Thirst for knowledge: researchers have found out whether drinking Coca-Cola is harmful

The carbonated sweet drink Coca-Cola is popular and ubiquitous, being drunk by adults and children alike thanks to a flawless advertising campaign. Despite the advocacy of supporters of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition in favor of giving up Coca-Cola (after all, according to them, it is very harmful), Western doctors effectively use the drink as a means of treating stomach infections. Does Coca-Cola help with poisoning and diarrhea or is this just another marketing trick?

Composition of Cola

The original composition included Coca leaves and Kola nuts. Due to the narcotic properties of Coca, the composition was changed. What is it like now:

  • Water.
  • Caffeine.
  • Sodium benzoate is a preservative.
  • Sugar.
  • Carbon dioxide – carbonates the drink.
  • Sugar color coloring soda.
  • Orthophosphoric acid.

Instead of sugar, an aspartame substitute is added. The caffeine content of the drink increases blood pressure. Soda can have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract due to its carbon dioxide content.

Dosage for adults and children

For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in adults, the recommended volume of the drink is 330 ml or a small glass bottle.

Coca-Cola in a 330 ml bottle

Children can drink Coca-Cola if:

  • attack of nausea;
  • mild diarrhea;
  • when the gastric tract is overloaded with dietary fiber;
  • to reduce emotional distress;
  • to replenish the body’s energy resources due to acute intoxication;
  • dehydration with hyperemia.

The recommended dosage for children depends on the age and general condition of the body. Please note that the drink is prohibited for consumption under 3 years of age. To replenish the child’s body’s energy reserves, you will need about 150 ml of the drink.

Rules of use

In order to get the maximum benefit, it is necessary to consume Coca-Cola during intoxication in a certain way. There are several basic rules:

  • Small doses. To achieve a beneficial effect without risk to health, 250-300 ml of cola is enough. You need to drink it in small sips before meals.
  • Pre-cooling. When heated, toxic compounds are formed in the drink, so it must be stored in the refrigerator and served chilled.
  • Eliminating gas. Leave the bottle open for a while to release excess gas. This will protect your stomach from additional irritation.
  • Using a straw. This measure is necessary to prevent the destruction of tooth enamel and to avoid swallowing air.

Important: it is best to drink the drink in a glass container. This reduces the risk of harmful substances getting from the packaging. Remember that when heated, plastic releases toxic compounds that poison the soda.

How to use cola for adults?

In order for Cola to benefit adults, follow the following rules:

  • Buy the product in small glass bottles.
  • Dispose of gas before use. Pour into a coffee cup and leave for a while.
  • Do not consume more than 1 glass per day.
  • Drink in small sips. Try not to swallow air.

Take the drink only chilled.

When heated, Coca-Cola releases harmful substances.

How does carbonated water help with poisoning?

People have long noticed that small doses of harmful substances are beneficial. Soda in small doses helps relieve nausea. It can become a preventative against poisoning and will help eliminate stomach stones. They recommend Cola against motion sickness on transport. It contains caffeine and gives strength during times of fatigue.

Water with gases dissolves many undigested formations in the stomach with further removal from the body. This cleanses the digestive system. The suction surface increases due to the presence of gases. The flow of fluids into the blood accelerates.

Cola is useless for bacterial poisoning, not having antibacterial properties. Soda helps stop sudden onset diarrhea.

Drink for alcohol intoxication

In case of alcohol poisoning, it reduces symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • dehydration;
  • heaviness in the stomach.

Soda is not able to relieve alcohol intoxication. Therefore, additional intake of sorbents will be required.

How to get rid of a hangover:

  • take 200 ml of chilled drink;
  • It is recommended to maintain a gap of half an hour;
  • drink 200 ml of clean water;
  • repeat steps after 30 minutes.

The symptoms of a hangover are reduced thanks to the ingredients in the soda:

  • caffeine stimulates the nerve center;
  • water replenishes fluid loss;
  • gas allows you to restore stomach function;
  • phosphoric acid activates muscle tone and removes excess toxins from the body.

Cola relieves heaviness in the stomach after a feast and facilitates the digestion of complex carbohydrates.

