Algorithms for practical manipulations on the topic “Collecting feces for research”



  1. All examined patients, 1-3 days before taking the sample, should be on a diet that excludes the intake of foods that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines and lactic acid products, as well as alcohol, antibiotics and bacterial preparations (containing bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, E. coli, etc.) .d.).
  2. The material is feces after natural defecation, which is collected in a clean disposable container with a screw cap and spoon.
  1. All examined patients, 1-3 days before taking the sample, should be on a diet that excludes the intake of foods that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines and lactic acid products, as well as alcohol, antibiotics and bacterial preparations (containing bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, E. coli, etc.) .d.).
  2. The material is feces after natural defecation, which is collected in a clean disposable container with a screw cap and spoon.
  3. It is not recommended to collect feces from the toilet.
  4. Collect feces on a clean surface, which can be a clean new sheet (bag) of polyethylene or paper (this method is preferred).
  5. When using a vessel, it is first washed well with soap and a sponge, rinsed repeatedly with tap water, and then doused with boiling water and cooled.
  6. Feces are taken mainly from the middle portion with a special spoon mounted in the lid of a sterile container, in an amount of no more than 1/3 of the container’s volume. Do not fill the container to the top. Close the lid carefully.
  7. The material must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours from the moment of collection. If necessary, delivery time can be increased to 3 hours, storage conditions for the material are 4 degrees C.
  8. To correctly assess the results, it is recommended to conduct 2-3 studies with an interval of 1-2 days.


  1. Before collecting urine, prepare 6-10 clean cotton balls, a vessel with warm soapy water (use regular toilet soap), a vessel with warm boiled water and a container for collecting urine (open the lid of the container so that it can be removed with one hand).
  2. Wash your hands with soap.
  3. Sit comfortably on the toilet and spread your knees as wide as possible.
  4. Wash the external genital area by successively replacing 4 cotton balls soaked in soapy water. Each ball must be passed from the pubis to the anus only once, trying to penetrate all folds.
  5. Rinse the soapy area using two or more cotton balls soaked in warm boiled water. Each ball must be passed from the pubis to the anus only once, trying to penetrate all folds.
  6. To prevent vaginal discharge from getting into the urine, it is recommended that sexually active women insert a tampon into the vagina when collecting urine.
  7. Remove the lid from the container and hold it in your hand, being careful not to touch the edges. Prepare to collect urine.
  8. Keeping your labia apart, release a little urine into the toilet, stop urinating, and then, placing the container under the stream of urine, fill it to half capacity. Try not to touch the container to your body.
  9. Close the container carefully with the lid.
  10. The urine should be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours. If immediate sowing is not possible, it should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 18 hours.


1. Wash your hands with soap.

2. Pull back the foreskin (if it is not circumcised), wash the head of the penis with soap and warm boiled water, dry with a clean napkin.

3. Prepare the container by opening the container lid so that it can be removed with one hand. Do not touch the inside of the container or lid with your hands.

Release a small amount of urine into the toilet. Stop urinating.

4. Holding the foreskin in a retracted position, direct a stream of urine into the container and fill it halfway, being careful not to touch the edges of the container.

5. Carefully close the container with the lid.

6. Deliver the urine to the laboratory within 2 hours. If immediate sowing is not possible, it should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 18 hours.



1. The study is carried out on an empty stomach (refusal to eat 6-8 hours before the study). It is not recommended to drink or smoke before the test.

2. 2-3 days before the study, it is advisable to limit the intake of foods that cause flatulence (whole milk, brown bread, cabbage, other fresh vegetables and fruits, juices, sweets).

3. To reduce flatulence, it is recommended to take espumizan on the day before the study, 2 capsules 3 times a day and 2 capsules in the morning on the day of the study, or activated charcoal 2 tablets 3 times a day.



1. The study is carried out with a full bladder.

2. To fill the bladder an hour before the test, you need to drink 1.5 liters. liquids (mineral or drinking water without gas).

Rules for collecting material for microbiological research

Take material for examination only with a sterile instrument and in sterile containers received from the laboratory.

MBI for ureaplasma and mycoplasma. Ready time 4-7 days.

  • Take material before starting antibacterial therapy. Do not use local antiseptics.
  • Taking material from the urethra should be done no earlier than 2-3 hours after urination. Carefully remove mucus from the cervical canal.
  • Obtaining prostate secretion and sperm is carried out immediately after urination.
  • To collect the material, use the transport medium contained in a disposable Eppendorf tube (received in the laboratory and stored in the refrigerator).
  • The test material is taken using a universal probe or a Volkmann spoon and placed in a test tube with a previously thawed transport medium.
  • The scraping must contain a sufficient number of cells, because ureaplasma (mycoplasma) is a microbe that colonizes the cell surface.
  • Storage of samples: - at room temperature for 5 hours.

