A pulmonologist won't help. What is stomach cough and why is it dangerous?

Cough is a symptom that cannot be ignored. But it is not always a sign of a cold. Experts note that it is a mistake to regard cough only as a symptom of ARVI.

“It is traditionally believed that cough occurs due to respiratory diseases, for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. In fact, cough also occurs as a symptom in heart disease, stress, allergies, diseases of the digestive tract - esophagus, stomach,” says Ph.D., general practitioner, cardiologist Azizkhon Askarov .

Types of cough

A cardiac cough appears with the development of heart failure, that is, when the heart does not work as a powerful pump and cannot pump blood throughout the body.

“Blood stagnation (accumulation) occurs in the lungs, and the sick person will have a dry cough or with scanty mucous sputum when walking or lying on his back. In severe cases, even cardiac asthma occurs, when breathing is suddenly impaired and suffocation can occur,” says therapist Askarov.

With respiratory diseases, there will almost always be other symptoms, says Azizkhon Askarov. Among them:

  • runny nose;
  • hoarse voice;
  • increased body temperature;
  • sputum production when coughing;
  • lack of air (shortness of breath);
  • chest pain when breathing.

Not sparing your belly. Any pathology begins with problems in the stomach Read more

Pharyngitis - symptoms and treatment

Treatment of acute pharyngitis begins with organizing a regimen and nutrition :

  • gentle regime with enough sleep;
  • creating conditions for the normal functioning of the mucous membrane - cool, moist air, eliminating active and passive smoking, contact with dust and irritants;
  • diet excluding spicy and rough foods;
  • warm drinks, alkaline rinses and inhalations [12].

Sometimes these measures already lead to an improvement in the condition. As prescribed by a doctor, to reduce the symptoms of pharyngitis caused by inflammation, complex products are used in the form of tablets, aerosols, rinses :

  • antiseptics (chlorhexidine, hexetidine, benzydamine, iodine preparations, plant extracts, etc.);
  • sometimes antibiotics (gramicidin);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (ketoprofen);
  • local anesthetics (lidocaine, tetracaine, menthol) [13].

The choice of drugs is large, but excessive use can lead to suppression of the normal microflora of the pharynx, decreased local immunity, allergic reactions, damage to the mucous membrane; in addition, their effectiveness in viral infections has not been proven [7].

To reduce the temperature, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol) are prescribed.

Treatment of bacterial pharyngitis

Specific treatment of acute and chronic pharyngitis in adults with bacterial pathogens, especially with GABHS (group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus) is systemic antibiotic therapy. The drugs of choice are antibiotics from the group of semisynthetic penicillins (amoxicillin). Often sick children who have a variety of pathogenic flora on their mucous membranes are prescribed protected aminopenicillins (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid). When mycoplasma or chlamydia is detected, antibiotics are prescribed when the process descends into the bronchi and lungs or the disease becomes protracted [7]. Macrolide antibiotics (azithromycin, clarithromycin) are used.

Viral pharyngitis does not require antibiotic therapy.

Treatment of fungal pharyngitis

For mycoses, local antimycotic agents are used (co-trimoxazole, pimafucin, 2% alkaline solution). If local therapy does not help, antifungal antibiotics (amphotericin B) or special antifungal agents (ketoconazole, mycoheptin, fluconazole) are prescribed.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis during an exacerbation is no different from treatment of the acute form of the disease. It includes symptomatic therapy, proper organization of daily routine and food intake.

Purulent pharyngitis is not isolated, so there are no separate recommendations for its treatment.

Treatment of pharyngitis at home

Mild acute viral pharyngitis, if you follow a home regimen and regular warm drinks, goes away within seven days. However, the disease can occur not only due to a viral infection, but also for another reason. Therefore, without making a diagnosis, you should not self-medicate.


For obsessive dry cough and dry throat, you can use inhalations with saline solution as directed by your doctor.


Surgical treatment consists of correcting the nasal septum and removing nasopharyngeal polyps. Surgery is necessary if the cause of chronic pharyngitis is constantly difficult nasal breathing. Removal of adenoids and tonsils is carried out according to strict indications. The decision on the need for surgery is made by an otolaryngologist after a thorough diagnosis.

When does cough occur in diseases of the digestive tract and why?

“When gastric juice is formed excessively and enters the esophagus, hydrochloric acid irritates its mucous membrane, the upper sphincter relaxes reflexively and gastric juice enters the oral cavity. This causes stimulation of the chemoreceptors, and the cough itself is usually dry, or with a small amount of saliva,” says the therapist.

Stomach cough is characteristic of reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) and gastritis with high acidity.

There are a number of reasons why such a cough may occur more often, notes Azizkhon Askarov. This happens, as the doctor says, when eating a lot of food - fried, spicy, fatty. He notes that stomach cough is accompanied in this case:

  • weakness;
  • sweating;
  • a burning sensation in the chest and heartburn;
  • lightheadedness (unpleasant feeling of being full of food or air);
  • belching air or food.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor.

Stomach acidity test. Doctor - about the danger of deviation from the norm Read more

What is the connection between heartburn and cough?

Acid reflux is a disorder in which acidic stomach contents move up the esophagus. The acid irritates the lining of the esophagus, which leads to a burning sensation in the chest - heartburn. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, USA, more than 60 million Americans experience heartburn at least once a month, more than 15 million of them every day.

Heartburn that occurs at least twice a week may indicate the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can lead to ulcers and permanent damage to the digestive system and increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer, scientists say. In addition to heartburn, a symptom of GERD is a chronic cough (a cough is considered chronic if it lasts more than 8 weeks). According to various sources, this symptom accompanies GERD in 15-40% of cases.

