Why do you feel sick in the morning after drinking alcohol and how to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon?

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  • Why does he vomit bile?
  • Vomit color
  • How can I help the patient?
  • The effectiveness of traditional methods
  • Medicines that help
  • How to bring a person back to normal?

Drinking alcohol always puts a lot of stress on the digestive system. It is not surprising that many drinkers have encountered such a manifestation as vomiting bile after drinking alcohol. The stomach reacts to toxins that come with alcohol and seeks to get rid of them, thus vomiting is stimulated. If a person only vomits from leftover food or liquid, there is nothing wrong with that. But vomiting blood or bile is a more serious symptom . If there is one or another amount of bile in the vomit, we are talking about intoxication. This is not a normal reaction to drinking alcohol. Especially if a person complains: I vomit bile repeatedly after drinking alcohol.

Why do I vomit bile after drinking alcohol?

In order to understand why you vomit bile after drinking alcohol, you need to understand how the digestive system works and how alcohol affects it. Alcohol supplies the body with toxins that cause poisoning. The body is forced to look for ways to get rid of them. it is not always possible to process them quickly , despite the fact that when drinking, the human body always begins to work in emergency mode. Especially if we were talking about a long period of drinking alcohol.

If you vomit bile once after drinking alcohol, you don’t need to think about what to do. Vomiting once is a sign that the body is overloaded with toxins; treatment is not required. However, if the reaction is multiple, occurs several times, the person needs help. After all, this means that the functioning of the gallbladder or bile ducts is very impaired .

Normally, enzymes are sent towards the intestines. However, drinking alcohol stimulates bile to enter directly into the stomach, where it joins with all other contents. If alcohol poisoning is not very severe, the bile that enters the stomach is removed by vomiting once. After this, the patient's condition improves. However, if the patient drank a lot and for a long time, the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol in the blood will constantly disrupt the digestive processes. Bile will flow into the stomach again and again, causing vomiting and cramping.

At the same time, a patient who is intoxicated may not have a complete idea of ​​what is happening to him. It often happens that relatives and random witnesses to what is happening call an ambulance. And in any case, calling the doctors turns out to be the right reaction. Especially if the vomiting does not stop. It happens that bile flows even after a person sobers up. And here we really need qualified medical care .

Signs of alcohol poisoning

There are two main variants of manifestation - either in an acute form, immediately, as soon as an overdose of alcohol has occurred in the body, or already in the morning - what is called a “hangover”. In the first case, the cause is the effect of ethanol on the stomach or brain, and in the second, acetaldehydes remaining after the decomposition of alcohol will act.

In both cases, poisoning cannot be ignored - it requires treatment. If severe intoxication occurs, this leads to weakened reflexes, loss of skin sensitivity and a person’s perception of reality. Further, respiratory arrest, heart rate, and even coma are possible.

Moderate intoxication makes itself felt by such effects as:

  • dizziness;
  • headache due to vasodilation;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • nausea and vomiting.

If these symptoms are present, it is imperative to begin treatment as quickly as possible, otherwise the patient’s condition may worsen.

Vomiting bile after alcohol - green vomit

Alcohol poisoning has its own specific symptoms, and doctors can easily recognize them. The list of these includes green vomit. The reasons for this color are as follows:

  • Bile entering the stomach;
  • Excess bilirubin in the blood - the pigment gives a bilious color.

If a person is poisoned by alcohol, both reactions occur. So green vomit is a typical sign of this condition, well known to doctors. This is often the first symptom of alcohol poisoning. However, this fact should not be reassuring. On the contrary, a person should wonder why he is vomiting bile after drinking alcohol, and immediately consult a doctor by calling him at home, or going to the hospital on his own. If a person already has any gastrointestinal diseases, it is worth remembering the increased risks . Withdrawal syndrome with bilious vomiting can cause serious complications and require long-term treatment. Therefore, it is better not to let the situation take its course, and contact doctors in a timely manner, at the first symptoms.

