Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids: reviews from doctors, composition, instructions, analogue

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant disease that brings a lot of inconvenience, as a result of which a malignant tumor of the rectum may appear. How to prevent such dangerous consequences and get rid of this disease without problems? Musk ointment from China will come to the rescue. Thanks to this remedy, a person’s unpleasant symptoms will disappear faster, and soon the disease itself will disappear. Therefore, today we will find out what Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids is, reviews about it, as well as rules of use. And we will determine why it is so important to treat the disease at the very beginning of its development.

Indications for use

At the first signs of hemorrhoids, a person should promptly begin treatment in consultation with a proctologist. After all, the sooner he starts therapy, the faster he will get rid of this problem. After all, curing hemorrhoids in the first stage is much easier than in the last. That is why anyone should know the signs of this disease. So, Chinese musk ointment can be used in the following cases:

— If there are unpleasant sensations in the anal canal.

— During defecation, there is blood in the stool.

— There is a feeling that something is stuck in the rectum.

— A person feels a burning sensation in the anus.

- If prolapsed nodes from the rectum are observed.

All these unpleasant signs indicate a problem such as hemorrhoids. Therefore, you should not wait for something fantastic and think that the disease will go away on its own. This won't happen. The patient will only make things worse for himself, since the problem can get worse and end very badly.

Chinese musk ointment will help a person:

- at any stage of hemorrhoids;

- presence of anal fissures;

- hemorrhoidal tumors;

- non-healing rectal eczema.

Doctor's opinion

Igor Vakulenko, proctologist: “Musk ointment is used for initial attacks of hemorrhoids, anal fissure and eczema. The anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect is aimed at stopping and preventing the development of complications. In later stages of the disease, it is advisable to use ointment with musk to relieve itching and pain. The drug eliminates swelling well, relieves itching and pain. Quickly stops bleeding, eliminates inflammation of hemorrhoids, improves blood flow from the pelvic organs.

But it is important to note that this is not enough to completely cure hemorrhoids. Often, after using the ointment, patients forget about the problems and think that they have completely gotten rid of the disease. Then they are surprised when six months later the disease reappears.

If attacks of acute hemorrhoids occur, you should immediately see a proctologist and undergo diagnostics. The disease is very easy to treat in the first stages of development. And so it takes a long time and is difficult in a neglected form.”


Author of the article Alexey Alexandrovich Egorov, proctologist

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Appearance, storage, price of the drug

Musk ointment is a topical medicine; it is white in color and has a uniform consistency. The drug smells pleasantly of herbs. The ointment is available in a 10 g plastic tube. Before using the product for the first time, you must remove the aluminum foil located under the cap. The ointment kit includes three tips for inserting the product into the anus (for internal hemorrhoids). The tube is placed in a cardboard package. All inscriptions are in Chinese, so you shouldn’t look for something in Russian.

The product must be stored in a dark and dry place, away from children. The ointment has a shelf life of 3 years.

The average cost of this product is about 300 rubles.

Why is it so important to promptly treat hemorrhoids?

Some people are in no hurry to contact a proctologist with this problem for various reasons: some are confident that they can get rid of the disease on their own, others are afraid of surgical intervention, and some are simply ashamed and embarrassed to talk about their disease. However, this is fundamentally wrong. After all, if a person does not consult a doctor in time, then hemorrhoids from the initial stage can quickly develop into an advanced stage, one that cannot be treated with ointments. In this case, only surgical intervention will help. However, even after the operation it will not be so easy for a person to live. After all, after surgery, you will have to follow a diet for the rest of your life, stop smoking, and drink alcohol. True, and this is not the worst thing. The fact is that incorrect or untimely treatment can provoke the appearance of polyps in the rectum, which over time begin to mutate into malignant tumors. It turns out that hemorrhoids can even lead to rectal cancer. And this is no longer a joke. Therefore, it is so important to start adequate treatment on time, and for this, a trip to the proctologist must be carried out.

