Dietary food table 1 or how to eat for ulcers and gastritis

Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. More profound changes that spread to the muscle wall of the stomach are already peptic ulcers, which are a significant risk factor for stomach cancer.

So, such a common disease as gastritis, without careful attention to it, can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

In the chronic course of the disease and associated digestive and absorption disorders, a deficiency of certain vitamins may occur, in particular vit. B12 and B9, as well as iron deficiency. The lack of these micronutrients has its own specific manifestations, for example, anemia develops.

General rules. Duration of the diet.

The diet for chronic gastritis must be followed even in case of long-term remission. When eating for gastritis, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Meals should be at the same time.
  • Meals should be fractional 5-6 times a day
  • Dishes must be warm
  • You can't overeat
  • It is necessary to exclude foods that irritate the mucous membrane
  • When eating, you must chew your food thoroughly
  • You can't eat while running
  • Last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime
  • Separate meals and drinking water. You can drink it 30 minutes after eating.

What contributes to the occurrence of gastritis, can be called its cause?

  1. Infection with Helicobacter Pylori infection, first of all. This well-studied bacterium is associated with almost 95% of cases of stomach ulcers and is recognized as a risk factor for stomach cancer. If it is detected, you should take your doctor’s recommendations seriously, including regarding antibacterial therapy.
  2. Long-term use of certain medications. Aspirin and other drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a pronounced irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. Less commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of gout (colchicine) and osteoporosis (bisphosphonates), which can also cause inflammation of the stomach. Even seemingly harmless vitamins (vitamin C, nicotinic acid) in large doses can cause exacerbation of gastritis.
  3. Excessive alcohol consumption is a direct path to gastritis. In a study of people who regularly drank alcohol for a year (regardless of strength!), 100% of them had signs of gastritis.
  4. Smoking tobacco, in addition to lung diseases (which is logical), also causes inflammation of the esophagus and stomach, and is an independent risk factor for gastritis and stomach cancer. This occurs due to the direct effect of tars on the mucous membrane and the general effect of ammonia and nicotine.
  5. Anything that contributes to increased production of gastric juice and increased acidity or decreased protective properties of the gastric mucosa can also cause gastritis. But here the effect of various factors is very individual. Stressful situations, large portions of food and, conversely, long periods of fasting, even long-distance running, inflammatory diseases of other organs - in different people can become a trigger for exacerbation of gastritis.
  6. Somewhat separately, also very individually, there is such a reason as allergies or intolerance to certain products. Eating dairy products, certain grains, citrus fruits or legumes can trigger gastritis symptoms. But this does not make the entire list of products “harmful” for everyone.

Almost every person experiences symptoms of gastritis during their life.

This is a different type of pain in the abdomen, often “in the pit of the stomach”, from aching to acute cramping, nausea and vomiting, heartburn and belching, bowel problems (both diarrhea and constipation), bloating - this is an incomplete list of the troubles that come with it. inflammation of the stomach.

Gastritis can be acute; it is an unpleasant, but, as a rule, quickly passing situation. More often it is provoked by some bright factor. For example, a large portion of alcohol or unusual consumption of fatty fried meats, or taking 3-4 cold powders a day.

Chronic gastritis can be asymptomatic, as became known during the analysis of routinely performed gastroscopy. But the stability of such gastritis is very unstable and any less pronounced effect can lead to an exacerbation.

The division of gastritis into hypoacid (with reduced secretion or acidity, often atrophic) and hyperacid (with preserved or increased acidity) is important not only for making an accurate diagnosis, but also when choosing therapy and a dietary approach.

The diet for gastritis has some general provisions.

There are also menu features during an exacerbation and depending on the type of secretion.

So, what should a person who is bothered by gastritis keep in mind and try to adhere to?