What not to do in case of alcohol poisoning and vomiting

  • Do not give the tablets without consulting your doctor. Drugs in combination with alcohol in the body can produce a variety of unpleasant effects.
  • In no case should you follow the well-known tradition, according to which, in order to alleviate the condition after a feast, you need to “get hung over”, that is, drink alcohol again.
  • Don't force yourself to stand up abruptly.
  • Do not send the patient under a cold shower - the temperature already drops due to alcohol, so it will be useful, on the contrary, to give him a heating pad or warm water.
  • Do not proceed with gastric lavage if the person is unconscious.
  • Do not leave the poisoned person alone, do not persuade him to sleep. Remember that your condition can get much worse during sleep.

How can I help the patient?

There are certain first aid measures necessary for a patient with intoxication. Before the doctor arrives or contacts him, you can do a gastric lavage. However, it is worth keeping in mind that this is not always possible. So, if you suspect a heart attack, hypertension or ulcers, this should not be done.

But even if you can’t wash your stomach, there are certain ways to help a person. You need to drink 2 liters or more of plain water without additional components. There is no need to add salt or anything else, just plain water at a comfortable temperature is enough. After all, it will quickly deal with toxins and help remove them from the body . After this, the person’s condition should improve.

Next, it is important to restore the water balance. With vomiting, as with diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid, which must be restored. After gastric lavage is carried out, it is important to drink more. It is better to drink a glass of water every 15 minutes. Regular or mineral water is suitable, always without gas. Drink slowly, not in one gulp. By the way, this helps calm the body if bile vomits after alcohol regularly in the morning.

What foods will help cope with nausea?

During an acute hangover, it is better not to eat anything at all. The body needs rest and more fluid.

If an empty stomach requires food, but the nausea has not completely gone away, use only light foods:

  1. Yogurt. It is rich in vitamin B, which helps relieve hangovers . You need to choose a product rich in probiotics, which will help restore the microflora.
  2. Ginger. If condition permits, it can be eaten raw. Otherwise, just adding it to your tea is enough. It effectively fights nausea .
  3. Citruses. They contain a lot of citric acid. It speeds up metabolism and elimination of toxins. Sour fruits will help cope with nausea. They can be consumed only if the condition of the stomach allows. Another option is to squeeze a little lemon juice (tsp) and combine it with the same amount of honey. This mixture should be eaten slowly, dissolving it.
  4. Cranberry juice. It's best to make it yourself, without artificial sweeteners or dye. It is very nutritious and healthy.
  5. Bananas. They saturate the body well and are a source of potassium.

What should a patient do in such a situation?

If vomiting bile occurs, you should refuse to work that day. You need to rinse your stomach and then go to bed. You need to lie on your side, it’s better to get some sleep. Any physical activity, especially sudden or intense, can cause deterioration in well-being . Chronic digestive diseases may remind you of themselves. Also, don't eat.

You can eat after a while, when you feel better. In this case, you should choose chicken broth with breadcrumbs, or oatmeal with water. Fatty foods are completely excluded. If the meal goes well, after a few hours you can try a light soup or other dietary dish.

Why does nausea occur after drinking a small amount?

For most people, symptoms of an alcohol hangover occur 5-8 hours after the last drink. But in some cases, severe discomfort and nausea occur immediately after 1 glass of wine. What's the matter?

alcohol intolerance comes into play . It is usually congenital in nature and can be judged by the following symptoms:

  1. Severe nausea after 2-3 glasses of wine or similar.
  2. Intestinal upset after alcohol.
  3. Red spots on the face and body after consumption.
  4. Swelling of the arms and legs.
  5. Tearfulness and runny nose.
  6. Bloating and other unpleasant symptoms of intestinal distress.

The presented signs indicate alcohol intolerance. Such people fundamentally cannot drink even an average dose; they feel ill after 50-100 grams of alcoholic beverage. This condition cannot be treated, but if symptoms of allergy or intoxication develop after drinking alcohol, you must:

  • take antihistamines;
  • rinse the stomach;
  • to drink a lot of water;
  • take sorbents.

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

Traditional recipes are suitable only for situations that do not indicate serious violations. So, if bile comes out with food debris when vomiting, you can try traditional options. However, if only green slurry comes out, you need to urgently call a doctor . Self-medication is excluded here.