Scientists believe that during GERD, coughing can occur as a reflex action in order to prevent acid reflux, or when the contents of the stomach enter above the esophagus, droplets of acid settle in the larynx and pharynx. When the acidic contents of the stomach come into contact with the vocal cords and lining of the throat, inflammation can develop, leading to symptoms such as cough, hoarseness, sore throat, and foreign body sensation in the throat. A very small amount of acid is enough to irritate the mucous membrane of the throat and vocal cords, and only in 50% of such cases do patients experience heartburn, scientists say.

In 75% of cases where chronic cough is a symptom of GERD, there are no symptoms from the digestive system. Experts believe that the most effective way to diagnose this disease is monitoring the pH level, which involves inserting a probe through the nasopharynx into the esophagus to measure acidity for 24 hours. However, in practice, they often resort to making a diagnosis based on symptoms and medical history.

For people diagnosed with GERD, experts recommend making some lifestyle changes. Maintaining a healthy body mass index will potentially reduce pressure on the stomach and reduce the amount of acid that enters the esophagus. You can also reduce pressure on your stomach by avoiding tight, tight clothing. Smokers are more at risk of developing GERD. For people with this condition, experts recommend eating slowly and avoiding overeating, since large meals interfere with the normal functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing acidic stomach contents to rise up into the esophagus. Scientists also do not recommend taking a horizontal position during and for 3 hours after eating.

Some foods and drinks increase stomach acid production, including alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits, garlic, mint, onions, spices, tomatoes, fried foods and high-fat foods. Scientists strongly recommend avoiding these foods for people with GERD.

In addition to GERD, 20 causes can lead to chronic cough, with more than 1 cause involved in 62% of cases. The most common causes of this symptom are: asthma, respiratory tract infections, chronic bronchitis, postnasal drip, smoking, and the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. If the cough lasts more than 3 weeks without signs of improvement, and is also accompanied by bleeding, chest pain, and difficulty breathing, experts strongly recommend seeking qualified medical help.

Based on materials from www.medicalnewstoday.com

How to treat stomach cough?

Treatment for stomach cough should begin in a specialist’s office, says Azizkhon Askarov. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. To do this, the doctor carefully studies all the complaints that the patient may present. He also prescribes the following studies:

  • tests (general analysis and biochemical blood test);
  • daily pH-metry of the stomach;
  • fibrogastroscopy according to indications.

If it really is a stomach cough, notes therapist Askarov, the patient should eat differently. His daily routine should include:

  • frequent meals in small portions (200-300 g);
  • boiled and steamed dishes;
  • exclusion of strong tea and coffee, mint candies, mayonnaise and other hot sauces and seasonings.

After eating, you should not go to bed immediately. In addition, Azizkhon Askarov advises, it is necessary to normalize weight, as well as get rid of bad habits, that is, quit smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

“Drugs that affect the secretion of gastric juice (antisecretory) and prokinetics (improve the movement of food through the digestive tract from top to bottom) are also prescribed. Food must be chewed thoroughly so that saturation occurs faster. In severe cases, for example, when sliding esophageal hernias appear or drug therapy is ineffective, surgical treatment is resorted to,” the specialist emphasizes.

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Treatment options

To effectively treat dryness, sore throat and cough, it is necessary first of all to act on the cause of their occurrence - inflammation. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should consult a doctor who, depending on the anamnesis (history of the development of the disease), complaints and examination, will immediately suggest a particular disease or prescribe additional examinations and consultations. Since dryness, tickling and cough are not a diagnosis, but only one of the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive treatment, and not limit ourselves to just eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Elimination of pathogens.

In case of infectious origin of tickling and cough, therapy is prescribed that acts on the pathogen - antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal drugs for systemic use (orally or by injection, in the form of rectal suppositories). The selection of an antibiotic or antiviral agent is carried out by a doctor. Under no circumstances should you independently cancel and replace one drug with another or stop taking it earlier - this can lead to the progression of the process or its transition to a chronic stage.

Pain relief

. However, cough and severe sore throat, as a rule, are subjectively difficult for patients to tolerate, causing severe discomfort and disrupting their usual way of life. Therefore, it is difficult to do without the use of symptomatic medications to reduce the severity of complaints. For this purpose, a variety of local remedies are used: tablets and lozenges, sprays, rinsing solutions. If your throat is very sore, frequent warm drinks, warming and distracting procedures can help soothe the irritation of the mucous membranes. If you have a painful, obsessive, prolonged non-productive cough, you may need to prescribe antitussive drugs.

What are the consequences?

It is worth understanding that stomach cough is fraught with its own complications. Among them, as therapist Askarov says, may be:

  • enamel damage and caries;
  • insomnia;
  • neuroses and drowsiness;
  • hypertension with complications.

“Stomach cough in modern society is a fairly common occurrence due to a disrupted diet (fast food, eating on the run), but it can be treated effectively. And then the meal will not only be tasty, but also healthy, and the cough will not bother you,” summarizes Azizkhon Askarov.

Doctor MOM® for the treatment of cough and sore throat

In the complex treatment of cough and sore throat, the use of herbal medicines from the Doctor MOM® line - syrup and herbal cough lozenges - is indicated. Thanks to the unique1 “FITO BRONHO formula”2 based on medicinal plant extracts, the products in the Doctor MOM® line have a complex effect, helping to both relieve unpleasant symptoms and eliminate their cause - inflammation.

The main actions of Doctor MOM® syrup and herbal cough lozenges are:

  • Eliminating the cause of cough – inflammation;
  • Removing infection from the body3;
  • Combating unproductive and unproductive cough.
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