Arthritis can be treated with gold

People have been using precious metals in medicine since ancient times - for example, the Greeks believed that gold removed warts; references to the healing properties of this precious metal are also found in the official London Code of Medical Standards and Regulations of 1618. After the famous German bacteriologist Robert Koch discovered that gold cyanide kills tuberculosis bacteria, doctors tried to use the precious metal to treat this dangerous disease, but without success. However, Koch's research suggested that gold could help with rheumatoid arthritis (at the beginning of the 20th century it was believed that there was a connection between tuberculosis and the development of arthritis) and practice has confirmed the effectiveness of injections of gold solution. The gold drug acted as an anti-inflammatory, preventing joint damage, but this method had numerous side effects, including kidney and intestinal problems, ulcers, rashes and liver damage. In the 1990s, a new generation of gold-based drugs appeared, freed from the shortcomings of their predecessors, and are now widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and some other rheumatic and autoimmune diseases.

Use for poisoning

When drinking Cola, it is necessary to observe caution and a number of rules. We are talking about the original version, which is sold in glass bottles. How to drink the drink correctly:

  • Free carbonated water from gases so as not to damage the stomach. Release the gases and let the glass of Cola sit for 15 minutes.
  • Drink a glass in small sips. Avoid introducing air with soda.
  • The cola is pre-cooled. A warm drink will trigger the release of harmful substances into the body.
  • Alternate Cola with water. Instead of the first one they also use Pepsi.

  • When severe poisoning occurs, refrain from drinking. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite.

In the West, doctors against intestinal infections recommend taking 1 glass of drink with 1 tablet of Aspirin.

Methods of application

In everyday life, soda lovers consume it without prescriptions or special instructions. At the same time, you need to take a reasonable approach to consuming any sugary drinks in order to avoid possible negative consequences. Before using Coca-Cola as a medicine, you should first consult with your doctor. During intoxication, there are a number of rules that must be followed when using Coca-Cola as a remedy:

  1. If you experience a sudden feeling of nausea or malaise, you should drink one glass of a chilled drink, always with gas. Wait 30–40 minutes and if the symptoms of poisoning do not disappear, repeat the dose.
  2. Coca-Cola for diarrhea: if a patient has rotavirus and constant vomiting with diarrhea, then he needs to alternately drink 1 glass of cola and clean water every half hour.
  3. If intoxication has been observed for several days, the patient is extremely weakened, then drinking soda is not recommended. The walls of the digestive tract are extremely irritated after several days of vomiting and diarrhea, and carbonated water can trigger the development of gastritis.
  4. The drink should be taken in small, quick sips so that no air enters the body with it.
  5. It is best to drink a slightly chilled drink, since a warm drink loses its healing properties and does not have any positive effect.
  6. It is best to cool the drink in advance, pour it into a glass and leave for 5 minutes so that the gas dissipates a little - during this time it will not completely go away, but its irritating effect on the mucous membranes will decrease.

Each person has individual health characteristics, but there are common characteristics for each age period. An adult can drink 2-3 glasses of Coca-Cola a day, but a child should not drink more than 1 glass. As a medicine, soda should be taken in small doses to avoid side effects.

Typically, in case of poisoning, Cola is consumed as follows:

  • During intestinal viral infections, you should drink 1 glass of the drink with 1 aspirin tablet. This method is used by American doctors;
  • Coca-Cola also helps with diarrhea - you need to drink 1 glass of a chilled drink in one gulp on an empty stomach and do not eat for 1-2 hours after taking it;
  • The drink has an excellent enzymatic effect on the stomach and intestines in case of overeating, abdominal pain, heartburn and bloating. In this case, you should drink 250 ml of the drink and wait for its effect; if there is no improvement, then drink another 250 ml.

Children can be given the drink in small quantities in case of a sharp and sudden attack of diarrhea, accompanied by fever or vomiting. Despite numerous disputes, doctors recommend giving Coca-Cola to children (this position is also supported by Dr. Komarovsky, judging by his reviews on the Internet) in case of mild nausea, bouts of vomiting due to motion sickness in public transport, or in case of a sharp loss of strength during overload or stress.