MBI of female genital discharge for dysbiosis and B-emolytic streptococcus. Ready time 5-7 days.

  • The material for inoculation must be taken in a sterile container before performing a manual examination.
  • Vagina: take material from the posterior vaginal fornix or from pathologically changed areas of the mucous membrane with a sterile Volkmann spoon.
  • Cervix: remove mucus with a sterile cotton swab. Take the material without touching the vaginal walls.
  • Uterine cavity: using a pipell curette.
  • Cervical canal: Before taking material from the opening of the cervical canal, remove the mucus plug. The tampon is inserted into the canal 1-1.5 cm and the material is collected with a rotational movement (5-10 seconds). Remove the tampon without touching the vaginal walls.
  • Urethra: It is recommended not to urinate for an hour before taking the sample. A sterile swab is inserted into the urethra to a depth of 1.5 cm. The material is collected with a rotational movement.
  • The material is placed in a test tube with transport medium.
  • Long-term storage of material (up to 48 hours) - in special transport media (Amies, Stuart).

MBI of male genital discharge. Ready time 3-4 days.

  • Urethra: It is recommended not to urinate for an hour before taking the sample. A sterile swab is inserted into the urethra to a depth of 3-4 cm. The material is collected with a rotational movement.
  • Ejaculate: for bacteriological research, it is collected into a sterile plastic disposable wide-neck container by masturbation (the container can be obtained from the laboratory). Asepsis rules must be observed!
  • Prostate secretion: Before collecting prostate secretion, sexual abstinence for 2 days is recommended. The doctor collects prostate secretions for bacteriological examination after a preliminary massage of the prostate. The material is placed in a sterile tube.
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material: in the refrigerator no more than 5-6 hours
  • Freezing is not allowed

MBI urine. Ready time 3 days.

  • Urine for testing should be taken before starting antibacterial therapy or in the intervals between courses.
  • The subject to study is the average portion of freely released morning urine, taken in an amount of 3-5 ml in a sterile container after a thorough toilet of the external genitalia (the external genitalia are treated with a swab with warm soapy water, dried with a napkin). Do not take the first portion, the middle portion (3-5 ml) collect in a sterile container. Asepsis rules must be observed!
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours
  • Long-term storage of material: in the refrigerator for 18 hours

MBI of female genital discharge (including Str.agalactiae).

  • Ready time 5-7 days.
  • The material for inoculation must be taken in a sterile container before performing a manual examination.
  • Vagina: take material from the posterior vaginal fornix or from pathologically altered areas of the mucosa.
  • Cervix: remove mucus with a sterile cotton swab. Take the material without touching the vaginal walls.
  • Uterine cavity: using a pipell curette.
  • The test material is taken using a universal probe or a Volkmann spoon and placed in a test tube with transport medium.
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material (up to 48 hours) - in special transport media (Amies, Stuart).

MBI of the separated pharynx. Ready time 3-4 days.

  • The material for research is taken on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating (by rinsing the mouth with boiled water or sterile saline). The sample is taken with a sterile cotton swab from the mucous membrane of the tonsils, the back wall of the pharynx and other inflamed areas. When performing the procedure, do not touch the tongue and mucous membranes of the cheeks. The swab is placed in a sterile tube and delivered to the laboratory.
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material (up to 48 hours) - in special transport media (Amies, Stuart).

MBI of nasal discharge. Ready time 3-4 days.

  • The material is taken with a sterile cotton swab. A tampon is inserted into the nasal passage until it stops at the level of the nasal turbinate (2-2.5 cm), the material is collected with rotational movements, placed in a sterile tube and delivered to the laboratory.
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material (up to 48 hours) - in special transport media (Amies, Stuart).

MBI sputum. Ready time 5-7 days.

  • Examine freely expectorated sputum, the average morning portion taken on an empty stomach.
  • The patient must first rinse the pharynx and mouth with boiled water or soda solution (1 tsp per cup of water).
  • The sputum is collected in a sterile container with a screw cap; if the sputum does not come out well, the patient is given an expectorant the day before.
  • Delivery: within 1.5-2 hours from the moment of receipt.
  • Long-term storage of the material: in the refrigerator no more than 6 hours.

MBI of wound discharge. Ready time 3-4 days.

  • The sample is taken strictly from the location of the outbreak, without involving nearby healthy tissue.
  • The skin around the wound is treated with 70% alcohol or other antiseptic, pus and necrotic masses are removed.
  • The tampon is moved from the center to the periphery with rotational movements. If there are drainages in the wound, the material is taken using a syringe.
  • Delivery: within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material (up to 48 hours) - in special transport media (Amies, Stuart).

