Dry biscuit: recipe, composition, calorie content, description

Dietary restrictions are always difficult - especially if you have to give up your favorite foods. Eating habits have evolved over decades. At first glance, it seems that the diet menu for stomach diseases is very meager and contains practically no sweets. However, sweets themselves are not prohibited - it is only important to know when to consume them in moderation. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to have a biscuit for gastritis, and how to properly prepare dietary baked goods.


Such baked goods are deservedly considered dietary and very often become a component of various diets, and not only for weight loss. So, experts recommend supplementing your diet with this delicacy for those who suffer from gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis or other diseases. This simple treat is part of the popular diet table No. 5, which is prescribed to reduce the load on the liver and pancreas.

In addition, a dry sponge cake prepared according to a traditional recipe is considered a universal cake layer for any dessert, including cake. Such baked goods go perfectly with all creams, and its dryness can easily be corrected with the help of impregnation.

General rules of nutrition for chronic hepatitis

Back in the middle of the last century, the Pevzner system of 15 diets for each disease, including those related to the liver, was developed in the Soviet Union. The system was used in all hospitals and sanatoriums in the country. Over the years, these diets have been improved, but they have not been eliminated from their shortcomings, the most important of which is uniformity. The entire system is designed for a person aged 20–30 years weighing 70 kg.3 In addition, some of these diets have almost the same chemical composition and energy value and differ slightly from each other in the methods of cooking and salt content. Therefore, it is important to understand that your doctor can prescribe your individual diet after all the necessary examinations and diagnosis.

Do you need special nutrition if nothing hurts? According to Russian authors, even in satisfactory condition, patients with chronic hepatitis are prescribed a gentle diet, specially designed for people with liver diseases. During exacerbations (the active process of inflammation), nutrition becomes more strict.4 The diet is aimed at eliminating functional disorders of the liver and biliary system, the digestive process and the synchronicity of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.4 First, let's get acquainted with the basic principles of nutrition for chronic hepatitis.

  • It is important to eat at strictly defined hours and not to overeat, especially before bed. This preserves the normal functioning of the endocrine glands involved in digestion.
  • You should not eat foods that strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, duodenum and upper small intestine, as these organs can also be involved in the pathological process. Products that should be limited include: - seasonings and spices, - smoked and spicy foods, - vegetables rich in essential oils (onions, radishes, garlic).
  • Ice cream, cold juices, and mineral waters are also not recommended, as they can cause spasm of the pylorus, sphincter of Oddi and bile ducts.
  • Drinking alcohol is prohibited.

During the recovery period or between exacerbations, patients are usually prescribed a basic version of the standard diet. It is balanced in protein (85–90 g), fat (80–90 g) and carbohydrates (300–330 g). The energy value of the diet is 2200–2500 kcal.


The biscuit itself is quite simple. However, if it is well soaked in sweet cream and supplemented with all sorts of goodies, such as berries and fruits, you get an excellent dessert, which is certainly in no way inferior to store-bought cakes. True, such a treat no longer has anything to do with diet.

In addition, the simplest and most affordable products are used to prepare it: sugar, eggs and flour.

According to nutritionists, the classic dry biscuit does not harm human health at all. This delicacy can be safely included in children’s diets, weight loss menus, and diets for various diseases. This treat can be used as a quick snack or as a dessert after a meal. By the way, the calorie content of dry biscuit is only 240 kcal per 100 grams.

Allowed products for hepatitis

  • Vegetarian, dairy, fruit soups;
  • low-fat varieties of meat and fish, boiled, baked, as well as fried once or twice a week, but without breading;
  • one or two eggs two to three times a week or omelettes, if tolerated poorly - egg white omelettes;
  • fruits and vegetables. There should be a sufficient amount of them in the diet. Vegetables can be eaten in the form of salads and side dishes; some vegetables are consumed raw. Fruits can be consumed in their natural form, as well as in the form of compotes, jelly, mousse, jellies, puddings, etc.;
  • not cold milk, if intolerant - boiled or diluted with water;
  • definitely kefir;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • snacks - not spicy, not smoked and not too salty, with caution;
  • mild cheese;
  • sauces and seasonings not based on meat and fish broths, not spicy;
  • black and white bread, yesterday's baking, dried;
  • cookies and other products made from soft dough;
  • weak tea, with milk, vegetable and fruit juices, rosehip decoction;
  • sugar, jam and honey in the amount required by the carbohydrate composition of the diet.

General cooking principles

  • The standard proportions for a dry sponge cake are as follows: for 3 eggs, take 100 g of flour and 90 g of sugar. All sorts of leavening agents are usually not added to such dough, with the only exception being products using melted chocolate. Butter is also used extremely rarely and in minimal quantities, only to slightly soften baked goods.
  • When preparing a sponge cake, even a dry one, the main thing is always the air, so you should beat the eggs as thoroughly as possible. Both the protein and yolk mass should approximately triple in size if processed correctly. True, you shouldn’t be too zealous either - because of this, the biscuit may turn out too heavy.
  • Flour must be added to the egg mass very carefully so as not to inadvertently precipitate it. It is introduced, as a rule, in parts and mixed in the direction from the edges of the container to the center from bottom to top.

