease at the time of treatment. When exacerbating the ulcerative process, enveloping herbs are used, as well as herbs that inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes. When reducing acute symptoms, it is advisable to focus on drugs from anti-inflammatory and regeneration-stimulating herbs. During the remission stage, tonic and general strengthening plants are mainly used, as well as those that activate the healing process of ulcerative formations.

Dosage forms of herbal preparations

An important component of the success of herbal medicine is the correct preparation of the herbal preparation, preserving all the beneficial properties of the original raw materials. In the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, plants and herbal preparations are used internally in the form of decoctions and infusions. In some cases, oil extracts or syrups are also used.


To prepare infusions, plant materials are placed in water and heated either using a water bath or over very low heat. Heat treatment time is no more than 20 minutes. Then the resulting infusion is cooled and squeezed. At home, you can use a thermos. In this case, the herbs are placed in it and poured boiling water over it. The infusion time should be at least 4–7 hours.


It is advisable to prepare decoctions from solid parts of the plant, the extraction of pharmacologically active substances from which is difficult. To prepare them, take roots, rhizomes, fruits, tubers and finely chop them. The difference from the method of preparing the infusion is the longer heating time - up to 35–45 minutes.

General rules for preparing decoctions and infusions

To get the maximum effect from herbal medicine, it is important not to forget the following recommendations:

  • To obtain a decoction or infusion, you must take filtered, bottled, or, in extreme cases, boiled water.
  • The optimal volume of the prepared drug is no more than 1000 ml.
  • Freshly prepared infusions and decoctions have the greatest therapeutic effect. The shelf life in the refrigerator should not exceed 36–48 hours.
  • Better absorption of medicinal components is facilitated by a drink temperature of approximately 37–37.5 0C.
  • Therapeutic drink is used according to the standard regimen: on an empty stomach, 3-4 times a day. Volume for one dose: 2–4 tbsp. spoons.

Oils for treating ulcers

Oils are also used to treat ulcers

Not everyone knows, but with a duodenal ulcer, some oils can help and alleviate the condition, namely:

  • Sea buckthorn oil. This oil is known for its healing properties, it has an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting effect, and also helps cells recover and wounds heal faster. Taking one teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil every morning on an empty stomach can improve your well-being. There are cases where with this approach it was possible to completely get rid of the ulcer
  • Milk thistle oil. It is used to improve tissue regeneration, which is very important for the speedy healing of ulcers. You need to drink it one tablespoon at night
  • Calendula oil, which should also be taken one tablespoon at night. Its use will help avoid the formation of rough scars during ulcer healing.
  • Chamomile oil, which is used as an excellent antiseptic. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain, promotes rapid wound healing, and also improves tissue regeneration. You need to use it three times a day, half an hour before meals, one tablespoon

You can use this or that oil only after consultation with your doctor, since in some cases their use is prohibited.

Use of rosehip decoction

You can treat ulcers with the help of rose hips, which is common in folk medicine and contains a lot of useful substances. A decoction of rose hips is considered an effective antimicrobial agent, has a good effect on intestinal function, and controls the secretion of digestive juice.

The berries of the plant contain small hairs that are intended to be removed, preventing irritation of the internal mucous membranes.

Rose hip recipes

To make rosehip infusion, place ten berries in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight and take the next morning, preferably before meals.

To make a decoction, you will need to grind 20 rose hips with seeds in a blender, add 300 ml of water, and place in a water bath. Boil for 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth, consume orally before meals.

Herbs for stomach ulcers

Herbal preparations have a complex effect on the course of the disease. They must be taken in courses lasting several weeks. After this, it is necessary to take a break or use a collection with a different direction of action, in order to avoid the development of addiction.

