Treatment of stomach cancer with folk remedies, the most effective recipes

Physicians involved in the field of oncology know how important it is when the relatives of a patient, even at a terminal stage, without losing hope, look for ways to help their loved one and make every effort to find the answer to the question: is it possible to defeat stomach cancer? In any case, it is possible to influence the tumor and the patient’s condition. If it is not always possible to destroy it, then you can win time from the disease and give your loved ones the opportunity to talk about the main thing.

Treatment of stomach cancer, depending on the stage, includes methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and radiation therapy. Of course, the choice of the necessary treatment package depends on the stage at which the tumor was detected.

A distinctive feature of gastric cancer is its tendency to metastasize to the pancreas and other digestive organs. In total, four stages are distinguished, in addition to the so-called “zero” stage, when tumor cells just begin to multiply within a small area of ​​the gastric mucosa.

  1. Stage 1 - fungoid (polypoid) stomach cancer. It is clearly demarcated from healthy tissues, has exophytic growth, that is, it does not go into the tissue, but only connects to it with a “leg”.
  2. Stage 2 - saucer-shaped and cup-shaped stomach cancer. At this stage, the tumor has clear contours and raised edges.
  3. Stage 3 - ulcerative-infiltrative (ulcerating) stomach cancer. This is the stage when the tumor is not separated by clear boundaries from the wall of the organ.
  4. Stage 4 - terminal - diffuse gastric cancer. Characterized by thickening of the entire wall of the organ. The entire stomach ultimately forms a single thick-walled tube.

Stage I gastric cancer is characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa and does not spread to the tissues. If such a tumor is diagnosed in time, endoscopic surgery is sufficient to cure it. This procedure is performed using a special endoscope, which is inserted into the stomach through the oral cavity. That is, the operation occurs without incisions. The more advanced the tumor, the more radical treatment may be required.

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The stomach as the most important organ of the digestive system

Stomach cancer is asymptomatic only in the initial stages

The stomach is a digestive organ located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm. On the outside it consists of muscle tissue, and the inner walls are mucous membranes.

The volume of an unfilled stomach of an adult is 500 ml, length - up to 20 cm. When filled with food, the stomach stretches three times, and this is considered normal.

The stomach performs important functions: mechanical and chemical processing of food, secretion of processed food into the intestines, and serves as a reservoir for eaten food.

The enzymes formed in it are involved in the breakdown of proteins and fats and promote the absorption of vitamins. The mucus lining the walls of the stomach protects against an aggressive environment.

The gastric mucosa produces up to two liters of gastric juice per day; it begins to be produced even before the start of food intake - from the smell and appearance of the dish. The timing of meals also plays an important role in digestion; it is not for nothing that gastroenterologists recommend eating at the same hours.

Hydrochloric acid is actively involved in this process, which destroys harmful organisms, reacts with protein, and with its help the process of hematopoiesis occurs.

Gastric cancer is a serious disease that occurs most often - in almost 90% of all gastric tumors. Without proper treatment, it develops and progresses, leading to complications and death.


How much of these drinks should you consume to get maximum benefits?

It all depends on the drink. Below are general recommendations from experts:

  • Coffee: 1-2 cups per day is best, but in most cases 3-5 cups will not harm you.
  • Tea: several cups a day or more if you drink herbal tea that does not contain caffeine.
  • Vegetable juices: 120-240 ml per day.
  • Fruit juices: Too much will add extra sugar and calories to your diet, so adults should limit themselves to 120-240 ml of juice per day. Some experts recommend that children drink 240-350 ml, and teenagers 210-530 ml of this drink.
  • Wine: no more than 1-2 glasses per day (no more than two for men and one glass for women).