Real experiences and harm to the gastrointestinal tract

You can find a lot of life hacks on the Internet that demonstrate how you can use cola to clean dirty ovens, frying pans and pots. Real experiments show that a carbonated drink really works much better than store-bought household chemicals, and not a single housewife has already been able to verify this.

If cola does this to old dirt, then it’s even scary to imagine what happens inside the stomach of the person who drinks it. That is why, regardless of whether a person has any illness or not, before opening a bottle of cola and taking a sip, it is worth thinking carefully about the consequences.

Who should not take Coca-Cola

The presence of a large number of positive reviews about the benefits of Cola for poisoning and other diseases does not make caffeine water useful for every person. You should avoid drinking soda:

  • People with hypertension.
  • Patients suffering from diabetes. Soda contains a decent dose of sugar. People suffering from liver disease and cardiovascular diseases should not drink Cola.
  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • Patients suffering from gastric ulcers.
  • Overweight patients. Carbonated water is high in calories.
  • For those with blood clotting disorders.
  • Patients suffering from hemorrhoids.
  • Elderly people due to calcium leaching.

Carbonated water is addictive. This is due to the presence of aspartic acid and an increased amount of sugar.


Even if you decide to use soda to treat poisoning, you should first familiarize yourself with the main prohibitions on its use:

  1. Diabetes mellitus - the drink stimulates the release of insulin.
  2. Ulcerative formations and gastritis - increased acidity leads to exacerbation of pathologies.
  3. Arrhythmia, ischemia, bleeding disorders - caffeine increases the pulse rate.
  4. Hemorrhoids - weakening and dilation of blood vessels causes bleeding.
  5. Obesity – the high calorie content of the drink provokes further weight gain.
  6. Pathologies of the pancreas and gallbladder - pancreatitis often develops against the background of poisoning. Consumption leads to worsening of the condition.
  7. Joint diseases - Coca-Cola promotes further tissue destruction.

If one of the listed problems is present, you should not drink soda even in minimal quantities, much less use it to treat food intoxication.

Side effects of Coca-Cola

Even in a healthy person, soda causes a lot of side effects. The main reason is the consumption of large amounts of Cola. Frequent consequences:

  • Increased blood pressure due to the presence of caffeine.
  • Leaching calcium from bones. For a similar reason, tooth enamel is damaged. This is how phosphoric acid works in the drink.
  • Damage to the walls of the stomach. Gastritis and ulcers then develop.
  • Heavy load on the liver due to increased sugar content.
  • Soda makes you gain weight. This is a high-calorie drink.
  • Increased blood sugar. Cola contains a lot of sugar. In a glass its amount reaches 5-6 teaspoons.
  • Phosphoric acid, which is part of the drink, flushes calcium from the body. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, dental problems, and caries occur. To reduce the effect of phosphoric acid on tooth enamel, drink the drink through a plastic straw.
  • Promotes the development of cancer. This is due to the content of methylmedazole in the dye.

To reduce the risk of side effects, you need to drink Coca-Cola in moderate doses. It should not be added to the diet on a regular basis. When the drink is consumed, the condition of the body is monitored.

Why shouldn't children be given cola?

Before allowing children to drink Cola, find out the quality characteristics of the drink. Soda contains phosphoric acid. This chemical has aggressive properties:

  • American highway police keep Coke in their patrol car, rather than water, to wash away blood at the scene of an accident.
  • Place a piece of meat in a bowl with Coca-Cola. In 2 days you won't see him there.
  • To transport the concentrate from which Cola is quickly prepared, the truck is equipped with a pallet designed to transport corrosive substances.
  • A rusted bolt can be unscrewed by wrapping it in a rag soaked in Coke for a few minutes. Distributors of the drink use it to clean car engines.
  • Soda cleans toilets and plumbing pipes better than Domestos. Pour it into the toilet and leave it for an hour.
  • Cola even contains pesticides. Indian peasants use it to poison insects in the fields - bugs and other pests.

Now imagine what a popular drink will do to your child’s stomach. Coca-Cola Light decaffeinated contains cyclamic acid instead of phosphoric acid. The synthetic substitute is 200 times sweeter than sugar itself.

