Comparing Mezim and Festal - which is better and what is the difference?


Festal or Mezim are considered popular products from the category of enzyme products. They are used for the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal canal and for signs of overeating.

Festal or Mezim is used for the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal canal and for signs of overeating.

How they affect the body

This group of medications was created to compensate for the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. The active ingredient is pancreatin. This component is a powdery substance that is obtained from the pork pancreas. Pancreatin contains three main elements: amylase, lipase and protease. They are necessary for the complete processing of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

pharmachologic effect

Pancreatin is not absorbed and does not enter the blood. It comes out along with feces in a split form. Due to their composition, medications exhibit lipolytic, amylolytic, and proteolytic effects. Medicines based on pancreatin help normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

Why are enzyme preparations needed?

The human body has enzymes that are responsible for breaking down and digesting food, ensuring its breakdown in the digestive tract.

This brings:

  • Discomfort;
  • Unpleasant sensations;
  • Flatulence;
  • Heaviness in the stomach.

To restore the external secretory function of the pancreas of the digestive tract, a course of enzyme preparations is prescribed, which include Mezim and Festal.

Helps heal:

  1. Cystic fibrosis;
  2. Chronic pancreatitis;
  3. Restoration of the pancreas;
  4. Treats inflammatory and dystrophic diseases;
  5. Diseases of the digestive system.

The course of treatment is effective in case of complete or partial resection of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the digestive system ceases to function. Also, such measures are often prescribed before an ultrasound examination of the digestive system.

What is the difference between Festal and Mezim

Medicines make some difference. The second drug contains not only pancreatin, but also hemicellulose and bile components. Due to this, the medicine exhibits a choleretic effect. The hemicellulose enzyme helps improve the breakdown of plant fiber and reduce the formation of gases.

The hemicellulose enzyme in Mezim improves the breakdown of plant fiber and reduces the formation of gases.

There is another difference - the country of production. Mezim is a German-made drug. Festal is produced by an Indian and French company.

There are two varieties of Mezim. They differ in their surface shell. One of them is covered with a non-enteric film. Therefore, the tablets begin to break down at a pH below 4. Mezim Forte with a dosage of 10 thousand and 20 thousand units has an enteric coating. It does not dissolve under the influence of gastric juice, which helps protect pancreatic enzymes from early breakdown.


Taking enzyme preparations at the same time is not recommended, as this can lead to excess pancreatin and overdose.

What's better

Which medication to purchase depends on the indications and contraindications for the use of the medication. Both drugs are used with meals. But Mezim contains only pancreatin. That is, proteins and carbohydrates are broken down. If there are problems with fat dissolution, then Festal is better suited, since it contains bile components.

We recommend reading: Pancreatin or Mezim: which is better

Compare dosage form and composition

Mezim: release form - tablets

Mezim is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie, and Festal is produced by the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The dosage form of Mezim is pink tablets with a characteristic odor, consisting of a core and a shell. Festal also consists of a core and a shell, which have a different composition from each other. This drug is offered to consumers in the form of round white tablets with a subtle vanilla aroma. It is worth asking about the constituent active substances for a more objective picture. So, the composition of Mezim (in one tablet):

  1. Lipase – 3500 units (breaks down fats)
  2. Amylase – 4200 units (breaks down proteins)
  3. Protease – 250 units (breaks down carbohydrates)

These enzymes are components of Pancreatin, the active substance of Mezim. In addition to it, the composition also contains auxiliary substances:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose
  • Carboxyl methyl starch sodium salt
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide
  • Magnesium stearate

The active substance of Festal is the same Pancreatin, consisting of enzymes:

  1. Amylase – 4500 units
  2. Lipase – 6000 units
  3. Protease – 300 units

Judging by the amount of Lipase, Festal should break down fats more actively than Mezim. In addition to enzymes, the active substances of Festal include:

Indications for use

Mezim tablets are indicated for:

  • dyspeptic syndrome;
  • eating fatty and hard-to-digest foods;
  • development of flatulence;
  • functional disorders with accelerated excretion of intestinal contents;
  • disruption of food digestion.

Mezim Forte with a dosage of 10 thousand units is prescribed for:

  • chronic diseases with digestive disorders due to insufficient enzyme secretion;
  • conditions after removal of part of the small intestine or stomach;
  • functional disorders with accelerated excretion of feces.

The instructions for use for Mezim Forte 20000 indicate that the medicine is indicated for:

  • insufficient exocrine functionality;
  • chronic bowel, liver or gallbladder disease;
  • irradiation of the body;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

Festal is prescribed to patients with:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • large loss of bile acids;
  • diffuse liver damage;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastritis, duodenitis or cholecystitis.

Festal is prescribed to patients with: chronic pancreatitis, large loss of bile acids, diffuse liver damage.

Enzyme preparations are used as preparation for diagnostic or surgical procedures.

special instructions

There are no special instructions for the use of medicines.

Pregnancy and lactation

There are no contraindications to the use of medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. No dosage adjustment is required.


