If you feel sick in the evening and not in the morning during pregnancy, is this normal?

Feelings in the first days of pregnancy

To ensure that the first days of pregnancy go smoothly, we recommend that you undergo an examination before conception. Most often, during the first days, the expectant mother does not even suspect that she is already pregnant. No external or internal changes have occurred; the fertilized cell has not yet reached its future place of residence - the uterus. The cell moving along the fallopian tube constantly divides so that, having attached itself to the uterus, it already has a placenta and an umbilical cord. Gradually, during the first week, the cells increase in size and look like a small pea, which is the embryo. After a week, the fertilized egg reaches its target and attaches to the wall of the uterus. Already during this period, a woman who is attentive to her feelings can feel some changes that have begun to occur in her body. The first week is one of the most important weeks of your entire pregnancy. It is during this period that the likelihood of miscarriage is high. For what reason? It’s just that the mother’s body itself is not always ready to accept the embryo as part of itself; quite often the embryo is perceived as a foreign body that needs to be gotten rid of. If a woman has a fairly healthy immune system, then, in this situation, it can be “bearish,” but nature is wise and, in most cases, the body itself suppresses unwanted manifestations of immunity. Hopefully, you have been examined by a doctor before conceiving a child. This is a necessity, because in our time it is rare to find a completely healthy woman who does not have chronic diseases and a wide variety of infections, the existence of which one may not even suspect.

Hormonal changes in the body

By using a pregnancy test or taking an hCG test, you can make sure that the joyful event has happened. But we hope that everything went well and the embryo is safely attached to the wall of the uterus, becoming one with the expectant mother. As soon as this event occurred, you should know that now the life and health of your child completely depends on your condition. After all, you now have everything in common. Blood circulation, nutrition and everything else. The hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body make new adjustments to her lifestyle. The placenta of the uterus begins to produce a hormone called progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for ensuring that the uterus does not contract prematurely, because any movement of this organ will interfere with the attachment of the embryo. As soon as the embryo becomes one with the woman’s body, pregnancy can already be determined, even if there are several weeks before the next menstruation. By using the test, which is freely sold in any pharmacy, you can make sure that the joyful event has happened! If you led a healthy lifestyle before pregnancy, prepared for it in advance, giving up bad habits, then nothing at this stage should worry you. Everything is going correctly and according to plan.

Characteristic pathological symptoms

Before you start looking for a treatment that will relieve problematic symptoms, you should first figure out whether the pregnant woman is really experiencing classic toxicosis. After all, there are many other conditions, besides pregnancy, that manifest themselves according to a similar principle.

The traditional format of the course of toxicosis involves increasing the production of salivary gland secretions. When there is an early version of toxicosis at week 9, it may be accompanied by:

  • dermatosis, other skin lesions;
  • convulsions;
  • jaundice;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma, even if the patient does not have a hereditary predisposition to it.

Despite the fact that pregnant women experience such painful symptoms in half of the cases, only 10% of those who apply need to be prescribed special medications. We are talking about clinical cases where women are tormented by constant nausea, which often also includes diarrhea.

A relatively normal development of events is only the periodic repetition of attacks over a short period of time. Once or twice a day is a safe indicator if there are no other significant complaints. Most often, expectant mothers have to deal with nausea on an empty stomach in the morning, or immediately after eating.

Adding to the complexity is the fact that in the later stages, women begin a new stage of vomiting. We are talking about a specific reaction to various odors, and even those aromas that previously seemed pleasant and loved fall out of favor.

The most important thing here is not to worry, escalating the stressful situation, because toxicosis is a consequence of the failure of the nervous system. With each new panic attack, your health will only worsen, so it is better to try to remain calm while waiting for the gestation period to end.

Second week of pregnancy

In the second week of pregnancy, the baby can already be perceived as a full-fledged future citizen. A week has passed. For the next seven days, the unborn baby can already be perceived as a full-fledged future citizen, and not some kind of “foreign body”; it is from the second week of its existence that the female body will make every effort to preserve it and protect it from any harmful influences from the outside. The small body of the unborn baby receives nutrition thanks to the mother’s body, and it is during these days that the intestine is formed, with the help of which the embryo will feed. This intestine gradually increases in size and after some time the formation of other organs vital for humans - the heart and vascular system - occurs. The baby's main defense is the amniotic sac, which will fill with a nutritious fluid called amniotic fluid. At the same time, the placenta is formed, connected to it by the umbilical cord, which at the moment looks more like a thin thread. But, in fact, the placenta is an amazing organ with the help of which the child will “communicate” with the mother’s body for nine months, receiving from it not only nutrition and various vitamins, but also air to breathe. And waste products will flow through the umbilical cord back to the placenta, from which the woman’s body will remove them.

