What to choose - “Creon” or “Mezim”? Which is better, difference, instructions for use, reviews

Stress on the digestive system associated with poor nutrition, frequent overeating, and consumption of difficult-to-digest foods leads to malfunctions of the pancreas, and can sometimes cause inflammation (pancreatitis). To restore optimal functioning of the organ, modern medicine offers a number of enzyme-containing drugs, among which you can choose “Creon” or “Mezim”. Which of these remedies is better?

What other analogues exist and how to get the maximum therapeutic effect without overpaying for marketing gimmicks?

Composition of preparations containing pancreatin

The main active ingredient of enzyme-containing drugs for the pancreas is pancreatin, which contains: lipase, which breaks down fats coming from food; amylase, involved in the catabolism of carbohydrates; a protease involved in protein digestion. Most people choosing “Creon” or “Mezim” (which is better depending on each individual case) pay attention to the amount of pancreatin and additional components.

If macrogol, a substance with a mild laxative effect, is contained in both drugs, then dimethicone, which reduces gas formation, is present only in Creon. By comparing the instructions for use of these drugs, you can get a table that shows the concentration of the main substance and the dosage of the three enzymes.

Enzyme-containing drugs Pancreatin, mg Lipase, units Protease, units Amylase, units
"Creon 25000" 300 25000 1000 18000
"Creon 10000" 150 10000 600 8000
"Mezim Forte" minimum 3500 250 4200
"Mezim Forte 10000" 137,5 10000 375 7500

Additional components in any modification of Creon include: liquid paraffin, macrogol 4000, dimethicone 1000 and polyethylene glycol. The capsule shell contains gelatin, as well as titanium dioxide, yellow and red iron oxide. In Mezima tablets, the manufacturer, in addition to the main substance, included: cellulose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethyl starch. The soluble shell of each of these pills contains: simethicone emulsion, talc, macrogol 6000, titanium dioxide and azorubic varnish.

Features of taking medications

Both drugs are based on pancreatin, an active enzyme containing lipase, protease and amylase. Each of the components affects a separate group of substances: proteins are broken down by protease, carbohydrates by amylase, and lipase promotes the breakdown of fats.

The tablets are swallowed without chewing, washed down with plain water at room temperature. This feature is inherent in all enzyme preparations.

When chewed, active enzymes begin to interact in the oral cavity with saliva containing lipase. Together they can adversely affect the condition of the oral mucosa (corrode it), causing severe ulcers. Then you will have to treat them, and not normalize the functions of the digestive tract.

Medicines should be taken with meals.

The role of enzymes in the human body and indications for their use

Enzymes, or digestive enzymes, help the body break down complex substances into simpler compounds. Starch is involved in the catabolism of carbohydrates; steapsin (lipase) dissolves and fractionates lipids (triglycerides), ensuring the delivery of fatty acids to various organs and tissues; Proteases (or proteolytic enzymes) hydrolyze proteins, releasing amino acids. All these enzymes are synthesized by the pancreas. If a person has a deficiency of these digestive enzymes, then the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food deteriorates, disturbances in the production of hormones occur, problems arise with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stools are disrupted, disruptions in the functioning of the pancreas and the risk of inflammation appear. Enzyme deficiency can manifest itself in various symptoms: heartburn, belching, constipation or diarrhea. It can occur with a sudden change in diet (leaving a diet, eating exotic dishes while traveling, visiting a restaurant and sampling delicious dishes). In such cases, Creon 10000 or Mezim will help improve your well-being. Which is better depends on the severity of the condition.

If there is a slight malaise after overeating or the drug is needed for prevention, then you can give preference to Mezima tablets. In case of serious digestive disorders, the doctor will prescribe capsules with a high dose of pancreatin (“Creon 25000”).

Similarities of medicines

Both drugs are made in Germany and are used to improve digestion in the gastrointestinal tract and for replacement therapy. In the production of medicines, an extract of pancreatic juice of animal origin is used.

The principle of action of both drugs is the same. Passing through the stomach and intestines, the active substances of pancreatin begin their work in the small intestine. The remaining food particles continue to break down. Fats are converted into glycerol and fat-soluble acids by the action of lipase. Proteins pass into the stage of amino acids needed by the body. Protease helps them reach this state. Amylase converts complex carbohydrates into monosaccharides.

The macrogol content in Mezim and Creon has a slight laxative effect on the body.