Reasons contributing to the development of a malignant tumor

What causes stomach cancer is a controversial issue

Scientists cannot say for sure what causes stomach cancer. We can only talk about factors that increase the chance of developing the disease:

  • consumption of refined, as well as spicy, fried, dried foods and food additives.
  • eating food that is too hot or cold;
  • diseases caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Bacteria provoke chronic gastritis and ulcers, which often degenerate into malignant tumors;
  • non-compliance with the diet - night snacks, eating in large quantities;
  • nitrates and nitrites, which destroy the structure of the mucous membrane. They can enter the body when consuming vegetables and fruits with a high content of nitrates;
  • ionizing radiation, which causes cell mutation;
  • immune and hormonal metabolic disorders;
  • poor ecology of cities and towns, household chemicals, furniture and other household items made of low-quality harmful materials;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • age - the number of diseases increases sharply after 50 years;
  • benign formations (polyps and others), which can degenerate into malignant ones;
  • bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse. Alcohol, as scientists have found, contains a lot of nitrates and nitrites. A high content of ethyl alcohol provokes the appearance of a malignant tumor;
  • taking a large number of medications that negatively affect the digestive system, especially the negative effect of antibiotics;
  • overweight;
  • lack of vitamin B1;
  • chronic gastritis, ulcers and Ménétrier's disease - with this disease the number of mucosal cells increases.

Eat green vegetables

Establishing a healthy diet is very important. Eating vegetables several times a week helps control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Optimal products

Salad leaves are the best greens to eat. The richer their color, the more beneficial they are . You should also add cauliflower (red and white) to your diet.

In addition to the above products, an excellent solution would be to diversify your diet with red chicory salad, arugula and especially spinach, which is the healthiest of this family.

Tips for eating greens:

  • choose the freshest bunches;
  • give preference to organic (farm-grown) products;
  • include vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and turnips in your diet; they are often called a “vitamin warehouse”;
  • eating green onions (green onions, leeks) is an excellent choice;
  • Be sure to wash vegetables before eating!

Green vegetables - “weight-free” foods

Green vegetables in a sandwich, salad or wrap are called “weight-free foods” because they contain almost no “bad” carbohydrates. They do not increase your blood sugar and are low in calories. You can eat them as much as you want.

Symptoms of the disease

Stomach cancer: ultrasound diagnosis

It is not yet possible to say with certainty what causes stomach cancer, but it can be asymptomatic for years - it is important to undergo regular medical examinations.

There are 4 stages of cancer:

  1. At the first stage, general weakness, decreased appetite, weight loss, increased temperature, decreased hemoglobin, depressed mood and some other signs appear.
  2. In the second stage, lymph nodes appear, the person noticeably loses weight, and is tormented by vomiting, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, and belching.
  3. At the third stage, the symptoms progress, constant pain appears in the stomach, the patient cannot take solid food, eats only liquid food, washing it down with plenty of water, belching with an unpleasant odor appears, and a quick feeling of fullness appears.
  4. At the fourth stage, the patient is severely exhausted, has constant pain, and takes food through a tube. Dystrophic changes in all tissues and organs.

People often ignore annual preventive examinations, and even if unpleasant symptoms appear, they do not rush to the doctor.

Most patients seek medical help when the disease is stage 3 or 4, which makes treatment very difficult.

Tips for proper cooking

How you prepare your food is just as important when you have diabetes as what food you eat. Below are tips on how to prepare your food properly.

  • Fat accumulates on the surface of soups and stews when they are refrigerated. After this, remove the fat, reheat the dish and eat it.
  • Limit your salt intake. Do not add salt while cooking. Add herbs, spices, vinegar, wine or lemon juice to your food.
  • Use and prepare milk with 1% fat instead of 2%.
  • Use dietary meat (low fat) and cook it in the oven, without oil.
  • Use lemon or lime for fish, and vegetables to avoid butter or sauces.
  • Add vegetables.
  • When cooking, use oil sprays instead of regular sunflower oil. A small amount of canola oil or olive oil can be used for cooking.
  • Cook chicken and turkey without skin and remove excess fat before cooking.
  • When preparing, use low-fat cottage cheese and milk.
  • To steam vegetables, use water or broth that is low in fat and salt.
  • Use whole grains such as brown rice, barley, granola.

These tips also apply to people without diabetes. Consult your healthcare provider for more information.