Collections for ulcers with increased secretion


  1. Celandine herb , comfrey root, licorice root. Take one part of each plant. Prepare a decoction. Duration of treatment is at least 2.5 weeks. The use of a decoction has a normalizing effect on the secretion of digestive juices, reduces pain, and activates reparative processes in tissues.
  2. St. John's wort , sandy immortelle, common oak, marsh grass, common yarrow. Mix in equal proportions. Infuse a mixture of herbs. Course duration is 2.5–4 weeks. The infusion has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. Dandelion officinalis (roots), Aralia Manchurian, calamus, peppermint, large plantain. Prepare an infusion of herbs. Take according to the standard regimen for 2.5–4 weeks. The collection is effective for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Herbal medicine for ulcers with decreased secretion

To activate the work of the digestive glands, infusions and decoctions of chaga (birch mushroom), which have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, are successfully used. To increase appetite, use vegetable bitters: infusion of wormwood, dandelion roots, sage.

Traditional methods to the rescue: mixtures

Separately, we need to talk about the use of mixtures during the treatment of duodenal ulcers. It is especially important to take into account the individual characteristics of the human body, and also remember that it is strictly forbidden to use any tinctures with alcohol, as they only irritate the mucous membrane. The main recipes for medicinal mixtures for ulcers, which will help reduce symptoms and also promote rapid scarring of the ulcer, include:

  • Recipe 1. Mumiyo. Some people use mumiyo to treat ulcers. To do this, you need to take about 1 gram of mumiyo and dilute it with 20 grams of milk. Or some people replace milk with egg yolks. This mixture should be taken in the morning and before bed. How much mummy should be taken is calculated based on the patient’s weight. That is, people whose weight is less than 70 kilograms are recommended to take 0.2 grams, up to 80 kilograms 0.3 grams, etc.
  • Recipe 2. Propolis. You need to take about 150 grams of propolis and melt it in one kilogram of ghee. You need to take this mixture one teaspoon before meals.
  • Recipe 3. Honey. Honey has been famous for its medicinal properties since ancient times. True, some people are allergic to it. If there is no intolerance to honey, then you can make the following mixture. You need to take half a kilogram of honey and mix it with half a liter of olive oil, and then add the juice of two lemons. The resulting mixture is covered with a lid. Before use, you need to stir each time with a spoon. As for the number of doses, you need to take one tablespoon three times a day
  • Recipe 4. Pumpkin. You need to take the simplest ripe pumpkin, peel it from the seeds and cut it into cubes. After that, take the milk (for every 250 grams of pumpkin, a liter of milk is taken), pour it into a bowl and put the pumpkin there. Then cover with a lid and place in the oven until the pumpkin softens. After this, you need to take out the pumpkin, wait another twenty minutes, and start kneading. The resulting mixture of pumpkin and milk should be taken half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Recipe 5. Buckwheat. You need to take raw buckwheat and fry it a little in a frying pan. After this, take three tablespoons and pour 10 grams of boiling water (it is best to do this in a thermos). And in the morning, for breakfast, eat soggy buckwheat

As a rule, the majority of patients use several mixtures at once to ensure the best possible effect. And he alternates them. That is, first a course of treatment with one, and then with another, etc.


Honey as a remedy for ulcers

Decoctions of various herbs help very well with duodenal ulcers. But with them the situation is the same as with mixtures and oils. Before using, it is better to consult a doctor. The most famous decoctions include:

  • Recipe 1. Calendula. You need to take about 20 grams of calendula flowers and pour a glass of boiling water over them, then keep them in a water bath for about 20 minutes and dilute them so that you get exactly a glass. You need to take two tablespoons three times a day
  • Recipe 2. Potatoes. You need to take potatoes without skins, wash them and put them in a pan (fill with water). Then boil and strain. Take the resulting potato decoction three times a day, half a glass.
  • Recipe 3. You need to take plantain, crayfish roots, St. John's wort, chamomile, horsetail and valerian. Everything is in equal proportions. Then take one tablespoon from the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, steam in a water bath for about an hour. You need to take half a glass three times a day before meals.
  • Recipe 4. You need to take about 20 grams of burdock root, pour boiling water and heat in a water bath (about half an hour). After this, strain so that there is no residue of the plant, and take half a glass two or three times a day

Duodenal ulcers are quite difficult to treat. And sometimes, in addition to medications (medicines), it is necessary to resort to the help of folk remedies. But this must be done carefully, because there are a number of contraindications.


Headaches, insomnia, irritability, emotional instability, depression, as well as neuralgia and epilepsy are treated by the healing properties of St. John's wort. The plant calms and relieves tension in the nervous system.

