Comparing Endofalk and Fortrans | Determining the best

Updated: 04/23/2021 15:13:41

Expert: Abramova Tsilya

When preparing for a rectal examination, it is important to choose a safe and effective drug to cleanse the intestines. Understanding the importance of this event, we analyzed popular osmotic agents that can be used as a laxative before endoscopy and radiography of the pelvic organs. Let's analyze two drugs - Endofalk or Fortrans - what is the difference and what is better to choose.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: BOFUR IPSEN INDUSTRY (France)
Release form: powder for solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: macrogol 4000

Analogues: Movitrep, Lavacol, Endofalk

The medicine is a high-molecular compound in the form of a linear polymer. Fortrans has the ability to retain the absorption of water from the stomach and intestines, which leads to an increase in osmotic pressure and an increase in the volume of intestinal contents. Frequent urge to defecate leads to accelerated release from feces. The water-electrolyte balance in the body is maintained and does not change due to the action of the drug.

Fortrans powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration in bags No. 4


Fortrans por.dprig.r-ra pack No. 4


White powder is highly soluble in water.

Main active ingredient


Release form



73.69 g

special instructions

Elderly people with poor health are advised to take the drug only under medical supervision. Diarrhea caused by the use of this drug may significantly interfere with the absorption of concomitantly used drugs. This medicine contains macrogol (polyethylene glycol or PEG). There is evidence of the occurrence of various types of allergic reactions when using drugs based on macrogol: anaphylactic shock, rash, urticaria, angioedema. Electrolyte disturbances are not expected when taking the drug, due to its isotonic composition, however, such disturbances very rarely developed in patients at risk. In patients with existing electrolyte abnormalities, they should be corrected before undergoing a bowel cleanse procedure. The drug should be used with caution in such conditions, as well as in patients with concomitant disorders (such as impaired renal function, heart failure) taking certain medications (for example, diuretics), as the risk of developing fluid and electrolyte disturbances, including hyponatremia, increases and hypokalemia, and the risk of potential complications increases. In such cases, patients should be under medical supervision. The drug should be used with caution and under medical supervision in patients with a tendency to aspiration (in patients bedridden, with neurological or motor impairment) due to the risk of developing aspiration pneumonia. In such cases, the drug is taken with the patient in a sitting position or using a nasal tube. Patients with cardiac or renal failure are at risk of developing acute pulmonary edema due to fluid overload. Fortrans contains 1.967 g of sodium per packet. This must be taken into account when prescribing to patients with strict restrictions on the amount of salt in the diet.

pharmachologic effect

Osmotic laxative ATC code: A06AD65


High molecular weight (4000) macrogols are long linear polymers that hold water molecules using hydrogen bonds. When taken orally, they increase the volume of fluid contained in the intestines. The laxative properties of the solution are explained by the volume of non-absorbable fluid present in the intestines.


The electrolyte content in the solution is such that the electrolyte exchange between the intestine and plasma can be considered zero. Pharmacokinetic data confirm the lack of digestive absorption and bioconversion of macrogol 4000 after oral administration.

Indications for use

Intestinal lavage (intestinal cleansing), providing preliminary preparation of patients for:

  • endoscopic or x-ray examination of the intestine
  • surgical interventions on the intestines.

Fortrans is prescribed only to adult patients.

Directions for use and doses

FOR ADULTS ONLY Oral. Dissolve the contents of each package in 1 liter of water. Stir the powder until completely dissolved. The dose is approximately 1 liter of solution per 15-20 kg of weight, i.e. on average 3-4 liters for one patient. Method of administration The drug can be used in one or two doses, provided that the patient in any case needs to take the entire amount of the diluted solution (on average 3-4 liters of solution, depending on the patient’s body weight).

  • When divided into separate doses: 2 liters of solution are taken the night before and 1 to 2 liters in the morning, but in such a way that the drug is completed 3-4 hours before the start of the procedure.
  • For a single dose: 3 to 4 liters of solution is taken the night before (if the procedure is scheduled for the morning). A break of one hour is possible after taking two liters of solution.

