Nausea at 39 weeks of pregnancy - what to do? What happens at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Why does a pregnant girl feel sick in the later stages?

When a woman reaches the 38-39th week of pregnancy, her stomach begins to harden, it is very difficult for her to walk, her lower back is severely strained, her back hurts, and so on. This period is considered prenatal.

Most expectant mothers have to experience various ailments at this time. But when a woman feels very nauseous during late pregnancy, this may be a signal of impending labor.

During this period, her body begins to produce special substances that help the uterus to mature. It's starting to take up too much space. Therefore, there is pressure on neighboring organs, including the stomach or intestines.

If an expectant mother feels sick at 39 weeks of pregnancy, this means only one thing - the uterus has begun to expand and her cervix has begun to dilate. But if vomiting occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor about this. This way you can avoid further complications.

Only a specialist can identify the cause of this manifestation in the digestive system. After all, this can be not only a prenatal symptom, but also a sign of an infection in the stomach or intestines. Pregnant women tend to combine unusual foods. Therefore, poisoning often occurs.

Diagnosis of stomach pain in pregnant women

We perform gastric diagnostics:

  • Endoscopy. Examination of the stomach using a fiberscope, which allows you to visually evaluate the mucous membrane of the organ.

To monitor the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman herself, visiting a doctor is a necessary measure. When the first symptoms appear, the patient should contact her doctor. He will determine the cause of pain syndromes. If you have severe stomach pain, you should visit a doctor. The woman will be sent for testing. The attending physician will refer the patient for a general blood test, stool and urine analysis. Pregnant women regularly undergo ultrasound diagnostics. This procedure provides accurate information about the condition of the body and internal organs.

The most accurate way to examine internal organs is computed tomography. Pregnant women are not recommended to undergo this diagnosis. This is due to the fact that radiation is used to study the body, which can negatively affect the condition of the fetus, especially in the very early stages. Therefore, pregnant women are allowed only ultrasound examination of the body.

For consultation, tests and various studies, we advise you to contact the private clinic “KDS Clinic”. You will receive qualified assistance, attention from the best doctors in the Russian Federation and treatment at affordable prices. For more accessible information about services, call.

When should you call an ambulance?

If a woman not only feels sick at 39 weeks of pregnancy, but also changes in the body such as headache or dizziness, a sharp drop or increase in blood pressure, blurred vision in the form of black spots or fogginess, the occurrence of a gag reflex, diarrhea, then urgently you need to call an ambulance.

With such manifestations, doctors often consider it necessary to speed up the process of bringing a child into the world. This is done by artificially inducing labor.

Precursors of the onset of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy

If contractions have not yet begun, you need to carefully listen to your body. It is possible that it is already giving signals that labor will begin soon. For example, a decrease in appetite may indicate an approaching birth. There may also be weight loss. Many women note a loss of 1-2 kg.

If earlier false contractions were weak and painless, then in recent weeks they may become more intense and frequent. And at their peak, hardening of the abdomen is observed. Some expectant mothers are very worried that they will not be able to distinguish false contractions from real ones. In fact, it is difficult to confuse them. As a rule, false contractions end when the body position changes, or after a short walk around the apartment. If spasms and pain in the lumbar region go away, then it is too early to go to the maternity hospital.

The imminent onset of labor may be indicated by mucus appearing in the vaginal discharge. Sometimes it is transparent, and sometimes it can have a pinkish or brown tint. Don't be afraid - this is part of the mucus plug that comes out. Removal of the mucus plug is a natural process. The cervix gradually softens and contracts, preparing for the birth of the baby. Sometimes you can see the entire cork. It is represented by a lump of mucus, in which there are streaks of blood. The entire volume of the cork can fit in 2 tablespoons. If this happens, then labor will begin very soon.

Many women feel an unprecedented surge of energy before labor begins. With redoubled effort they begin to prepare the house for the arrival of a new resident. This is a very pleasant process, so you shouldn’t deny yourself it. However, hard work cannot be done. Let other family members do it.

