What to do if you feel sick: 12 ways to escape from unpleasant sensations

Nausea is a painful sensation of discomfort in the upper abdomen, esophagus and mouth; anticipation of vomiting. When describing such symptoms, patients say “I feel sick.” Sometimes the symptoms of nausea are less pronounced, in such cases they say “nauseous.” Nausea is often accompanied by weakness, sweating, and increased salivation. A person experiencing nausea may experience a decrease in blood pressure, become pale, and feel cold in the extremities.

Nausea - why? Possible causes of nausea

Diseases in which nausea is observed may relate to pathologies of the digestive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Most often, nausea is a symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - both chronic (for example, gastritis, peptic ulcer, duodenitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.) and acute (peritonitis, appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis and etc.) requiring immediate medical intervention.

Nausea can also be caused by reasons such as:

  • pregnancy (morning sickness is often observed during the first trimester. It is caused by hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother);
  • side effects of medications;
  • toxic substances (poisoning);
  • psychogenic causes (anxiety, severe fear, hysteria);
  • overheating (hyperthermia), sunstroke.

Diagnostic methods

At the Clinical Institute of the Brain you can undergo a full diagnosis, which will include examinations of any level. The first stage is a consultation with a therapist to identify complaints and prescribe further procedures. Next, an individual diagnostic scheme is selected, which may include the following methods:

  • blood tests (general and biochemical) to determine inflammatory processes in the body, disruption of the functioning of individual organs and systems, measurement of hemoglobin levels;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs, including the heart;
  • electrocardiography – diagnosis of heart rhythm, one of the main ways to determine heart defects;
  • MRI, CT scan of the brain - is prescribed for suspected neoplasms, the presence of areas of ischemia and other pathologies.

It is important to understand that competent and timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. The use of modern equipment, which is located at the Clinical Institute of the Brain, greatly simplifies the task and allows you to quickly make the correct diagnosis.

Nausea and frequent headaches

Nausea is often complained of simultaneously with recurring headaches. Such symptoms may indicate diseases of the nervous system. This could be: migraine, traumatic brain injury, meningitis, borreliosis. Also, nausea and headaches can be combined with diabetes and arterial hypertension.

Treatment methods

The treatment regimen is selected individually. Most patients are prescribed a course of medications to take at home. It is recommended to undergo repeated examinations periodically to monitor the dynamics of the disease. The course may include the following stages:

  • drugs to increase or decrease blood pressure;
  • a special diet for atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases, which excludes fatty foods, fried foods, salt and spices in large quantities;
  • migraine pain relievers;
  • antibiotics – prescribed for inflammation of the inner ear, for the treatment and prevention of purulent complications;
  • A course of vitamins and microelements is selected based on the results of a blood test.

The Clinical Brain Institute offers an individual approach to each patient. Here you can undergo comprehensive diagnostics, receive recommendations from specialists with many years of experience, and also stay for treatment in a hospital setting.

Nausea at night

Another common complaint is nausea at night . A sleeping person remains in the same position for a long time; the normal functioning of the body's systems is weakened. This leads to the fact that the feeling of discomfort accumulates, and, in the presence of pathological reasons, when you wake up, you can feel a strong attack of nausea.

Such attacks of nausea (in the morning or at night) can occur during pregnancy and be a consequence of toxicosis. Another cause may be hypothyroidism, a disease of the thyroid gland. Cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia) can also cause nausea in the morning or at night. A common cause is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (primarily gastritis and cholecystitis). In this case, nausea is usually accompanied by heartburn, pain and burning in the abdomen.

Causes of the pathogenic condition

Symptoms that are not due to disease.

If you suddenly feel dizzy and nauseous, do not be afraid. Usually the reasons for this condition are:

  • a person spun on a carousel, swung on a swing, or was at a height for a long time;
  • a person eats poorly, goes hungry and is on the wrong diet;
  • thoughts are confused;
  • stress and nervous environment;
  • long stay in an unventilated and stuffy office;
  • magnetic storms;
  • taking medications and vitamins without consulting a doctor;
  • got sick in the car;
  • seasickness.

Causes of the pathogenic condition in girls.

Women have an unstable emotional and hormonal state, unlike men. They often go on diets, fast, and do fasting days to lose weight and maintain body shape.

As a result of such activities, their glucose levels decrease, frequent dizziness begins, digestive ailments worsen, and hair falls out, which leads to stress and depression.

Dizziness in women is possible only if they are pregnant, have recently been under stress, premenstrual syndrome is about to begin, or it is time for menopause.

Causes of nausea and dizziness associated with illness.

Severe dizziness and nausea lead to loss of coordination and balance. These anomalies indicate diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • injuries to the head, hearing organs and spine;
  • migraine;
  • inflammation of the middle ear (labyrinthitis);
  • episyndrome;
  • Meniere's syndrome;
  • disruption of the circulatory system of the brain;
  • brain tumors;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • spinal cord diseases;
  • infections and meningitis;
  • perilymphatic fistula;
  • stroke.

An ambulance should be called if the patient, in addition to nausea and dizziness, experiences:

  • fainting;
  • vomit;
  • elevated temperature;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • tingling hands;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • ears began to hear poorly;
  • dizzy after lying down for more than an hour;
  • grainy image;
  • pallor.

Pathogenic condition due to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Staggering while walking, objects that “float”, nausea, anxiety, confusion of thoughts, a feeling of extreme hunger and lack of oxygen in the brain (the head is pressed from all sides) and dizziness are indicators of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

When you suddenly and abruptly change your body position, you begin to feel dizzy for a short period of time, and your health worsens due to the fact that the vessels do not have time to deliver a sufficient volume of blood to the brain.