To eliminate depression, it is useful to brew tea:

  1. Mix equal parts of St. John's wort, lemon balm, rosemary leaves, and blueberries.
  2. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water.

Drink instead of tea.

A 2022 review concluded that St. John's wort is best used to treat mild to moderate depression.

The study does not support the effectiveness of St. John's wort for severe depression.

Herbal monopreparations for the treatment of peptic ulcers

In case of increased secretion, it is recommended to drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed cabbage and potato juice several times a day. Potato juice reduces acidity and activates tissue healing. Cabbage juice contains an antiulcer factor - vitamin U, which has a reparative effect on the mucous membrane.

Common flax is used as a monotherapy for stomach ulcers. Its seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Their action is due to a large amount of mucus and the plant glycoside linamarin. When ingesting infusions and decoctions of flaxseed, inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa subside, pain and heartburn disappear.

To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of flaxseeds into 0.1 liters of hot water, shake well, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 30–50 ml orally, the temperature of the infusion should be about 370C, 2–4 times a day. Ground flaxseed meal is also very effective. 1 teaspoon of seeds ground in a coffee grinder is poured into a glass of boiled water (60–700C) and left for at least half an hour. Drink the resulting mixture entirely before bedtime.

Causes of ulcers

Not only pharmaceutical products can cure ulcers

Before moving on to how you can cure a duodenal ulcer with folk remedies, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the causes of its occurrence. And this needs to be done because part of the treatment will depend on the provoking factor, since simply eliminating the symptoms will not help, it is necessary to eliminate the cause so that the disease does not return again. The main reasons for the formation of ulcers in the duodenum include:

  1. Penetration of bacteria into the body, namely one bacterium Helicobacter, which is the main cause of ulcers. Moreover, a person does not always suspect that it has entered his body
  2. Poor nutrition, namely abuse of fatty and spicy foods, non-compliance with diet, constant snacking, complete exclusion of soups, etc.
  3. Alcohol abuse and smoking. Alcohol, just like tobacco smoke, negatively affects the entire body, because it literally kills healthy cells
  4. Stress, as well as constant emotional tension. It is known that stress is the cause of the development of many diseases, because the nervous system is in constant tone, which negatively affects the functioning of organs
  5. Heredity. As a rule, children whose parents suffered from duodenal or gastric ulcers are more susceptible to this disease, since they have a predisposition to it. Any negative factor can trigger the onset
  6. Taking certain medications that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the organ, which increases the likelihood of ulcer formation

Depending on what caused the disease, doctors can prescribe concomitant medications that, in addition to eliminating the symptoms of the disease, will treat the cause itself.

Properties of aloe

Stomach ulcers are very effectively treated with a remedy prepared from aloe, and the plant helps prevent the development of side effects from the medications used. Aloe can reduce pain, have an antimicrobial effect, inhibit inflammatory processes, nourish epithelial tissues and stimulate their regeneration. Biological substances, including vitamins, strengthen the immune system, improve enzyme properties, and remove toxins from the body. The use of aloe during exacerbations can reduce general intoxication and accelerate the scarring of mucosal defects.

The remedy can be prepared independently from the leaves of a three-year-old plant. A couple of weeks before harvesting, it is necessary to stop watering. Then the leaves need to be wrapped in plastic and placed in the refrigerator for 10 days. After grinding, the healing agent is taken 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach twice a day. You can also prepare a honey mixture (1:1), consume 45 ml before meals.

You can relieve pain and speed up healing thanks to aloe

Herbal teas for stomach and duodenal ulcers

1) Wormwood (herb) 0.5 parts

Calamus (root) 1 part

St. John's wort (herb) 1 part

Chamomile (flowers) 1 part

Sushenitsa (grass) 1 part

1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water, 20 min. boil. Drink 1/4 cup 1 hour before meals for 1.5–2 months
2) Oak bark 2 parts

Centaury grass 1 part

Yarrow herb 1 part

St. John's wort herb 1 part

3) Collection according to Kovaleva N.G. Valerian (root) 1 part

Thyme (herb) 2 parts

Motherwort (herb) 2 parts

St. John's wort (herb) 4 parts

Rosehip (fruit) 4 parts

4) Licorice (root) 2 parts

Celandine (herb) 1 part

Althea (roots) 2 parts

5) Lingonberries (leaf) 1 part

Strawberries (leaf) 1 part

Apple trees (flowers) 1 part

Plums (flowers) 1 part

6) Centaury (herb) 1 part

St. John's wort (herb) 1 part

Elecampane (rhizomes and roots) 1 part


*Elecampane is not recommended for kidney disease.