Another sign of imminent labor is indigestion. There may be increased feelings of nausea, indigestion, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

However, until real contractions begin, you need to continue to lead a measured lifestyle, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, and take walks. At the same time, you should not go far from home, and it is better to keep the exchange card with you.

Can medications be used?

When a woman feels sick at 39 weeks of pregnancy, this period becomes unbearable and she wants it all to end as soon as possible. But the clock seems to stop, and all the symptoms seem to never stop.

Most anti-nausea medications are contraindicated in pregnant women because they may cause harm to the fetus. In this regard, doctors do not want to prescribe them and do not recommend using them on their own.

Only in emergency cases does a specialist decide to use drugs. For example, when there is endless vomiting, and the general condition of the woman in labor worsens. Then the pills can save the life of the unborn child and make the mother feel better.


You can become a mother at any moment. Get ready for the upcoming birth, gather your strength, and worry less. If pain scares you, remember that there are ways to relieve pain during labor. It is also useful to think that all the pain will pass, and it will be replaced by a gentle feeling of joy from meeting the baby. In addition, many women have gone through this more than once and speak of childbirth as a painful period, but leading to relief.

It will be useful to remember breathing techniques that alleviate the condition of a woman in labor. If you know how to breathe correctly during labor, it will be easier for you to follow the commands of your obstetricians and gynecologists. Most importantly, listen to what they tell you and strictly do what is asked of you. This way you will not only make the work of doctors easier, but also reduce the likelihood of ruptures, severe pain and prolonged labor.

How to get rid of nausea? Useful tips


  1. In order to reduce the manifestation of nausea in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to create a favorable psychological environment around her, thanks to which the woman can rest calmly and comfortably. It is worth eliminating all irritating factors.
  2. Sleep should be normalized. At night, a woman should sleep about 8 hours, and during the day no more than 2. If she has difficulty falling asleep or insomnia appears, then a favorable environment also helps.
  3. Vomiting at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy in the evening is very often due to fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid excessive stress and overwork of the expectant mother. Before going to bed, the bedroom where the woman will rest is ventilated. Evening walks in the fresh air are also recommended, but not for long, so as not to become overtired.
  4. Many people find calming scents from oils or incense helpful. But you should be careful with them, because they can not only eliminate nausea, but, on the contrary, cause it to appear. And some oils are harmful for women during pregnancy.
  5. If a woman does not make a large number of movements before breakfast, then nausea may not appear. Therefore, a man must take care of food intake so that his wife does not get out of bed. This will not only prevent the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, but will also create a positive mood for the expectant mother. It is not necessary to bring a hearty breakfast; a minimum amount of food is enough for the woman to refresh herself and be able to get out of bed calmly. You can eat a piece of fruit or a cracker, but after that you will have to lie down for a while. After which the girl will be able to get up and go to the kitchen to have a full meal.

  6. It is very important that absolutely all groups of vitamins and essential substances enter the body. Therefore, during pregnancy you need to organize proper, and most importantly, balanced nutrition.
  7. There are special diets for pregnant women that help improve the functioning of the digestive system without overloading the stomach. The bottom line is to increase the amount of protein foods and reduce the consumption of fast carbohydrates. Porridge, potatoes and other starchy foods have an advantage.
  8. All food should not be very hot or cold; warm dishes are considered optimal.
  9. It is worth eliminating all fried foods and fatty foods from your diet.
  10. You can't wash down your food. It is better to drink plenty of water between meals, especially before meals.
  11. To preserve your own health and the fetus, you need to beware of sudden movements, because they contribute to nausea.
  12. If vomiting occurs at night or when changing body position during sleep, then it is necessary to use medications as prescribed by the attending physician.
  13. If there is a clear threat of miscarriage or the health of the mother and fetus, the pregnant woman is immediately taken to the hospital, and the woman remains in the hospital until the birth.