Diagnostic methods

Chemotherapy as a method of treating cancer

Important! Early diagnosis improves the prognosis of recovery. To identify a malignant formation, an examination is prescribed:

  • blood test - general, biochemical, immunological;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • stool analysis;
  • to determine the effect of drugs on already detected stomach cancer;
  • X-ray of the chest, skull bones and limbs - to identify metastases;
  • MRI and ultrasound.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the more favorable the prognosis for patients: in the first stage, 80% of 100 people survive, 70% fully recover; in the second stage, 55% of patients survive, in the third - up to 40% and in the fourth only 5%.

Stomach cancer is curable; modern medicine copes with this disease quite successfully, giving people many years of life.

Effective recipes

Many patients with liver cancer wonder whether the disease can be cured. An oncologist can answer this question accurately and individually. Statistics show that if the pathology was detected in the early stages, then complete recovery occurs in ninety percent of cases.

But there are even cases where people recovered in later stages, as well as in the presence of metastasis. It will not be possible to do without surgery even in the early stages. If cancer is detected in a timely manner, the tumor itself is excised, and the organ can be saved. In advanced cases, complete removal of the stomach is indicated.

Traditional recipes help cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, speed up recovery and slow down the processes of cell degeneration. Alternative medicine can also be part of palliative treatment, in which it is no longer about recovery. Specialists try to relieve a person’s pain and suffering, as well as improve their quality of life.


This is a universal remedy that has proven its effectiveness in a wide variety of pathologies. Celandine helps reduce pain in stomach cancer. It contains alkaloids that have an analgesic effect. Celandine is used even in cases of ineffectiveness from the use of non-narcotic medications.

Moreover, this medicinal plant inhibits the processes of division and growth of abnormal cells. This is achieved due to the presence of chelidonine. Stomach cancer can be treated with a decoction of celandine or alcohol tincture. It’s even better to alternate products based on medicinal plants. To prepare an alcohol tincture, the herb should be crushed and placed in a half-liter jar.

After this, water is poured in so that it is a centimeter above the raw material. The resulting mass should be left to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks. Treatment begins with twenty drops. In the morning you should dilute the tincture in one hundred milliliters of water. Every day you should increase the dosage by one drop. When you reach fifty drops, the dosage should be reduced in the reverse order.

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour a spoonful of dry raw materials with a glass of water and place it in a water bath. After boiling, the celandine should be kept for another fifteen minutes. The filtered decoction is consumed half an hour before meals, 100 ml. The course of treatment is ten days, after which a 10-day break should be taken.

Despite the unconditional medicinal properties of celandine, its use has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy period. Possible development of oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • infancy. Severe poisoning may develop;
  • history of epileptic seizures. The plant can cause seizures;
  • psychosis. The condition may worsen;
  • hypertension. The components of the plant sharply reduce blood pressure.

With the help of properly selected folk treatment, you can increase the effect of medical therapy and improve the general condition of the patient


Populists claim that with its help it is possible to slow down the growth of tumors and destroy malignant cells. To prepare the infusion, pour two glasses of vodka into a three-liter jar. Next, the leaves and stems of the plant should be crushed by hand.

You should not use a meat grinder, as this increases the concentration of the medicinal substance. Raw materials should be added until a third of the jar’s volume is filled. The product should infuse for two weeks in a cool, dark place. On the first day, take one drop diluted with water. Every day the dosage is increased by one drop, bringing it to forty, and then decreases.

Carefully! Hemlock is a poisonous plant and, if the exact dosages are not followed, can even lead to death.

Read also: Colonoscopy of the intestine


The plant is a biogenic stimulant. It increases the body's defenses, stimulates regeneration processes and significantly slows down the process of tumor metastasis. Freshly squeezed juice should be mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:5. Take the medicinal mixture 5 g three times a day before meals.

Prevention of stomach diseases

Proper nutrition - cancer prevention

Increasing immunity is of primary importance in the prevention of cancer; for this, immunomodulators are taken (they regulate the action of the immune system),

Introduction of fresh vegetables, fruits and grains into the daily diet. You should not abuse alcohol and do not smoke.

Undergo regular preventative medical examinations. Avoid obesity, maintain water balance, do not eat too cold or hot, spicy and fatty foods.