Festal and Mezim can be given to children from 3 years of age. The doctor sets the dose based on the indications.

Elderly age

Mezim Forte 20000 is recommended for elderly people who have impaired exocrine function of the pancreas. Festal and Mezim can be taken by people over 60 years of age to prevent symptoms of overeating.

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The multienzyme drug “Mezim”, which promotes digestion, eliminates dysfunction and dysfunction of the digestive organs.

Composition and release form

The composition of the drug "Mezim" includes the following ingredients (1 tablet):

  • Pig pancreas powder - 93.33-107.69 mg;
  • Cellulose;
  • Sodium starch glycolate “A”;
  • Hypromellose;
  • Let's talk about others.

The pancreas contained in Mezim has minimal activity:

  • Lipolytic;
  • Amylolytic;
  • Proteolytic.

"Mezim" is available in the form of tablets with a food coating. Mezim tablets have a pale pink tint, are cylindrical in shape with a plane-parallel surface and a beveled edge.

Features of application

“Mezim” has its own characteristics of administration and pharmacological properties, and therefore a course of treatment and dosage are recommended.

Indications for use

The main component of Mezim is not absorbed in the stomach, but does not cause any harm; pancreatin is excreted in the feces.

"Mezim" is prescribed for simultaneous use in case of difficult digestion of products of animal, plant, exotic, and unusual origin.

Reception features

Active enzymes “Mezim”, penetrating into the body, immediately begin to act. But it is recommended not to try to chew the Mezim tablet in the mouth; the coating can damage the integrity of the oral cavity, even causing ulcers to appear. Therefore, it is recommended to swallow Mezim tablets.

During pregnancy, it is possible to use the drug "Mezim", but a preliminary consultation with your doctor will not be amiss.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The essential advantages of the drug "Mezim" are:

  1. Efficiency. The drug "Mezim" eliminates almost all possible symptoms.
  2. Speed ​​of action. Stomach problems can arise at the most unpredictable and inconvenient times. 10-15 minutes after taking Mezim, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness and any other symptoms of gastric dysfunction will disappear.
  3. Mezim is allowed to be used during pregnancy; it does not cause allergic reactions.
  4. You can take Mezim while driving.

The disadvantages of Mezim include:

  1. There is a significant list of contraindications; if you are individually intolerant to the Mezim component, nausea, vomiting and other painful and unpleasant symptoms may begin.
  2. The drug "Mezim" is not approved for use in children under 3 years of age.
  3. Mezim treats and eliminates symptoms without affecting the very cause of their occurrence.

Interaction with other drugs

The use of folic acid is not recommended, it may lead to low absorption of pancreatic powder and, as a result, additional medications to treat gastric dysfunction.

Also, the simultaneous use of antidiabetic drugs, which are based on miglitol, acarbose, significantly reduces the effectiveness of taking the drug "Mezim".

Undesirable effects and cases of overdose

There are a number of side effects that can occur due to excessive use, individual intolerance to the drug Mezim, or an incorrect treatment regimen.

Based on the reaction of the immune system to the drug Mezim, the following side effects are distinguished:

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Rashes and redness on the skin;
  • Itching, burning;
  • Strong rupture;
  • Bronchospasm;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Grain rush;
  • Skin hyperemia;
  • Heat;
  • Weakness.

In the digestive tract, pay attention to the following phenomena:

  • Feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Pain and others.

An allergic reaction to the azorubine varnish contained in the composition may also occur.

The drug "Mezim" should not be taken by children under 3 years of age, otherwise an increase in body temperature and severe diarrhea may occur.

When too high doses are used, an incorrect treatment regimen with Mezim containing pig pancreas powder is observed:

  • Hyperuricemia;
  • Hyperuricosuria.

Admission rules

In order to avoid side effects and overdose, it is important to follow the instructions correctly - choose the course and dosage of treatment.

The tablets should not be chewed but should be swallowed and washed down with plenty of water.

The drug "Mezim" is prescribed for problems with the digestion of animal and plant foods and related problems, such as constipation, flatulence, flatulence, etc.

For adults and children, standard treatment is 1-2 tablets 1 time per day with meals.

The tablets should not be chewed, they should be swallowed and washed down with water (250.jpg «/>.

The main elements of the composition that have an active effect on the digestive organs are the components:

  • Beef bile powder - 0.025 g;
  • Hemicellulase - 0.050 g;
  • Pancreatin.

Additional substances included in Festal include the following ingredients:

  • Castor oil;
  • Sucrose;
  • Gelatin;
  • Cellulose acetyl thalate;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate, etc.

Features of application

The drug Festal contains effective enzymes that affect acceleration. This is due to better digestion and breakdown of food. In addition, the drug "Festal" stimulates complete, rapid and effective absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine.

Distilled Beef Bile Extract helps:

  • Faster fat absorption;
  • Increases the activity of the digestive tract;
  • Stimulation of absorption;
  • Decomposition of trace elements.