It is recommended to take from 1 to 1.5 liters of solution per hour (that is, 250 ml every 10-15 minutes). The drug regimen may be recommended by the attending physician in accordance with the patient’s clinical condition and the potential risk of complications. Patients with renal failure Data on the use of the drug in this group of patients are limited. Children The safety and effectiveness of the drug in children under 18 years of age have not been studied.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy Data on the use of Fortrans in pregnant women are very limited. Animal studies are insufficient to assess the reproductive toxicity of the drug. Fortran can be used in pregnant women only in cases where the benefit outweighs the risk of using the drug. Breastfeeding period There is limited data on the use of Fortrans during breastfeeding. It is not known whether macrogol 4000 passes into breast milk. The risk of using the drug in newborns/infants cannot be excluded. Fortrans can be taken during breastfeeding only in cases where the benefit outweighs any risk of using the drug. Fertility There are no data on the effect of Fortrans use on fertility function.

Interaction with other drugs

Before prescribing a drug, the doctor should obtain information about any medications the patient is taking orally. When using Fortrans, other medications taken orally may be absorbed, so they should be taken at least 2 hours before the bowel cleansing procedure. Medicines should be avoided before and after using a laxative until the examination is completely completed. The effectiveness of drugs with a narrow therapeutic index and short half-life may be particularly reduced.

  • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
  • Severe impairment of the patient's general condition, such as dehydration or severe heart failure.
  • Progressive carcinoma or any other intestinal disease accompanied by significant damage to the mucous membrane.
  • Patients with a tendency to develop or existing intestinal or gastrointestinal obstruction.
  • Perforation or risk of developing perforation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Gastric emptying problems (eg, gastric paresis).
  • Toxic colitis or toxic megacolon.

Each package contains: Active ingredients: Macrogol 4000 64.00 g Sodium sulfate anhydrous 5.70 g Sodium bicarbonate 1.68 g Sodium chloride 1.46 g Potassium chloride 0.75 g Auxiliary components: Sodium saccharinate 0.10 g Total weight 73.69 g


No cases of drug overdose have been recorded. However, in cases where patients develop severe diarrhea due to an overdose of the drug, it is necessary to monitor the state of water-electrolyte balance and hydration level.

Side effect

The expected effect of using Fortrans is diarrhea. At the beginning of using the drug, cases of nausea and vomiting were detected, which, as a rule, disappeared with continued use. Adverse reactions obtained both during clinical trials and as a result of post-registration studies of the drug are classified as follows: very often (?1/10), often (?1/100 to

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Fortrans - instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Fortrans, the medication is prescribed for internal use. The contents of 1 package must be dissolved with boiled water, volume 1 liter per 15–20 kg of body weight. On average, a patient will need 3–4 liters of solution, which is taken once or in small doses. That is, 2 liters of the drug are consumed in the evening and 1-2 liters in the morning 3-4 hours before an instrumental examination of the intestines.

If the laxative solution is taken in full in the evening, an hour break is possible after drinking half the liquid. You need to drink Fortrans solution at a rate of 250 ml every 10–15 minutes, that is, on average 1-1.5 liters per hour.

Preparations for colon cleansing before colonoscopy

The drugs used to prepare for colonoscopy contain macrogol (polyethylene glycol) and have different names and different manufacturers. The most common are:

  • Moviprep (UK),
  • Fortrans (France),
  • D-Forzhekt (Belarus),
  • Forddrive (Belarus).

The release form is powder. Depending on the drug, it is necessary to prepare from 2 to 4 liters of solution for preparation.

Preparation with Moviprep

If you are preparing with Moviprep , then you need to drink 2 liters of solution and 1.5-2 liters of drinking water (or clear, approved liquid). Only 4 liters of liquid. Each sachet dissolves in one liter of boiled or drinking water at room temperature.