Doctors recommend not eating immediately before bed. After eating, it is better to be active, for example, take a walk in the fresh air. But it is better to avoid heavy physical activity.

Otto Warburg's theory

The method of treating the tumor process, according to the theory of Otto Warburg, was as follows:

  • use of iodine. To do this, you need to eat more seaweed, apply iodine mesh to the skin or drink a quarter glass of water with one drop of iodine;
  • regular use of decoctions of medicinal herbs. For stomach cancer, he considered birch leaves, burdock, chaga, as well as dogwood berries and elderberries to be useful;
  • daily consumption of apricot kernels. They contain an anti-cancer element. You should not consume more than ten kernels per day, as they also contain toxic substances;
  • use of vegetable oil. In the morning on an empty stomach, take vegetable oil into your mouth and simply keep it in your mouth. After twenty minutes you should spit it out; it will be white.

Otto Warburg argued that cancer cells do not develop in an alkaline environment. The scientist in his research came to the conclusion that stomach cancer tends to actively grow in an acidic environment. And since there is an acidic environment in the stomach, Otto Warburg advised to alkalize it.

The scientist strongly recommended consuming calcium. In general, this is a rather difficult mineral to absorb, so you should simultaneously take magnesium supplements, which improve the absorption of such an essential substance. Please note that calcium carbonate should not be taken if stomach cancer is diagnosed. If there are problems in the gastrointestinal tract, it will practically not be absorbed. It is best to take ionized calcium.

Another recommendation from Otto Warburg was to avoid dairy products, sweets and baked goods during the treatment period. It is better to limit meat products in the diet, as they contribute to acidification of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). But vegetable juices are allowed to be consumed in large quantities.


Tatyana, 45 years old: I was diagnosed with stage 1 stomach cancer. The doctor assured me that I have a high chance of recovery. I had an operation and was prescribed medication. On the Internet, I read Otto Vrburg's recommendations regarding the importance of alkalizing the body. I removed sweets, flour and dairy products from my diet, and also limited protein foods. I also took ionized iodine, and also drank celandine-based decoctions.

Lyudmila, 50 years old: The diagnosis of “stomach cancer” sounded like a death sentence for me. But I received treatment on time. From my friends I have heard many times about the miraculous properties of the hemlock plant. Having received the oncologist's approval, I began treatment. First I made an alcohol infusion and let it sit for two weeks. In total, the treatment lasted 80 days. I started with one drop and worked my way up to forty, and then reduced the dosage every day. I didn't experience any side effects.

Evgenia, 60 years old: A year ago I had surgery to remove stomach cancer. I was overcome by severe pain that was not relieved by analgesics. The doctor recommended me celandine, which, as it turned out, has analgesic properties. Preparing the decoction was not difficult. I filled a tablespoon of the plant with water and sent it to a water bath. I took the strained solution half an hour before meals, one hundred grams.

So, it is simply impossible to cure stomach cancer with folk remedies alone. Traditional medicine is used as an auxiliary therapy that will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and speed up the healing process. You can use the advice of healers only after consulting a doctor and obtaining his consent. The use of some herbs has contraindications and can cause serious side effects.

Total information

In most cases, these types of tumors, which are called carcinoma, originate from cells of special germ layers - ectodermal or endodermal, which form body tissues during embryogenesis (development of the embryo).
Carcinoma is considered a tumor, a tissue that, according to scientists, takes its basis from epithelial (integumentary) tissues, the genetic material of which is damaged or changed, as a result of which the cells undergo transformation, begin to exhibit abnormal properties and malignancy. In addition, those malignant tumors that consist of cells that have undergone transformation and that have specific characteristics at the molecular, histological and cellular level typical of epithelial tissue will be characterized as carcinoma.

According to WHO, carcinomas account for up to 9.5 million deaths annually. Treatment of these types of cancer (carcinoma) is quite difficult, and survival rates vary greatly. Organ sites often affected by carcinomas include:

  • lung;
  • breast;
  • prostate;
  • colon and rectum;
  • pancreas.
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