The mechanism of action of "Lioton" for hemorrhoids, composition, analogues, price, reviews

Hemorrhoids are nothing more than dilation of the veins of the anus. It is characterized by the formation of diverticula in the vessels, resulting in blood stagnation and blood clots. Lyoton for hemorrhoids helps improve blood circulation, reduces the process of thrombosis, reduces inflammation and swelling. Under the influence of the drug, the regenerating abilities of the mucous membranes improve, so the healing process goes faster. The therapeutic result is achieved thanks to the composition of the drug and its pharmacological ability.



Lyoton is classified as an anticoagulant that actively fights varicose veins. 1 g of the product contains 1000 IU of heparin, which is the active ingredient. In addition, the medicine contains auxiliary components:

  • ethanol,
  • carbomer,
  • propylparaben,
  • neroli oil,
  • lavender oil,
  • purified water.

Additional ingredients enhance the therapeutic effect of the active component of Lyoton.


Release form

The drug is released in the form of a gel. It is transparent or has a slight yellow tint. The gel has a specific smell. The product is viscous, uniform in texture, without lumps or impurities. The medicine is packaged in aluminum tubes of 30, 50 or 100 ml. Each tube is placed in a paper box along with a description of the drug. Store the product out of the reach of children, make sure that it is not exposed to high temperatures, freezing or direct sunlight. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. After the expiration date, it is not advisable to use the medicine, since it loses its therapeutic effect. You can buy Lyoton gel at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The product is intended for external use. The gel can relieve swelling, normalize blood circulation, and thin the blood. In addition, this remedy reduces inflammatory processes and reduces vascular permeability. The drug prevents the transition of prothrombin to thrombin, prevents the formation of blood clots and thereby prevents bleeding of hemorrhoids. This is important in the treatment of hemorrhoids, since the disease is accompanied by the appearance of blood clots in the lumen of the rectal veins. The use of Lyoton normalizes venous outflow in the pelvic vessels.

In addition, the product disinfects and regenerates the rectal mucosa, has a slight analgesic and relaxing effect. After application, heparin reaches its maximum concentration after 8 hours. Its traces in blood plasma can be identified after 24 hours. "Lioton" is excreted in the urine. The active substance of the drug does not affect the blood formula.

Read also: Indications for prescribing suppositories for hemorrhoids with antibiotics, contraindications

Pros and properties of the drug

The delicate gel consistency of Lyoton allows you to forget about possible inconveniences when using the product. The drug does not create a feeling of oiliness on the skin. The medicinal gel is characterized by great therapeutic abilities, which are similar in effect to the tablet form, anal suppositories and ointments.

The basic characteristics that distinguish Lyoton for hemorrhoids from other medications include:

  • destruction of the source of inflammation in hemorrhoidal cones;
  • regeneration of tissue coverings of the rectal passage;
  • damage restoration;
  • elimination of pain;
  • strengthening the vascular system of the anus.

Lyoton gel
Lyoton gel for hemorrhoids is a popular medication that minimizes the size of hemorrhoidal cones, eliminates rectal fissures in the rectum, prevents the appearance of discharge, and also increases the functioning of blood cells in the body.

This medicine includes a substance called heparin, which is used in medical practice to regenerate tissue material and normalize the processes occurring in the anus. In addition, the anesthetic properties of Lyoton for hemorrhoids eliminate pain. Hemorrhoids should be treated externally.

Indications and contraindications

"Lioton" is used for diseases associated with increased thrombus formation, and also as a prophylactic drug to prevent the development of the following conditions:

  • varicose veins,
  • phlebothrombosis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • superficial periphlebitis,
  • postoperative varicose phlebitis,
  • complications after removal of dilated veins of the lower extremities.

"Lioton" is used for injuries and bruises accompanied by the formation of bruises and swelling. The remedy is also effective for sprains of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. As an additional therapeutic agent, Lyoton is used to treat inflammation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and ulcers of the anal canal mucosa.

When prescribing a medicine, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient, since the medicine cannot be prescribed to patients with intolerance to heparin or other components of the drug. In addition, contraindications to the use of the medication are the presence of:

  • bleeding wounds,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • open skin defects,
  • infected wounds,
  • trophic ulcers,
  • hemorrhagic diathesis,
  • hemophilia,
  • purples,
  • thrombocytopenia.

Important! Lyoton should not be used for the treatment of hemorrhoids by people who have a history of internal bleeding or who are prone to such manifestations.

Side effects

Treatment with Lyoton often does not cause any problems. Patients tolerate the product well and note positive dynamics of therapy after a week of using the gel. But some patients may experience unwanted reactions in the form of:

  • itching and burning of the mucous membranes and skin when using the drug,
  • skin hyperemia,
  • hemorrhages in the perianal area.

If the drug is intolerant, angioedema may develop as a severe allergic reaction of the body. During pregnancy, the medicine is used only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision. The fact is that there is no data on the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, since such studies have not been conducted. Therefore, anticoagulant treatment is carried out for health reasons.

Side effect of "Lioton"

Leoton during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body copes with enormous loads that affect both the functioning of internal organs and the hematopoietic system. Swelling of the lower extremities is a common problem for expectant mothers. In addition, growing weight and an increase in blood volumes, supplying both mother and fetus with nutrients, contribute to the formation of congestion in the veins of the boot.

Due to the fact that heparin does not have the ability to penetrate the placental barrier, it is prescribed to expectant mothers. During lactation, the drug is also not dangerous, since it has not been found in breast milk.

Dosage and overdose

Gel "Lioton" is used externally. It is not difficult and every patient is able to carry out such therapy. The main thing before the procedure is to carry out hygiene procedures for the perianal area, wash your hands and prepare a small piece of cotton cloth or a wide bandage. Depending on the location of the hemorrhoids, the following manipulations are performed.

