What tea should you drink in the morning and what should you not drink in the evening?

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People are mainly divided into two groups: those whose morning starts with a cup of tea

, and for those who cannot wake up without
a cup of coffee
. And although there are also plenty of coffee lovers, judging by the assortment of tea in stores, one can understand that tea is a clear favorite among hot drinks.

People in our country love to have tea, and it’s not just about thirst or the desire to stay warm in winter; tea is just an excellent reason to take a short break or spend long hours having a leisurely conversation. Although tea cannot be considered an original Russian drink, it has firmly entered our everyday life in all its variety.

When did people start drinking tea?

We know quite a lot about the beneficial properties of tea and its varieties, but almost nothing about its origin. There is not even a single point of view about which country can be considered the birthplace of tea. At least China and Japan

. In each of these countries, important cultural traditions are associated with tea.

It is believed that people first began making a tart drink from tea leaves in the third millennium BC

, although this is not known for certain. But it is obvious that the popularity of tea grew rapidly, not only in the countries where it was grown, but also in the countries where tea was exported. True tea connoisseurs are convinced that not only the process of drinking tea itself is important, but also the process of brewing the drink. But before studying the features of tea ceremonies, it is worth figuring out what kind of tea you should drink and when.

Why do you need to have breakfast?

Breakfast is very important, especially for those who decide to lose weight. What should you eat and drink in the morning on an empty stomach to lose weight? There is no secret fat-burning ingredient. But healthy habits can speed up our metabolism and improve our health. What are the reasons not to skip this meal:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes - during sleep, no food enters the stomach for a long time, and long breaks slow down our body, and then it “does not want” to say goodbye to deposits.
  • A morning meal can fix everything by setting the body at the right pace.
  • Reducing the feeling of hunger throughout the next day - a nutritious breakfast will eliminate the risk of overeating during lunch and dinner.
  • Energy - feel a surge of strength, act more actively, concentrate on current tasks.
  • Ability to focus on important tasks.
  • A consistently good mood depends not only on the fact that you have eaten, but also on filling your plate. If it is dominated by fast carbohydrates (sugar-containing foods, baked goods), then the likelihood of outbreaks of irritation or dissatisfaction increases.

What you can and should eat in the morning is carbohydrate foods, for example, porridge, unleavened wholemeal bread. Also, the morning menu can be supplemented with fruits, berries, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, meat and dairy dishes are appropriate - the list is quite wide. The main task is to give the body energy and set it up for active work.

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Industrial confectionery products with excess refined sugar will interfere with this result. They provoke the release of insulin, which is the reason for the constant desire to snack. In such a situation, the hand itself reaches for harmful products all day long.

The main beneficial properties of tea

Most people drink tea for a “charge of energy,” but properly brewed high-quality tea can bring much more benefits to the body. Tea contains antioxidants

, which slow down the aging of the body.
Tea leaves are rich in
fluoride and
P. Fluoride is indispensable for strengthening bones, nails and teeth, and vitamin P strengthens blood vessels.

As for that very “vigor”, caffeine

. Black tea contains even more of it than coffee. Caffeine helps improve metabolism and increase body activity, and this, in turn, helps fight excess weight.

It is important not only to choose and brew the right tea, but also to drink it correctly. Tea drinking should happen slowly and calmly

Then the body will be able to relax, breathing will become more measured and deeper, and increased oxygen consumption will stimulate brain activity
. That's why it can be helpful to take a tea break while working or thinking about a difficult task.


It is suitable for strong green tea. The body wakes up, so it needs an increased portion of caffeine and vitamins. Tea drunk at this time can help drive away drowsiness, get into a working mood, and speed up your metabolism. This promotes better performance throughout the day. Your favorite black variety will also be a good option in the early hours. The content of caffeine and other stimulating substances in pu-erh is high. Blends with the word breakfast in their names enjoy well-deserved love. Their composition is selected taking into account the stimulating effect.

Contraindications for drinking tea

When consuming tea, as in any matter, you need to observe moderation. In large quantities, tea will not only not bring benefits, but can also cause harm. especially dangerous for children.

. You can give them tea, but rarely, preferably warm and not too strong. It is not the consumption of liquid as such that is harmful for a child; such restrictions do not apply to water; the diuretic effect of tea is harmful; it additionally puts a strain on the child’s kidneys and heart.

It is not recommended to abuse tea for pregnant women

If you can’t completely eliminate tea, it is better to choose varieties with a lower caffeine content, since caffeine can negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is also better for people with stomach ulcers
high acidity of gastric juice
People with diagnosed hypertension
should not drink a lot of red and strong tea.

Drinking tea right before bed is also not a good idea if you still want to fall asleep. Aromatic substances and caffeine only excite the body

, which can lead to insomnia. For sick people, doctors usually recommend warm, generous drinks, but it is better that this drink is not tea if the person is taking antipyretics. It's all about the diuretic effect again: the more often a person goes to the toilet, the lower the effectiveness of antipyretic drugs will be.


In the evening hours, the body begins to prepare for sleep, so you should not brew tonic morning varieties. Experts consider green and white drinks to be the most suitable, perhaps pu-erh. The peculiarity of the former is its calming effect and stimulation of the immune system, which reaches its peak activity in the evening. As a result, it becomes susceptible to agents that promote its regeneration. Pu-erh has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and helps the body quickly absorb a hearty dinner. It prevents the accumulation of fat deposits.

How to brew and drink tea correctly?

The appearance of tea bags made tea consumption even more widespread, but undermined the very culture of brewing and drinking tea. You can even brew a tea bag with boiling water without thinking about what is happening to the drink at that moment. However, tea should not be drunk too hot

or too cold. A hot drink can simply burn your throat, and cold tea can cause headaches.