Among the home remedies worth noting:

  1. Mint tea - add a couple of fresh or 2 grams of dried leaves of the plant to a glass of hot water. It can be any mint - peppermint or lemon balm. Infuse the tea for about 5-7 minutes, then drink in small portions, washing down the tea with plain water.
  2. Ginger decoction , also 2 grams of the plant per glass of hot water. Leave for about 15 minutes, preferably in a thermos, or wrapping the container in a towel. Drink on an empty stomach, in the amount of 1 glass.
  3. Lemonade that you can drink as much as you like. To create it, you need 1 lemon per half liter of water. The water needs to be warm; there is no need to heat it to a boil. Drink half a glass of lemonade, or in smaller portions. You can drink every 15 minutes.

It is worth keeping in mind that there is no need to add sugar to such drinks. It is better to exclude any additives altogether so as not to increase bile secretion. After all, you just need to give the body fluid.

Infusion therapy

A drip is a simple and affordable way to treat alcohol intoxication. With its help you can:

  • eliminate signs of dehydration;
  • normalize water-salt balance;
  • improve the functioning of internal organs.

If the poisoning is severe, a drip is given two to three times a day. For mild forms of intoxication, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a day.

Medicines that help

You can find hangover remedies at any pharmacy. Among their abundance there are those that save you from vomiting and nausea. It is worth paying attention to absorbents that help cope with toxins and quickly remove them from the body. These are Polysorb and activated carbon. You can pay attention to Linex and other means of the same series. Cerucal also helps with vomiting. You can also consider complex drugs for hangover syndrome - Alka-Seltzer and others. Medicines of any type are taken with a glass of water, washed down with plenty of water. If they do not bring relief after 20 minutes, the procedure is repeated, taking a new dose of the drug.

If there is still no improvement, they call an ambulance. You can also go to a drug clinic. A person needs a drip, vitamins and medications administered intravenously. The procedure can be performed at home or in a clinic, depending on the situation.

Why should you call a doctor at the first symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

A hangover often masks the manifestation of aggravated chronic diseases. The insidiousness of the situation is that against the background of a hangover, a person cannot notice and diagnose these manifestations.

So, what can ethanol poisoning lead to?

  1. Stroke!
    This disease causes disability in 80% of the adult population. Part of the brain tissue is destroyed during a stroke. The first attack of stroke is called ischemic, and it occurs in 2/3 of cases. It has a synonym - cerebral infarction. The second option is called a hemorrhagic stroke, which means bleeding in the brain. This fate can befall a non-drinker, but against the background of a hangover, this happens three times more often. The success of treatment largely depends on how quickly help was provided for alcohol poisoning. Symptoms of a stroke can be confused with a normal hangover. The man hardly moves, his tongue does not move, his head hurts badly. If help is not provided in time, the person will simply die.
  2. Pneumonia!
    The first signs of an exacerbation of the disease can easily be confused with a typical chill during a hangover. Redness of the skin, swelling of the face, shortness of breath, nausea, and rapid heartbeat are also observed. When drinking alcohol, people tend to overestimate their capabilities and often go out into the cold undressed. There are often situations when people visit bathhouses, drink, and then jump into snowdrifts. Severe hypothermia leads to the development of pneumonia.

Alcohol poisoning can cause:

  1. Acute urinary retention.
  2. Alcohol delirium, hallucinations.
  3. Liver and kidney failure.
  4. Stomach colic.
  5. Pancreatic necrosis and acute pankeratitis.

When drinking alcohol or overdosing, the following may occur:

  1. Stomach bleeding, strokes, especially if you take aspirin as a pain reliever along with alcohol.
  2. Spasms of the bronchopulmonary system.
  3. Colic and cardiac arrhythmias.
  4. Quincke's edema and pulmonary edema.
  5. Heart attack, stroke.

Remember that first aid for poisoning with alcohol substitutes is immediate

calling a narcologist
to your home, because in addition to ethanol, surrogates may contain other dangerous impurities that act as poison on the body.

How to bring a person back to normal?

Having found out why vomiting with bile occurs, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that its digestion is normalized and all processes return to normal. To do this, there is a certain list of recommendations that are definitely worth following.

So, it is important to stick to your diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty, salty, spicy foods . Smoked and fried foods are also limited. It is best to eat vegetables, boiled or baked. Lean fish and chicken are also suitable. Fruits and berries are useful. You can eat porridge, eat cereals.