Causes of pathogenic conditions that occur in the dark

. Systems such as the visual, vestibular, proprioceptive, and cerebral systems collectively regulate our balance. But if at least one of them has a disruption in the functioning of the organ, then dizziness will begin at night.

Causes of the pathogenic condition in a patient with diabetes mellitus.

During attacks, a patient with diabetes experiences chills, dizziness and nausea. This can lead to fainting or even coma. To avoid such symptoms, you need to get tested in advance, take the right amount of insulin or take medications, follow your diet and measure your sugar more often.

What to do if you feel dizzy and feel nauseous

Independent actions in case of dizziness and nausea:

  • do not make quick movements, restore breathing;
  • look at one specific object;
  • drink cold water with a small piece of sugar;
  • in case of strong emotional stress, drink a sedative or tea with oregano or chamomile;
  • when your blood pressure drops, drink strong brewed black tea with chocolate (important: green tea, on the contrary, lowers blood pressure);
  • if you have hypoglycemia (diabetics), eat candy with a lemon or mint flavor, or a piece of sugar, wash it down with warm tea;
  • go outside or ventilate the room;
  • if you start to feel very sick and everything around you is spinning, then you need to bend over and let your head go between your knees.

If the advice does not help, immediately call 003.

Dizziness during pregnancy

False dizziness (a feeling of weakness, instability, near fainting) is very often observed during pregnancy. Attacks of dizziness in such cases are usually associated with hypotension, as well as a decrease in blood glucose concentration. We bring to your attention the following recipe, which is an effective method of treating dizziness during pregnancy:

In a mug of warm, boiled water, you need to dissolve 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar and drink immediately after waking up or before leaving the house.

Pregnant women (especially during the first half of pregnancy) should always carry water with them, and at the first sign of dizziness, try to drink as much as possible.

Symptoms other than dizziness

As can be seen from the above, the term “dizziness” has a rather narrow medical interpretation (a false sensation of rotation of surrounding objects or one’s own rotation). But, despite this, people also use this term to refer to other symptoms that are not actually dizziness. So, most often “dizziness” is called such phenomena as:

  • darkening in the eyes after abruptly rising to your feet from a sitting or lying position;
  • a veil before the eyes;
  • feeling of imminent loss of consciousness (fainting);
  • weakness, nausea, feeling of confusion and unsteadiness in the legs;
  • feeling of unsteady gait and impaired balance.

When a person suffering from dizziness comes to see a doctor, he should describe his condition, how he is feeling and the symptoms he is experiencing as accurately as possible, and not simply say that he suffers from “vertigo.” The further examination and treatment plan will depend on the accuracy of the description of the existing symptoms.

In contrast to true dizziness, which appears due to a disruption in the functioning of a person’s balance system, false dizziness, which patients describe as a feeling of weakness, instability, darkening in the eyes, blurred vision, etc., can most often be a sign of anemia, chronic fatigue , hypovitaminosis, hypotension and vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, fainting, episodes of lipothymia (a sharp decrease in muscle tone with great physical stress) and short-term attacks of epilepsy can also be confused with dizziness.

We pay special attention to attacks of sudden dizziness and weakness in people who have diabetes. In this category of patients, dizziness and weakness may indicate a dangerous decrease in blood glucose levels.

Types and causes of occurrence

Nausea does not occur without a reason. Among the main provoking factors, overeating, nervous tension, side effects when taking certain medications, hormonal disorders, hyperthermia and diseases of the digestive system should be noted. Based on practice, many visits to a specialist regarding constant nausea are associated with the latent course of cholecystitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction and individual intolerance to certain foods, colitis, Crohn's disease, hepatitis, liver failure, biliary dyskinesia, etc. .

How does the human balance system work?

In most cases, true (central, systemic) dizziness is a manifestation of various diseases of the system that provides balance and control of body position in space. This system consists of the following 3 components:

  1. The vestibular apparatus, which is located deep in the skull, where sensitive receptors are located that respond to the angular or linear acceleration of the body in space.
  2. Eyes that provide visual information about the location of the body and its parts in space, as well as in relation to other objects.
  3. Sensitive receptors (proprioceptors) that are found in human bones, joints, muscles and ligaments. They provide reliable information about the position of body parts in space, as well as relative to each other.

All these 3 components of the balance system simultaneously send information to the brain, where it can be analyzed and processed into a person’s idea of ​​his position in space and relative to other objects.

If for any reason the data that comes from one of the sources is distorted (for example, irritation of the receptors of the vestibular apparatus by an inflammatory reaction when there is no movement and acceleration), then an incorrect idea is created in the brain about the position and movement of the human body in space . Then an illusory sensation of movement or rotation arises, when in reality the body is motionless.

The causes of a disorder in a person’s balance system can be very different. Nowadays, more than 80 diseases are known that can cause dizziness. Below we describe the most common causes of dizziness.

Nausea due to disturbances in the body's endocrine system

Ginger mint tea - a remedy for nausea

The appearance of morning sickness may be associated with a malfunction of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism.

With this disease, the amount of hormones produced decreases, which negatively affects a person’s well-being.

The following symptoms indicate the appearance of this endocrine disorder:

  1. freezing;
  2. depletion of body resources;
  3. poor appetite;
  4. memory problems and inattention.

Special medications prescribed by an endocrinologist after an examination will help restore hormonal levels.

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