Treatment of alcoholic hangover and intoxication with Coca-Cola

This type of carbonated water is good for relieving mild to moderate hangovers. The following components in its composition will contribute to this.

ComponentEffects on toxins and the body
WaterThe main remedy against intoxication. The amount of liquid drunk is proportional to the volume of toxic substances removed from the body. When treating a hangover, it is good to alternate cola (or Pepsi) with clean water, taking equal doses (150-250 g) in turn every 20-30 minutes.
CaffeineIt has a stimulating effect on the brain, restores nerve impulses, “squeezes” toxins into the excretory system and relieves swelling due to its diuretic effect. Use carefully if you have kidney problems!
GasGas bubbles increase the absorption surface of liquids, due to which they enter the blood faster, and the effect occurs faster. In the case of Coca-Cola, there is a rapid increase in general tone, the headache goes away, and consciousness becomes clearer.
Orthophosphoric acidBeing the initial product of the synthesis of adesine triphosphoric acid (a universal energy source for all biochemical processes in living systems, the main carrier of energy in the cell), OFK also promotes the activation of muscle contractions and strengthens the body's regulatory centers. It starts the process of regulating toxic substances in the blood with the rapid removal of excess amounts.

Coca-Cola is a useful remedy for phytobezoars, stones in the stomach and intestines

Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are excellent remedies for stomach and intestinal problems. It helps in the breakdown and removal of phytobezoar, relieving the patient of the need for surgical methods to eliminate this disease.

Phytobezoars are obstructed areas of the stomach and sometimes small intestines in which stones form from hair and undigested dietary fiber. Most often they are formed due to the consumption of fibrous fruits and vegetables: raisins, persimmons, dates, pumpkin.

Such formations lead to:

  • problems with food passage;
  • nausea;
  • constant feeling of heaviness;
  • pain syndrome;
  • erosions and ulcers;
  • ruptures of the stomach walls;
  • peritonitis.

An alternative to clearing obstructions using endoscopy and laser therapy is Coca-Cola, which has chemical ingredients similar to stomach acids but has a much more intense effect on food.

The acids in the drink digest the fibers, and the gas bubbles speed up the work and increase the percentage of dissolution. As a result, the stones become smaller in size, soften and are removed naturally. In similar studies, Greek scientists estimated the success rate of treatment with Coca-Cola at 91%.

Coca-Cola - a means of combating intestinal viral infections

Despite the fact that soda does not contain ingredients that have strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it can relieve symptoms and get rid of rotaviruses at the initial stage of the disease. This effect can be explained by the effect of orthophosphates contained in the drink on the parts of the intestine in which immunity is formed.

Enteric viruses seek to block these centers so that their colonies can multiply without encountering antibody resistance. Phosphoric acid affects the intestinal mucosa, causing accelerated development of antibodies. This effect is achieved only at the first signs of infection with rotavirus. Subsequently, traditional medicines will be required to combat the infection.

Thirst for knowledge: researchers have found out whether drinking Coca-Cola is harmful


pediatric oncologist Daria Morgacheva

8 minutes


On January 31, 1893, entrepreneur Asa Griggs Candler registered the Coca-Cola trademark. Over 122 years, the recipe for the original drink has changed noticeably. The first Coca-Cola, invented by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in 1886 and sold in pharmacies as a cure for morphinism, neurasthenia, depression and digestive problems, consisted of sugar syrup, coca leaves (coca bush) and caffeinated kola nuts. By the end of the 19th century, it was discovered that cocaine was not the most innocent stimulant. They began to fight against its widespread use, so in 1903 cocaine was excluded from the drink. Nowadays, the exact formula of Coca-Cola is a trade secret. It is only known that it contains sugar, sugar coloring, phosphoric acid, caffeine, natural flavors and carbon dioxide.

Being one of the most valuable brands in the world (fourth place according to the latest Forbes estimate), Coca-Cola has been criticized more than once. From the latest news: since January 1, 2015, a law has been in force in the Vologda region that prohibits the sale of non-alcoholic tonic drinks containing caffeine, including cola, to persons under 18 years of age.

Is Coca-Cola so dangerous that we need to limit its consumption along with alcohol and tobacco? We have collected data from scientific studies that look at the effects of cola and other sugary carbonated drinks on human health.