The dangers of Chinese treatments

Since pharmacies in Russia are under the control of pharmaceutical authorities, all products sold there are analyzed using prescribed procedures and must meet certain quality criteria. Side effects can occur with Chinese medicines if they are not taken correctly. Parts of some Chinese plants are sometimes potent substances that can cause serious disorders if not taken correctly.

In the case of Internet marketing, consumers may receive untested drugs. The use of exotic plants containing unknown amounts of various, partially untested ingredients, increased levels of contaminants or pesticides in products can sometimes lead to serious side effects.

Limit values ​​for harmful substances in preparations may be exceeded. Some Chinese ointments and oral medications contained heavy metals (cadmium, lead and mercury) or were contaminated with carcinogenic mold toxins called aflatoxins. Some herbal supplements and formulations have been found to be potentially hepatotoxic (toxic to the liver).

Herbal preparations containing aristolic acid have been shown to be carcinogenic and nephrotic.

Some TCM products may contain substances that are not included in the prohibited list. In 2012, Australian researchers looked at 15 different TCM remedies and used them to extract 49,000 genetic markers indicating the source of the ingredients. Among other things, the researchers found traces of protected plant and animal species and carcinogenic substances. Three quarters of the samples tested contained traces of organisms that were not on the prohibited list.

TCM herbal remedies are sometimes labeled with undeclared synthetic substances that are said to enhance the effectiveness of supposedly all natural medicines. Some of them are illegal substances removed from the Russian market due to their dangers.

Synthetic musks are lipophilic and remain in adipose tissue for a long time. Nitro-musks and polycyclic musks, which have been used for 100 years, have low biodegradability and accumulate in the environment. However, musk does not affect human health.

Which patients are at risk?

Below is a list of those people who play with life and death more than others. Thus, the following categories of patients can quickly get rectal cancer caused by untimely cured hemorrhoids:

  1. Office workers. After all, they often sit at their workplace for a long time - 8-10 hours.
  2. People who smoke, as well as those who drink alcohol.
  3. Patients who often suffer from constipation.
  4. People who stand for a long time and at the same time strain their abdominal muscles (for example, loaders, weightlifters).
  5. Patients with bad heredity.

Hemorrhoids prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest. Why suffer from pain if you can get rid of it with the help of a remedy such as Chinese musk ointment? This drug will help quickly remove hemorrhoids without causing complications. Below is a description of how this tool works.

Action of the medicine

Chinese musk ointment, reviews of which will be discussed below, has the following effects on the sick body:

- Instantly relieves itching.

- Quickly relieves pain.

- Helps wounds to quickly heal and bleeding to stop.

- Prevents inflammatory processes from developing.

— Prevents the formation of tumors.

— Prevents hemorrhoids from growing, helps eliminate them.

— Helps normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

— Quickly restores damaged tissues.

Components of the product

Chinese musk ointment has the following composition:

- Musk. This substance, produced by animals, removes the inflammatory effect, helps eliminate blood stagnation in the anus, and improves blood flow in the veins. In addition, this component of the ointment strengthens human immunity.

— Bezoar removes inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. This component also helps dull the pain and relieve spasms caused by hemorrhoids.

— Calamine promotes rapid healing of wounds in the rectum. It also forms a protective film that prevents germs and bacteria from entering the wound.

— Pearls stop bleeding and have an astringent effect.

— Borax prevents germs and bacteria from multiplying.

- Amber. Thanks to this element, blood vessels are strengthened, and body tissues are saturated with useful substances. In addition, this component improves blood microcirculation in the affected area.

— Borneol helps restore damaged rectal tissue, eliminates the inflammatory process, and also puts the microflora in order.

— Yellow Vaseline has a disinfecting effect.

— Lanolin restores cells that have been damaged.

— Dimethyl sulfoxide acts as an anesthetic component.

The elements included in the musk ointment act synergistically, that is, they enhance each other’s effects. Due to this, the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids is guaranteed.