If the colonoscopy is in 1 shift, then, starting from 18-19 pm and until 20-21 pm, you drink two liters of liquid - 1 liter of Moviprep solution and 1 liter of water - at a rate of one liter per one or one and a half hours. A glass in fifteen, twenty minutes. That is, not the entire volume at once, but gradually. You can alternate glasses - a glass of solution - a glass of water - a glass of solution - etc. The drug will begin to work, in most cases, within an hour or an hour and a half. You will want to go to the toilet. It is necessary that there is a toilet nearby, that is, it is better to cancel guests, visits or a visit to the theater that evening.

And usually by midnight that liter or two will be out. You will see how at first the water comes out cloudy, and then clearer and clearer, almost transparent by night. Sometimes there may be a delay in the effect of the drug for 2-3 hours. In this case, you should pause the preparation and wait until the amount you have already drunk begins to take effect. As a rule, you rest at night.

Early in the morning on the day of the study, you drink the remaining one liter of Moviprep and a liter of water, calculating the intake of the last glass of liquid 3-4 hours before the time of the study (for example, from 4 to 6 am, if the study is at 9.00), so that this liquid has time to leave at home, before you leave the house. The morning portion comes in easier and comes out faster.

If the colonoscopy is in the 2nd shift (after 15.00), then you drink the entire volume of liquid - 2 liters of Moviprep solution and 2 liters of water - in the morning on the day of the examination, starting from 7-8 am until 12.00 and later (depending on the time of the examination), in the same way, alternating the solution and water and taking breaks between glasses for 15-20 minutes. In any case, the last sip of the prepared solution should be taken at least 3-4 hours before the scheduled time of colonoscopy, regardless of whether it is performed under general anesthesia or not.

Preparation with Fortrans, D-Forzhekt or Fordrive

If you are preparing with Fortrans , D-Forject or Fordrive , then you need to drink 4 liters of solution. The principle is the same. Each sachet dissolves in one liter of boiled or drinking water at room temperature.

If the colonoscopy is in 1 shift, then, starting from 18-19 pm and until 20-22 pm, you drink two to three liters of solution - at a rate of one liter per hour or one and a half hours. A glass in fifteen to twenty minutes. That is, not the entire volume at once, but gradually. The drug will begin to work, in most cases, within an hour or an hour and a half.

Early in the morning on the day of the study, you drink the remaining one or 2 liters of the drug, calculating the intake of the last glass of liquid 3-4 hours before the time of the study (for example, from 4 to 6 am, if the study is at 9.00), so that this liquid has time to leave at home, before you go outside. The morning portion comes in easier and comes out faster.

If the colonoscopy is in the 2nd shift (after 15.00), then the entire volume of liquid - 4 liters of the drug solution (Fortrans, D-Forzhekt or Fortrans) - you drink in the morning on the day of the study, starting from 7-8 in the morning until 12.00 and later, in the same way taking breaks between glasses for 15-20 minutes. In any case, the last sip of the prepared solution should be taken at least 3-4 hours before the scheduled time of colonoscopy, regardless of whether it is performed under general anesthesia or not.

Analogues of Fortrans

The pharmaceutical market is represented by a wide range of Fortrans substitutes from domestic and foreign manufacturers. These drugs are sold by the pharmacy chain in the form of: generics, synonyms, and combination drugs.

List of Fortrans analogues with price and country of origin

AnalogueCost in rublesManufacturer country
Moviprep610-850Great Britain
Magnesium sulfate30-135Russia

The price of Fortrans analogues fluctuates over a wide range. Some imported drugs are more expensive compared to medicines from domestic manufacturers. The amount of payment for the medicine does not affect the expected result of bowel cleansing. There are cheaper analogues of Fortrans for colonoscopy, which also give good results from the action of the medication.

What else can replace Fortrans for colonoscopy, what effective drugs? You can supplement the list of analogues with the following medications:

  • Picoprep;
  • Fleet Phospho-soda;
  • Esiklen;
  • Moviprex;
  • Guttasil;
  • Exportal;
  • Osmogol;
  • Sodium thiosulfate.

This is not a complete list of drugs used in medical practice. The doctor will make a recommendation regarding which analogue will be best, taking into account objective data on the condition of the intestines or the upcoming instrumental examination.