  1. This is the case when eating frequently and in small portions is really justified. 4-5 meals during the day of approximately the same volume, during an exacerbation - up to 7-8 times a day. Large portions contribute to longer stay of food in the stomach and increased secretion of gastric juice.
  2. Choose gentle cooking methods that do not create an appetizing “crust”. Boiling in water or steaming, stewing, and baking are preferred. Try not to fry and definitely not smoke foods.
  3. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption (more than 1 drink per meal for women and 1-2 drinks for men). In case of exacerbation, it is necessary to exclude alcohol completely, from 2-3 months to six months
  4. Chew your food well. You don’t have to count the number of chewing movements, as is sometimes recommended (from 20 to 33), but pay attention to the speed at which you eat, and whether you swallow the food almost entirely. Treating eating as a serious and enjoyable activity is the key to good digestion and maintaining healthy mucous membranes. That’s why it’s so important to eat with appetite, it helps harmonize the digestion process. And illness is always disharmony, imbalance

You can make an approximate list of foods that are acceptable and undesirable for gastritis. The severity in relation to the latter depends on the stage of the disease and on the individual relationship with the products.

The basis of the diet should be:

  1. Sources of complete protein: lean meats, poultry and fish, cooked in gentle ways, if fried, then without breading, margarine and excess of any fat. Eggs are best soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet, not fried.
  2. The bread is preferably not the freshest, “just out of the oven”, not cooled - such bread causes the secretion of hydrochloric acid even before it enters the mouth. Butter buns, donuts fried in oil are also beyond our choice. During an exacerbation, coarse types of bread are also limited: rye, with bran. Preference is given to slightly dried white bread, the so-called “yesterday’s baked goods”, and dry unsalted biscuits.
  1. Cereals, pasta, potatoes and legumes - almost any. With them, the method of preparation is more important. Again we choose cooking, stewing, baking.
  2. Soups prepared with weak meat, fish or just vegetable broth, with cereals, vegetables, potatoes. Strong, saturated bone broths (like jellies) contain many extractive substances that enhance the secretion of juices of both the stomach and pancreas, so they should be limited or exclude during exacerbation.
  3. Choose only fresh, not very sour dairy products. Oddly enough, studies have shown that whole milk, previously considered almost a cure for gastritis, is not the best product for it. They found that milk increases the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, it is better to choose fresh fermented milk products - natural yogurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream, young unsalted cheeses. Dairy products rich in probiotics (beneficial live microorganisms) have been shown in studies to be beneficial in the treatment of gastritis
  4. Any vegetables are acceptable. Individually, vegetables such as turnips, radishes, and radishes can be limited or completely excluded. Sometimes a large number of fresh tomatoes, especially with skins, can cause an aggravation. Zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, cabbage are allowed. During periods of exacerbation, their fresh versions are replaced with cooked ones.
  5. Fruits are preferably ripe, non-acidic varieties. Fruits baked, in compote, jelly, or in the form of fruit jelly are usually better tolerated. Some people may react to citrus fruits with pain or heartburn, in which case they should be limited or eliminated.
  6. Drinks can also be very different: weak tea, chicory drink, vegetable juices, compotes or fruit drinks from berries, fruits and dried fruits, jelly. You should completely give up strong coffee and sweet carbonated drinks. Mineral waters can be an element of therapy during exacerbation and in remission. But they are prescribed almost like medicine, with an exact indication of the type of water, quantity, time of administration, temperature. And without gas.

Nutrition for gastritis during exacerbation:

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is necessary to start following a diet when the first symptoms of the disease appear. To get rid of pain and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease, you must strictly adhere to nutritional rules. The diet must be balanced in nutrients.

On the first day of exacerbation of gastritis, you must refrain from eating any food. Be sure to drink still water or herbal, non-hot teas. Products are introduced gradually as the symptoms of gastritis subside. It is necessary to follow the diet for several weeks, even if the symptoms of the disease have long disappeared.


In case of exacerbation of the disease, sanatorium-resort treatment is contraindicated: it is better to go to a hospital.
If you have a chronic
form, then you should regularly
carry out preventive treatment

The importance of protein in the diet

Dietary restrictions are necessary for a speedy recovery, but it is very important that the diet contains all the necessary nutrients.