The recommended temperature may vary slightly for different types of tea, but in general it is recommended to drink tea when its temperature does not exceed 56-60°C

. Numerous brews are also a relic, mostly a relic of the past and a tribute to economy, although it all depends on the variety. Some types of tea reveal themselves in a new way after 2-3 brews, but this should happen within one tea drinking session. You should not leave the tea leaves in the kettle.

Tea drinking should be a separate ceremony not associated with the main meal. It is not recommended to drink tea immediately before or immediately after meals. If you are thirsty, it is better to wash down your food with plain water. Tea contains tannin

, which promotes the solidification of protein and iron, so food may be poorly digested. Take a break for at least half an hour.

You should also not drink tea with medications or mix it with alcohol. This mixture can harm your kidneys.

What drinks are best to start the day with?

It is best from water - warm or hot, from 38 to 50 degrees. This is how the “inner shower” takes place. Here we can draw an analogy with dirty dishes that we wash with hot water so that the dirt comes off better. It’s the same with the body - we give ourselves such a “hot shower” to cleanse the body and start all the important metabolic processes.

Photo: istockphoto.com

You can drink water with lemon, with mint or without anything - it all depends on how the body perceives it (if there is no heartburn or problems with acidity levels) and what you like best.

In general, the habit of starting your morning with a glass of warm water can have a great impact on your well-being. See the “Championship” video for more details.

What should breakfast be like?

This meal is rightly considered the main one. Performance, emotional state, and determination to resist tasty temptations depend on it. You can determine for yourself what you need and eat better in the morning, focusing on your daily calorie intake and BJU balance.

It is important to remember that the calorie content of each meal should decrease as the evening approaches. That is, you should get the most nutrients at the beginning of the day.

Nutritionist's comment:

The optimal energy value of breakfast is 300-400 kcal. It should contain proteins, lipids, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, which take a long time to be processed by the body and provide a lot of energy. If you have no appetite in the morning, it is recommended to consult a doctor, since after a long break between meals it is physiological for us to feel hungry.

Eating in the morning does not cause appetite for several reasons:

Habit not formed

If you regularly eat at the same time, soon gastric juice will begin to secrete at this point, and you will feel natural hunger. Therefore, if you don’t feel like eating, just try to start doing it on a certain schedule - the situation will change.

Wrong mode

If you usually go to bed late and wake up after 10 o'clock, then in the morning hours the enzymes are inactive. Try changing things up by getting up earlier, this will allow you to enjoy your morning meal.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Lack of appetite in the morning, especially accompanied by nausea, is a common sign of problems with the digestive system. If you never feel like eating at the beginning of the day, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What are the best healthy foods to eat for breakfast?

Porridge is suitable, win-win options are buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. Cereals provide energy and are also characterized by high biological value - they contain B vitamins, micro- and macroelements (zinc, iodine, copper, phosphorus, iron and others). Buckwheat kernels also boast the presence of tocopherol and a large amount of vegetable protein. Also pay attention to the recently fashionable quinoa culture; it contains all the essential amino acids and has a nutty taste.

Those who want to get the maximum benefit are advised to pay attention to whole grain analogues. It is better to cook them in water, without adding sugar; they can be eaten on an empty stomach with banana, raisins, dried apricots and other natural sweets.

The morning menu should also be supplemented with proteins. Lean meats, cottage cheese, eggs, and yogurt are suitable. Proteins provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, protect against the temptation to snack on candy or pie. In addition, this nutrient is a building material for many tissues in the body.

Lipids should also be present in your plate, so you can add a slice of cheese or a little vegetable oil.

Breakfast options

If you find it difficult to figure out what and how much you can eat in the morning on an empty stomach, what to combine it with, eggs or chicken breast, or don’t know whether eating an apple is enough, then we will offer you several successful balanced combinations:

  • Oatmeal with fresh berries or dried fruits, cocoa with milk and cereal cookies.
  • An omelette with pieces of white poultry meat, a salad of cabbage, tomatoes and celery stalks, green tea, a handful of dried apricots.
  • Freshly squeezed juice, sandwich made from whole grain bread and ricotta and avocado spread, muesli with yogurt and nuts.
  • Smoothie with kiwi, banana, lemon juice and mint, boiled egg, coffee and a slice of dark chocolate.
  • Buckwheat porridge with stewed turkey, cottage cheese with honey, drink to taste.
  • Rice with baked vegetables and a piece of cheese, fresh juice from your favorite fruits.
  • Bread with salmon, fresh cucumbers and herbs.
  • A salad of bananas, apples and other fruits with yogurt dressing, you can add seeds (flax, sesame) and nuts for satiety.
  • Breakfast during heavy workloads

Nutritionist's comment:

You should not allow long breaks between meals; it is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day. Despite the opinion that athletes have a special need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates should never be neglected. It is from these nutrients that the body draws energy. Before training (no later than an hour), you can eat a little, and the main meal is taken after the sports activity. Therefore, in the diet of athletes, as a rule, there are 2 breakfasts.

We remind you that you can eat in the morning on an empty stomach (after drinking water) - yogurt, juice, green or herbal tea. Fruits, which contain many antioxidants and macroelements, are of great importance; such products help to recover faster and maintain the correct water balance in the body. This list includes banana, citrus fruits, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple. In addition, eggs, fish from the salmon family, and nuts are appropriate in the diet - they give strength, allow you to increase muscle mass, have a beneficial effect on endurance, which means your workouts are more productive, and their results bring more joy and satisfaction.

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