Why do you feel sick in the morning after drinking alcohol and how to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon

Causes of nausea after alcohol

Unpleasant symptoms after drinking alcohol are a natural reaction of the body to poisoning by ethanol breakdown products. Alcohol, in fact, is a toxic substance for the human digestive tract, is difficult to eliminate, and provokes negative reactions.

When drinking strong drinks, ethyl alcohol enters the digestive tract. The liver produces special enzymes that break it down into acetic acid for convenient removal from tissues. With large volumes, the body cannot cope with the toxin, and severe poisoning develops.

The main causes of severe nausea after alcohol:

  • Spasm of blood vessels during dehydration, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain and digestive tract.
  • Blockage of veins and capillaries by blood clots due to blood thickening, changes in the level of red cells.
  • Death of brain neurons, which destabilizes the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Acetaldehyde irritates the stomach walls.

After drinking alcohol, a person’s increases and fluid comes out abundantly. The composition of the blood changes, swelling occurs in the subcortical layer. They put pressure on the center of the brain that regulates the functioning of the digestive tract, causing aching sensations and gagging.


  1. When do symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear?
  2. Signs for which vomiting after alcohol should be treated
  3. Vomiting after alcohol - what to do
  4. What not to do when providing first aid to a person with alcohol poisoning
  5. Treatment of intoxication in a narcological hospital
  6. If you managed to survive alcohol poisoning without medical help
  7. Why is it still worth contacting a narcologist?

All alcohol-containing drinks, even at low degrees, have a toxic effect on the body.
Therefore, if you use them in high doses, you may experience severe intoxication - vomiting alcohol, blood. Anyone who drinks alcohol runs the risk of poisoning. The fact is that the use of high doses does not always lead to such a sad consequence. The provoking factor is often the quality of the purchased drink. So, if you start experimenting with alcohol substitutes, you definitely shouldn’t hope for good health in the near future.

The average dose that can cause vomiting of blood after alcohol is 150 grams. For some people it turns out to be higher, for others - lower. Therefore, you should not overdo it with ethanol. The consequences of taking it are very dangerous.

Factors that increase nausea

Unpleasant urges can occur not only after a heavy libation . Sometimes stomach discomfort appears after two glasses of beer or champagne. There is an individual susceptibility of the components of an alcoholic drink, a reaction to ethanol. The problem is exacerbated by various factors:

  • consumption on an empty stomach;
  • significant dose overdose;
  • inability to eat properly;
  • side effects of medications taken on an ongoing basis for chronic diseases.

Normally, a healthy person should not experience discomfort . If there are repeated attacks of vomiting after the minimum permissible dose, you should consult a gastroenterologist. This symptom often indicates the hidden development of diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, stomach ulcers.

If you often feel sick after several glasses of alcohol, you need to check why the pancreas . With dysfunction, alcohol in minimal quantities provokes exacerbation of pancreatitis and inflammation. The flow of bile and the process of digesting food are disrupted, causing pain and discomfort.

Risk factors include components in alcoholic beverages. gastric mucosa . Therefore, low-alcohol cocktails and low-quality beer can cause urges.

If you managed to survive alcohol poisoning without medical help

If a person has not consulted a narcologist and his health has gradually returned to normal, this does not mean that he is completely healthy. To help the body cleanse itself of ethanol metabolites and start working at full strength, you should drink as much water, fruit drinks, and herbal teas as possible. This will help you avoid dehydration.

You also need to take absorbents for two to three days. They will ensure the removal of toxic compounds. A prerequisite for a quick recovery is a balanced diet and leisurely walks in the fresh air.

With this approach to the disease, the symptoms of intoxication will disappear without a trace in a few days.

Degrees of intoxication during a hangover

Vomiting is a natural reaction of the body to toxins the blood. With the help of urges, he begins to get rid of poisons so that as little toxic substances as possible enter the intestines. But the severity of symptoms depends on the stage of alcohol intoxication:

  • Easy . A person feels sick without gagging. The person feels slightly dizzy, appetite disappears, and falls asleep. As a rule, after a few hours the work of internal organs and systems is restored without consequences. Within 1-2 days the condition returns to normal.
  • Average . Vomiting is caused by swelling and disruption of the vestibular apparatus. Discomfort is increased by food odors, sudden movements, and dizziness complicates. Diarrhea and discharge mixed with bile often occur.
  • Heavy . In case of poisoning, nausea develops into repeated vomiting. In humans, digestion and bile flow are disrupted, and the mucous membranes of the small intestine become inflamed. In a semi-conscious state, the risk of vomit being thrown into the respiratory tract increases.

In severe cases of intoxication, liver . It stops breaking down ethanol, so the level of toxins reaches a critical maximum.

Types of nausea and possible complications

Aching sensations in the stomach occur as a defensive reaction to drinking alcohol. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the quantity and quality of drinks consumed, the problem may occur with complications:

  • If vomiting appears the morning after the holiday, food remains are present in the masses, we are talking about alcohol intoxication. The body retains some of the undigested food with alcohol in the stomach, protecting the intestines from toxins. This is a healthy reaction and should not cause alarm.
  • An allergic reaction to the components of the drink causes swelling of the face and neck, redness of the skin, rashes, burning and itching. In a severe situation, anaphylactic shock develops.
  • The appearance of blood impurities indicates damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and esophagus. In case of complications, a doctor’s consultation and additional examination are required.
  • The yellow spots are produced by bile, which is thrown into the stomach. A disruption of the pancreas is indicated by spasm in the hypochondrium, diarrhea, weakness and headache.