Pros and cons of herbal medicine for stomach ulcers

An important advantage of herbal preparations is the huge selection of medicinal plants for each specific case of disease. The compositions of medicinal preparations can easily be varied to suit the patient’s characteristics. Herbal medicine is widely available, but it achieves its maximum effectiveness only with proper and regular use.

Disadvantages of herbal treatment:

  • the possibility of allergic reactions and individual intolerance;
  • the complexity of preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions.

St. John's wort for women

Perimenopause . The use of a beneficial plant can improve the quality of life in case of perimenopause.

The study confirmed a significant reduction in symptoms after taking St. John's wort extract, but clinical trials are needed.

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor in women.

The study confirmed that hypericin, which is part of St. John's wort, can slow down the growth of tumor cells.

The creation of an antitumor drug is hampered by the property of St. John's wort to interact with medications against cancer.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding . The study confirms the relative safety of St. John's wort during breastfeeding, but more evidence is needed. Therefore, it is better to avoid taking medicinal herb preparations during pregnancy and lactation.

Symptoms of the disease

It is especially important to know the symptoms of the disease in order to recognize the disease in time and begin its treatment. The main (most common) symptoms of duodenal ulcers include:

  • Painful sensations in the abdominal area, and quite often they are strong and paroxysmal, which is caused by food entering the areas of the mucous membrane where the ulcer formed. In addition, pain appears not only during meals, but also at night, which causes great discomfort to its owner
  • Heartburn, which torments a person with an ulcer almost constantly. This makes him feel even more uncomfortable.
  • Nausea, which can occur both after eating and independently of this process

It should be especially noted that the exacerbation of ulcers occurs in the spring or autumn. Therefore, most doctors advise taking preventive measures during this period to avoid severe attacks.

Alarming symptoms

Treatment of stomach ulcers with herbs, as a rule, does not cause side effects. However, herbal medicine does not exclude the possibility of complications. If the following symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately contact a gastroenterologist:

  • increasing manifestations of gastric dyspepsia - nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching;
  • the appearance of night pain;
  • unmotivated sudden weight loss;
  • sudden sharp pain in the stomach, accompanied by severe weakness.

It is important to remember that treatment with herbs and folk methods will not replace, but rather complements, drug therapy prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Only comprehensive treatment of the disease, including medications, diet and herbal medicine, can achieve maximum results.

Contraindications to treatment with folk remedies

  1. The occurrence of allergies to herbs.
  2. Severe patient conditions, when intervention by doctors becomes obvious;
  3. In case of insufficient examination, if a malignant neoplasm is suspected.
  4. Self-treatment with herbs without consulting a specialist.
  5. Deterioration of the patient's condition, which is manifested by pronounced pain and bleeding.
  6. During pregnancy, herbal medicine is possible, but with caution and in accordance with the stage of pregnancy. Consultation with a doctor is required.
  7. Lactation period, since medicinal substances from herbs enter the child’s body through breast milk.

After finishing herbal treatment for stomach ulcers, you need to undergo a re-examination to see the result. Often after a break there is a need for a second course of herbal medicine. Even if the symptoms of a serious illness are successfully eliminated, doctors strongly recommend continuing to follow a special gentle diet, not eating fried, spicy, sweet foods, and continuing to take herbal tea or infusion to prevent relapse of the disease.

Duodenal ulcer: causes and methods of treatment


Duodenal ulcer - causes

With a disease called an ulcer , it is very important to identify it in a timely manner, as well as make an accurate diagnosis, which will allow the necessary treatment to begin as quickly and effectively as possible. To do this, you need to distinguish the main signs of this disease, as well as know the sensations that a person may experience during illness. This disease causes impaired secretion in the stomach , as well as improper blood circulation. Poor nutrition, frequent consumption of alcohol, stress, taking certain medications of medicinal origin, infections of the stomach and duodenum, as well as diseases of the organs responsible for digestion can lead to such disruptions in the body. After the causes of the disease have been established, you need to know the main signs of an ulcer .