Fortrans or Moviprep

Manufacturer: NORGIN LIMITED (Great Britain)
Release form: powder for solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: ascorbic acid, macrogol 3350, sodium ascorbate, sodium sulfate, (potassium chloride, sodium chloride)

Both drugs are prescribed as a laxative in preparation for a colonoscopy. The analogue of Moviprep is a more modern medicine of the latest generation and its use is a priority, since one of the active substances in the composition is macrogol 3350. It is safer and acts more gently, without causing irritation or damage to the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon due to diarrhea.

The Fortrans substitute for colonoscopy has the best taste. When preparing for an instrumental study with Moviprep, it is necessary to take 2 liters of solution orally, and add the rest of the liquid (up to 4 liters) with tea without milk, compote, boiled water or other clear liquid, excluding carbonated and colored drinks without gas.

Preparing for a colonoscopy, FCS

What do you need to know before video colonoscopy?

Videocolonoscopy is an endoscopic examination method that allows you to visually evaluate the inner surface of the rectum, sigmoid and colon to the dome of the cecum. A colonoscope is a flexible long probe with a built-in video chip that transmits a color image from inside the body to a monitor.

Information about the condition of the colon obtained through colonoscopy is unique; it allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and choose an adequate treatment method. Videocolonoscopy (VCS) is a low-risk procedure.

For maximum comfort and information content of the study in our center, patients have the unique opportunity to undergo VCS under medicated sleep.

On the day of the study after medicated sleep, driving is prohibited!

How is colonoscopy performed at the Gastroentrology Center?


To undergo the examination, you will need to remove all clothing below the waist, including underwear, then put on disposable shorts and lie down on the couch on your left side. For your comfort, we recommend that you bring a change of T-shirt with you for the examination. After direct digital examination of the rectum, the doctor inserts a colonoscope, lubricated with Vaseline or a special gel, into the anus. If medicated sleep (sedation) is used, this is preceded by an intravenous injection of the drug Propofol. What is medicated sleep for colonoscopy?

Contraindications for video colonoscopy

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis, etc.);
  • severe adhesive disease;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • severe respiratory failure;
  • decompensated heart failure and acute myocardial infarction;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • aneurysms of large vessels (aorta, carotid sinuses, heart);
  • severe forms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease;
  • serious mental disorders.
Relative contraindications for video colonoscopy
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the anal and perianal area (anal fissures, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, etc.);
  • early postoperative period (less than 14 days after colon surgery, gastrectomy).

Preparing for colonoscopy (video colonoscopy)

The first step in preparing for a video colonoscopy is to have a positive attitude. A lot depends on your calm and positive attitude towards the procedure.

An important and necessary condition for successful video colonoscopy is thorough cleansing of the large intestine from its contents .

The second step is following a special slag-free diet . This is a prerequisite for high-quality cleaning, regardless of the preparation you will use. The diet should be started no later than 3 days before the test .

Slag-free diet

DO NOT eat foods rich in fiber or foods that cause fermentation in the intestines:

  1. All fresh vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and root vegetables, cabbage are prohibited in any form.
  2. All fresh fruits and berries.
  3. Nuts and seeds.
  4. Legumes: beans, peas, soybeans and so on.
  5. Coarse cereals: corn, barley, wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, brown rice, millet.
  6. Rye, bran and grain bread. White bread and baked goods are limited to the menu the day before the procedure.
  7. Any fried food with a crust.
  8. Canned food, smoked food, marinades.
  9. Too spicy and salty dishes.
  10. Kvass, beer, wine.
  11. Fatty and stringy varieties of lard, meat, sausage.
  12. Jams, compotes and juices with pulp.
  13. Milk.