It is worth paying attention to physical activity. There is no need to sit too long, it is better to moderately load the body. Practice shows that physical exercise without overload helps you recover faster. It would also be good to eliminate bad habits and erase them from your life. After all, this way you can avoid repeating this unpleasant story and maintain your health.

Vomiting after drinking alcohol is a very common symptom. But if there is bile, which turns the vomit green, you need to pay attention to the person’s condition. If you feel worse, you should call a doctor and perform gastric lavage . In some cases, a person may require hospitalization, and this should not be refused. After all, the question may even be about saving a life.

When is hospitalization required?

Before we tell you how to stop vomiting after a binge, we list the situations in which hospitalization is indicated. Among them:

  • the symptom persists for longer than a day;
  • impurities of scarlet blood are visualized in the vomit, which is typical for a rupture of the mucous membrane, a tumor neoplasm in the stomach, or a perforated ulcer;
  • discharged masses have a green tint, indicating acute pancreatitis or failure of bile outflow;
  • severe acute pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • gagging occurs suddenly and does not subside even after the stomach is completely cleansed;
  • Strong headache;
  • vomit acquires a black color, which is observed with a bleeding ulcer when blood is mixed with gastric juice.

It is important to understand that while intoxicated, a person does not notice many dangerous symptoms. As long as the feeling of euphoria persists, he may not feel pain. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the addict if he vomits frequently. If you suspect something is wrong, call a drug treatment ambulance immediately.

If a person is very drunk, he should not be allowed to lie on his back. He should sleep on his stomach or sit on a chair. Otherwise, the risk of choking on vomit will increase.

Diet and food restrictions

If a person feels nauseous the next morning after drinking alcohol, this is not a reason not to eat at all. Lack of nutrition and an empty stomach can cause inflammation of the stomach wall. Gastritis will only lead to increased nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

A person suffering from nausea caused by alcohol poisoning can be given a small amount of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice . The best are oranges, apples and tomatoes. Glucose, which is found in their composition, helps neutralize the breakdown products of alcohol.

Fermented milk products such as fermented baked milk or kefir normalize the condition

Warm, weak and low-fat chicken broth improves your well-being. You can salt it a little.

Warm sweet tea or coffee helps a lot. It is important that the drinks are not strong. Good to drink:

  • currant,
  • cranberry
  • or lingonberry juice .

Rehabilitation period

After therapeutic measures, the condition improves within a few days. In the future, the patient is contraindicated from drinking alcoholic beverages. If you continue to drink alcohol, the condition will worsen and emergency measures will be required.

A special diet plays an important role in recovery. It is aimed at reducing the load and accelerating the recovery of the gastric mucosa.

Doctors recommend giving up fried, spicy and salty, smoked and canned foods for several weeks. A low-smoking diet is recommended for any stomach disease. It allows you to relieve the digestive system and avoid deterioration in health . In the acute period, it is better to completely refuse food and drink a lot of clean water without gas. After a day, a small amount of broth or slimy porridge is allowed.

Gradually, the frequency of meals can be increased. At the beginning of treatment, you cannot eat anything other than liquid and warm food, which has a gentle effect on the digestive system.

The patient's diet should consist of mucous soups, porridges with water, and jelly. Over time, it can be varied with soft-boiled eggs and meat soufflé. The diet must be prescribed by the attending physician. At the same time, it takes into account the state of the body. In addition to proper nutrition, vitamin and mineral complexes may be recommended to speed up recovery.

Why is it still worth contacting a narcologist?

Most people who experience intoxication with alcohol-containing drinks try to cope with the problem on their own. The reason for this is simple: shame. After all, it is believed that only alcoholics go to drug treatment clinics. This attitude towards the emerging symptom complex is fundamentally incorrect.

Severe ethanol poisoning often leads to:

  • paralysis;

  • blindness, damage to the optic nerve;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • violation of diction;
  • psychoses;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • respiratory arrest;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • acute renal/liver failure;
  • encephalopathy;
  • alcoholic coma;
  • of death.

There is nothing shameful in visiting a narcologist. It is stupid to become disabled or die due to far-fetched reasons.

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