On a note

Protein is an important building material for all cells; in addition, proteins are needed to strengthen the immune system and transport various substances, including many medications.
For gastritis, it is important that the diet includes a sufficient amount of easily digestible protein with a complete amino acid composition.

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Nutrition for chronic gastritis:

Diet for chronic gastritis should be varied and healthy. There should be no food on the table that irritates the gastric mucosa.

For chronic gastritis with high acidity, you must follow a very strict diet. It is very important to exclude from the diet foods that provoke the secretion of excess gastric juice. These are fried, spicy, salty foods, hard-to-digest foods, and an abundance of spices.

In case of chronic gastritis with low acidity, food should, on the contrary, stimulate the production of gastric juice. Preference should be given to semi-liquid and puree dishes. Small quantities of acidic foods (fermented milk, sour berries and fruits) are allowed.

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Types of diets:

There are different types of diets for gastritis

The diet depends on the type of disease (high/low acidity) and the course of gastritis (acute form or chronic form.

For gastritis with low acidity, it is recommended to stick to table No. 2, which includes juice products.

For gastritis with high acidity, diet No. 1 and its variations are recommended. In case of exacerbation, table 1A is prescribed for 7-10 days with a gradual transition to table 1 B.

Chocolate and gastritis

Next, we’ll figure out whether you can eat chocolate if you have gastritis or if you should avoid it. There is one important condition here: any chocolate will be acceptable only with reduced secretion. All products containing cocoa beans have a stimulating effect on the glands, which causes an increase in acidity.

It is important to pay attention to the type of chocolate product. Some candies have an approved filling, such as marshmallows, but are dipped in chocolate. Such marshmallows or marmalade are prohibited for gastritis. As for pure chocolate, it is better to eat dark chocolate without adding nuts and rice. This is especially true during periods of exacerbation. In other words, if symptoms suggest a possible relapse, it is better to abstain from chocolate.

No more than fifty grams of dark chocolate per day is allowed, even if there are no complaints about gastritis.

Chocolate consumed for gastritis should not contain additional additives

List of permitted products:

Cereals and porridges Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina
vegetables Zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots and beets
Dairy Cream, milk, cottage cheese, butter
Meat Beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey,
Soft drinks Apricot juice, carrot juice, pumpkin juice, rose hip decoction, dried fruit compote, mineral water

Diet menu number 2

An approximate diet menu for table number two may look like this: breakfast - fried meat cutlets (without breading) or fish balls, boiled potatoes, pureed porridge with butter, cheese, coffee or tea with milk. Second breakfast – fresh or baked apples. Lunch – soup in meat broth made from prefabricated finely chopped vegetables, meat schnitzel, fruit jelly made from juice. Afternoon snack – tea, cheesecake with cottage cheese. Dinner – jellied fish, rice pudding, tea. Drink kefir before going to bed.

It should be noted that consuming only crushed food for more than 1-2 months in a row is undesirable. As you feel better and on the recommendation of your doctor, you can make changes to diet table number two.

List of fully or partially restricted products:

Vegetables Cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, cabbage, sauerkraut, onions, legumes, spinach, sorrel, horseradish
Porridges and cereals Corn, pearl barley, barley, millet cereals
Dessert Ice cream, sweets, cakes, pastries
Dairy Kefir, sour cream, yogurt
Meat products Pork, ham, sausage, frankfurters, sausages, dried meat, smoked meat
Soft drinks Tea, kvass, carbonated drinks, fruit drinks
Berries Any berries, raw

The value of different types: walnuts, cedar, peanuts, etc.

One of the distinctive qualities of the product is its calorie content. For different types of nuts, it varies between 670 – 750 Kcal per 100 grams.
For comparison, the same amount of lard contains 797 Kcal. Therefore, for people trying to lose extra pounds, nuts are not the best choice.