MBI of breast milk. Ready time 3-4 days.

  • Breast milk is collected only before the baby is fed or two hours after breastfeeding. The examined patient washes the left and right breasts with warm water and soap and wipes them dry with a clean towel. Treat the surface of the nipples and fingertips with cotton wool moderately moistened with 70% ethyl alcohol. The first portion of breast milk, approximately 0.5 ml, is discarded. Then, without touching the nipple with her hands, the woman expresses 0.5 - 1 ml of milk from each gland into a separate sterile container (containers can be obtained from the laboratory). Long-term (more than two hours) storage or transportation of breast milk at room temperature is unacceptable. The consequence of this may be the proliferation of milk microflora and, as a result, incorrect results in quantitative bacteriological research.
  • When registering an order, you must indicate: 1) the material from which mammary gland (right or left) is in each container; 2) from which gland the child was last fed.
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material: in the refrigerator no more than 5-6 hours

MBI of ejaculate. Ready time 3-4 days.

  • The ejaculate for bacteriological research is collected into a sterile plastic disposable container with a wide neck by masturbation (the container can be obtained from the laboratory). Asepsis rules must be observed!
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material: in the refrigerator no more than 5-6 hours

MBI stool. Ready time 5-7 days

  • For research, it is preferable to use the morning portion of feces. Feces are collected using a special spoon mounted in the lid of a sterile plastic disposable container (the container can be obtained from the reception) in a volume equal to approximately ½ teaspoon from the middle part of the fecal mass. Pieces of undigested food and urine should be avoided. Some patients are unable to empty their bowels in the morning; in this case, the material is collected in the evening, and the container with stool is stored in the refrigerator until the next day, but not frozen. Long-term (more than two to three hours) storage or transportation of feces at room temperature is unacceptable. The consequence of this may be significant changes in the microflora of feces and, as a result, incorrect results in bacteriological examination.
  • Attention: To obtain a reliable result, the material for the study is taken before the start of antibacterial therapy or in the intervals between courses of treatment, but not earlier than two weeks after its completion. Similar tactics should be followed when treating patients with eubiotics (bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, colibacterin, etc.). If you are conducting a study while taking eubiotics or antibacterial therapy, please indicate this at the time of registration.
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of the material: in the refrigerator no more than 24 hours.

MBI stool on the intestinal group. Ready time 5-7 days.

  • The collection of smears from the rectum for bacteriological examination for the intestinal group is carried out in a disposable container with Amies medium (the container can be obtained in the laboratory). No special preparation is required.
  • Delivery of material - within 12 hours.
  • Long-term storage of material: in the refrigerator no more than 24 hours. Freezing is not allowed.

MBI of prostate secretion. Ready time 3-4 days.

  • Before collecting prostate secretions, sexual abstinence for 2 days is recommended. The doctor collects prostate secretions for bacteriological examination after a preliminary massage of the prostate. The material is placed in a sterile tube.
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of the material: in the refrigerator no more than 48 hours. Freezing is not allowed.

MBI of synovial fluid, punctates, abscess contents. Ready time 5-7 days.

  • The material is collected by a specialist doctor in a dressing room (operating room) in compliance with the rules of asepsis. The material is placed in a sterile plastic container (the container can be obtained from the laboratory) or in a special transport medium (Amies, Stuart).
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of the material: in the refrigerator no more than 5-6 hours, in special transport media (Amies, Stewart) up to 24 hours. Freezing is not allowed.

MBI bile. Ready time 5-7 days.

  • Bile for bacteriological examination is collected by the doctor during probing, separately, in portions A, B and C in three sterile tubes, or during surgery using a syringe in one tube, observing the rules of asepsis (these procedures are not performed in the laboratory).
  • Delivery of material - within 2 hours.
  • Long-term storage of the material: in the refrigerator no more than 5-6 hours. Freezing is not allowed

MBI for meningococcal infection. Ready time 10 days.

  • The material is collected by a specialist doctor.
  • The material to be tested - mucus from the back wall of the pharynx - is taken on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after a meal with a sterile cotton swab into Amies transport medium. First remove the container from the refrigerator (if the medium is stored in the refrigerator). The material is taken with obligatory pressure with a spatula on the root of the tongue. The tampon is inserted with the end up behind the soft palate into the nasopharynx and passed 2-3 times along the back wall. When removing, the tampon should not touch the teeth, buccal mucosa, tongue or uvula.
  • Delivery: within 1.5-2 hours from the moment of receipt. Carefully protecting the environment with the seeded material from cooling, in winter, use a heating pad (35-40°C) or deliver it by hand at a temperature of 37°C.
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