Lecture No. 11. Penetration is a method for determining physical and mechanical properties by the penetration of foreign bodies of different shapes and sizes into them

For many couples, this is especially true for those who have been married for more than one year and the usual relationships no longer bring the same pleasure. This is where penetration comes to the rescue - sexual intercourse, which includes many variations, one of which may be, for example, sex without penetration. Also, this option for sexual satisfaction is ideal in cases where the use of traditional sexual techniques is impossible for some reason. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of the opportunity to get pleasure, you just need to familiarize yourself with an alternative option for sex.

The most famous varieties

The most famous expression of non-penetrative sex is oral sex. Its male and female versions have their own names:

  • Fellatio - oral caresses of a man's penis;
  • Cunnilingus is oral caresses of the female genital organs.

Ideally, in order for both partners to receive excitement and, accordingly, satisfaction at the same time, the legendary pose 69 is suitable. Do not be afraid of your inexperience, the body will intuitively cope with the situation and tell you how to act correctly. It's never too late to learn, and this expression also applies to sex.

Development of pathology

In nine out of ten patients who were diagnosed with a penetrating ulcer, it was found in the final sections of the stomach and the initial sections of the duodenum.

The frequency of ulcer penetration into different organs is as follows:

  • to the pancreas – in 68% of patients;
  • into the liver, lesser omentum and hepatoduodenal ligament – ​​in 30%;
  • into the intestines, mesentery and gall bladder – in 2%.


Every third patient with the described disease was diagnosed with other complications of peptic ulcer - gastrointestinal bleeding, stenosis or perforation.

When penetrating, the ulcer not only spreads to the neighboring organ - it becomes its bottom. With a pronounced destructive process, the wall of the stomach or duodenum with an ulcer can literally tear away from such an organ - in this case, perforation of the ulcer occurs.

The sequence of the pathological process with a penetrating ulcer is as follows:

  • the ulcer “eats” the mucous membrane and “gets” to the deeper layers of the stomach or intestinal wall;
  • the wall of the stomach or duodenum adheres to the organ that is nearby, and then attaches to it even more strongly with the help of connective tissue adhesions. They arise for the reason that the body, having responded to the spread of the ulcerative process outside the affected organ, tries to protect it from healthy tissues;
  • the ulcerative process spreads unhindered to the surface of the organ located adjacent to the stomach or duodenum.

Ulcer penetration is usually observed:

  • with ulcerative lesions of the stomach - into the body of the pancreatic gland and the lesser omentum, less often - into the anterior abdominal wall;
  • with ulcerative lesions of the duodenum - in the left lobe of the liver, biliary tract, head of the pancreas, transverse colon, its mesentery (the connective tissue film that attaches the intestine to the abdominal wall), ligaments connecting the stomach and duodenum to the liver.

Correct actions2

In order for such penetration to bring maximum pleasure to your partner, you must first get rid of the feeling of shyness. Next, you need to learn to understand the “body language” of your companion - to feel the reaction of his body to touches, kisses, caresses and stroking in various areas of the body. This will allow you to find all the “weak” places and skillfully use them during non-contact sex.

Thus, you can easily learn how to take your partner to the heights of enchanting pleasure and give him minutes of magical sex.

Petting secrets3

Another of the pleasant moments that penetration is famous for is petting. By the way, it is used by those couples for whom ordinary types of sex are unacceptable for some reason. The main feature of this option is that in order to give each other pleasure you don’t even need to undress.

Another advantage of this type of sex is that it is available absolutely everywhere - a park area, an entrance and even a theater box. In all these places, you can caress each other through clothes without fear that someone will notice what the couple is doing in their minimal privacy (of course, if the partners are minimally careful). In order for petting to bring satisfaction, only one thing is necessary - to achieve complete relaxation. However, this can largely be attributed to any variation of sex.

How to obtain information from a counterparty?

Not all users are ready to voice the reasons why they choose one or another manufacturer. Meanwhile, these data play a big role in calculating penetration. A variety of surveys will help you “talk” your customers. This method is considered the most effective - especially if the survey itself is conducted by an independent agency.

In addition, you can use scripts. In the process of development, they are constantly refined, optimized in accordance with the company profile, and stop words are removed. With the proper persistence of the manager, it is possible to collect up to 70% of the total volume of the current base of counterparties. In the future, this information, with minor amendments, is transferred to the remaining counterparties. Based on the results of the work done, a table is drawn up indicating the actual share in the client and its potential. Based on this, individual plans are created.

Another option is masturbation4

Mutual masturbation sessions are another version of sex that penetration is famous for. This practice allows you to achieve the maximum level of arousal even before actual intercourse. This type of pleasure (despite the fact that many are completely unnecessarily embarrassed by it) is approved by both sexologists and psychologists around the world.

Experts believe that self-satisfaction or mutual satisfaction between partners helps bring a couple closer together not only on a physical, but also on an emotional level.