Dehydration and fear are two more causes of nausea

Dehydration is another cause of nausea. In this condition, the pregnant woman must be hospitalized. Doctors are doing everything possible to restore the fluid lost by the body. If this cannot be done for some time, then labor is urgently induced artificially to save the child.

Against the backdrop of future childbirth, women develop various fears. Some people think that if she herself feels sick, then the child experiences the same thing. But this is absolutely not true.

The period before childbirth is often called the 39th obstetric week of pregnancy, because this is the home stretch before the baby is born.

Good to know

How to prepare for childbirth so as not to regret it later?

What is programmed childbirth?

What you need to know about childbirth?

How does labor begin?

Back to front: breech birth

Before childbirth. Has the plug come off? Has your stomach dropped? Childbirth is coming soon!

All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

Signs of approaching labor

In order to understand that childbirth is near, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The nausea suddenly leaves, the stomach drops, and therefore the uterus drops. The woman feels better.
  2. The appearance of water or its slight leakage is the first sign that it is time to pack your things and go to the hospital. This needs to be done quickly. It’s better to collect everything you need in advance.
  3. The woman loses weight sharply and the swelling goes away.
  4. Discharge of mucus with blood. This can be very dangerous, so you need to see a doctor.
  5. The appearance of diarrhea and frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  6. The occurrence of pain, often pulling in the abdomen at 39 weeks of pregnancy.
  7. Often, the presence of contractions at the same time interval indicates that labor is approaching.

It is worth noting that the 39th obstetric week of pregnancy is a very difficult period for the mother, because the whole body works in emergency mode: the heartbeat quickens, the functioning of many systems is disrupted, and overall health deteriorates.

What kind of discharge can there be?

Discharge at this stage should be milky white, with a uniform consistency. A slight sour odor may also be present. Pinkish or transparent mucus in the discharge is normal and should not be alarmed. In this way, part of the mucous plug comes off, which closes the entrance to the uterus.

Pathology is indicated by discharges such as:

  • Purulent mucous discharge;
  • Discharge with flakes;
  • Curdled discharge;
  • Green or yellow discharge.

If such discharge is detected, you must consult a doctor and treat the existing infection. If this is not done, then the risk of infection of the child during childbirth is high.

When amniotic fluid ruptures, even in small quantities, you must go to the maternity hospital. The discharge appears as a thin, watery discharge that may be clear or yellowish. Sometimes they go away immediately, and sometimes in small portions. The latter option indicates that the walls of the placenta have become thinner and have begun to leak fluid. In any case, medical consultation is necessary; the breaking of water cannot be ignored. Thus, when the placenta wall becomes thinner, the child becomes extremely vulnerable to various infections.

Discharge with blood requires the woman to promptly call a medical team. Most often, this indicates abruption of the placenta, which has a normal location. Sometimes blood in the discharge is a sign of placenta previa. However, by this time, presentation is excluded from the list of pathologies, since the woman has undergone many examinations.

What happens to the woman and the fetus at the end of term?

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the uterus drops, so it stops putting pressure on the internal organs. Then the woman feels relieved.

But nausea is replaced by other unpleasant symptoms. The uterus has stopped putting pressure on the upper organs, and now its influence has transferred to the urinary and pelvic areas. This leads to frequent urge to go to the toilet and severe pain in the lower abdomen.

The cervix must change size all the time, sometimes becoming wider, sometimes narrower, so that the baby’s head can attach to it. As a result, drops of blood appear along with mucous secretions.

The fetus gradually slides down, as if preparing to emerge, so the woman’s breathing quickens, food digestion accelerates, which leads to diarrhea. Toxicosis at the 39th week of pregnancy either appears or worsens if it occurred earlier. Colostrum begins to form in the mother's body, which serves as food for the baby during the first feeding period, and then milk appears.

The placenta ages quickly because it is no longer needed. Amniotic fluid, which serves to protect the baby from damage, begins to decrease, but to a certain amount, which is quite enough at this time to perform the main function.

What happens in the 39th week of pregnancy to a woman’s body is aimed at preparing for future childbirth.