Features of the mechanism of action of Mezim and other enzyme-containing tablets

"Mezim" is an enzyme preparation that compensates for exocrine pancreatic dysfunction. It promotes digestion of food when eating foods that cause heaviness in the stomach and other problems due to poor nutrition. Just like “Creon”, “Mezim”, “Pancreatin” (which is better to choose from enzyme-containing products, the doctor will advise) contain lipase, amylase and protease, which break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates into fatty acids, monosaccharides, glycerol and amino acids .

Film-coated tablets should not be chewed or crushed when taken. They begin to dissolve already in the stomach, so the drug enters the duodenum in a modified form. Other disadvantages of Mezim or Pancreatin tablets include their uneven distribution throughout the bolus and delayed penetration into the intestines. Therefore, in the question “Creon” or “Mezim”, which is better for the doctor in the treatment of pancreatitis or pancreatic dysfunction of the patient, the answer will be - the first drug. The duration of replacement therapy can range from several days to several months.

Mezim - brief description

Mezim is a medicine based on active enzymes. They help improve digestion, speed up digestive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate heaviness in the stomach during meals, sometimes heartburn, and remove heaviness in the stomach.

Mezim is produced in the form of round convex tablets; enteric coating, pink or grayish (mezim 20,000) color, in aluminum blisters, 10 pieces each; Blisters are packed in cardboard boxes.

The main advantage of "Creon"

The main factor in choosing a given medicine is its release form. Thanks to the latest advances in medicine and pharmaceuticals, the drug "Creon", obtained by extracting and grinding pancreatin of animal origin (cattle or pigs), is enclosed in mini-microspheres with a diameter of 0.75-1.25 mm. They are placed inside a capsule, which, when destroyed in gastric juice, releases them and allows them to continue their journey through the gastrointestinal tract in their original form, without reacting to the aggressive environment of the stomach.

The action of minimicrospheres begins in the duodenum, where they actively enter into catabolic reactions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The advantages of microspheres also include the fact that pancreatin mixes evenly with food and is better distributed throughout the contents of the stomach. “Miniballs” with medicine penetrate into the intestines much faster and dissolve only in its environment, due to the composition of their shell. In addition, the doses of enzymes in Creon are much higher than in Mezima tablets and other drugs. It is available in three dosages: 10,000, 25,000 and 40,000. The first two types of “Creon” are dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription, and the last one is intended exclusively for severe diseases, and therefore must be prescribed by a doctor.

Comparison of ease of use of Creon 1000i and Mezim fortya 1000i

This includes dose selection taking into account various conditions and frequency of doses. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the release form of the drug; it is also important to take it into account when making an assessment.

The ease of use of Creon 1000i is approximately the same as Mezim Fortem 1000yu. However, they are not convenient enough to use.

The drug ratings were compiled by experienced pharmacists who studied international research. The report is generated automatically.

Last update date: 2020-12-04 13:44:11

"Festal" is a combined analogue, what is the difference

This drug, like other digestive enzyme products, is aimed at normalizing the digestion process and eliminating discomfort. It is produced in the form of enteric tablets with pancreatin.

When choosing “Festal” or “Mezim” (which is better), or “Creon”, you need to take into account that the first drug is strictly contraindicated in acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of the chronic stage of the disease. This is due to the content of additional ingredients in Festal (as well as Enzistal and Normoenzyme) - hemicellulose and bovine bile, which promote emulsification and absorption of fats. Such drugs are not recommended for people suffering from hepatitis or biliary tract diseases.

special instructions

Sometimes, when using large dosages of Creon 25000 or Creon 40000, colitis and intestinal strictures occur. This practically never happens when using Mezim, since the dosage is small: it does not pose a danger to the patient’s health. Therefore, there is no data on special instructions. It is also allowed to work with complex mechanisms, drive a car and other actions that require extreme concentration.

The question of the possibility of using drugs during pregnancy and lactation is quite relevant. Manufacturers have conducted several clinical studies to prove the possible negative effects on girls during these periods. There have been various side effects, so both medications should only be taken after consulting a doctor. The latter must take into account the potential benefits to the mother and the risks to the fetus. It is also necessary to inform the patient about this so that she can make a decision for herself.

As for use in children, Mezim is given from 3 years of age, Creon can be used after 1 year of life. But in this case, it is required that the pediatrician determine the dosage himself. The instructions also indicate that it should be used from three years of age.