Weekly menu (example)

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayTwo egg white omelette, tea with lemonAppleVegetarian pea soup, boiled chicken with pasta, teaHomemade crackers without fillersBoiled fish, buckwheat porridge, kefir
TuesdayCurd casserole, teaLow-fat yogurtVegetarian borscht, boiled beef with prunes, mashed potatoes, dried fruit compoteBiscuitsCarrot cutlets, egg white omelette, kefir
WednesdaySemolina porridge, tea with milkSandwich made from toasted bread with mild cheesePumpkin puree soup, pollock baked with vegetables, berry jellyDry biscuitChicken cutlets, boiled rice, kefir
ThursdayLow-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, tea with lemonGrated carrot salad with raisinsVegetarian kulesh soup with rice, chicken roll, rose hip brothHomemade crackers without fillersSteamed chicken breast, boiled potatoes, kefir
FridayOatmeal porridge with milk and water 50/50, teaCucumber and bell pepper salad with vegetable oilFruit soup, meatballs with rice, teaBiscuitsFish cutlets, rice, kefir
SaturdayVermicelli casserole, milk teaBananaVegetarian bean soup, boiled chicken in milk sauce, boiled potatoes, dried fruit compoteDry biscuitSteamed chicken breast, mashed potatoes, kefir
SundayPilaf with dried fruits, dried fruit compoteLow-fat yogurtMilk soup with noodles, cabbage rolls, berry jellyHomemade crackersBoiled veal with milk sauce, green beans, kefir

And remember that your doctor can choose a diet that is best suited for you, taking into account your situation and individual needs.

A few recommendations

  • To add special piquancy, the dietary recipe for dry sponge cake can be supplemented with chopped citrus zest or vanilla. The chocolate shade can be achieved using cocoa powder or melted chocolate.
  • The optimal temperature is considered to be 170-180 degrees. If you wish, you can replace the oven with a multicooker - it will do an excellent job of preparing dry biscuits. In order for it to bake well, it should be cooked with the “Baking” function for an hour, and then for another 10 minutes with the “Warming” function.
  • The product can be baked in both round and square shapes. It is best to prepare it immediately before preparing the dough. The surface of the mold should be greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with a handful of flour.

Prohibited foods for hepatitis

  • Rich broths;
  • fatty meats: goose, duck, lamb, fatty pork;
  • milk for intolerance;
  • spicy, smoked, salted snacks;
  • hot, meat, fish sauces;
  • fresh bread;
  • some types of fruits and vegetables: legumes, spinach, sorrel, sour varieties of fruit;
  • baked goods, pastries, cakes;
  • strong tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol;
  • chocolate

Food preparation

To prepare dry biscuit according to diet recipe No. 5 you will need:

  • 160 g flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of crystalline citric acid;
  • 8 eggs.

This baking method is considered classic and came to us from France. This particular recipe is especially in demand among nutritionists, who offer it to their patients both for weight loss and for various diseases, most often gastritis.

As you can see, the process uses the simplest and most affordable products, which are probably found in every home. And the preparation itself will take you an hour at most. But the result will certainly please both you and your household.

Dietary recipe for dry biscuit for gastritis

Step 1. Arm yourself with two deep bowls - they should be clean and completely dry. Beat the whites into one container and the yolks into another. Keep in mind that both masses must be completely pure, without each other’s impurities, otherwise the result will not be of such quality.

Step 2. Place the whites in the refrigerator, and carefully grind the yolks with half the prepared sugar. To get an unusual aroma and piquancy, you can add a little chopped orange or lemon zest here. You can also send another treat here: chopped almonds, raisins or walnuts.

Step 3. Pass the flour through a fine sieve twice, then add it to the yolks with sugar. You need to stir the mixture so that not a single lump remains in it.

Step 4. Prepare the mixer - there should not be a drop of water on it. At minimum power, start beating the chilled egg whites. When the mass becomes homogeneous and foaming, add a pinch of citric acid to it. Increase the mixer power and continue beating, adding sugar little by little.

The only important thing is to take your time in the process. Do not add a new portion of sugar until the previous crystals have dissolved. As a result, you should get a lush, stable mass.

Step 5. Add the whites to the yolks in portions and mix gently. This must be done extremely carefully from the bottom up.

Step 6. Transfer the finished dough into a prepared form and place in a hot oven or slow cooker. At first the temperature should be about 150 degrees, but then it needs to be brought up to 180. The biscuit should be cooked in the oven for about 45-50 minutes. You can check readiness with a toothpick.

For gastritis, a dry biscuit recipe can really help out, especially if you like sweets. After all, usually with such a disease, doctors prohibit their patients from abusing confectionery products. But everyone can afford this delicacy.

Genoese dry sponge cake recipe with photo

Step 1. Prepare the biscuit pan - grease with vegetable oil and line with parchment. If you don't have paper, sprinkle the surface with a handful of flour. Remove excess powder by turning the mold upside down.

Step 2: Sift the flour twice and melt the butter.

Step 3: Build a water bath. Place eggs and sugar in it. Start whisking the mixture directly on the stove, and when its temperature reaches about 40 degrees, remove it from the heat and continue processing. As a result, the mass should become fluffy and at least double in volume.

Step 4. Gently add cooled liquid butter and sifted flour into the resulting mixture in several portions.

Step 5. Pour the well-kneaded dough into the prepared pan. Bake the biscuit for half an hour at 170 degrees. Let the finished product cool directly in the mold, then transfer it to a plate.

That's all, a very tasty, simple and dietary sponge cake is ready. You can serve the resulting delicacy as a stand-alone dessert or complement it with other delicacies: honey, nuts, jam, cream, condensed milk, berries, marmalade or fruit. In general, there can be an unimaginable number of variations, just don’t be afraid to experiment!

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