The main problem in relaxing and getting maximum pleasure is the presence of complexes. Some people are concerned about the shortcomings (in most cases, apparent or far-fetched) of their own figure, others are stopped by their own embarrassment. Ideally, a session of mutual masturbation should look like this – the partners sit opposite each other and begin to satisfy themselves. Particularly shy couples can start doing this with the lights off, gradually increasing the level of lighting (night lamps, floor lamps, in general, any dim light). After some time, the feeling of shame will leave the partners forever.

Differential diagnosis

Differential (distinctive) diagnosis of ulcer penetration is often carried out with such diseases and pathological conditions as:

  • duodenitis - an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the duodenum;
  • hepatitis - inflammatory damage to the liver parenchyma;
  • cholecystitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the gallbladder;
  • cholelithiasis – the formation of calculi (stones) in the gallbladder and/or bile ducts;
  • pancreatitis - inflammatory damage to the parenchyma (working tissue) of the pancreas;
  • pancreatic necrosis - necrosis of an area or the entire pancreas, which occurs when simultaneously ingesting large amounts of alcoholic beverages and fatty foods;
  • colitis - an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the large intestine;
  • Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory lesion of the colon mucosa, which is accompanied by the formation of multiple ulcerative defects throughout its entire length;
  • Crohn's disease is the formation of granulomas (plaques) in the wall of the large intestine along its entire length.

Balance of intimate life5

As in any other area of ​​​​relationships between partners, in sexual life it is necessary to strive to achieve harmonious balance. Both lovers need to stop being shy and learn to discuss with each other all the nuances of sexual life. Find out what exactly brings special pleasure to your other half and what new things lovers should try.

For example, some couples need simple body-to-body touch. There are men who, in order to get an orgasm, simply need to rub their perineum against a certain part of her body (often this is the thigh). The widespread use of this practice has led sexologists to come up with a separate name for this variation of sex, which includes penetration, “rabbing.” It is also actively used in sexual activity and is classified as a contact non-penetrating type of vaginal/anal penetration. Caresses that do not include penetration and are carried out via video chat are called non-contact.

Who practices non-penetrative sex6

Both women and men prefer non-penetrative sex for many reasons. For some, the main criterion for choosing this type of achieving sexual satisfaction is certain physiological characteristics of the body. Others choose it to add some variety to their sex life.

For example, as numerous studies show, many women prefer clitoral stimulation during sex. Only in this case can they count on receiving a bright, enchanting orgasm.

However, penetration very rarely becomes a topic of discussion, and even less often do partners consider types of unusual sexual satisfaction as full-fledged. So why do people use all kinds of extravaginal practices?

People with non-traditional views on their gender7

When we talk about extravaginal practice, we mean sex techniques intended for women. At the same time, they are successfully used by those representatives of humanity who, in principle, do not consider themselves either female or male. We are talking about:

  • Non-binary people;
  • Transgender representatives of humanity.

Who is this? Many people may ask themselves this question, since currents of this kind appeared relatively recently and are little known. So, non-binary people differ from the main part of humanity in that they do not identify themselves as either male or female. The sets of feelings, sensations and emotions that one of the sexes is endowed with categorically does not suit them and does not allow them to feel comfortable. They do not want to perceive themselves based on gender characteristics and social roles.

As for transgenderism, it consists of a discrepancy between gender identity or gender expression and the sex that, according to external gender characteristics, was registered in documents at birth. Some of them may identify themselves with the opposite sexes (they should not be confused with transvestites), some even identify themselves as a person who goes beyond the generally accepted double gender classification.


In many cases, the exceptional practical sex techniques that penetration offers can significantly expand the possibilities of sexual communication. They (techniques) are an optimal addition to the usual vaginal stimulation. Their use is especially useful in situations where partners want to cum quickly or when partners want to get pleasure without undressing. A certain category of the population simply prefers non-contact sex for physiological reasons:

  • Complications after difficult childbirth;
  • Non-perception of traditional types of sex on a psychological level.

For many, penetration without penetration helps them not to deprive themselves of the opportunity to get sexual release during special periods (for example, the onset of menstrual periods). Sometimes such sex techniques are used due to certain physiological or psychological characteristics. The first include people:

  • Suffering from vestibulodynia – it causes pain during vaginal penetration;
  • With reduced sensitivity of the vaginal walls - this may be a consequence of previous surgical interventions, small size of the vagina, or the partner’s penis being too large;
  • Taking antidepressants.

In such cases, only non-penetrative penetration is the only way to get new sensations and emotions, diversify sexual fun and get to know your own body and the body of your loved one much more.

There is also a category of people for whom sex without penetration is convenient primarily from a psychological point of view. For example, in cases where the very thought of vaginal penetration causes disgust. At the same time, these people are very loyal to other types of sex. So why not pamper yourself and try new techniques.

Complications of ulcer penetration

The most common complications of penetration of a gastric or duodenal ulcer are:

  • cholecystitis – when the ulcer spreads to the gallbladder;
  • hepatitis – when the ulcerative process spreads to the liver tissue;
  • pancreatitis – when an ulcer penetrates into the body of the pancreas;
  • perivisceritis - inflammatory tissue damage around the location with penetration;
  • local peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum at the site of penetration, which occurs due to the leakage of gastric or intestinal contents through an ulcerative defect of their wall into the abdominal cavity.
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