Older people can be treated with both drugs

What is better to give to children: “Mezim” or “Creon”

The instructions for use indicate that “Creon 10000” is prescribed to children with insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function, which is associated with gastrointestinal diseases that occur with: chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, gastrectomy or surgery on the pancreas, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, cancer and other ailments .

The most common diagnoses for which doctors prescribe Creon 10,000 (no more) to a child include dysbiosis (during complementary feeding) and lactose intolerance (lactase deficiency). In the question of “Creon” or “Mezim”, which is better for children, experts give preference to mini-microspheres, which help to most accurately observe the dosage by counting the “balls” depending on the baby’s body weight. In addition, the medicine penetrates the intestines, bypassing the aggressive environment of the stomach. For example, a child aged three months is prescribed ¼ of the capsule, and at 1.5 years - about a third. Minimicrospheres are added to liquid food (not hot), they can also be dissolved in drinks with a sour taste (fruit juice or applesauce). Creon is not prescribed to children who are exclusively breastfed, since drinking water can damage the fermented milk microflora of the baby's intestines, increasing the risk of growth of the population of putrefactive bacteria, and can also interfere with the natural restoration of the baby's own pancreas.

Indications for use of Mezim and Creon

Medicines are prescribed by a doctor when the following condition or disease is observed:

  • insufficient production of its own enzymes by the pancreas (including cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis);
  • during normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in case of violation of diet, chewing function, or with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • preparing the patient for examination of the gastrointestinal tract using ultrasound and radiography;
  • inflammatory diseases of the stomach and adjacent organs in the chronic stage;
  • irradiation of the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of flatulence, general malaise, diarrhea (combined therapy).


Depending on the concentration of pancreatin, enzyme preparations are successfully used in complex gastroenterological therapy. However, when choosing which is better, Mezim or Creon, you must remember that the use of both drugs is excluded in case of acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), exacerbation of a chronic disease of this organ and individual intolerance to the main or additional components of the drugs. It is not advisable to use enzyme-containing medications on your own. Only a doctor, based on the examination results, identifies the stage of development of the disease and prescribes the optimal drug in accordance with the patient’s condition. It is also not recommended to get carried away with the described drugs, taking them for a long time and uncontrollably: this can provoke dysfunction of the pancreas, which will be unable to produce the necessary enzymes on its own.

Mode of application

Both drugs can be used from three years of age. You must carefully read the instructions before use.

Mezim is recommended to take 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day. They should not be chewed and should be taken with plenty of water. This will allow them to quickly reach the desired location to begin action.

When you need a medicine that is used during a diet, then Creon 10000 is better. It must be used during meals. If treatment is necessary, then the required dosage is 25,000. In this case, take 2 times a day. When processes normalize, the dosage is reduced.

Important . There is also Creon 40000. It is used only for treating adults as prescribed by a doctor. It should be used to treat acute gastrointestinal diseases. The number of tablets and dosage should be prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s condition, course of therapy and other factors.

Creon is also prescribed for children

Reviews and advice from doctors

Despite the fact that the mechanism of action of “Creon” and “Mezim” is similar, when choosing which is better, “Mezim” or “Creon” for pancreatitis, doctors take into account the different effects of these drugs on the body. It is due to the concentration of pancreatin and the dosage of the prescribed drug, as well as the innovative technology for manufacturing the German medicine in capsules (Creon). In most cases, to improve digestion and eliminate minor negative symptoms in the pancreas after eating fatty and spicy foods, doctors consider it advisable to take Mezima Forte. If such conditions occur occasionally, then such assistance to the pancreas can be provided independently.

If heartburn, bloating and other symptoms of problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract become a frequent occurrence, then you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. After reviewing the tests, the doctor will be able to accurately determine whether “Creon” or “Mezim” is better and more effective for individual therapy. This can be either a short therapeutic course of taking capsules with a large dose of enzymes, or long-term symptomatic use of tablets that facilitate the functioning of the pancreas and normalize digestive function. The capsules are swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of not hot and not too acidic liquid (pH<5), since when the acid-base balance of the drink is above 5, the shell of the microspheres is destroyed.

Comparison of side effects of Creon 1000i and Mezim forte 1000i

Side effects or adverse events are any adverse medical event that occurs in a subject after administration of a drug.