YOU CAN eat refined foods and easily digestible foods:

  1. Boiled and grated vegetables can only be consumed on the first day of the diet, 3 days before the procedure.
  2. Two days before the colonoscopy, you can add a peeled, boiled and mashed apple, peach, half a banana, and a little melon to the menu.
  3. Cheese, cottage cheese, kefir.
  4. Rusks, white bread.
  5. Low-fat meats and fish, eggs.
  6. All clear liquids (broths without vegetables, juices without pulp, tea, coffee, still mineral water).
Approximate menu for the day in preparation for a colonoscopy:
  • Breakfast: steamed/baked cheesecakes with a teaspoon of honey, a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch: weak meat broth, white polished rice, steamed fish fillet, cranberry juice.
  • Afternoon snack: yeast-free cookies/cookies without additives, tea.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk of minimal fat content.

If you have a tendency to constipation, it is recommended to start taking laxatives (Forlax, Transulose) at least 3 days in advance.

When preparing the intestines for examination, it is recommended to walk, perform circular rotations of the body, and light massage of the anterior abdominal wall.

The third step is to use special drugs (Fortrans, Moviprep, Kolokit or Eziklen).

24 hours before the study, it is recommended to adhere to a “drinking” diet .

DO NOT eat any solid food.

YOU CAN drink clear liquids in unlimited quantities: juices without pulp, tea, coffee, mineral water, non-rich broths.

The study is carried out on an empty stomach.

Currently, preparation for video colonoscopy using cleansing enemas is considered ineffective. To cleanse the large intestine, it is recommended to use special preparations (Fortrans, Moviprep, Kolokit or Eziklen). Your doctor will determine which drug is most appropriate for your particular case.

Colon cleansing with Fortrans, Moviprep, Kolokit, Eziklen

ATTENTION! If the colonoscopy is performed in the morning before 11-00

Preparation with FORTRANS:

  • In the morning 1 day before the study, have a light breakfast as part of the 2nd step products. Before 16:00, take any permitted liquids.
  • From 18:00 to 21:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans per hour, pre-diluted in 1 liter of water (250 ml every 15 minutes). There are only 3 sachets, which corresponds to 3 liters of liquid.
  • On the morning of the test day, from 5:00 to 6:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans dissolved in 1 liter of liquid, to which 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion should also be added.
  • The amount of liquid cannot be reduced!
  • Approximately 1 hour after starting to take Fortrans, painless, loose stools will appear.

Preparation with MOVIPREP:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch before 13:00 as part of the 2nd step products. After 13:00 to 20:00 - any permitted liquids. You cannot eat solid food after 13:00!
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, take the first liter of the Moviprep solution prepared according to the instructions. Then take 500 ml of any permitted liquid.
  • On the day of the colonoscopy from 5:00 to 6:00. Take the second liter of the drug solution prepared according to the instructions, after which you need to drink 500 ml of any approved liquid, adding 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion to it.

Take the drug solution in small doses - 250 ml every 15 minutes. You cannot reduce the amount of liquid!

Preparation with EZICLEN:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch and dinner until 18:00 from any products except those prohibited.
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, dilute 1 bottle of Eziklen with water to 500 ml and drink within 1 hour. Then from 20.00 to 21.00 be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.
  • On the day of colonoscopy, from 5:00 to 6:00, repeat the same steps with the second bottle of Eziklen and from 06:00 to 07:00, be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.

Preparation with the drug "COLOKIT":

You should start taking the drug the day before the examination. The drug should be taken according to the following regimen:

The day before the examination

  • In the morning of the day before the examination, you can have breakfast with foods low in fiber (coffee or tea with or without sugar, toast with butter, fruit jelly or honey).
  • During lunch and later, only drinking is allowed. You can drink clear liquids - water, low-fat broth, diluted fruit juice without pulp, weak tea or black coffee.

Take 4 tablets every 15 minutes with 250 ml of any clear liquid of the patient's choice. A total of 20 tablets should be taken.

On the day of the examination (4-5 hours before the examination)

Take 4 tablets with 250 ml of clear liquid every 15 minutes. In total, you need to take 12 tablets within 30 minutes.