Composition of musk preparation

The Chinese remedy for inflamed hemorrhoids is made from the following ingredients:


  • calamine - an antimicrobial substance that leaves a protective film on damaged tissue, heals wounds and cracks;
  • musk is a component produced by the gland of an animal, intended to strengthen the immune system, fight disease, improve blood supply, relieve inflammation, and disinfect. Musk reduces congestion, improves circulation;
  • amber is a substance that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and mucosal tissue, activates cellular biosynthesis, stabilizes circulation, eliminates stagnation;
  • bezoar – prevents inflammation, disinfects, has antibacterial and analgesic effectiveness;
  • borax – an antibacterial component that prevents the spread of infection;
  • pearls are an astringent component that stops blood loss and mucous rejection from the anus;
  • borneol – participates in the healing of wounds and cracks, reduces inflammation.

Among the auxiliary components of the drug, the following are noted: lanolin, dimethyl sulfoxide, petroleum jelly.

How to use?

Chinese musk ointment, the instructions for which are in the package, must be used correctly. The process of using this tool is described in detail below:

  1. It is advisable to cleanse the intestines. You can do this yourself by simply going to the toilet, or you can use an enema for this purpose.
  2. Rinse the anus with warm water. Wipe it dry with a napkin.
  3. Apply the ointment evenly to the affected area.
  4. Wash your hands so that no drug remains on them.

To achieve excellent results, it is advisable to stay in bed for 1 hour after applying the ointment. Also, you should not go to the toilet for half an hour after the product has been applied.

This procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a day. It is better if this is done before bedtime, as well as early in the morning, so that there is still time to lie down a little.

The course of therapy lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.

Correct use of ointment

Before applying the composition for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease, the patient must clear the intestines of feces, after which the anorectal area is hygienically cleansed with soap and water. You need to wipe the anus with a soft cloth, not a rough terry towel.

The instructions for use of the ointment composition indicate that for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, the medicine is applied in a small amount. After applying the composition, the patient is recommended to rest in bed for 45 minutes. The ointment is used twice a day in the morning and evening. After completing the course of therapy prescribed by the proctologist, hemorrhoids disappear.

Chinese ointment for internal hemorrhoids instructions: The medicine is administered rectally into the anus through the tip attached to the drug. Before introducing the ointment, you should lubricate the pre-screwed tip onto the tube with Vaseline. No more than 0.5 mg of the composition is recommended per application. Sessions are scheduled for two-time administration.

After introducing the ointment composition, the tip is slowly removed, and a gauze pad is applied to the anus, after which the patient must lie down for half an hour. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days, but the regimen is prescribed individually by the proctologist.

Advantages of the product

Treatment of hemorrhoids with Chinese musk ointment has the following advantages:

  1. Helps with both internal and external inflammation.
  2. It has a useful and completely safe composition.
  3. It not only relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids, but also treats the disease itself.
  4. Provides quick as well as long-lasting effects.
  5. It is made according to ancient Tibetan recipes, but modern technologies are used.
  6. Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids has mixed reviews from doctors. However, most proctologists still recommend this remedy as a treatment for this insidious disease, since the effect is obvious to them.
  7. The drug does not stain laundry.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with musk ointment

The opinion of doctors on the use of the cream is ambiguous due to self-medication of patients. “It is recommended to take medications according to a prescription and after consultation with a doctor” is the opinion of most modern doctors. It is impossible to hide the fact that the product is effective. Most modern proctologists openly recommend musk ointment to patients as a proven and effective way to combat the scourge even in advanced stages.

Hemorrhoids heal quickly and disappear “literally before our eyes.” After application, the pain and burning disappear and are less disturbing. The cream removes the superficial symptoms of the sore and really heals.


To prove the effectiveness of the drug, Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids was tested in several clinics in the Russian capital. This happened at the end of 2013. More than 500 patients with hemorrhoids of various stages took part in this experiment. For 2 weeks, people applied this remedy to the affected area. And after 14 days, the test results amazed even experienced proctologists. According to the results of the experiment, in 70% of patients, hemorrhoids disappeared in 4–5 days (this is for those who had the disease in the initial stage of development). The remaining 30% of the experimental subjects, who had a severe stage of the disease, needed 2 weeks to completely get rid of the disease. However, not a single person said that the ointment did not help them. That is, this remedy works 100%. It can be assumed that today none of the known drugs for hemorrhoids is as highly effective as this medicine.

