As if something is bothering me on the right side under the ribs

Pain in the liver refers to complaints ranging from discomfort in the right hypochondrium to intense (in some cases continuous) pain. Interesting fact: the liver itself cannot hurt - anatomy does not allow it. There are no pain receptors on it; nature did not provide them. The pain symptom is caused by its shell (capsule) or neighboring organs, which may signal a problem. The best way to notice the “approaching disaster” in time is to undergo a special diagnosis, which will be prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

Why does pain occur? Even the most minor deviations in the organ change its size, which contributes to the stretching of the membrane on which there are receptors. Pathology of the pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts can also be accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium.

Pain and discomfort in this organ are of a different nature: aching or cutting pain, constant or short-term, it can intensify from excessive stress, appear after taking even a small amount of fatty or spicy foods, or in stressful situations. Sometimes a painful symptom in the right hypochondrium is accompanied by flatulence, stool problems, heartburn and bad breath.

If the disease is in a period of exacerbation, the temperature may rise, severe weakness and headache may appear.


Pain in the right hypochondrium can signal a number of pathologies. These could be problems with the pancreas, gallbladder or bile ducts. When the liver is significantly enlarged, pain is caused by the membrane surrounding the organ.

In order not to let the situation become critical, be sure to make an appointment with a doctor if you experience any unusual or uncomfortable sensations in your right side.

Our clinic employs true professionals who will quickly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

To eliminate pain in the right hypochondrium, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of its occurrence. It can be caused by:

  • gastritis in the period of exacerbation, pancreatitis (irradiation of pain)
  • stones in the area of ​​the bile ducts or gallbladder, as well as in the inflammatory process of the gallbladder - cholecystitis
  • inflammatory liver diseases (in particular, hepatitis) Hepatitis is of two types: infectious and toxic. Causes: infection with viruses A, B and C. Main symptoms: dull pain, yellowness of the skin or sclera of the eyes, weakness, nausea, and less often - itching.
  • liver cirrhosis One of the most severe diseases. There is a proliferation of connective tissues and the development of inflammatory processes, impaired circulation both in the organ itself and in neighboring ones. Causes of occurrence: in more than 50% of cases, it is alcohol consumption. Main symptoms: in the initial stages they are very similar to manifestations of hepatitis. Diagnosis is made using ultrasound or biopsy.
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • malignant neoplasms (including secondary metastatic liver disease)
  • closed injuries As a rule, they arise as a result of a blunt blow to the abdominal area.

Pain can be caused by:

  • physical activity (even minor),
  • eating fatty, spicy or fried foods (usually accompanied by nausea),
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

Causes of pain in the right hypochondrium


Directly below the rib cage, in the abdominal , there are several organs:

  • liver , gallbladder , appendix
  • spleen (on the left, but can extend to the right)
  • right kidney
  • part of the intestine , part of the stomach , part of the pancreas
  • upper part of the uterus and ovaries (in women)

Most often, a person has pain under the right rib in the front due to damage, compression or inflammation of any of the above organs. Let's consider the most possible diseases, the symptoms of which may be acute or dull, aching pain in the right hypochondrium in front.

Liver and gallbladder diseases

Chronic or infectious diseases of the liver and gallbladder always cause pain under the right rib cage in front, pain can also radiate to the back and right collarbone. In this case, the symptoms of hepatitis are expressed in fever, fatigue, and weakness. Pathologies of the gallbladder manifest themselves in nausea , bitterness in the mouth . The presence of stones causes heaviness in the hypochondrium, moving downwards. Liver cancer , in addition to persistent pain, causes weight loss, jaundice, and bloating .

Diseases of the stomach, intestines

stomach ulcer is a rather dangerous disease that requires treatment; a perforated ulcer . Periodic ulcers leave swelling gastric , which subsequently hurt. Crohn's disease is an inflammation of the intestines , the insidiousness of this disease is the scars that appear after inflammation, subsequently people develop inflammatory bowel , invariably accompanied by pain.

Women's diseases

Various inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries , in addition to pain in the upper abdomen may be accompanied by weakness, fever, atypical discharge, heaviness in the lower abdomen , nausea , diarrhea, and frequent urge to urinate .

Kidney diseases

Most often, the kidneys manifest their diseases with lower back , but often the right kidney hurts under the right rib in front. Inflammation of the kidneys can be caused by inflammation of the bladder , kidney , manifested by lethargy, increased body temperature, and frequent urge to urinate .