Early toxicosis of pregnancy

Toxicosis can manifest itself as mild nausea or vomiting, which passes fairly quickly. In the first weeks of pregnancy, such a nuisance, unfortunately familiar to many women who have already given birth, as toxicosis, is possible. The poor condition of expectant mothers during this period of pregnancy is associated with the improper functioning of the elimination of toxins. This may be mild nausea, or it may be exhausting vomiting, which, however, passes quickly enough as soon as the fetal waste elimination system improves. But not everyone feels any changes in their body so early, and, especially, toxicosis. At such an early stage, women lead a normal, familiar lifestyle, without noticing any changes in their own body. But, as soon as you feel that the desired moment has arrived, immediately visit a doctor. It is during this period that it is very important to undergo all the necessary examinations and tests. A visit to the doctor is more necessary than ever. If your body is not ideal for health, if you have any chronic diseases, do not be alarmed if some aggravation occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. All this is natural for your condition; it is necessary to continue treatment of diseases, but be sure to discuss all points of treatment with a gynecologist who will monitor you throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The use of vitamin preparations during this period of time can help you and your unborn child, but even their use must be coordinated with a doctor, because even vitamins that seem innocent at first glance can cause discord in a vulnerable female body. Forty weeks of pregnancy is a great miracle! Just think about it! Only forty weeks will pass from the appearance of a small cell in your body to the birth of a person. This secret, with all our current pragmatism, will remain a great secret in all ages. In the first weeks of pregnancy, very important organs of the unborn baby are laid and formed, and the woman gets used to being pregnant. Such turbulent events can sometimes pass unnoticed, but you must be very attentive to your body and respond to the slightest signs and signs that it may give you during this period of your life.

When to see a doctor

Toxicosis is not a pathological condition and therefore does not require therapy. However, if nausea and vomiting are complicated by other symptoms, report this to the doctor. The following symptoms should alert you:

  • excessive nausea and vomiting throughout the day;
  • weight loss;
  • fever;
  • vomiting with blood;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • the urge does not go away by the last trimester.

It is also necessary to go to the hospital if your skin becomes pale or yellow, frequent and severe headaches occur, or your urine becomes dark. Such manifestations indicate problems in the body and require immediate hospitalization and therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

First signs of pregnancy

Some of the signs of pregnancy are increased appetite and changed tastes. What are the most common signs of pregnancy? The first sign is the absence of regular menstruation. Although this sign is not always 100% (it is quite possible that this is only a manifestation of some disease), but nevertheless. If three days have passed and there is still no menstruation, you can use a pregnancy test, which already during this period can show with great accuracy whether you are pregnant or not. Most women already in the first weeks of pregnancy experience increased drowsiness and an equally increased appetite. You notice that you eat several times more food than you did a month ago. Don't be scared! That's how it should be. You can listen to changing tastes and follow them further. Just recently you didn’t like fish, but now your mouth just waters if one of your neighbors fries it? Or have you never had a sweet tooth, but now you can’t tear yourself away from the displays of chocolates in the store? Almost 100% you are pregnant! In the fourth week of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination. Right now it is very important to determine whether the pregnancy is progressing correctly, whether there are any abnormalities and pathologies, or the risk of diseases of the developing fetus. Modern methods make it possible to identify them at such an early date.

Dangers during pregnancy

During your entire pregnancy, you need to protect yourself from viral diseases. Now, as during your entire pregnancy, you need to protect yourself from viral diseases. Even a common cold, which you would not have even noticed before, can lead to irreversible consequences for the developing fetus. Needless to say, a pregnant woman should not appear in crowded places during a flu epidemic, since this virus is so insidious and dangerous that all possible complications and reactions of the fetus have not yet been fully studied. The most insidious disease during pregnancy is rubella. If you did not have it as a child, you need to be very careful. This disease during pregnancy causes the greatest number of deformities and serious diseases of the unborn child. Heart defects, the birth of deaf and blind children, mental development disorders - this is not the entire list of the destructive effects of this virus. It is not for nothing that doctors suggest that mothers who contract this insidious disease during pregnancy have an abortion, because it is simply impossible to predict all the consequences.

How to survive?

There are no common recipes for all: we are all different and the cause of toxicosis is different for everyone. But there are still rules that help most women:

  • Get more rest and sleep. Sleep whenever possible and when your body asks. A woman with severe toxicosis almost always benefits from a 5-day sick leave.
  • Avoid long breaks in eating. Eat light and high-calorie foods every 3 hours. Bananas, dates, dried fruits, and sweet yogurt often help. It's not scary if there is a bun or cookies. All this is quickly digested, absorbed and gives you energy. But it is better to abstain from meat, fatty fish and multi-ingredient dishes (for example, Olivier salad). This is difficult food to digest and assimilate. You'll have to experiment with fiber. During pregnancy, constipation often occurs due to a relaxed intestine - in company with the uterus. And in this case, coarse raw fruits and vegetables will trigger peristalsis and regulate stool, but for some they cause gas formation and unpleasant colic in the stomach. So you have to try.
  • Very often, nausea is especially pronounced in the morning, after sleep. This is due to the long fasting interval. To smooth out the sensation, try to have a light snack just before bed. If you get up at night to go to the toilet, chew half a banana or a cracker on the way. And in the morning, when you wake up, before getting out of bed, eat yogurt, cottage cheese, and a bun. Lie down for another 20 minutes. Then get up, have a light breakfast, and only then brush your teeth.
  • The more dehydrated the body, the greater the intoxication. Start drinking warm, hot, good quality water in small sips. Definitely between meals, not during. For taste, you can first add lemon or lime, you can buy mineral water in glass at the pharmacy and drink it, preferably stirring it and releasing the gases from the bottle. But if you haven’t drank water before, or drank very little of it, then you shouldn’t suddenly start drinking more of it.

Drug treatment of early toxicosis also takes place, but only in severe forms!

And most importantly, remember, this condition, although disgusting, is temporary, absolutely safe for both you and the child. Very soon it will go away on its own. And you will no longer feel like a weakened, sick pregnant woman, but will feel your pregnancy as a big, important and very joyful “business”.

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