Are Chinese products effective?

Most people do not believe in the quality of Chinese medicinal products. Although it is formed on natural components that have strong healing power. Chinese ointments and creams have acquired the greatest perfection.

Before releasing the product for sale, Chinese hemorrhoid cream was tested in more than one Moscow clinic. More than 500 people with various stages of hemorrhoidal inflammation took part in the experiment. The result was amazing.

In almost 70% of patients, symptoms decreased within just a couple of days of treatment. Patients with advanced disease felt noticeable relief after 2 weeks of using the ointment. Therefore, studies have proven the effectiveness of the drugs produced by the Chinese to eliminate hemorrhoids.

Where to buy?

Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids is not sold in pharmacies. This is due to the fact that the drug is not registered in Russia and Ukraine. Even looking at the packaging with the product, you will see that only hieroglyphs are depicted there. And this suggests that the drug is imported directly from the Middle Kingdom. “If Chinese musk ointment is not sold in pharmacies, then where can you buy it?” - you ask. You can purchase this healing remedy for hemorrhoids on the Internet, on the official website of the seller. This is where you can buy ointment at an affordable price. Because resellers put a large markup on it.

Positive feedback from specialists

Chinese musk ointment has different reviews from doctors: some recommend it, but others do not. Those proctologists who believe in the effectiveness of this remedy assure patients that the drug really helps to cope with hemorrhoids. People who trust the doctor and buy this ointment eventually really get rid of this disease. They come to see the doctor and thank him for their quick recovery. How do experts justify the choice of such treatment? After all, the product is not even sold in pharmacies? Proctologists, of course, rely on the composition of the drug, since it contains useful and effective components that provide quick results.

Negative feedback from specialists

Unfortunately, Chinese musk ointment also has negative reviews from proctologists. Some doctors do not believe in such a rapid effectiveness of this drug, they say that in 1 week of use without additional procedures it is impossible to get rid of hemorrhoids. Also, when you come for a consultation with a proctologist and ask about Chinese musk ointment, you can hear an answer that can shock you. Experts note that those supposedly real reviews from doctors about this product published on websites are fictitious. That this is a marketing ploy used by dubious sellers so that people fall for their tricks. After all, the reviews say that even doctors are delighted with this ointment, that the effect of it exceeds the result after surgery. However, you should not believe this. Real doctors note that this ointment has some positive results, but it cannot be used as the main treatment. Moreover, it is forbidden to purchase it yourself without visiting a doctor. After all, only a proctologist can prescribe adequate therapy, thanks to which the patient will get rid of hemorrhoids. In this case, treatment must be comprehensive. Proctologists assure that the ointment itself will not produce the desired effect. Changing your lifestyle, namely giving up bad habits, spicy food, as well as increasing physical activity, getting rid of extra pounds and jointly using Chinese musk ointment - this is what will give results in combination. Doctors also recommend that their patients purchase domestic, proven ointments, which clearly indicate the composition and expiration date. After all, this is the only way to protect yourself from a counterfeit drug, which, apart from disappointment, will not bring any positive effects.

Patient reviews

Reviews and advice gave me hope of getting rid of the disease. Quite recently I began to be bothered by discomfort in the anus. There was often burning and itching, and after going to the toilet I experienced unbearable pain. There was a lump in the anus. A work colleague advised me to try an ointment with musk. I read reviews on the Internet.