ATTENTION! If the colonoscopy is performed after 11-00

Preparation with FORTRANS:

  • In the morning 1 day before the study, have a light breakfast as part of the 2nd step products. Before 16:00, take any permitted liquids.
  • From 18:00 to 21:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans per hour, pre-diluted in 1 liter of water (250 ml every 15 minutes). There are only 3 sachets, which corresponds to 3 liters of liquid.
  • On the morning of the study, from 7:00 to 8:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans dissolved in 1 liter of liquid, to which you should also add 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion.
  • The amount of liquid cannot be reduced!
  • Approximately 1 hour after starting to take Fortrans, painless, loose stools will appear.

Preparation with MOVIPREP:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch before 13:00 as part of the 2nd step products. After 13:00 to 20:00 - any permitted liquids. You cannot eat solid food after 13:00!
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, take the first liter of the Moviprep solution prepared according to the instructions. Then take 500 ml of any permitted liquid.
  • On the day of the colonoscopy from 7:00 to 8:00. Take the second liter of the drug solution prepared according to the instructions, after which you need to drink 500 ml of any approved liquid, adding 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion to it.

Take the drug solution in small doses - 250 ml every 15 minutes. You cannot reduce the amount of liquid!

Preparation with EZICLEN:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch and dinner until 18:00 from any products except those prohibited.
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, dilute 1 bottle of Eziklen with water to 500 ml and drink within 1 hour. Then from 20.00 to 21.00 be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.
  • On the day of colonoscopy, from 7:00 to 8:00, repeat the same steps with the second bottle of Eziklen and from 08:00 to 09:00, be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.

Preparation with the drug "COLOKIT":

You should start taking the drug the day before the examination. The drug should be taken according to the following regimen:

The day before the examination

  • In the morning of the day before the examination, you can have breakfast with foods low in fiber (coffee or tea with or without sugar, toast with butter, fruit jelly or honey).
  • During lunch and later, only drinking is allowed. You can drink clear liquids - water, low-fat broth, diluted fruit juice without pulp, weak tea or black coffee.

Take 4 tablets every 15 minutes with 250 ml of any clear liquid of the patient's choice. A total of 20 tablets should be taken.

On the day of the examination (4-5 hours before the examination)

Take 4 tablets with 250 ml of clear liquid every 15 minutes. In total, you need to take 12 tablets within 30 minutes.

Fortrans or Lavacol

Release form: powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: macrogol 4000

Fortrans and its analogue Lavacol contain identical active substances that provide an osmotic laxative effect. The preparations differ in their taste. Fortrans has a taste similar to mineral water, that is, salty with a sweetish aftertaste. Fortrans also has a salty taste, but after 2-3 glasses of the solution, it provokes vomiting, which is drowned out by citrus juice.

The laxative effect of both medications is equivalent, but the domestic drug is much cheaper than the imported one, and the difference in the time of onset of their action is 1–2 hours.

Residue-free diet before colonoscopy

The most common questions that arise when discussing a slag-free diet: what foods can be consumed, and what should be avoided without fail?

The category of waste foods includes foods that result in bulky stools and bloating. These products must be abandoned 3 days before the examination. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • fresh vegetables (carrots, white cabbage, onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, radishes, beets);
  • millet, pearl barley, oatmeal;
  • greens (spinach, sorrel);
  • legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils);
  • nuts;
  • black bread;
  • berries (raspberries, gooseberries)
  • fruits (apples, dates, oranges, apricots, peaches, grapes, raisins, bananas, tangerines);
  • kvass, carbonated products;
  • milk.

The following products can be consumed:

  • dietary broths;
  • dairy products;
  • lean fish, beef, poultry;
  • bakery products made from wholemeal flour.

The last meal of the day before the procedure can be no later than 12-00. You can drink plain and mineral water, tea. For dinner there is only tea. On the day of the colonoscopy, you can have breakfast only with liquid.

Fortrans or Eziklen

Manufacturer: BOFUR IPSEN INDUSTRY (France)
Release form: concentrate for the preparation of a solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: potassium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate

Esiclene is an osmotic laxative containing a complex of mineral salts. Taking the drug and a large amount of liquid (according to the instructions, up to 3 liters) provokes profuse watery diarrhea. Esiclene for colonoscopy has a mild effect on the intestines and is safer, without irritating the mucous membrane of the intestines and anus and without causing discomfort in the patient.