Obesity, hepatic steatosis , metabolic syndrome

According to numerous studies, the main culprit in the modern obesity epidemic is not hamburgers and French fries, but sugary soda. Scientists led by George Bray, a professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center (USA), found that drinking a liter of soda every day for six months increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome (a metabolic disorder in which fat is deposited in the abdomen and increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes) and liver steatosis (fatty hepatosis, accumulation of fat in liver cells).

However, according to the Obesity Society of America, the extent to which drinking cola will affect your waistline depends on genetic factors. But there is no need to despair, the effect is reversible: giving up these drinks leads to weight loss.

Kidney diseases

In a large-scale joint study by scientists from Italy and the United States led by Pietro Manuel Ferraro, it was shown that those who drank more than one serving of Coca-Cola per day had a 23% higher risk of developing kidney stones than those who drank more than one serving of Coca-Cola per day. , who consumed less than one serving per week. At the same time, those who preferred other types of sweet soda had an even higher risk – 33%. The study monitored the health of 194,095 people for eight years, during which time 4,462 cases of urolithiasis were recorded.

The risk of developing kidney disease was also high among those who drank sodas with artificial sweeteners, while chronic kidney disease was less common among those who drank low-calorie Coca-Cola Light. The same study found that those who drank more than one cup of coffee per day had a 26% lower risk of developing kidney disease. Scientists reported that about 80% of kidney stones consisted of calcium oxalate, a salt of calcium and oxalic acid.

Drinking Coca-Cola leads to immediate removal of calcium from the body. Japanese scientists from Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences showed that just two hours after healthy subjects drank one can of Coca-Cola, the amount of calcium in their urine increased. This is due to the fact that Coca-Cola, like some other sodas, contains a lot of orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4, used in high concentrations, for example, in dentistry for etching teeth) - it masks a huge amount of sugar and promotes the excretion of calcium. As a result, when consuming large quantities of such drinks, kidney disease and osteoporosis develop.

Coca-Cola, both regular and low-calorie, is a high-phosphate drink and is therefore contraindicated in patients with chronic renal failure. Such patients need a low-phosphate diet, since the kidneys cannot cope with removing phosphates from the body. High levels of phosphate in the blood (hyperphosphatemia) are associated with low calcium levels, a sharp drop in blood pressure, heart failure, and can be fatal. However, refreshing drink and fast food manufacturers often hide the true phosphate content, making it difficult for people to choose the right products. As a survey of patients with chronic renal failure conducted by Japanese scientists led by Yoshiko Shutto showed, 93% were afraid of the high sugar content in Coca-Cola and other sodas, while only 25% realized that these drinks contain large amounts of phosphoric acid. acids. Almost half of the patients said they consumed 1-5 cans of soda per week, despite the fact that 78% of respondents were warned about the dangers of a high-phosphate diet.


A review by Vasilis Tsimihodimos and colleagues from the University of Ioannina Medical School in Greece shows that drinking large amounts of Coca-Cola can lead to hypokalemia (low potassium levels in the blood). In mild form, it manifests itself as weakness, increased fatigue, and muscle pain. When severe, this condition can lead to necrosis of the cardiac and skeletal muscles. Three components of Coca-Cola contribute to hypokalemia: glucose, glucose-fructose syrup and caffeine.

Coca-Cola contains a large amount of glucose (up to 110 grams/liter), excessive consumption of which can lead to osmotic diuresis (excretion of large amounts of urine with a high concentration of excreted substances) and the excretion of potassium from the body in the urine. In addition, large glycemic loads can lead to hyperinsulinemia (increased insulin levels in the blood), which in turn causes potassium to be redistributed into cells.

To sweeten Coca-Cola in the USA and Canada, glucose-fructose syrup is used: about 60% fructose and 40% glucose. When fructose and glucose are consumed in equal concentrations, special proteins facilitate their absorption in the intestines. But if there is more fructose than glucose, chronic osmotic diarrhea can develop (it occurs due to a high concentration of substances dissolved in the intestinal contents - in this case, fructose) and potassium loss.