Creon 1000i has almost the same level of adverse events as Mezim fortya 1000i. They both have few side effects. This implies that the frequency of their occurrence is low, that is, the indicator of how many cases of an undesirable effect of treatment are possible and registered is low. Undesirable effects on the body, the strength of influence and toxic effects of Creon 1000 and are similar to Mezim Fortem 1000: how quickly the body recovers after taking it and whether it recovers at all.

Which is better, “Creon” or “Mezim”: the difference (opinions of patients and young mothers)

Almost everyone who has had the opportunity to take these enzyme-containing drugs or give them to children note the high effectiveness of Creon, calling it “strong”, “working”, “effective”.

Despite the wide range of diagnoses described by users, this drug provided significant therapeutic assistance to everyone, eliminating many negative symptoms. Occasionally you can come across comments that talk about the absence of any result. This is due to errors in the use of drugs (when “Creon” is used instead of “Mezim” before a hospitable meal), with their uncontrolled use or with an erroneous diagnosis.

Which medicine to choose

When deciding what is best to choose, you need to focus on pharmacology. Despite the fact that the mode of action of the drugs is the same, Creon begins to work faster.

The patient's condition should also be taken into account. If treatment of advanced cases is necessary, then Creon has to be used. It has more enzyme substances. It is worth understanding that various mutagenic strains are used, but the active substances quickly enter the small intestine, replenishing enzyme deficiency.

Important . It is forbidden to take a high dosage for a long time. In this case, there is a chance that the pancreas will stop producing enzymes to process food. There will be no need for them due to their high content in the intestines. But after a person reduces the dosage or stops taking the medication, problems begin. Food is not digested properly, which causes the development of a number of diseases.

Such a problem, if it occurs, is treated with medication. But in some cases, surgical intervention is required.

Today Mezim Forte and Creon are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, so it is possible to use them yourself. But in case of systemic dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist.

Cost difference

If the advantages of the pharmacological characteristics of the drug "Creon" are obvious, then its relative high cost compared to enzyme-containing tablets often becomes the reason for refusing to purchase. In terms of availability, which is better, “Creon” or “Mezim Forte” with the same dosage (for example, 10,000 units)? A package of 20 Mezim Forte tablets in most pharmacies costs between 200-220 rubles, and for an equal number of Creon capsules the buyer will have to pay about 300-350 rubles. The cost of the same drug, produced (France) or German, with a dosage of 25,000 units (20 capsules) in city and online pharmacies reaches 570-600 rubles. Domestic “Pancreatin” (100 mg) with the same active ingredient, but lower concentration and moderate effect, will cost approximately 60-70 rubles (60 tablets). Doctors can recommend Mikrazim capsules (AVVA RUS, Russia), 50 capsules of which cost 466 rubles (10,000 units) or 781 rubles (25,000 units); tablets "Pancreatin Forte" (Biosynthesis, Russia) 20 pieces for 41-50 rubles.


A more accurate name for the medicine is Mezim Forte. There are also mezim on sale for 10 thousand and 20 thousand, respectively. Mezim Forte has the following composition: 4.2 thousand amylase per tablet, 3.5 thousand units of lipase and 250 units of protease. As can be seen from the composition, in this drug the emphasis is on eliminating discomfort more in the direction of carbohydrate foods rather than fatty foods, although there is also enough lipase in the composition. Dosages of 10 and 20 thousand contain the same amount of lipase, respectively, 7.5 thousand and 12 thousand units of amylase, as well as 375 and 900 units of protease, respectively. The drug comes in tablet form and can be taken before or after meals, and even during meals. The product serves not only to normalize digestion, but is also suitable for the treatment of pancreatic diseases. The average cost of medicine in Russia is 250 rubles per package.


There are quite a few differences between Mezim, Creon and other enzyme preparations; they can be briefly formulated as follows: gastro-resistant capsules with minimicrospheres are the most effective form of the medicine, helping to direct the active substance into the intestines without changes. The number of pathologies and the degree of their development for which Creon helps is much greater than the indications for Mezim tablets. Practicing doctors today prefer to recommend innovative Creon capsules, and only in rare cases replace it with a more budget-friendly analogue.

Comparison of addiction between Creon 1000i and Mezim fortya 1000i

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “syndrome o”, in Creon 1000i, is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Mezim fortya 1000i. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, Creon 1000i has quite low values ​​of the “syndrome”, however, the same as Mezim fortya 1000i.

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