These properties of the drug improve the functioning of the digestive tract and eliminate digestive disorders.

The drug "Festal" effectively helps improve the processes of breakdown and digestion in colitis, as well as:

  • During intestinal resection;
  • Flatulence;
  • Infectious diarrhea.

It is also a very effective solution for improving digestion in cases of metabolic and nutritional disorders.

The drug "Festal" will help improve the digestion process in the following cases:

  • Binge eating;
  • Eating fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • Eating exotic dishes, unfamiliar dishes;
  • Irregular meals.

The drug "Festal" has a specially developed acid-resistant coating, thanks to which it is not absorbed, and its action begins in the intestinal lumen. This technology prevents enzyme inactivation.

The drug "Festal" is prescribed for therapeutic purposes during the recovery period on a long-term diet. But in this case, you need to consult a specialist doctor.

If more than 1000 units of lipase per 1 kg of body weight is used, the patient should be closely monitored for possible unusual symptoms and side effects.

The use of the drug "Festal" during pregnancy and lactation is allowed, but prior consultation with your doctor is recommended.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Each drug, even the most effective, has its pros and cons.

The obvious advantages of using Festal include the following:

  1. The drug "Festal" is prescribed for effective long-term immobilization.
  2. This safe drug is often prescribed before an ultrasound of the digestive system.
  3. If the absorption and decomposition of elements is impaired, Festal is prescribed to improve the absorption of liquid vitamins and drugs, for example antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs.
  4. "Festal" is sold without a doctor's prescription and is available for self-medication.
  5. "Festal" does not affect the ability to think and drive.

The main disadvantages of using Festal are:

  1. With excessive, uncontrolled use, intestinal obstruction or intestinal strictures may develop.
  2. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, urea stones may form.
  3. The coating of the medicine is hard enough to chew and may damage the soft tissues of your mouth, so swallow the medicine with plenty of water.
  4. "Festal" is not approved for use in children and adolescents.
  5. The drug "Festal" is not recommended for use in patients with intolerance to sucrose and fructose, as well as impaired absorption of glucose-galactose.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindications for use are:

  • Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Acute hepatitis;
  • Jaundice;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of the following drugs significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug "Festal":

  • Anticoagulants;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Vitamins "K";
  • Antisalicylic acid.

It is also not recommended to take this drug together with non-selective feedback inhibitors.

Taking the drug "Festal" and M-anticholinergic blockers significantly enhances the anticholinergic effect. The absorption and hypoglycemic effects of acarbose may also be significantly reduced.

M-anticholinergics, when used simultaneously with Festal, significantly reduce the absorption and breakdown of iron; in this case, additional iron intake may be required.

Taking enzyme preparations and alcohol-containing tannin-based products minimizes the effectiveness of pancreatin.

On the contrary, the drug Cimetidine enhances the action of the active enzymes of Festal.

Undesirable effects and cases of overdose

With excessive and uncontrolled use of Festal or individual intolerance to the components of the composition, side effects may increase. To treat this condition, the drug should be stopped immediately and rehydration is recommended.

Among the main side effects of Festal are:

  • The appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • Bloating;
  • Heaviness, discomfort;
  • Flatulence;
  • Abdominal pain.

With long-term use of the drug Festal, the development of hypersensitivity is also possible:

  • Hives;
  • Angioedema;
  • Skin rash;
  • Itching, burning.

With excessive use of Festal or an incorrect treatment regimen, swelling and irritation of the oral cavity often develop, and hypruricosuria appears.

The digestive aid contains methyl parahydroxybenzoate, which may cause allergic reactions and skin rashes.

Admission rules

Adult patients are recommended to take 1 tablet with 1 glass of water. "Festal" can be used only after meals. Do not chew the drug, swallow immediately.

If the drug does not help, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets. The course of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the stage of the disease and ranges on average from 2 days to several months.


"Festal" is freely available, the cost may vary depending on the region and pharmacy, on average it ranges from 120 to 150 rubles.

Contraindications to the use of Festal and Mezim

The instructions for use indicate that Mezim should not be used if:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the medication;
  • acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of the chronic form;
  • obstructive intestinal obstruction.

Festal is not allowed for use in patients:

  • with increased susceptibility to the components of the drug;
  • with hepatitis;
  • with acute pancreatitis;
  • with liver failure;
  • in a state of coma or precoma;
  • with hyperbilirubinemia;
  • with intestinal obstruction;
  • with signs of obstructive jaundice.

Before use, you must study the list of contraindications.


Dmitry Lvovich, 48 years old, Zheleznogorsk: “I often prescribe Mezim to patients, because I think that this drug is more effective. Can be used by both children and pregnant women without fear for health. Festal is used only for strict indications, otherwise it will lead to complications.”

Irina, 31 years old, Murmansk: “There is always Festal in the first aid kit. Before this I took Mezim. I did not observe any positive effect. Switched to Festal. I felt relief. The unpleasant symptoms disappeared after using one tablet.”

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