Coca-Cola contains between 95 and 160 mg of caffeine per liter. It is known that consuming caffeine in amounts of 180-360 mg can lead to hypokalemia (low potassium in the blood), due to the pumping of potassium into cells, potassium excretion by the kidneys, or a combination of these mechanisms.

Excessive production of sex hormones

Recently, MedNews wrote about a study by scientists from Harvard Medical School, the authors of which showed that drinking sweet soda promotes early puberty in girls . And according to a group of American researchers led by Karen Schliep, carbonated drinks with a lot of sugar affect the production of sex hormones in adult women. Study participants who drank more than one cup (240 ml) of sweet soda per day had a 16% increase in estrogen production compared to those who drank less sweet soda. Even small amounts of sweet soda consumption increases follicular estradiol production in premenopausal women. Elevated levels of the female sex hormone estrogen are directly related to the risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other diseases. The authors advise women to drink less sugary soda to avoid these diseases.

Bone and Teeth Health

According to data published in the British Dental Journal, drinks with high acidity contribute to the erosion of tooth enamel. Such dental damage is not associated with caries - tooth enamel and dentin are destroyed, and most often all teeth are “affected”. The study involved 1149 adolescents aged 12-14 years. Teenagers who drank soda regularly were twice as likely to experience tooth decay, while those who drank four or more glasses of soda were five times more likely.

As we have already written, the consumption of tonic sweet soda is associated with loss of calcium, and, as a result, the development of osteoporosis. The study led by Professor Katherine Tucker from Tufts University involved elderly people - 1413 women and 1125 men. It turned out that drinking Coca-Cola (but not other carbonated drinks) reduces the strength of the hip bones in women. The authors attribute this effect to the presence of orthophosphoric acid.

Bisphenol AI phthalates

Drink packaging matters too. According to The Coca-Cola Company, a substance containing bisphenol A is used in the lining of aluminum cans, and plastic bottles are made of PET, a polyethylene terephthalate that does not contain bisphenol A.

Bisphenol A is similar in structure to estrogens and can adversely affect the reproductive function of both women and men and provoke the development of tumors. Recently, the European Food Safety Authority once again reviewed its attitude towards bisphenol A and decided that it is not harmful to either adults or children, including in the womb. However, the agency called for reducing daily BPA intake from 50 micrograms per kilogram of body weight to 4 micrograms/kg.

However, a comparison of two types of packaging - glass bottles and aluminum cans - published in the journal Hypertension by scientists from Seoul University found that drinks from cans increased blood pressure and heart rate. Researchers attribute this effect to the presence of bisphenol A in the inner lining of aluminum cans. In addition, two hours after drinking such drinks, the amount of bisphenol A in the urine of the subjects increased 16 times. Another study published in the Journal of Food Protection found that the amount of BPA in beer stored in aluminum cans ranged from 0.081 to 0.54 µg/L.

Phthalates, components of PET packaging, are also structurally similar to estrogens and may increase the risk of breast cancer and endocrine disorders. A study by Portuguese scientists showed that bottled water contains a small amount of phthalates and is not dangerous to human health. According to the results of Hungarian scientists, water in PET bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters contains the highest amount of phthalates compared to water from two-liter bottles. According to Croatian researchers, samples of soda stored in PET bottles also contained phthalates. It was noted that although this concentration does not officially pose a risk to human health, systematic consumption of products containing phthalates can lead to their accumulation in the body.

Questionable policy

Thiago Hérick de Sá from the School of Public Health at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) protested against the policies of fast food corporations such as The Coca-Cola company and McDonalds. According to the article “Does Coca-Cola Promote Physical Activity?” published in The Lancet in June 2014, these corporations are trying to prove that the obesity epidemic plaguing children around the world, and especially in developing countries (such as Brazil, India, China ), is associated with a lack of physical activity and not with the consumption of unhealthy foods and overly sugary drinks. According to Tiago Eric de Sa, the strategy of fast food giants includes not only sponsoring sports (in particular, The Coca-Cola company has been a sponsor of the Olympic Games since 1928), but also influencing some scientific research, and is reminiscent of the strategy of tobacco companies, the harm from the products of which is more obvious and beyond doubt.