I was a little confused by the Chinese production and many good reviews, but I still bought this ointment. For two weeks I administered the ointment according to the instructions, and the problem disappeared. I bought another tube in case the disease makes itself felt again. Nikolay, 45 years old, Rostov region, builder

After giving birth, I clearly felt nodes in the anal area. Bleeding was sometimes observed during defecation. A friend, who herself faced a similar problem during the postpartum period, recommended me a Chinese ointment based on musk. I used the ointment for 10 days. The nodes decreased in size and practically disappeared. The bleeding when going to the toilet has completely stopped. I recommend it to everyone who is faced with hemorrhoids. Natalya, 38 years old, Yekaterinburg, housewife

My job is sedentary, and it is not at all surprising that hemorrhoids still made themselves felt. I turned to a proctologist. The doctor advised me to move more, take regular breaks from work, and not eat spicy food. For medications, he prescribed me Chinese musk ointment. I was completely satisfied with the treatment. The main thing is that the itching and burning went away, and the nodes stopped falling out. I would like to note that the pain disappears immediately after application. I recommend! Tatyana, 51 years old, Kaluga, accountant

I work as a truck driver, problems with hemorrhoids began about five years ago. It’s not that I was afraid to go to the doctor, I didn’t even tell my loved ones anything. After trips, going to the toilet resulted in unbearable pain, and feces sometimes came out along with blood. On another trip, I found musky ointment in the first aid kit, left by my partner. After my question about the drug, I found out that he was worried about the same problem, and this ointment helps him well. I decided to try it too. I liked it, my condition has improved significantly. Mikhail, 44 years old, Astrakhan region, driver

Valentina: My hemorrhoids were just terrible. I didn’t know what to do with the itching in the anus, and then the bumps grew. Then swelling and bleeding began.

I bought ointment with musk on the Internet. Everything except the bumps became easier on the first day. The nodes themselves went away in about two weeks.

Vitaly: I work as a security guard, I constantly have to stand, I ate haphazardly. Hemorrhoids developed very quickly. From my father’s experience, I knew what an annoying pain it was. A friend recommended musk ointment. I used it for ten days and simply forgot about my hemorrhoids.

Maria: At the age of 24 I became a mother, but at the same time I got a big and unpleasant problem. There was simply no time for treatment, so the hemorrhoids turned out to be a little neglected. I’m very suspicious, I’m afraid of pain, any kind of intervention is absolutely terrible. I tried musk ointment. The small cracks disappeared literally within a day, and the burning and itching also stopped almost immediately. The small bump first noticeably decreased and then completely disappeared. I had to undergo treatment for two weeks, now I am very happy, no relapses.

Important Tips

For Chinese musk ointment to start working, you should not neglect the following important points:

  1. During treatment, you must give up alcohol, smoking, and carbonated drinks.
  2. You cannot eat spicy and salty foods, otherwise there will be no effect. If possible, you should also limit the consumption of overly fried and fatty foods. It is better to steam, boil or stew food. Don't overload your body.
  3. It is important to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals, because they normalize the digestive process.
  4. During and after treatment, it is also better to drink juice, weak tea, or compote instead of coffee.
  5. You can’t sit on the couch and wait for the problem to solve itself. It is important to do something active during this time. For example, run in the morning and evening, do exercises.

If you stick to a diet and lead an active lifestyle, the results of using Chinese musk ointment will be much better.


This remedy should not be used in the following cases:

  1. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. People prone to allergies should not buy this drug.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before using the ointment. Perhaps the treating doctor will prohibit the use of the drug and prescribe another treatment.

Now you know what Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids is, we also discussed reviews about it, indications and contraindications in the review. We found out what doctors think about this remedy, what their opinion is about the drug. And they realized that, despite all the advantages of this ointment, it is necessary in any case to adhere to a diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and, of course, see a doctor. After all, self-medication will not lead to anything good. Only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment regimen, thanks to which a problem such as hemorrhoids will go away quickly and without complications.

Method and dosage

Unless otherwise indicated, placebo should be taken as follows:

  • For external use, the ointment is applied twice a day to the affected anal area. Before use, clean the skin with warm water and a soft cloth (no soap),
  • When administered into the anus or intestines, the ointment is used twice a day and only after bowel movements. It is recommended to use a special applicator for administration.

Placebo should be used until acute symptoms of irritation have resolved. Drug therapy should not be used for more than 7 days.

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