Inflammation, prolapse of nodes, as well as anal fissures are treated by lubricating the damaged areas with gel. To do this, squeeze a pea of ​​medicine onto your finger and apply the medicine to the protrusion or defect of the mucous membrane. The second option is to apply a cloth lubricated with medicine to the sore spot. 2-3 sessions are performed per day. The course of treatment is one week.

Read also: Features of treating hemorrhoids with suppositories during pregnancy, review of popular drugs and prevention

Internal hemorrhoids are rarely treated with Lyoton. Your doctor may recommend a remedy to reduce the internal swelling of the anal canal lining. To do this, make a tampon from a bandage, lubricate it with the drug and insert it into the anus. In the same way, swelling of the mucous membrane is relieved after surgery on the anus. The course of procedures lasts a week and a half. You can use a special applicator to administer the medicine, but it should be used carefully so as not to injure the mucous membrane.

There are no cases of overdose of the drug. There were complications when using the drug for bleeding hemorrhoids. If the medicine is accidentally ingested, a person develops symptoms of poisoning or systemic disorders. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Method and mechanism of action

Heparin is a constituent element of Lyoton, used in the treatment of venous diseases. This product restores the regenerative function of the skin and anal tissue. Heparin quickly eliminates the inflammatory center, prevents the occurrence of anal fissures and rectal bleeding.

The use of the medicine by injection into the anus can improve blood supply to the rectum, quickly restore mucous membranes damaged by the disease, and improve blood circulation. When used externally as a drug in the treatment of hemorrhoids, heparin creates an antimicrobial effect, removes swelling and pain, and allows the muscle tissue of the anus to relax. Removes hematomas and bruises, reduces inflammation and the size of hemorrhoids.

The drug is prescribed for complete regeneration of anal fibers after operations. Doctors prescribe the use of Lyoton at any stage of hemorrhoids, as it is able to heal even severe manifestations of the disease. When entering the body through the skin, the active components of the medicine are activated within a third of the day from the time of application.

Lyoton is available only in gel form. Used for superficial application to the affected area. The dose is determined based on the stage and extent of the disease.


When carrying out therapy with Lyoton, you need to take into account that the drug is incompatible with some other medications. Thus, it cannot be used in conjunction with other anticoagulants. This enhances the therapeutic effect and may lead to bleeding. It is forbidden to take Lyoton simultaneously with:

  • salicylic acid,
  • tetracycline,
  • hydrocortisone.

This reduces or enhances the therapeutic effect of applying the drug and increases the risk of adverse reactions.

Note! "Lioton" is not a specific remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is used as part of group therapy. It is used as a single drug for acute attacks of the disease. The remedy can relieve symptoms, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease.

Lyoton in the treatment of hemorrhoids, adverse reactions and precautions

Doctor's recommendations
Among the adverse reactions, one should highlight the occurrence of allergic manifestations in the form of skin rashes, severe itching, increased swelling and redness of the mucous membranes.

Due to the low systemic exposure of the drug to the body, the risk of developing overdose symptoms is very low. The product can only be used externally; if the gel gets ingested, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage and seek help from a specialist.

While taking it, it should be taken into account that the combination of Lyoton gel with other drugs from the group of anticoagulants with oral administration may prolong the blood clotting period and increase the risk of bleeding. A pathological reaction is possible with the simultaneous use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tetracycline antibiotics, and antihistamines. With prolonged use, the use of Lyoton may increase the risk of adverse reactions.

Simultaneous use with other local agents may weaken the therapeutic effect or worsen the course of the disease.


If it is impossible to carry out Lyoton therapy, the doctor prescribes substitutes with the same or another active ingredient, but with different additional ingredients.


Drug nameActive substanceValidity period, hPrice, rub
TromblessHeparin sodium8-12From 112.00 to 325.00
ContractubesOnion extract, heparai, allantoin3-4588,00
Heparin ointmentHeparin, benzyl nicotinate, anesthesin1-286,00
Lavenumheparin8-12From 190.00

The prescribed analogues have different concentrations of the active substance, and therefore differ somewhat in action.

Heparin ointment

Analogues of Lyoton ointment for hemorrhoids

Among the analogues of Gel Lyoton, there are a large number of drugs that may differ in the main active ingredient and mechanism of action.

The most popular means include:

Treatment of hemorrhoids with ointment

  • Heparin ointment. Its composition contains the active ingredient of the same name, which is a direct anticoagulant. The drug reduces the rate of blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. During application, the compartment and tissue inflammation are removed.
  • Troxevasin. The product, produced in local or systemic form, helps improve microcirculation processes, as well as strengthen the vascular wall. By reducing the pores in the endothelium, tissue swelling is relieved. With use, the rate of progression of hemorrhoids decreases.

Treatment with the drug is carried out under strict medical supervision. Before starting treatment, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out and possible contraindications should be excluded.


Comments about the drug are left on website pages by ordinary users, as well as specialists.

Cosmetologist Evgenia, 36 years old. A very effective remedy for relieving swelling and bruising. Quickly penetrates the skin and eliminates swelling. It differs from heparin ointment in the absence of side effects.

Surgeon, Vladislav 39 years old. I practice prescribing ointment for thrombophlebitis, in the postoperative period, and for soft tissue bruises. The product is used in combination with physiotherapy.

Read also: Instructions for using suppositories for hemorrhoidal cones, indications for use, mechanism of action

Anna. Varicose veins appeared during pregnancy. There were no problems with veins before. The disease began to rapidly gain momentum.” The gynecologist advised applying Lyoton under compression tights. This helped stop the further development of the disease. I continue to use the gel, I think I won’t need surgery.

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