And yet you should not feel superstitious fear of red and white jars. If you have healthy kidneys and like the taste and energizing effect of Coca-Cola, you can easily afford to drink a can a week. Doctors recommend replenishing the calcium lost after drinking one can of Coca-Cola with a glass of milk. And don't forget that sweet soda is almost 10% sugar.

Reception for rotavirus

Rotavirus is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Enters through the mouth. The source is food and dirty hands. Symptoms of rotavirus are diarrhea, temperature 38 and above, nausea, possible loss of appetite, fever, vomiting. It is generally accepted that at the initial stage of infection, a drink can weaken its effect. This effect is caused by orthophosphoric acid in the composition. It is this acid that destroys rotavirus.

Soda will not cure the disease completely. Doctors will definitely not prescribe such a “medicine”, otherwise doctors will be accused of lack of competence. The network is replete with reviews that this drink helped a child or adult from rotavirus infection. At the initial stage, Cola will help you get rid of unnecessary medications. How to apply it correctly?

  • The temperature should be room temperature.
  • Take every 30 minutes. small dose and monitor your health.
  • Release gases first.

Otherwise, the same rules apply as in previous cases. You need to take original soda, in glass bottles. Drink in small sips, making sure that no air gets in with the drink.

But it should be remembered that rotavirus is a dangerous infection. Coca Cola can't cure it. At the initial stage of the disease, this can be practiced. But if the condition has seriously worsened, you should consult a doctor. Rotavirus disease threatens not only health. A person can die from the disease! Therefore, it is impossible to carry out independent treatment when the condition is severe.

Experience No. 1. "The effect of Coca-Cola on the stomach."

I took 2 pieces of meat. I put them in glass cups. I poured water into one of the samples (for comparison), and added Coca-Cola to the other meat sample.

The result of the experiment.

After 5 minutes, the meat in the cup with Coca-Cola began to change its color and a loose, flaky sediment appeared. The meat remained pink in the water. After 40 minutes, the Coca-Cola solution became lighter, there was more brown sediment, and the meat turned brown. The meat that was in the water remained pink.


: Coca-Cola has an aggressive effect on muscle tissue (stomach mucosa) and can lead to the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Tar treats psoriasis

Oddly enough, coal tar (tar), used mainly in the production of benzene, toluene, naphthalene and bitumen, is also successfully used to treat various skin diseases, such as psoriasis, and its miraculous medical properties have been known for quite some time.

In the 1920s, American dermatologist William H. Gockerman developed a treatment for psoriasis that is now called the Gockerman regimen. The therapy combines the use of tar and ultraviolet radiation - areas affected by psoriasis are covered with resin, after some time it is removed, and then the skin is treated with ultraviolet light. These procedures are repeated several times daily; the course of treatment can last from two to six weeks.

Despite the fact that there are more modern methods of treating psoriasis, many patients and doctors around the world still prefer to use the Gockerman regimen - due to its simplicity, low cost and high effectiveness. It is worth noting that tar is also often included in shampoos and anti-dandruff products.

What is Coca-Cola?

The tonic soft drink has been produced by an American company of the same name since 1886. The coolant used to consist of 90% highly carbonated water, caffeine, burnt sugar, and phosphoric acid. The original drink included the juice of coca bush leaves and kola nut extract. Due to their narcotic properties, they were allegedly removed from the composition. The composition of modern cola includes:

  • water;
  • caffeine;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • sugar, instead of which aspartame (sweetener) is used;
  • carbon dioxide, aerating liquid;
  • synthetic dye - sugar color;
  • preservative – sodium benzoate.

The drink contains one percent of “merhandiz 7,” a substance whose chemical composition was known to only ten employees of the company. Recent investigations have shown that the mysterious substance is none other than carminic acid (E 120), obtained from cochineal scale insects.

Recommendations from Roskontrol! For adults, the safe dosage of the drink is 0.5 - 1.0 liter per week. Children should not drink Coca-Cola at all.

According to nutritionist Ekaterina Belova, the main harm to the body is caused by the chemical components of Coca-Cola. The drink has a dose-dependent effect. Safe for adults in small quantities. An increase in consumption leads to the development of oncology and kidney disease.

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