Signs of duodenal ulcer

The most typical and common ones are:

  • nausea,
  • pain when eating untimely,
  • burping (frequently),
  • constipation and pain in the heart under the ribs, which extends to the collarbone.

Most often, a sign of an ulcer can be considered when all the above-described symptoms sharply worsen during the off-season period (spring, autumn). However, there are cases when the disease does not give any signs and can proceed unnoticed, but only until the stage of particular neglect. After this, the disease can be detected at a very complex stage, which is quite dangerous for the patient. Sometimes this even leads to rupture of the duodenum.

Exacerbation of duodenal ulcer

If the patient experiences pain for a week or more, which is of a pronounced nature, then an exacerbation of the disease is most often diagnosed. Pain often occurs at night, or after eating (after a few hours). The method of treatment may be reduced to the prescription of drugs that neutralize stomach acid and help protect the mucous membrane. Various examinations are also carried out, during which bacteria are often found, as a result of which simultaneous treatment with two drugs may be prescribed. A prerequisite is also to follow a diet that does not allow eating spicy, sour and fatty foods, and also excludes alcohol.

Perforated ulcer of the duodenum 12

A perforated ulcer is a disease at the stage when tissue damage and rupture occurs. This disease has a more severe form than just stomach ulcer and is treated exclusively by surgical intervention. The symptoms can be identified as follows:

  • presence of cold sweat
  • mucous membranes have a bluish tint
  • abdominal muscles become very hard
  • presence of vomiting
  • acute pain under the ribs on the left side, which spreads to the neck and collarbone

If similar symptoms are observed in a patient, then this disease can be almost accurately diagnosed, as a result of which the patient must be urgently hospitalized. If the disease enters the second stage, you may notice a temporary disappearance of symptoms and an improvement in general condition. However, this is a temporary phenomenon and is accompanied by the fact that their contents can move from the stomach and duodenum directly into the abdominal cavity, which contributes to the accumulation of a large amount of air. If you palpate the abdomen , you will notice that the hardness has not disappeared anywhere, and the pulse of the peri-umbilical vein is completely absent.

When the situation worsens and the attack begins, the pain becomes very intense, the body temperature rises, chills are felt, and signs of tachycardia . In the case of such symptoms, a conclusion is most often drawn about the presence of peritonitis . In this case, urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention according to indications cannot be avoided.

Surgery for duodenal ulcer

Operations for such a disease are carried out only in the case described above, but if it is just stomach ulcer , then drug treatment and a special diet . The method of treatment should be determined solely by the doctor . However, there are situations in which surgery . This can happen if there is a risk of a malignant tumor , if polyps occur in the stomach , or if there is open bleeding of the duodenum. Surgery can be reduced to local removal of the ulcer , or to partial removal of the affected area. The second method is more effective and gives a better chance of recovery.

Chronic duodenal ulcer

There are cases when the disease proceeds in a sluggish form and becomes chronic over time. This type of ulcer is a constant companion, so people with similar diseases need to take into account that the entire way of life should be such that it does not aggravate the condition and does not cause an exacerbation of the disease. The main role here is given to a properly selected diet, which a doctor . In the chronic course of the disease, a course of medications is prescribed that create favorable conditions in the stomach and control the amount of secretion, as a result of which provoking factors are reduced.

You also need to periodically undergo a stomach in order to monitor the progress of the disease and monitor the trend of improvement or worsening of the situation. It is recommended to minimize physical and emotional stress, and also pay special attention to the way you eat. Food should come often, in small portions and include only approved foods.

If possible, you should go to a sanatorium with an emphasis on the prevention of gastroenterological problems. If you follow all of the recommendations listed above, take all the doctor’s , and also adhere to a constant diet , there is a high probability that you will soon begin to return to your normal life, while eliminating as much as possible all the negative effects duodenal ulcer

Published in Gastroentorology Premium Clinic

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