What you need to know about starting breastfeeding

For some mothers, breastfeeding a baby seems natural and necessary, for others it is unpleasant, and for others it doesn’t even occur to them to think about it before the baby is born.
The intention to breastfeed your baby arises gradually and, if you work on it purposefully, becomes strong by the time of birth. Your body obeys the demands of the brain and launches a program for uninterrupted milk production. How to create an intention? And how to make it gain strength? Focus on the positive aspects of breastfeeding:

  • your milk is the most physiological for the Baby, so you will avoid many problems with stool, diathesis, regurgitation, vomiting, colic, heartbreaking crying, spending on medications, etc., which arise with artificial or mixed feeding;
  • Breastfeeding burns up to 500 (!) kilocalories every day. Those who care about their figure will appreciate it;
  • When breastfeeding, your baby’s immunity is stronger, and the risk of being exposed to a viral attack is much lower. This means that breast milk is a reliable protection for the Baby’s health;
  • This frees up a colossal amount of time that non-breastfeeding mothers spend on washing bottles and nipples (as well as selecting and purchasing them), sterilization, and preparing food that the Baby may not even like! Whereas he got used to your breast milk from the first weeks of his life before birth - however, the role of milk was played by amniotic fluid;
  • It’s better to spend money on meat and fruit for you and Baby than on artificial formula - isn’t it?
  • Your baby’s weight gain will be a special source of your pride: the pediatrician will not blame you for not feeding your son or daughter, nor for overfeeding him/her;
  • In the process of breastfeeding, the Baby develops trust in the world - the basis for the successful development of his psyche and social success in general. In addition, during the process of breastfeeding, the Baby experiences a strong attachment to you, which will soon turn into a feeling of love for life;
  • Breastfeeding forms the correct bite naturally;
  • Mom's milk is always there, whether you and your Baby are visiting grandma, in a clinic, on a country trip, on a walk or in a shopping and entertainment center. Moreover, breast milk does not need to be heated or cooled. Also, you don’t have to worry that the stored quantity may not be enough for your Baby. Breastfeeding gives you and your baby independence from place and time.

The baby expects that his first food will be exclusively mother’s milk, and then he will be able to please you with a smile and a good mood, be healthy, sleep soundly and develop quickly.

Child development

The fetus at the 39th week of pregnancy reaches the following dimensions: height is not less than 50 cm, and weight is about 3 kilograms. Although each child is individual, so the parameters may vary. The biparietal size of the head is 90 mm, the chest diameter is about 99 mm. All values ​​are conditional, average. With this size, the baby is fully formed and ready to be born. At this stage, the fetus is head down and the knees are pulled up to the chin. This situation is due to the fact that he becomes cramped and constantly has to toss and turn. During this period, it takes a lot of time for the child to sleep, because he needs a lot of strength to get out.

The skin is already very clean. Fingernails and toenails grow. Hair may begin to appear. The internal organs are all developed and ready for full functioning from the outside. Drooling will not be released immediately, but only after a month. The baby can see at a distance of no more than 30 cm, but the picture is colored, and the eyes react to movement. The child is fully formed and can independently conduct the vital functions of his body.

What women experience at 39 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, a woman is most often in agonizing anticipation of the baby being born. After all, the birth process can begin at any moment. It is important to maintain peace of mind and calm: the bags for the maternity hospital are packed, there are no health problems. However, slight nervousness is usually present in every woman. To remove it, you must talk to the child and listen to his movements. After all, the baby will have to go through an equally difficult path.

It will not be possible to miss the onset of labor, since the first contractions are always expressed in the appearance of spasms in the lower abdomen. They will repeat every 10-15 minutes, and then even more often. It is possible that water may break and bloody discharge may appear. Some women experience increased appetite at the beginning of labor. Therefore, you need to take care of a light snack in advance.

It is worth paying attention to your blood pressure. Normally, it should be no higher than 140 by 90 and no lower than 90 by 60.

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