After suffering bruises and fractures of the ribs, pain may persist for a long time and radiate to the right hypochondrium; in addition, injured internal organs also hurt. An x-ray, in this case, will help determine the degree of danger of injury. If they are not dangerous, then the pain goes away on its own over time. Rest and painkillers are recommended. Inflammation of the cartilage tissue connecting the ribs also causes pain on the right; inflammation occurs due to physical strain, injury, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


Inflammation, often purulent, of the small intestine , which is a lymphoid organ and performs the tasks of the immune system . It occurs due to blockage, tissue proliferation, bad habits, predisposition, strict diets, infections, and inflammation of neighboring organs. In acute cases, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.


Prevention of the above diseases can be a healthy diet, adherence to a daily routine, personal hygiene, giving up bad habits, protection from hypothermia, and physical exercise. If symptoms appear, especially those accompanied by hyperthermia, you should immediately undergo examination. Painkillers can eliminate discomfort and pain, but the inflammatory process will develop and can develop into a chronic disease, peritonitis (in a number of pathologies). Therefore, seeking medical help is completely justified and necessary.

Published in Articles without category Premium Clinic


To temporarily relieve pain in the liver, patients take painkillers and antispasmodics on their own. Always remember that they can only be used after examination and recommendations from a specialist. Treatment is prescribed only after thorough diagnostic studies. Since many liver diseases have a similar course, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis.

Before visiting a doctor, do not take painkillers or antispasmodics. They will mask important symptoms and make it difficult to make a diagnosis during examination.

Under no circumstances should you select medications yourself. And especially do not take medications prescribed to your friends in similar situations. There is no guarantee that the drugs that help them won't make things worse for you. Treatment is selected strictly individually.

To deal with this situation, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Our center is equipped with modern research equipment. This helps specialists make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment as soon as possible.

Before visiting a doctor to relieve pain symptoms (instead of taking medications), pay attention to your diet. You can independently reduce the load on the organ.

The diet to eliminate pain in the liver should be gentle and low in fat.

  • It is recommended to eat: black bread, low-fat dairy products, various cereals, vegetables and fruits, boiled meat and poultry (beef, chicken).
  • it is necessary to completely exclude: fried, spicy smoked, and fatty foods, baked goods, mushrooms, pork, duck, canned food, confectionery, coffee.

In some cases, diet helps much more effectively than drug therapy.

The best diagnosis of pain in the liver is MRI of the liver and MRI of the gallbladder. To identify health problems in the early stages, doctors recommend periodically undergoing a full comprehensive examination of the body.

The contents of this article have been checked and confirmed for compliance with medical standards by a gastroenterologist of the highest qualification. category Grankova Tatyana Mikhailovna.

What accompanying symptoms are characteristic of liver pathologies?

The main reasons for the feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the hypochondrium are diseases of the hepatobiliary system. They are characterized by pain in the right side, which can vary in intensity, as noted above.

But pain is not everything. Almost any pathology of the liver and gallbladder is accompanied by jaundice syndrome. This is not a separate disease, but just a symptom. As the name implies, with this syndrome the skin acquires a yellow tint. First, the mucous membranes are modified. The sclera of the eyes may also turn yellow.

Jaundice develops because a toxic substance called bilirubin enters the bloodstream. If a person is healthy, then bilirubin is neutralized by the liver. But if there are deviations, the filtration capacity of the organ is impaired, and toxic bile pigment enters the circulatory system. At the same time, there is an increased activity of liver enzymes - AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, GGT.


  • There are dyspeptic disorders. After eating, the stomach begins to “swell” and hurt. In addition, flatulence, nausea, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation are observed. The color of stool changes - it becomes discolored. The pain can “radiate” to the left hypochondrium if the spleen is involved in the inflammatory process.
  • Asthenovegetative disorders appear, namely increased fatigue, irritability, body aches, apathy, and mood swings. Depressive states are possible.
  • Fluid may accumulate in the abdomen. This condition is called ascites and is characteristic of cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer.
  • Body temperature rises. With hepatitis, it increases slightly, and with cirrhosis and acute cholecystitis it can even reach 40 degrees.
  • Skin itching, rash, and areas of hyperemia appear. In the later stages of cirrhosis progression, the patient’s situation worsens - he experiences atrophy of muscles and limbs, and tactile and temperature sensitivity is impaired.
  • Xanthomas appear on the eyelids.

In diseases of the hepatobiliary system, tachycardia, low blood pressure, increased bleeding of the gums, varicose veins of the rectum, testicular atrophy, sexual weakness and even menstrual irregularities may also occur.

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