High energy value for gastritis is unlikely to matter, since the allowed amount of product per day will slightly increase the total calorie intake. But when you eat nuts, your body will receive essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

In the table we have indicated the beneficial properties of various types of product .

NameKcalUseful ingredientsProperties
VitaminsMicro and macroelementsfatty acids and amino acids
Walnut628 — 675Group B, RR, C, K, A, E, Omega - 3Manganese, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorusGlutamine, asparagine, valine, oleic, palmitic, folic, linoleic, etc.Stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens bones and blood vessels, treats anemia, is a preventative against cancer and diabetes
Cedar875Leads in the amount of B vitamins, contains E, K, CZinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodinePolyunsaturated fatty acids – up to 50%Treat gastritis and peptic ulcers, anemia, strengthen the immune system, bones and joints
Peanut552Niacin, group B, C, PP, EZinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorusTryptophan, isoleucine, valine, isoleucine, glutamic acid, glycineRemoves toxins, treats prostatitis and impotence, and is useful during pregnancy. Strengthens muscles and blood vessels, normalizes blood composition.
Hazel704A, RR, group B, CCopper, fluorine, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine,Omega – 3, Omega – 6, oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, etc.Strengthens blood vessels and the heart, treats oncology and blood diseases. Stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the central nervous system and immunity

The composition of more exotic types of product is identical to those listed, with minor quantitative differences.

Recipes for dietary dishes for gastritis:

Nutrition for gastritis should be varied and nutritious. A properly formed menu allows you to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Sample menu for the day:


Milk buckwheat porridge with butter. Rose hip decoction.


Steam omelette. Baked sweet apple.


Vegetable soup with rice. Steamed chicken soufflé with mashed potatoes. Compote.

Afternoon snack:

Lazy dumplings. Kissel


Cod fillet with zucchini puree. Juice

Before bedtime:

Warm milk no more than 200 ml.


Nuts have a list of contraindications that are not safe for health if ignored. These include:

  1. Individual intolerance or allergic hypersensitivity to nuts. If a patient has a tendency to Quincke's edema or asthma, then even a small amount of hazelnuts and almonds can serve as a trigger for the development of a dangerous allergic reaction.
  2. Chronic peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach also prohibits the use of nuts. Many of them contain acids that provoke exacerbation of such gastrointestinal pathologies.
  3. Diabetes and obesity also force patients to stop eating nuts. They contain a lot of calories and carbohydrate compounds, which is unacceptable for such diseases.
  4. Walnuts are contraindicated for skin pathologies such as eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis.

Walnuts are contraindicated for skin pathologies such as eczema.
Each nut crop has a positive effect on the body. Vegetable oils restore normal hormonal levels, the vitamin composition strengthens the immune defense, and minerals activate the transport of valuable substances through cell membranes.

The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and take into account the type of disease in consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Nutritionist comments:

Following a diet for gastritis allows you to achieve faster recovery and avoid possible relapses and complications.

“The right choice of a sanatorium is a significant step towards maintaining and increasing health. “Gorny” is a resort complex that combines the experience and knowledge of Russian and Soviet balneology. The presence of modern medical equipment and innovative installations, the professionalism of the staff and love for their work will serve as the key to extending longevity,” - head doctor of the sanatorium Alexander Olegovich Karaulov.

Time matters

So, to the question, which ones and how many, we answered. Now let’s decide when is the best time to introduce nuts into your diet. Logic dictates that due to their rich composition, you would need to eat nuts in the morning on an empty stomach. Both satiation and vitamin supply for the whole coming day! For healthy people, this option is acceptable. But for any type of gastritis, it is strictly contraindicated.

If you eat fruits on an empty stomach, the secretion of gastric juice will increase, and this is absolutely of no use to you. It is optimal to use nuts as a second snack (afternoon snack). The stomach is no longer empty, and excess hydrochloric acid will not be irritating.

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