The most dangerous symptom is vomiting , which is accompanied by stool disturbances. If blood remains in the stool, the symptom indicates an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, internal bleeding, or rupture of a varicose vessel.

Internal bleeding

In the absence of proper treatment, Mallory-Weiss syndrome may develop internal bleeding. This is a direct threat to the patient's life. In parallel with vomiting, the patient experiences fever, chills, and weakness. He may lose consciousness. If at such a moment he is alone in the apartment, there is a high probability of death, since there will be no one to call an ambulance.

If there is even the slightest suspicion of a ruptured venous network or internal bleeding, do not hesitate: the patient needs urgent professional medical care.

Black vomit after drinking also indicates the possible presence of foci for internal bleeding. After the hangover has passed, the patient is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages and must undergo a full examination of the body.

First aid for vomiting after drinking alcohol

from doctors help alleviate the condition of alcohol intoxication :

  • Be sure to empty your stomach by inducing vomiting. To do this, you need to drink a liter of pure water without gas or additives. After the urge, the procedure must be repeated until the remaining food remains are completely removed.
  • Take absorbent medications that absorb toxins. They speed up the cleansing of the body and stimulate the rapid restoration of the digestive system after alcohol.
  • Drink in small sips every 15-20 minutes. It is better to use pure or mineral water, special solutions based on sodium chloride, add lemon juice. They eliminate the lack of microelements and normalize water metabolism in tissues.

If you experience nausea after attending a festive event, doctors do not recommend suppressing the urge. After your condition improves, you can rest and try to fall asleep. Eating should be postponed for several hours.

Medicines to relieve nausea during hangovers

Unpleasant sensations after drinking alcohol are associated with an increased content of toxins . To eliminate the irritant, it is necessary to detoxify and accelerate their elimination with the help of drugs:

  • Sorbents. The drugs cleanse tissues of dangerous compounds and improve overall well-being. The most common and recommended are Polysorb, Enterosgel, White Coal.
  • Oral rehydration solutions. Eliminate dehydration, improve blood composition. High-quality and simple preparations - Normohydron, Hydrovit, Orsol.
  • Diuretics. Excess fluid is removed, causing swelling and pressure on the vestibular apparatus. You can take Veroshpiron, Furosemide or Torasemide.

If a person continues to feel sick the next day, anti-vomiting medications should be used. Tropisetron, Cerucal, Rodavan tablets block the work of the center of the brain responsible for unpleasant sensations. The drug Metocloperamide , which can be taken up to 3 times a day with water.

Some patients can help overcome hangover symptoms with a herbal-based sedative . When you have the urge, you can put a Validol tablet under your tongue: it contains peppermint oil and soothes irritated nerve receptors. The product should not be washed down.

Nausea is the main symptom of alcohol poisoning that you need to pay attention . If an unpleasant feeling occurs during an event, you should not aggravate the situation with another portion of alcohol. It is better to cleanse your stomach and stop drinking alcohol.

You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms and signs of a serious complication appear:

  • breathing becomes rare and shallow;
  • heart rate decreases;
  • the skin turns pale, the nasolabial triangle stands out;
  • the patient loses consciousness;
  • convulsions occur periodically.

If you experience severe vomiting, you should not self-medicate . In case of repeated urge, complicated by copious secretion of bile, blood or mucus, it is necessary to call an ambulance, or use an anonymous one. If the problem continues for more than one day, a visit to the doctor becomes mandatory.

Treatment of alcoholism: traditional methods or coding?

It is worth noting that any proposals to treat alcoholism with traditional methods or “super-effective new drugs” are lies. If such therapy existed, there would not be hundreds of thousands of families whose lives are heavily burdened by the problem of this psychiatric illness. It is not for nothing that only two specialists deal with alcoholism treatment: a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

Coding can help - but only on the condition that the patient himself understands the complexity of his situation and wants to achieve remission.

Traditional recipes to reduce nausea during a hangover

In the absence of complications, severe pain in the hypochondrium, you can use simple recipes. Many folk remedies reduce discomfort during mild and moderate stages of a hangover and quickly restore a person’s vigor .

At home you can use:

  • Brine from pickled or pickled vegetables. It contains natural salts that restore the body in case of dehydration and can help with poisoning.
  • Apply a few drops of mint oil and do a light massage. You can inhale it for 2 minutes whenever you gag or the condition worsens.
  • For nausea, it is recommended to drink warm rosehip . It prevents the blood from spreading toxins through the tissues, removes ethanol, and maintains vascular tone.
  • Relieves discomfort with sour berry juice, bread kvass, fresh smoothies made from cucumber, dill, some fermented milk drinks (airan, whey).

If you feel nauseous after drinking alcohol, you should immediately empty your stomach. This is an important condition for maintaining the body, which prevents the development of intoxication and serious consequences. It is better to limit your diet for a while to relieve additional stress on the pancreas and intestines.

Preventive measures

To avoid having to deal with attacks of bile vomiting, it is better to prevent them. The surest way is to give up alcohol. At least for a while, so that the body returns to normal. It is important to find a middle ground. This will be the optimal dose of alcohol that does not cause serious harm to health. This will require willpower. With the first signs of intoxication, a person continues to drink. This happens unconsciously, he just can’t stop . This no longer adds fun and euphoria, but only leads to serious problems.

To prevent vomiting of bile after alcohol from making itself felt, you can drink regular activated carbon . The dose is calculated based on the person's weight. Usually take no more than 1 tablet for every 10 kg. You will need more white coal - from 2 to 3 tablets.

You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. There must be light food on the table. It will slow down the process of intoxication. Fatty and fried foods will only increase the load on the liver.

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