What you need to know about osmotic laxatives

Osmotic laxatives based on macrogol stimulate hydration without affecting the intestinal microflora. Such drugs equalize the volume of the intestine and its contents. Under the influence of the substance, the fluid content increases and stool softens. However, any laxative requires careful use, taking into account possible risks.

Precautions when using osmotic laxatives:

  1. When laxatives are used frequently and incorrectly, they become addictive to the intestines, making natural bowel movements difficult;
  2. increasing the dosage does not lead to a better effect, but can cause severe adverse reactions, including dehydration;
  3. While taking a laxative, you must follow a diet that limits the consumption of certain foods and drinks.

Osmotic laxatives do not combine with many medications. The doctor should know about all medications that have been taken in the last few days.

Fortrans or Endofalk

Manufacturer: LOZAN PHARMA GMBH (Germany)
Release form: powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: macrogol 3350, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate

Both drugs provide a laxative effect. But the advantage for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy will remain with Endofalk. The drug is safe because it contains the active component of the 2nd generation macrogol 3350 with a lower molecular weight. Endofalk has a mild effect, has improved taste, and is easier to tolerate by patients.

Price and analogues

Comparative characteristics by cost, release form and analogues:

A drug Price Release form Analogs
Endofalk From 480 rubles Powder sachets for oral administration, 6 and 8 pieces Diagnostic-Health
Fortrans From 460 rubles Powder sachets for oral administration, 4 pieces each Diagnol, Forlax, Movipret, Kasenlax, Legkolax

Manufacturer: Endofalk – Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH., Germany, Fortransa - Bofur Ipsen Industry, France.

What is important is that Forlax is designed specifically for those who, for health reasons, cannot drink a lot of liquid at a time. This Fortrans analogue should be dissolved in one glass of water and drunk in the morning or evening for 3 days before the study.

Fortrans or Forlax

Manufacturer: BOFUR IPSEN INDUSTRY (France)
Release form: powder for solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: macrogol 4000

Both drugs are intended to cleanse the intestines and have a laxative effect. They have the same active high molecular weight compound, but different excipients. Replacing Fortrans with Forlax will be more justified in the case of treating constipation not only in adults, but also in children over 8 years of age. Forlax has more pleasant organoleptic properties and action due to additional ingredients in the product.

Approximate cost of preparation

The most affordable method that does not require material costs is an enema. Castor oil is also inexpensive. Duphalac and Fortrans are more expensive, but the ease of use and effectiveness of the drugs fully justify the cost.

There is another drug that is in quite high demand - Lavacol. It should be noted that currently most clients prefer Fortrans. Before preparing for a colonoscopy, it is recommended to seek qualified advice from the doctor who will perform the procedure, especially if the patient has no experience in cleansing the intestines; it is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that be sure to consult with the doctor who prescribes the examination (colonoscopy) for you - he will probably recommend the most suitable way for you to prepare for the procedure.

You can see how a colonoscopy is performed in the video:

Magnesium sulfate

Manufacturer: NPO FARMVILAR (Russia)
Release form: powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: magnesium sulfate heptahydrate

Magnesium sulfate is an analogue of Fortrans for colonoscopy in powder and has a laxative effect to relieve constipation. The mechanism of action of the drug is aimed at stimulating osmotic pressure in the intestine, which leads to the accumulation of fluid in it, softening of stool and increased peristalsis. An increased urge to defecate stimulates colon cleansing.


Manufacturer: FAMAR ORLEANS (France)
Release form: solution for rectal administration

Active ingredient: sodium citrate, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, sorbitol solution

Microlax is a combined laxative used as an enema. This is a substitute for Fortrans for colonoscopy and constipation. The analogue is safe and has a mild effect due to optimally selected ingredients in the microenema solution. Effectively cleanses the intestines a quarter of an hour after taking the procedure.

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